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President Ezra Taft Benson said, "The pure love of Christ seeks only the
eternal growth and joy of others" (General Conference, October 1986).
Family History and Genealogy Resources Comprehensive Index.
[Global information from A. D. 1971 to most current issue online.
Incidental mention of genealogy / family history not included.]

Christmas Spirit Genealogy: The Atonement of Jesus Christ
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons)
The Power of Family History in Missionary Work

  Family Genealogy & History Internet Education Directory™ - Wiki

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Elder (Apostle) John A. Widtsoe (History of John A. Widtsoe) has declared:
"Those who give themselves with all their might and main to this work
[of genealogy] receive help from the other side, and not merely in
gathering genealogies.  Whosoever seeks to help those on the
other side receives help in return in all the affairs of life."
Ensign, Feb 1988, page 62
(Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine, Jul 1931, p. 104.)
[Research Notes:   A careful search of this site will answer the question as to why
Mormons are so interested in everyone's genealogy.  Clearly stated in the Church
Doctrine and Covenants, Section 132,
 "exaltation is gained through the new and
everlasting covenant";   "And verily I say unto you,  that the conditions of this law
are these: All covenants, contracts, bonds, obligations, oaths, vows, performances,
connections,   associations,   or expectations,   that are not made and entered into
and sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise,  of him who is anointed,  both as well for
time and for all eternity, and that too most holy,  by revelation and commandment
through the medium of mine anointed, whom I have appointed on the earth to hold
this power . . . . are of no efficacy, virtue, or force in and after the resurrection from
the dead;   for all contracts that are not made unto this end have an end when men
are dead."
  Thus, all individuals, after this life, return to the post mortal spirit world.
Those without eternal covenants, are restricted in all their interpersonal relationships
that have been experienced on earth, returning back into the presence of God, as His
spirit children, having no valid accomplishments or achievements legally recognized.
Topical Guide: Genealogy and Temple Work
The "Church magazines are essential tools in our gospel teaching program."
(First Presidency Letter, Oct. 2, 1972.)  This fundamental curriculum principle
has been in place for some years and grows in importance as the Church expands
throughout the world.  Church publications (the Ensign, the New Era, the Friend,
and the International Magazines) are referred to as the voices of the Church and
the official line of communication from the First Presidency and the Council of
the Twelve to the members of the Church.  ['For the Perfecting of the Saints':
A Look at Church Curriculum, Ensign, Jan. 1986, pg. 14]  Family History -
Genealogy articles in the Ensign and New Era can be accessed
online at
LDS Magazine Collection.  The Church magazines, including all photos
and illustrations, are available from January 2001 and after in
Adobe® Acrobat® portable document format.

Corpus of LDS General Conference Talks, 1851 to Current (2025)
Allows quick and easy search of talks from General Conference
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons).
What Did Jesus Mean by Many Mansions?
2025 SEARCH REFERENCE: family histor*
Family History - 351 References
Family Histories - 60 References
Family Historians - 1 Reference
Genealogical - 469 References
Genealogy - 254 References
Genealogies - 100 References
Genealogist - 9 References
Genealogists - 2 References
Genealogical-Size - 2 References
Genealogically 1 Reference
Family History Topics: Preserving History at Home
Search Church History: Online Historical Resources
The Folded Napkin In Christ’s Tomb After The Resurrection
Is Part Of The
Translated Beings Theology: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Being perfect in this life does not mean being exact, as we all have human frailties.
Being perfect means to acknowledge that The Lord, has given us our
to make us humble. Nevertheless, it is "
our responsibility", at all times, in all places,
and in all conditions, to take whatever necessary action the Lord
inspires us to take,
immediately proceed, and accordingly remove these revealed sins, faults, errors,
from our own lives; having gratitude in our hearts, for being shown the correct way,
and then receiving grace from God, to progress
from grace to grace, by forgiving all
others who ignorantly, willfully
trespass against us, with these same human frailties.
Forgiving all - includes saving deceased ancestors, by doing their LDS temple work.
Thomas Milton Tinney, Sr.
Who's Who In America - genealogical research specialist.
Jesus Christ took upon Himself the sins of all mankind, when He allowed His perfect
body to experience total emotional rejection and subsequent mortal physical death
 [bleeding drops of blood in extreme mental anguish, in the Garden of Gethsemane].
Rebuked: My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death; tarry ye here and watch.

2025 FamilySearch Blog - [Scripture Citation Index]
Liahona (Current) Liahona Magazine
The Liahona Magazine | Facebook®
Jan 25 99+1 Family History Activity, Nairobi 2nd Ward
Jan 25 Create a Beautiful Family Tree
Jan 25 Young Single Adults from New Guinea Go To Tonga Temple
They finished their temple service with a final sealing session, linking and uniting
generations with eternal sealing power. The young single adults had researched
family names in anticipation of doing temple work for their deceased relatives.
Jan 25 Newport Chapel Opens its Doors to Local Charities
The final group the ward supports regularly is the Gwent Family History Society.
Feb 25 February 2025
Feb 25 Are Your Ancestors Waiting for You?
Feb 25
Covenants and Miracles
It was an incredible and emotional experience to witness all 65 ancestors baptized
by proxy, one by one, after the significant effort we had made to find them!
Feb 25
Papua New Guinean Family Share Their Journey of Faith
Feb 25 Introduction to the United States and Canada Section
Feb 25 How We Have Been Blessed through Family History Work
Feb 25 Was I Alone in Doing My Family History?
Feb 25
What I See in Temple Mirrors

The mirrors help me look back in time and symbolically see my "roots," or ancestors--
from my parents, grandparents, and so forth, all the way back to Father Adam and
Mother Eve. The mirrors also help me envision the future and symbolically see my
"branches," or descendants--my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren,
and beyond. [Research Note: The new and everlasting covenant encompasses
the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ, including all ordinances and covenants
necessary for the salvation of mankind. In true righteousness, it is an unbreakable
and eternal series of covenants that will last forever, and cannot be and is not violated
by God in time, as well as all eternity; for the preservation of all our sealed posterity.
Jehovah said, who is the same as Jesus Christ in the flesh: "For behold, this is my work
and my glory--to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." Also, "Verily,
verily, I say unto you, if a man marry a wife according to my word, and they are sealed
by the Holy Spirit of promise, according to mine appointment, and he or she shall
commit any sin or transgression of the new and everlasting covenant whatever,
and all manner of blasphemies, and if they commit no murder wherein they shed
innocent blood, yet THEY shall come forth in the first resurrection, and enter into
THEIR exaltation; but THEY shall be destroyed in the flesh, and shall be delivered
unto the buffetings of Satan unto the day of redemption, saith the Lord God." Any
couple sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise are still in a marital relationship, as
noted by Son Ahman, who is the Lord God of both the Living and the Deceased.
Mark 10 KJV states unequivocally that Jesus Christ declared Moses allowed a bill
of divorcement "For the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept. But from
the beginning of creation (i.e., from the Time of the Patriarch Adam and his wife Eve,
or when the Patriarchal Priesthood was in full force) God made them male and female.
For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And
they twain shall be one flesh, so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. What
therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." . . . "And he saith unto
them (His disciples) Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth
adultery against her. And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to
another, she committeth adultery."
Matthew 5 KJV additionally mentions Jesus Christ
declared, concerning a writing of divorcement: "But I say unto you That whosoever
shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, (which was the concern
of righteous Joseph, in relation to betrothed pregnant Mary, prior to an angelic dream
from the Lord), causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that
is divorced committeth adultery." Divorce generates sexual disorientation in children;
being divided in understanding their feelings towards others through parental division.]

↑ upΛ

For the Strength of Youth (Current) For the Strength of Youth 2025
For the Strength of Youth: Fulfilling Our Duty to God | Facebook®
Mar 25
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2024  FamilySearch 2024 Genealogy Highlights
Liahona 2024
Jan 24 Our Light in the Wilderness . . .
As we read and study the Book of Mormon's teachings about the gathering
of Israel, we will feel an increased desire to seek after our dead and perform
ordinances of salvation and exaltation for them in the temple.
Jan 24 “And it came to pass that we lived after the manner of happiness.”
. . . "Your worship in the temple and service there for your ancestors
will bless you with increased personal revelation and peace and will
fortify your commitment to stay on the covenant path."
Jan 24 Volunteering Builds Connections in Greenock Branch
Feb 24 February 2024
Feb 24
Helping Youth Prepare to Receive a Patriarchal Blessing . . .
Elder Yamashita taught that patriarchal blessings reveal our lineage in the house
of Israel, reminding us that "we are children of the covenant. We receive the blessings
of the Abrahamic covenant as we obey the laws and ordinances of the gospel."
Feb 24 American Family Express Love For Their Ancestors in The British Pageant
Feb 24
Family Returns to the New Zealand Temple to Celebrate an Extraordinary Legacy
Feb 24 Focusing on Jesus Christ in Temple and Family History Work
Covenants Give Us Access to Greater Power from Jesus Christ. . . .
The principle of intentionally putting Jesus Christ first applies in everything we do,
including family history research. [Research Note: The Spirit of Elijah, that which is
" a manifestation of the Holy Ghost bearing witness of the divine nature of the Family";
it reveals that the Brass Plates of Laban will be restored again to the earth, only when
the Saints are prepared to restore in full the
patriarchal covenants contained therein.]
Feb 24 The Power of Family Stories Research shows that knowing
your family stories leads to better emotional health and happiness.
Feb 24 From Barbados to Utah: A Family History Connection
Feb 24 The “Ordinances Ready” Tool: Temple and Family History Work Made Easy
. . . As children of God, we are all brothers and sisters, but doing temple work
for someone in your family line is a powerful way to connect with the divine and
with ancestors who made our lives possible and stand ready across the veil to assist us.
Mar 24 [And it came to pass that the Lord spake unto them saying: "Arise and come forth
unto me, that ye may thrust your hands into my side, and also that ye may feel the prints
of the nails in my hands and in my feet, that ye may know that I am the God of Israel,
and the God of the whole earth, and have been slain for the sins of the world." JESUS.]
Mar 24
The Savior of All, a Gospel for All (earthly, human posterity of Adam and Eve.)
["if ye be Christ's then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise"]
Mar 24 What Truths Do 1 Nephi and 2 Nephi Teach Us about Jesus Christ?
[Research Note:
RootsTech • FamilySearch was presented 29 Feb 2024 - 02 Mar 2024; it
did "provide meaningful connections through a deeper understanding of family history
and genealogy." Class Schedule Preview shows 27 DNA results. A Search of RootsTech
On-Demand Library reveals an added 289 results.
The Science of Molecular Genealogy
suggests: "Molecular science can help genealogists uncover previously unknown family
relationships, verify or refute claims to ancestry, and shed light on questions that have
puzzled family historians for years." There are however, scientific limitations involved,
when considering Latter-day Saint, or Christian belief systems, based upon Bible text;
showing The Internal Consistency and Historical Reliability of the Biblical Genealogies.
Scott Ray Woodward (biologist)] extracted and typed DNA going back millions of years?
Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His
EASTER resurrection, validated by LDS (D&C 138),
suggest serious reconsiderations on the actual value of DNA studies, extrapolated back
in temporal time. Foremost of all, What are resurrected bodies like?, declares they are
physical; and thus, no physical bodies upon the earth for molecular science to evaluate.
Moroni, who lived in the fifth century AD, additionally is a physically resurrected being.
So what is left of the ancient molecular past, to scientifically evaluate, are remains from
wicked societies, and social environments, destined for a future Telestial or Terrestrial
eternal existence. All these societies, except for Noah and his family relationships, had
disruptive global flood experiences, degrading and altering their molecular body purity
(as well as a stated corruption of all flesh, intermingled between animals and humans).
Additionally, all spirit is matter, but it is more refined and pure, such that it is infinitely
incapable of being measured by modern technological instruments; nor by DNA data.
God of course knows all of His spirit children, and knows from the beginnings of their
spiritual birth in heaven; thus He knows the past, present and future of the Universe,
knowing beforehand, the beginnings and ends of all the works of His own Creations.

In conclusion then, What Truths Do 1 Nephi and 2 Nephi Teach Us about Jesus Christ?
The Book of Mormon is the greatest primary witness on the face of the earth to validate
the authenticity of the Ancient Biblical Record, with Moroni as the greatest key witness.
The Prophet Moroni testifies emphatically that the Theory of Evolution is so completely
false, as noted in Line upon Line: Moroni 10:3–5. Behold, I would exhort you, that when
ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would
remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation
of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your
hearts. . . . And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things. . . .
The key element of this witness testimony concerning the real mortal existence of Adam,
and the factual evidence of the creation of the earth, and all the subsequent related things
thereto, is clearly stated within The Book of Ether. Moroni specifically abridged the record
of the Jaredites. Therefore, from a professional genealogical research specialist standpoint,
he is an intimate, personally involved, eye-witness to this account of those twenty and four
plates which were found by the people of Limhi, which is called the Book of Ether. Moroni
mentions: "And as I suppose that the first part of this record, which speaks concerning the
creation of the world, and also of Adam, and an account from that time even to the great
tower, and whatsoever things transpired among the children of men until that time, is had
among the Jews-- Therefore I do not write those things which transpired from the days of
Adam until that time; but they are had upon the plates; and whoso findeth them, the same
will have power that he may get the full account" (as they are written in Adamic language).
Legal Records, the Brass Plates, held in the originating possession of Laban,
contained not only the Jewish scriptures, but also Lehi's own genealogy back to Joseph
in Egypt. From a dispassionate, professional genealogical research specialist standpoint,
this directly relates to the genealogical Truths taught in 1 Nephi and 2 Nephi, Moroni had
access to the Brass Plates of Laban and knew that those records came forth out of the City
of Jerusalem; and were handed down intact by the seed of originating Nephite father Lehi.
Nevertheless, the very false theory, or secular doctrine of Evolution is currently, and very
openly, and proudly; blatantly expounded upon, by open-minded "scientific" leadership,
from the sacred halls of learning, at
Brigham Young University. Yet, Nephi, son of Lehi,
had a vision of great significance, recorded in
1 Nephi 13:20–42: Plain and Precious Truths.
In particular, from a genealogical research standpoint, 1 Nephi 13: 23, the Gentiles, or us,
today, had a book, which an angel from the Throne of God in Heaven declared, stating:
Behold it proceedeth out of the mouth of a Jew (collectively, the ancestry of the Jews).
"The book that thou beholdest is a record of the Jews, which contains the covenants
of the Lord, which he hath made unto the house of Israel (from Old Testament times);
and it also containeth many of the prophecies of the holy prophets; and it is a record
like unto the engravings which are upon the plates of brass, save there are not so many;
nevertheless, they contain the covenants of the Lord, which he hath made unto the house
of Israel; wherefore, they are of great worth unto the Gentiles."
Organic Evolution is false.

See: Witnesses of the Gold Plates of the Book of Mormon and Witness Evidence:
The Book of Mormon: A Guide for the Old Testament
The Book of Mormon As a Witness of the Old Testament
Ether 1 . . . twenty and four plates . . . called the Book of Ether
. . . (I, Moroni) suppose that the first part of this record, which speaks concerning
the creation of the world, and also of Adam, and an account from that time even
to the great tower (
Tower of Babel), and whatsoever things transpired among the
children of men until that time, is had among the Jews-- Therefore I do not write
those things which transpired from the days of Adam until that time; but they are
had upon the plates; and whoso findeth them, the same will have power that he
may get the full account. But behold, I give not the full account, but a part of the
account I give, from the tower down until they were destroyed. . . .
Appendix 4: Testimony of Three Witnesses, Late June 1829, P. 589 . . . Historical
Introduction . . . Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris testified . . .
Decades later, David Whitmer added, "We not only saw the plates of the B[ook]
of M[ormon] but also the Brass plates, the Plates of the Book of ether, the Plates
containing the Record of the wickedness of the people of the world, and many
other plates." The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for the "Brass Plates of Laban"
. . . and thus my father lehi did discover the genealogy of his fathers and Laban
also was a desendant of joseph (Of the land of egypt) wherefore he and his fathers
had kept the records . . . that these plate of brass Should go forth unto all nations
kindreds tongues and people Which ware of his seed wherefore he said that these
plate of brass should never perish neither should they be dimd Any more by time
The Plates of Brass: A Witness of Christ (The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for "Plates")
The Savior’s Use of the Old Testament "This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears."]
Mar 24 Family History Helped Me Find a Greater Sense of Belonging
Mar 24
At 78 He Shines the Light of the Gospel . . . John is convinced his mission
is to share the gospel with his neighbours in the aged care facility . . .He wants them
to feel positive about life beyond the veil (of death) and to know the love of Heavenly
Father. When a resident passes away, John prepares their family history and submits
their names for temple work to be done, where possible.
Mar 24 The Gospel is the Answer to all Questions and Problems of Life
Mar 24
Special Invitees Enjoy The British Pageant
. . . guests . . . took part in the pre-pageant activities including the Family History fair,
offering digital photos and search opportunities.
Mar 24 The Miraculous Translation of the Book of Mormon
[Research Note: Invaluable information on why the President, First Presidency, and all
The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles should be sustained as Prophets, Seers, Revelators,
and Translators.
The Visions of Joseph Smith mentions: Significantly, in the revelation
received during the organizational meeting of the Church on April 6, 1830, the first title
given to the first elder was that of seer: "Behold, there shall be a record kept . . . and in
it thou [Joseph Smith] shalt be called a seer, a translator, a prophet, an apostle of Jesus
Christ" (
D&C 21: 1). Since the Liahona (Book of Mormon) also contained periodic written
instructions from God, the brass ball not only operated as a type of compass with its two
spindles; it also had the capacity of a
Urim and Thummim. Also, there was a "Gazelem,
a stone, which shall shine forth in darkness (as in a hat), unto light" (Joseph the Seer);
which was not exactly like U&T transparent "glass" stones composition or appearance.
Mosiah 28 mentions that king Mosiah translated records "by means of those
two stones which were fastened into the two rims of a bow." Furthermore, the record
notes "Now these things were prepared from the beginning (from the ancient time period
of the first Patriarch Adam), and were handed down from generation to generation,
for the purpose of interpreting languages; . . . been kept and preserved by the hand
of the Lord, that he should discover to every creature who should possess the land
the iniquities and abominations of his people; And whosoever has these things is
called seer, after the manner of old times." Thus, interpretation of this record notes
that Adam himself was the first Seer upon the earth, and knew of all the iniquities
and abominations of his patriarchal posterity; and thus was able
to prophesy, just
before his death, of
everything that would transpire, concerning his
heritage, unto
the latest generations of time, upon this earth. The Gazelem is currently in the safe
possession of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
As to the land of Zion, covering both North and South America, David Whitmer added,
"We not only saw the plates of the B[ook] of M[ormon] but also the Brass plates,
the Plates of the Book of ether, the Plates containing the Record of the wickedness
of the people of the world, and many other plates." A second witness, or testimony.]
Apr 24 Grateful to Bring Them Home
Apr 24
The Gathering of Israel: Like an Olive Vineyard . . . Serving a full-time mission,
doing family history work, and performing temple ordinances are excellent ways to gather
{the House of} Israel; ("the most important thing taking place on earth today"; redeem the
promise of salvation 'made to the fathers,' our {ancient righteous, patriarchal} ancestors;
comprehending thoughts and feelings of the ancients, through the merits of Jesus Christ;
or, in other words, by the Spirit of Elijah, having planted in the hearts {deepest feelings}
of the children the promises {sacred temple covenants} made to the fathers, {in ancient
Temple edifices}, and the hearts of the children shall turn to their fathers, in full Charity.)
Apr 24 3 Things I’ve Learned about the Healing Power of Family History
Apr 24
Why Do We Serve? . . . Family History and Temple Service Give Us Joy
Apr 24 Elder is Sealed to His Parents
Apr 24 A Lifelong Love for the Temple
Apr 24 The Saints of the Guadeloupe District Testify of the Aug, 2023 Indexing Campaign
Apr 24 A Great Story Doesn’t Have to Be Headline News
Apr 24 Heavenly Help To Complete Temple Work
Apr 24 Blessings of Family History
May 24 April 2024 [ General Conference]
May 24
A Record of What I Have Both Seen and Heard . . . My friends at FamilySearch
have taught me that over one million new names are added to FamilySearch each day.
If you didn't find your ancestor yesterday, I invite you to look again tomorrow. When it
comes to gathering Israel on the other side of the veil, there has never been a better
time to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints than today.
June 24 7 Simple Ways to Use Technology for God’s Work of Salvation and Exaltation
Day 2: Preserve Family History - Using modern technology,
we can preserve the history of ourselves and our ancestors . . .
June 24
3 Ways the Temple Became My Place of Solace from the World . . .
"Often in the temple, and as we engage in family history research, we feel promptings
and have impressions from the Holy Ghost. Occasionally in the temple the veil between
us and those on the other side becomes very thin. . . . The temple and family history
work we do truly can remind us what matters most. . . . When we stand in holy places,
God's love and power have a greater ability to manifest in our lives."
June 24
Foire du Conseil de Port Harcourt sur l’histoire de l’Église . . .
The Church History department collects, preserves and shares the stories of the hand
of the Lord amongst His people. We collect annual and oral histories, artifacts,
digitize personal journals, identify and operate historic sites for the Church. . . .
June 24 From Barbados to Utah: A Family History Connection . . . Tragedy struck
three years after her baptism when her only son was killed. Suddenly, she said,
"family history became very important to me."
July 24
Nairobi, Kenya . . . Passing along family history is important. There are five
FamilySearch centers in Kenya, and field agents go out and collect oral histories
that they can preserve for future generations.
July 24 “Please Help Her” A woman works with the temple and family history consultant
to find ancestors after a dream. Family history and vicarious temple work helped me
overcome feelings of failure and loneliness.
July 24
Raymond Knight’s Miraculous Steps to the Temple . . .
The second miracle came through family history.
July 24
Why are People Joining or Coming Back to
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? . . . "People desire to have
a stronger connection with their extended family through family history."
July 24
Remember His Name! Why is it important to remember the name
by which we are called? . . . At birth, a child is given a family name, that of his parents,
to show he or she belongs in the family. This name is a sign of paternity. It is a symbol
of honor for the family, or dignity for others, for which one is ready to sacrifice oneself.
At the moment of our baptism, we take upon ourselves the name of Christ. . . .
[Research Note: And by the reception of the Holy Ghost, Jesus Christ takes upon himself
our names; which He remembers, and calls us out of darkness into the Light of Heaven.
"And now, because of the covenant which ye have made ye shall be called the children
of Christ, his sons, and his daughters; for behold, this day he hath spiritually begotten
you (Mosiah 5:7)."]
Aug 24 An Unprecedented Time for Temple and Family History Work
[Research Note: In
Discourse, 7 April 1844, as Published in Times and Seasons, Page 613,
Joseph Smith, Jr. stated: "I do not calculate to please your ears with superfluity of words
or of oratory, or with much learning; but I calculate to edify you with the simple truths
from heaven. In the first place, I wish to go back to the beginning of creation; there is
the starting point, in order to be fully acquainted with the mind, purposes, decrees, &c.
of the great Eloheim, that sits in yonder heavens, it is necessary for us to have an
understanding of God himself in the beginning. If we start right, it is easy to go right
all the time; but if we start wrong, it is a hard matter to get right." Family Genealogy
and History begins on this earth with Adam; his Book of Remembrance descent records.
Discourse, between circa 26 June and circa 4 August 1839–A, by Willard Richards, P. 63,
notes: The Priesthood was first given To Adam (by the laying on of hands): he obtained
to the first Presidency & held the Keys of it, from generation to Generation; he obtained
it in the creation before the world was formed . . . he had dominion given him over every
living Creature. He is Michael, the Archangel, spoken of in the Scriptures, -- Then to Noah
who is Gabriel, he stands next in authority to Adam in the Priesthood; he was called of God
to this office & was the Father of all living in his day, & To him was Given the Dominion.
Book of Abraham facsimiles/Facsimile 2 - FAIR notes, concerning (FIGURE 3), that it is
made to represent God, sitting upon His throne, clothed with power and authority; with
a crown of eternal light upon His head, representing also the grand key words of the holy
priesthood, as revealed to Adam in the Garden of Eden, as also to Seth, Noah, (Shem), or
Melchizedek, Abraham (lineage line), and all to to whom the priesthood was revealed.
ADAM (Teachings of Joseph Smith) notes: Adam delivers up his stewardship to Christ,
that which was delivered to him as holding the keys of the Universe, but retains his
standing as head of the human family . . . (Father and Patriarch of the Human Race). . . .
(Our Lord and Master Jesus) Christ is the great High Priest. Adam next . . . I saw Adam
. . . The Keys of the First Presidency, grand key words of the holy priesthood, keys of
the Universe, are all interconnected with government; such as: the Sun, and to borrow
its light from Kolob through the medium of Kae-e-vanrash, which is the grand Key, or,
in other words, the governing power. Note Kolob governs all those planets which belong
to the same order as the earth, upon which Abraham stood. Since this earth was formed
to become a Celestial Residence for the Father and Son to visit, it is self evident therefore
that other Star Planets exist to govern other Terrestrial and Telestial planetary systems.
Light, or the Light of Christ, is the physical grand governing key of the Universe, for it is
the light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which
all things are governed; the same light that stimulates all human / life thought processes;
whereas the Holy Ghost adds additional external intelligence from the Throne of God.
This corresponds to
“An Eye Single to the Glory of God”. In other words, D &C 88: 67-68:
"And if your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and
there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehendeth
all things. Therefore, sanctify yourselves that your minds become single to God, and the
days will come that you shall see him; for he will unveil his face unto you, and it shall be
in his own time, and in his own way, and according to his own will." The ALL SEEING EYE,
as in the
Eye of Providence (The Eye of Providence: A Journey into Masonic Symbolism).
Book of Abraham Excerpt and Facsimile 2, 15 March 1842 [Abraham 2:19–5:21], Page 0,
mentions that Kolob has measurement according to celestial time; which, celestial time,
signifies one day to a cubit. One day, in Kolob, is equal to a thousand years, according
to the measurement of this earth, which is called by the Egyptians Jah-oh-eh. The cubit,
Grammar and Alphabet of the Egyptian Language, circa July–circa November 1835, P. 32,
is mentioned 17 times. Under [p. 31], of the 2nd part of the 2d degree, Flos isis is listed as
The King of day or the central moving planet, from which the other governing moving
planets receive their light. -- having a less motion -- slow in its motion -- The earth's chief
Joy. . . . Kliflosisis . . . hereditary, coming down from father to Son: right of authority from
eight days old: according to the law of priesthood. Then, mention of Vehkliflosisis as The
same fixed star <planet> in its <motion> according to the cubit measurement of time.
Four cubits: (that is from <the length> the end of the longest finger to the end of the other
when the arms are extended: making in our measure seven feet, {the same as 84 inches},
which is twenty=one inches to a
Cubit.); for the physical dimensions of ancient patriarchs;
as Zebedee Coltrin (
Wikipedia), testifying when he was a patriarch in the Church: "Adam
was a large broad-shouldered man, and Eve, as a woman, was as large in proportion."
Validated as well by early descriptions of the Urim and Thummim, had in the possession
of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.; namely, "eyeglasses . . . longer apart between the stones
than we usually find in spectacles"; breastplate was much too large for Joseph Smith, Jr.;
that the breastplate extended from the neck downwards of a man of extraordinary size.
Thus, numbers become of interest, as in 15, for 12 Apostles and 3 in the First Presidency;
correlated to governmental priesthood star system powers; or, unity in leadership
as in ten fingers times ten fingers times ten fingers = 1000 yrs; celestial Kolob time of a day.
Profoundly, it appears that the body of Jesus Christ provides actual measurements for all
the observed Universe: “All Things Denote There Is a God”: Seeing Christ in the Creation.
Or, as noted in the Book of Abraham and Facsimiles, 1 March–16 May 1842, Page 719,
Thus I, Abraham, talked with the Lord, face to face, as one man talketh with another;
and he told me of the works which his hands had made; and he said unto me, my son,
my son, and his hand was stretched out, behold I will shew you all these (Abraham was
unrestricted in his view of the Universe; not as the Prophet Moses was to the planet earth).
And he put his hand upon mine eyes (his hand was large), and I saw those things, which
his hands had made (His body was / is an eternal memory storage facility of all his Works),
which were many; and they multiplied before mine eyes (a Zoom platform, delivering
limitless human connections, temporally and spiritually), and I could not see the end
thereof; and he said unto me this is Shinehah, (which is the sun.) And he said unto me,
Kokob, which is star (Adamic word formations). Note in Facsimile No. 2, from the Book
of Abraham, that
Figure #5 ", an upside down bull that is a strong, muscular, mature
male cow, (which cannot be evaluated properly, unless the facsimile is
rotated around,
like a Rubik's Cube), "Is called in Egyptian Enish-go-on-dosh; this is one of the
planets also, and is said by the Egyptians to be the Sun (as noted above as Shinehah) . . ."
Strange as it may appear, the validity of Joseph Smith, Jr., as a modern Prophet, Seer,
Revelator, and Translator, comes from the intense controversy from Non LDS (Mormon)
Egyptologists, beginning in the late 19th century, that disagree with Joseph Smith, Jr.,
in his interpretations of the facsimiles in the Book of Abraham; also asserting that some
portions of the papyri have been reconstructed incorrectly. Wikipedia mentions Ham's
descendants are interpreted by Josephus and others as having populated Africa, as well
as adjoining parts of Asia. The Bible refers to Egypt as 'the land of Ham' in Psalm 78:51;
105:23, 27; 106:22, and 1 Chronicles 4:40.
The Pearl of Great Price (1913) / Abraham does
mention: "Now, Pharaoh being of that lineage by which he could not have the right of
Priesthood, notwithstanding the Pharaohs would fain claim it from Noah, through Ham,
therefore my father (Terah, father of Abraham) was led away by their idolatry." In other
words, the pure Priesthood of the Ancients was distorted with animal symbolism as set
forth by the Pharaohs; thus, the Egyptologists read from the books containing Idolatry
symbols; and,
Joseph Smith, Jr. translated the unadulterated original Abrahamic texts,
as discussed in Teaching the Book of Abraham Facsimiles | Religious Studies Center, etc.
What is lost in the weeds of counter evaluations, in facsimile No. 3, as Fig. l., is Abraham
sitting upon Pharaoh's throne, by the politeness of the king, with a crown upon his head,
representing the Priesthood, as emblematical of the grand Presidency in Heaven; with
the scepter of justice and judgment in his hand; whereas Fig. 2 is King Pharaoh, and also
Fig. 4. is Prince of Pharaoh, King of Egypt; female attire: showing no Priesthood authority;
also, that the representation is from greatest to least in authority, as the God of Abraham:
"I dwell in the midst of them all; I now, therefore, have come down unto thee to declare
unto thee the works which my hands have made, wherein my wisdom excelleth them all,
for I rule in the heavens above, and in the earth beneath, in all wisdom and prudence,
over all the intelligences thine eyes have seen from the beginning; I came down in the
beginning in the midst of all the intelligences thou hast seen." Parallels
Job 38 KJV : Then
the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said, Who is this that darkeneth counsel
by words without knowledge? Gird up now thy loins like a man, for I will demand of thee,
and answer thou me. Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare,
if thou hast understanding. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who
hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who
laid the corner stone thereof; When the morning stars (daughters of God) sang together,
and all the sons of God shouted for joy? . . . Abraham is reasoning upon the principles
of Astronomy, in the king's court, and all these manifestations do contradict completely,
modern uninspired false Universe descriptions found in scientific
Physical cosmology;
especially in the presentation of
Dark matter
from Big Bang nucleosynthesis, as well as
incorrectly stating
Dark energy is the dominant component of the God created Universe.
Facsimile 2, mention is made concerning Fig. 8 through Figures 21, noting that Fig. 8
Contains writings that cannot be revealed unto the world; but is to be had in the Holy
Temple of God. Fig. 9. Ought not to be revealed at the present time. Fig. 10. Also, Fig. 11.
Also. If the world can find out these numbers, so let it be. Amen. Figures 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19, 20, and 21 will be given in the own due time of the Lord. The above translation
is given as far as we have any right to give at the present time. What is yet to be revealed
is stated in Abraham 3: 10: "And it is given unto thee to know the set time of all the stars
that are set to give light, until thou come near unto the throne of God (Ahman residence)."
Further knowledge will come forth at
The Millennium Time when Satan has been bound.
Immortal beings will frequently visit the earth and help with government and other work;
and there will be no death as currently experienced, as children will grow up without sin.
In an All Seeing Eye twinkling, mankind will achieve eternal unbroken spirit-body contact.
To fully understand the magnificence and glory of Facsimile 2, in its universal revelation;
it is to comprehend the manifestations given as a great and glorious symphony orchestra,
playing in all its parts and musical scores, from individual words and interwoven feelings
of the Beethoven's 9th, even unto the Finale; the jubilant masterpiece end in "
Ode to Joy".
Paraphrasing: To try to translate the ancient words of God without passion is inexplicable.
Astronomy is based upon the Glory of God. Moses 1: "The heavens, they are many, &
they cannot be numbered unto man, but they are numbered unto me, for they are mine.
And as one earth shall pass away, and the heavens thereof even so shall another come;
and there is no end to my works, neither to my words. For behold, this is my work and my
glory---to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." Thus, Facsimile 2. General
Information, is only a temporary, temporal connectivity to the Throne of God; as all planets
destined for immortal glory, process through their Telestial, Terrestrial, and Celestial states
of being.
Facsimiles 2–3; Abraham 4–5, represents only a snapshot in planetary earth time.
Cosmic Distance Ladder cannot measure Star Basics of Extragalactic Astronomy; nor see
a "planet earth" transcending into a very new location in a glorified Celestial Star System.
Stellar Nurseries originate from the creation of an earth initially given a "Garden of Eden".
It is therefore totally impossible for human minds to
comprehend or Imagine the Universe!
Again, God says, "The heavens, they are many, and they cannot be numbered unto man".
Book of Abraham Insights and Abrahamic Astronomy, by Pearl of Great Price Central, seek
instances to confirm the authenticity of Joseph Smith, Jr.
record translations as accurate,
using record sources known to have originated from a civilization, or civilizations having
temporal blessings, but without the authority of the fullness of the Patriarchal Priesthood.
The Purpose and Function of the Egyptian Hypocephalus was not to promote Melchizedek
Priesthood objectives, but to establish the harsh rule of Pharaohs over their own people.
Faith in the LORD Jesus Christ was transformed into the
Scarab, in the form of the dung
beetle, associated with the divine manifestation of the early morning sun. A Rising sun in
Egyptian religion, was an amulet conveying life and resurrection to its wearer; as found
near a mummy, providing the dead person with
false assurance of afterlife resurrection.
Transposing secular Egyptian traditions onto Facsimile 2, creates
a mass of confusion.
(President David O. McKay said that Brigham Young University "was established for the
sole purpose of associating with facts of science, art, literature, and philosophy the truths
of the gospel of Jesus Christ.") And in like manner, Facsimile 2 cannot be translated into
its original meaning, unless and until the symbols are directly connected to Jesus Christ,
as well as the stated fact of given records reviewed were timeline written by Abraham, etc.
Comprehensively, the powers of the Priesthood include the Keys of the Universe, which
involve creative powers that can be adjusted over time, such as shown by the heavens
and earth being altered by such Holy Leaders, as Moses, Elijah, Enoch, etc. Jesus Christ
did say: "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain
Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible
unto you."
Joshua Commanding the Sun to Stand Still upon Gibeon had this faith Key.
Isaiah gave the sign to Hezekiah of The Sundial of Ahaz going ten degrees backward;
a Priesthood Keys, Celestial
rotating Kolob perspective, in interpretation of Facsimile 2.
Further careful consideration should be given, as to what relationship exists, between
the Sumerian Sexagesimal, or Base 60 numerical system, with sixty as its base, for use
in measuring time, angles, and geographical coordinates. The Sumerian mathematics
were grounded in a sexagesimal system, or base 60, which could be very conveniently
counted using the twelve knuckles on one hand and the five fingers on the other hand.
Surveying the Galaxy | Galaxy Map notes items of great interest. . . . same technique is
used by many animals to build a three dimensional view of their surroundings. Animals
with two forward facing eyes such as apes and owls can use a similar technique to build
a three-dimensional model of their immediate environment. This suggests: "This planet
receives its power through the medium of Kli-flos-is-es, or Hah-ko-kau-beam, the stars
represented by numbers 22, and 23, receiving light from the revolutions of Kolob."; that,
this portion of Facsimile 2, relates to a measurement in the shift in the apparent direction
of an object (Kolob) from two different positions. This shift (measured as a angle) is called
a parallax. . . . Astronomical parallax . . . to define the parsec, the basic unit of distance
beyond our solar system. A parsec is the distance of an object with a parallax of one arc-
second (that is a 60th of a 60th of a degree) when using the radius of the Earth's orbit as
a baseline. The nearest star has a distance of 1.3 parsecs and the centre of the galaxy
has a distance of about 8000 parsecs. This combines Sumerian Sexagesimal with Kolob.
In which direction does the Sun move through the Milky Way? It includes the additional
items: "With respect to its own axis of rotation, the Sun is moving through the galaxy
tipped at an angle of about 60 (degrees) from the galactic plane. This also applies to
the planets orbiting the Sun -- just like the disk of our galaxy. . . . Essentially, the Sun
and the plane in which the bodies of the solar system orbit around it are both tilted
forward by 60 (degrees) as they move through the galaxy . . . The sun actually appears
to bob up and down through the disk (we are up right now, above the plane of the disk)
as it moves, with a period of about 60 million years"; combines Sumerian Sexagesimal.
General References:
The Oikofuge: The Solar System’s Place In The Milky Way: Part 1.
Instruction, 2 April 1843, as Reported by William Clayton [D&C 130], Page 68, very clearly
indicate that Facsimile 2 is Kolob centric. In answer to a question which I proposed to him
as follows, "Is not the reckoning of Gods time, Angels time, prophets time & mans time
according to the planet on which they reside he answered Yes  But there is no Angel (who)
ministers to this earth only what either does belong or has belonged to this earth  And
the Angels do not reside on a planet like our earth but they dwell with God and the planet
where he dwells is like crystal, and like a sea of glass before the throne. This is the great
Urim & Thummim whereon all things are manifest both things past, present & future and
are continually before the Lord. The Urim & Thummim is a small representation of this
globe. The earth when it is purified will be made like unto crystal and will be a Urim &
Thummim whereby all things pertaining to an inferior kingdom, or all kingdoms of a lower
order will be manifest to those who dwell on it. And this earth will be with Christ  Then
the white stone mentioned in Rev. c 2 v 17 is the Urim & Thummim whereby all things
pertaining to an higher order of kingdoms even all kingdoms will be made known and
a white stone is given to each of those who come into the celestial kingdom, whereon
is a new name [p. 69] written which no man knoweth save he that receiveth it. The new
name is the key word. It is self evident that Kolob is a Celestial Kingdom. Flos isis is listed
as The King of day or the central moving planet, from which the other governing moving
planets receive their light. -- having a less motion -- slow in its motion -- The earth's chief
Joy; it follows that it is the very Throne of God Ahman; (and center to Kolob), whose light is
modulated to avoid overwhelming other creations; appearing as a "
Black Hole" from Earth.
Kolob also is like crystal, and like a sea of glass before the throne of God. This is one of
the great Urim & Thummim Star Planets whereon all things are manifest both things past,
present & future and are continually before the Lord; as well as all other Celestial residents;
those who individually have their own crystals to explore higher orders of intelligences.
Facsimile 3 has Abraham sitting upon
Pharaoh's Throne with a crown upon his head, that
represents the Priesthood; as emblematical of the grand presidency in heaven; whereas
Facsimile 2, Figure 3. Is made to represent God, sitting upon his throne (which looks in its
construction to be the same as Pharaoh's Throne), clothed with power and authority; with
a crown of eternal light upon his head; representing also, the grand Key words of the Holy
Priesthood; showing thereby, by picture form, eternal priesthood government progression.
Collected Works of Hugh Nibley, One Eternal Round (Lectures | The Interpreter Foundation)
What is the grand Key word to understand the interpretation of Facsimile 2, in connection
with the Collected Works of Hugh Nibley? It is the word of Egyptian religious APOSTASY.
All the tremendous data sets noted in the Book of Abraham Facsimile 2, in comparison,
do compound the translation process, into a mass of confusion. Thus, mentally reference
the grand apostasy from the true Church of Jesus Christ, established in His short lifetime.
The Egyptian nation began in an apostate condition, having lost through Ham, patriarchal
attachment priesthood, with his Ancient Fathers. Within the context of the many factions,
there are a series of changes in extant facsimile over time, that
Parrot regional frictions;
which brings up the issue of
Animals talking: Garden of Eden Serpent; Balaam and his ass.
Add to this, the millions of
Hindus who revere and worship cows, which raises the status
of Mother to the level of Goddess. Lord
Krishna (Avatar of Hindu Sun God Vishnu*); a friend
and protector of cows. The Hindu scriptures mention the
Cow Goddess named Kamadhenu
as having emerged from the churning of the cosmic ocean: direct astronomy connections.
Yet, a cow being female in nature, negates conveying Priesthood Authority or Grand Keys;
(this cow of heaven is the prehistoric male of the celestial bull); female identity juxtaposed,
excessive veneration of Mary, Mother of Jesus, first-century Jewish woman of Nazareth.
(A taking up, or assumption of the virgin Mary, contradicts the Atonement of Jesus Christ;
as a self initiated, independent act, which parallels the false Egyptian theology: that
Isis, a female deity, with the secret word formula she needed to resurrect Osiris.
Set {deity}, which is an actual distorted representation of the Patriarchal Priesthood of Seth,
son of Adam, the first man, whose descent through Noah was administered to Melchizedek,
or Shem, the brother of Ham. Shem being vilified by Ham, {whose posterity thereafter laid
claim to Shem's right / authority}; included a false power of Resurrection by Egyptian Gods.
Antiquities of the Jews, Josephus refers to Seth as virtuous and of excellent character, &
reports that his descendants invented the wisdom of the heavenly bodes, {i.e., received the
revelations from God the Eternal Father, through His Only Begotten Son Jehovah, or Jesus}
and built the "pillars of the sons of Seth"; two pillars inscribed with many of their scientific
discoveries & inventions, most notably of which their astronomical findings {
Seth in
Zohar referred as "ancestor of all the generations of the Egyptians or Tsetsaudim".)
This is clearly noted in Collected Works of Hugh Nibley, section Reading the
Part 2, Figures 5-21, notes Figure 3 is "God sitting upon his throne," visibly moving through
the heavens, of which the sun is the (male) similitude; as, Fig. 5. said by the Egyptians to be
the Sun, . . . as also Floeese or the Moon, the Earth and the Sun in their annual revolutions.
Then we have the Egyptian God Ptah / Pth, compared with Biblical Phut / Put / Phthouth.
Ptah is embodied in the sacred bull,
Apis (deity) that represents Egyptus Pharaoh offspring;
thus note carefully P of GP pre-publication  manuscripts: elder Egyptus shown as
In Egyptian
Hieroglyphics "Z" symbolized as a door bolt; that used in the Egyptian religion
to secure false doors which were believed to allow a deceased's spirit to move between
the afterlife and the living world; door bolt of two eyes:
Horus udjat eye and Sun Eye of Ra,
(sacred doors of devotion & meditation as used to pass through into the presence of God);
an independent goddess (female) representation of the disk of the Sun, acting as a mother.
(Ptah; as naked dwarf and deformed: matches
Vamana | Vishnu* Avatar, Dwarf Incarnation.)
Zodiac balance sign of Justice: Libra (constellation) Is in Fig. 16 & 17;  Facsimile 2;
in combination with the three additional drawings that are also duplicated in both frames.
Twelve constellations, as astrological signs, in which the outcome of an event, like a birth,
are affected by the zodiacal positions of Sun, Moon, and planets, is evolutionary astronomy.
This is directly contradicted by the inspired commentary in Kirtland Egyptian Papers, seen
from a professional genealogical research standpoint. Hugh Winder Nibley put the Prophet,
Seer, Revelator, & Translator, Joseph Smith, Jr., in a very unprofessional light, suggesting:
that the Grammar was "of no practical value whatever"; or, expanding on Jay Todd's false
argument, suggesting that the Alphabet and Grammar materials were largely an uninspired
production of Joseph Smith's scribes, which is denial of all real content contained therein.
When the Prophet Joseph said about Fig. 8, Contains writings that cannot be revealed unto
the world, but is to be had in the Holy Temple of God; it clearly means that Joseph knew
all things pertaining to the Endowment and all ordinances related thereto. And additionally,
when the Prophet Joseph said, beginning with Fig 9., and repeated on through Fig. 21, that
information Ought not to be revealed at the present time . . . Also . . . If the world can find
out these numbers, so let it be. Amen. . . . will be given in the own due time of the Lord; it
is exceedingly self evident that the said Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr., did himself well know
what should then not be presently revealed; as well as, since Abraham and Methuselah did
know concerning the Planet Kolob (being Seers themselves); so was it revealed to Joseph;
as also it was forbidden to reveal the location of the City of Enoch taken up unto Heaven.
J. T. MILIK The Books of Enoch - Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4 pdf
Google™ Drive
(Note: Abraham 3:1–28, particularly Abraham 3: 13, And he said unto me: This is Shinehah,
which is the sun. And he said unto me: Kokob, which is star. And he said unto me: Olea,
which is the moon. And he said unto me: Kokaubeam, which signifies stars, or all the great
lights, which were in the firmament of heaven. Compare this factual evidence that is given
in the Book of Abraham, with the Aramaic Books of Enoch in Persian and Hellenistic Times
that mentions in Chapter I, part of comprehensive Introduction of The Astronomical Book,
page 20, under note 3., that This passage of George The Syncellus | Byzantine Scholar . . .
"has been summarized by
George Cedrenus: .  . . A clear reference to the last section of the
Astronomical Book of Enoch, which lists many names of angels, presiding stars, seasons,
and days  . . . . The passage in {Synkellos} on the role of the angel Kôkab'el, '
Star of God'
(quoted below, p. 319), also refers no doubt to the final part of the astronomical document
which described the movements of the stars; see Enastr(d), below, pp. 296-7." References:
Enoch from Antiquity to the Middle Ages / Book Note / From Judaism, Christianity, & Islam.
Scribal Revelations in Ancient Judaism, in note 35: Descriptions of diseases mention the
"seed" or "sperm" of the stars {rihût kakkabim}. Compare Kokaubeam which signifies stars.
See also note 435 in
Astral Magic in Babylonia and Full text of "Astral Magic in Babylonia".
Under Section 6. The Scribe of Enoch, a "book of remembrance" (spr dkrwn) is mentioned.
So, Adam predicted whatsoever should befall his posterity unto the latest generation. These
things were all written in the book of Enoch, and are to be testified of in due time {D&C 116}
The History and Doctrine of the Adam-ondi-Ahman Revelation | Religious Studies Center.)
(NASA notes:
Gravity is a force of attraction that exists between any two masses, any two
bodies, any two particles; an attraction that exists between all objects, everywhere in the
Newton's Law: "it is proportional to the product of the two masses and inversely
proportional to the square of the distance between their centers." Nevertheless,
Jesus did
walk upon water and had power over all elements. {Einstein theorized gravity was a result
of objects responding to the effect on the space-time around them.} Additionally, certain
other people could manipulate gravity at will, according to sacred scripture, such as John
the Beloved, and The Three Nephites; as well as the great
City of Enoch, of ancient times.
Of critical scientific importance, from the Book of Mormon, 3 Nephi 28: 39, is: "and that the
powers of the earth could not hold them"; i.e.,
they were not subject to normal gravitation;
which indicates Newton's Law and Einstein's
Gravity as Curved Spacetime are invalidated.}
Puzzling Content in the Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar - Arise from the Dust should more
correctly be renamed Puzzling format and multiple blank pages and missing inserts in . . .
Grammar and Alphabet of the Egyptian Language, circa July–circa November 1835, Page 0.
There is no indication in this record source that the full sense of the writers was conveyed.
The record itself adds the following to the scriptures, in a very haphazard manner; namely,
that man's first place of residence here upon the earth was a place of happiness, of purity,
holiness & rest; that first man Adam was the father of fathers; that our Abraham was father
of many nations, a prince of peace, & one who kept the commandments of God; a patriarch,
rightful heir, a high priest; that Ah lish is The first Being --- supreme intelligence, supreme
power supreme glory, supreme Justice, supreme mercy, without beginning of life or end of
life, comprehending all things, seeing all things, the invisible and eternal godhead; (that
this statement itself contradicts and invalidates the Big Bang origination of the universe);
that the first man, or Adam, had the Keys or right over Patriarchal rights by ordination; that
Adam had the largest reign, dominion, possession, power; a King with universal dominion
over all the earth; that the tradition of embalming was initiated by Ham and his posterity;
the open warfare in the Egyptian Gods and the loss of an Eye mimic the transgression
of Ham in having Kingly blessings and the posterity of Shem having the Priestly blessings;
Egyptians believed that death, or going down into the grave was misery and Hell; that
Patriarchal Priesthood provided opportunity to become sanctified and see the face of God;
that the first blessings of men were part of the first blessings of the church in Noah's time;
that the first inhabitants in the Garden of Eden were also part of first Church generations;
that there were roads and highways constructed to the locations where altars were placed;
that it was possible to determine the lineage and chronology of the Patriarchs until Adam;
that being taught more perfectly or well educated as a female was virtuous and beautiful;
that all women bearing children represent Mother Earth yielding its fruit and multiplying;
that the land of Egypt was discovered by a woman, who afterwards settled persons in it;
that going up to some particular place, climbing, also included ascending towards the sun;
(that this would indicate that the Sun is a ministering of Angels Celestial Planetary Star,
as there appears to be a direct correlation between Facsimile 2, and Figures 5, 6, and 7;
with Fig. 6. Represents this earth in its four quarters; and, the Revelation Chapter 7:1- KJV:
And after these things, I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding
the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea,
nor on any tree.
Section 77 & Book of Revelation Scholarship | Religious Studies Center).
Enochic Book of Parables (1 En 37-71) says that "their movement (that is, of the heavenly
bodies) is according to the number of the angels" (1 En 43:2). Book of Enoch: 2: Parables.
(Research Note: Wind is the movement of air caused by the sun's uneven heating of the
Earth's surface and the Earth's rotation. This implies immediate cessation of Earth orbital
rotation, and neutral pressure gradient upon the whole surface of an immobilized world;
including additional cessation of Moon orbit and rotation to stop all sea tidal movements,
completely shutting down
Global Wind Power Tracker - Global Energy Monitor resources;
as well as cause intense Air Stagnation atmospheric pollution, and a lack of precipitation
causing rivers & streams to dry up; with waste products recycling becoming
that the Egyptian Alphabet included mention of physical senses, like visual sight, smell,
sound, taste, touch, balance, the extended body awareness, and internal body awareness;
in the beginning, the earth had its rivers, brooks, & springs, with its blessings of fruit,
trees and flowers, herbs and plants, beasts & birds; that all this contradicts all evolutions;
that there is a record kept of all recognized autonomous branches of language descent;
that the Egyptian language included multiplication, addition, subtraction, and divisions;
that there is light within the earth, from the beginning, or at its creation, as a spirit body;
that the Egyptian Alphabet characters represent sentences orderly expanded or lessened
according to their location in five individual sets, increased into five sentences; up to 625;
that various characters can have more than one sound or duplicate written word formation;
(that according to
Digital Giza | Ancient Egyptian Writing, the base set of hieroglyphic signs
totals around 750, with variations on them that numbers into the thousands. Hieroglyphs
are not "letters" in the same sense as the English alphabet. Individual hieroglyphic signs
do not necessarily correspond to the sound of one modern letter {though a small number
of them do}. Some characters are equivalent to two, three, even more letters and sounds --
& some have no sound at all, but instead visually help to classify the meaning of a word.
An AI Overview of the Latter-day Saint {LDS} understanding of ancient Egyptian language
"character degrees" suggest different levels of meaning associated with each hieroglyphic
symbol, often categorized into five degrees, with each degree representing a deeper or
more spiritual interpretation of the symbol; going back to, or descending from First Father
Adam and His Book of Remembrance; encompassing all the various degrees of salvation,
{for transmission of light and knowledge unto all of his posterity who obtain preservation
in Three Degrees of the Celestial Kingdom; or, the Terrestrial 4th & Telestial 5th Degrees};
that the language is so constructed as to place God the Eternal Father (Ahman) and Jesus
the Christ, by the Power of the Voice of the Holy Ghost, as linchpin of all communications
Having been united; being united that which will be united, one glory above all other
glories, as the sun excels the Moon in light, this glory excels being filled; with the same
glory equality so as to see and behold the Face of God; the Sun as a male Celestial bull;
that the earth, Jah-oh-eh, is under the tripartite influences from the governing powers of
Oliblish, Enish go on dosh, and Kai-e-van rash; which are the grand key or in other words,
the governing power which governs the fifteen fixed stars; meaning that the Sun transmits
the glory from God via Kolob by multidirectional influences to the receiving Earth & Moon;
as Earth transitions from first, creation; to Telestial, Terrestrial and final Celestial exaltation;
that Kli flosisis signifies Kolob in its motion, that is swifter than the rest of the twelve stars;
that Alkabeth, angels in an unalterable and immortal State; men after they are raised from
the dead, and translated unalterable state; absolutely and with absolute certitude verifies
that there is NO transmission between the Three Degrees of Glory after death; neither can
there be a Big Bang beginning to the Universe or an end thereof, for UNALTERABLE beings;
that the fifth high priest from Adam validates the ancient Patriarchal Order had priesthood;
that Jah-oh-eh -- The earth and power of attraction it has with the third fixed star, which is
called Kai=e ven-rash; indicating thereby a suggested gravitational pull with planet earth;
that Flos-isis, being the light cheering the face of Millions of planets: extended times; that
Kolob signifies the highest degree of power in government, pertaining to heavenly bodies;
that Ebethkuaintrieth is a place beyond this earth, a future place of existence, a place of
residence beyond this earth; the celestial world; the heavenly bodies; the earth in its most
sanctified state as it shall be in eternity; (that invalidates the false death of the Universe.);
that Hahdees, kingdom of wickedness, has power only in extent of its transitional duration;
that Flo=ees the Moon, boroweth light, is the lesser light, irrespective of its orbital motion;
that Ahme=os= is God without beginning or end; that God presides in an infinite Universe;
that Dah tu Hah dees, kingdom without glory, dominion of darkness, has degrees and parts;
that Jah=oheh is the earth including its affinity with the other planets; with their governing
powers: which are fifteen: the earth, the sun, and the moon, first in their affinity; including
one power. Flo ees is the moon in its affinity with the sun, & the earth. Flos=isis is the King
of day: or central moving planet, from which those other governing moving planets receive
their light; whereas Kliflosisis signifies time; then there is Vehklifloisis, the fifth planet, or
fixed star in its motion; namely Limdi, whose cubit measure motion is six days to one cubit;
that the Lord is Blessing Joseph with Power to reveal the mysteries of the kingdom of God;
to translate through the Urim & Thummim Ancient records & Hyeroglyphics . . . W. Woodruff
Comparison of Characters - The Joseph Smith Papers: R4 Table of Contents (
from The Joseph Smith Papers: Revelations and Translations Volume 4 Book of Abraham.
Grand design spiral galaxy: Ask Ethan: What explains the Fibonacci sequence?  Big Think.
Urim and Thummim: Lights and Perfection; and Genealogy.]
Aug 24 The Transformative Power and Blessings of the Children & Youth Program (CYD)
Spiritually: . . . and be consciously engaged in family history work. I have been able to
complete my family tree to the ninth generation and have extended it to my in-laws.
Now my family tree is as large as an Obeche tree. [Triplochiton scleroxylon - Alchetron]
Sep 24 No Longer Lonely: 7 Ways to Connect: Participate in temple and family history work.
Sep 24 The De’Beauville Family: A Legacy of Love and Service
Oct 24 My Family History Journey
Oct 24 Check Out the New FamilySearch Africa Website: Africa Home Page • FamilySearch
Oct 24
How the Restored Gospel Turned My Heart to My Parents and the Lord
Oct 24 Family History Work: Our Journey of Faith and Connection
Oct 24 Helping to Gather Israel as a Service Missionary
Oct 24
Newport Gwent Chapel Opens its Doors to Local Charities . . .
The final group it supports is the Gwent Family History Society. . . . Gwent Family History
use the computers and run a zoom link from the building which is recorded and shared
on their social media pages.
Oct 24 The Blessings of a Mother’s Journal
Oct 24 Share Your Stories in the Liahona Local Pages
Oct 24
The Church Educational System: Preparing Students for a Life of Service
Nov 24 November 2024 October 2024 [General Conference]
Nov 24 Mortality Works!
Dec 24 Sharing Our Saviour’s Love Through Family History

Dec 24
Patriarchal Blessings: Is It Too Late to Receive One? . . .
But President Russell M. Nelson emphasized that this declaration of lineage--
whether literal or through adoption--personalizes our connection to Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob, It teaches us that we are "children of the covenant" (3 Nephi 20-26).

↑ upΛ

For the Strength of Youth 2024
Mar 24: Find strength in Jesus Christ through the articles in this special issue magazine.
[Research Note:
RootsTech • FamilySearch was presented 29 Feb 2024 - 02 Mar 2024; it
did "provide meaningful connections through a deeper understanding of family history
and genealogy." Class Schedule Preview shows 27 DNA results. A Search of RootsTech
On-Demand Library reveals an added 289 results.
The Science of Molecular Genealogy
suggests: "Molecular science can help genealogists uncover previously unknown family
relationships, verify or refute claims to ancestry, and shed light on questions that have
puzzled family historians for years." There are however, scientific limitations involved,
when considering Latter-day Saint, or Christian belief systems, based upon Bible text;
showing The Internal Consistency and Historical Reliability of the Biblical Genealogies.
Scott Ray Woodward (biologist)] extracted and typed DNA going back millions of years?
Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His
EASTER resurrection, validated by LDS (D&C 138),
suggest serious reconsiderations on the actual value of DNA studies, extrapolated back
in temporal time. Foremost of all, What are resurrected bodies like?, declares they are
physical; and thus, no physical bodies upon the earth for molecular science to evaluate.
Moroni, who lived in the fifth century AD, additionally is a physically resurrected being.
So what is left of the ancient molecular past, to scientifically evaluate, are remains from
wicked societies, and social environments, destined for a future Telestial or Terrestrial
eternal existence. All these societies, except for Noah and his family relationships, had
disruptive global flood experiences, degrading and altering their molecular body purity
(as well as a stated corruption of all flesh, intermingled between animals and humans).
Additionally, all spirit is matter, but it is more refined and pure, such that it is infinitely
incapable of being measured by modern technological instruments; nor by DNA data.
God of course knows all of His spirit children, and knows from the beginnings of their
spiritual birth in heaven; thus He knows the past, present and future of the Universe,
knowing beforehand, the beginnings and ends of all the works of His own Creations.

In conclusion then, What Truths Do 1 Nephi and 2 Nephi Teach Us about Jesus Christ?
The Book of Mormon is the greatest primary witness on the face of the earth to validate
the authenticity of the Ancient Biblical Record, with Moroni as the greatest key witness.
The Prophet Moroni testifies emphatically that the Theory of Evolution is so completely
false, as noted in Line upon Line: Moroni 10:3–5. Behold, I would exhort you, that when
ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that ye would
remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men, from the creation
of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things, and ponder it in your
hearts. . . . And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things. . . .
The key element of this witness testimony concerning the real mortal existence of Adam,
and the factual evidence of the creation of the earth, and all the subsequent related things
thereto, is clearly stated within The Book of Ether. Moroni specifically abridged the record
of the Jaredites. Therefore, from a professional genealogical research specialist standpoint,
he is an intimate, personally involved, eye-witness to this account of those twenty and four
plates which were found by the people of Limhi, which is called the Book of Ether. Moroni
mentions: "And as I suppose that the first part of this record, which speaks concerning the
creation of the world, and also of Adam, and an account from that time even to the great
tower, and whatsoever things transpired among the children of men until that time, is had
among the Jews-- Therefore I do not write those things which transpired from the days of
Adam until that time; but they are had upon the plates; and whoso findeth them, the same
will have power that he may get the full account" (as they are written in Adamic language).
Legal Records, the Brass Plates, held in the originating possession of Laban,
contained not only the Jewish scriptures, but also Lehi's own genealogy back to Joseph
in Egypt. From a dispassionate, professional genealogical research specialist standpoint,
this directly relates to the genealogical Truths taught in 1 Nephi and 2 Nephi, Moroni had
access to the Brass Plates of Laban and knew that those records came forth out of the City
of Jerusalem; and were handed down intact by the seed of originating Nephite father Lehi.
Nevertheless, the very false theory, or secular doctrine of Evolution is currently, and very
openly, and proudly; blatantly expounded upon, by open-minded "scientific" leadership,
from the sacred halls of learning, at
Brigham Young University. Yet, Nephi, son of Lehi,
had a vision of great significance, recorded in
1 Nephi 13:20–42: Plain and Precious Truths.
In particular, from a genealogical research standpoint, 1 Nephi 13: 23, the Gentiles, or us,
today, had a book, which an angel from the Throne of God in Heaven declared, stating:
Behold it proceedeth out of the mouth of a Jew (collectively, the ancestry of the Jews).
"The book that thou beholdest is a record of the Jews, which contains the covenants
of the Lord, which he hath made unto the house of Israel (from Old Testament times);
and it also containeth many of the prophecies of the holy prophets; and it is a record
like unto the engravings which are upon the plates of brass, save there are not so many;
nevertheless, they contain the covenants of the Lord, which he hath made unto the house
of Israel; wherefore, they are of great worth unto the Gentiles."
Organic Evolution is false.

Witnesses of the Gold Plates of the Book of Mormon and Witness Evidence:
The Book of Mormon: A Guide for the Old Testament
The Book of Mormon As a Witness of the Old Testament
Ether 1 . . . twenty and four plates . . . called the Book of Ether
. . . (I, Moroni) suppose that the first part of this record, which speaks concerning
the creation of the world, and also of Adam, and an account from that time even
to the great tower (
Tower of Babel), and whatsoever things transpired among the
children of men until that time, is had among the Jews-- Therefore I do not write
those things which transpired from the days of Adam until that time; but they are
had upon the plates; and whoso findeth them, the same will have power that he
may get the full account. But behold, I give not the full account, but a part of the
account I give, from the tower down until they were destroyed. . . .
Appendix 4: Testimony of Three Witnesses, Late June 1829, P. 589 . . . Historical
Introduction . . . Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris testified . . .
Decades later, David Whitmer added, "We not only saw the plates of the B[ook]
of M[ormon] but also the Brass plates, the Plates of the Book of ether, the Plates
containing the Record of the wickedness of the people of the world, and many
other plates." The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for the "Brass Plates of Laban"
. . . and thus my father lehi did discover the genealogy of his fathers and Laban
also was a desendant of joseph (Of the land of egypt) wherefore he and his fathers
had kept the records . . . that these plate of brass Should go forth unto all nations
kindreds tongues and people Which ware of his seed wherefore he said that these
plate of brass should never perish neither should they be dimd Any more by time
The Plates of Brass: A Witness of Christ (The Joseph Smith Papers: Search for "Plates")
The Savior’s Use of the Old Testament "This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears."]
May 24 April 2024 [General Conference]: Conference Wallpapers
June 24 Connect [Research Note:
Law of Sacrifice – Church News notes John the Baptist
prophesied that the Aaronic Priesthood would never again be taken from the earth
"until the sons of Levi do offer again an offering unto the Lord in righteousness." Moses
gave the Law unto ancient Israel, where the Aaronic Priesthood ordinances prevailed,
which included the death penalty for unfaithful married adults, and all their consorts.
Moreover, single couples having relations without betrothal, required a subsequent
permanent marriage, one that could not be annulled or cancelled. It was to the Aaronic
Priesthood leadership, therefore, that Jesus Christ said: "Verily, verily, I say unto you
that whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her
to commit adultery, and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery."
Therefore, marriage, even in Aaronic Priesthood leadership times, was holy and sacred,
and the object thereof was for a perpetuation of pure family relationships and posterity.
We Believe in Keeping the Ten Commandments, which includes: "Honor thy father and
thy mother as the Lord, thy God, hath commanded thee, that thy days may be prolonged
and that it may go well with thee in the land which the Lord thy God, giveth thee." Thus,
all anti-Semitism originates from a rejection of Israel's
Yahweh: His Ten Commandments.]
June 24 "
My dad died not long ago. How can I feel happy again? He was my best friend."
. . . "Since my dad passed away, I have found that going to do proxy baptisms
at the temple helps me be happy. It is not always easy to remember the good
memories when you are sad. However, you can be a little happier each day
by doing service for others like temple and family history work." Ivory M., 13, Iowa, USA
July 24 Your Patriarchal Blessing . . . Declares your lineage in the house of Israel.
Aug 24
A Plan of Mercy . . . Heavenly Father's Plan . . . During This Life . . . Agency:
All people are born with the Light of Christ--that is, conscience or a basic sense of right
and wrong. Heavenly Father has also given all people the ability to act for themselves
and to choose good or evil.  [Research Note: From a genealogical research standpoint,
accountability to individuals acting for themselves, to choose good or evil, begins when
a person reaches the age of eight years of age, and all actions prior to that time period,
are covered under the Plan of Mercy of Jesus Christ. Developmentally disabled children
sometimes are born who never obtain the physical capacity to choose right from wrong.
Additionally, due to external mortal events, other children are harmed or injured in life
and have restrictive capacity of being able to comprehend true reality; as well as those
who have never been taught the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in this mortal life.
Significantly, during The Millennium, Satan will be Bound, and he will not have power
to tempt those who are living at that time. The "children shall grow up without sin unto
salvation"; and the earth shall be given unto them for an inheritance; and they shall
multiply and wax strong, and their children shall grow up without sin unto salvation.
During the Millennium, there will be no physical death; instead: mortal to immortality.
The Book of Remembrance containing all of the posterity of Adam will be revealed,
and all Temple Records of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will be fully
corrected, with all research mistakes removed for billions of inhabitants of the earth;
for all past, present, and future generations; including designations in future Kingdoms.
This is contained in the Sealed Portion of the Book of Mormon, written by the brother
of Jared, even Mahonri Moriancumer; who recorded his vision of all the inhabitants
of the earth from the beginning to the end; all things from the foundation of the world
unto the end thereof; which are only allowed to be manifested unto the truly sanctified.]
Sep 24 Seize Your Days . . . You can help discover ancestors in amazing ways
and help those who have passed on receive ordinances in the temple.
Nov 24 November 2024 October 2024 [General Conference]: Conference Wallpapers

↑ upΛ

Liahona 2023
Jan 23
The Light of Life . . . My precious wife, Barbara, passed away in 2018.
How grateful I am to know that because of our temple sealing and because
of Jesus Christ, we will be together again, with our family, for all eternity.
Jan 23 Families Are Eternal
Jan 23 Recognizing and Healing from Generational Trauma
Jan 23 Come Home
Feb 23 The Blessings and Importance of Family History
            Recent Messages from Prophets and Apostles.
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Global Linked Data Listing of Selected Reference Library Guides; etc.
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Feb 23 Finding Joy in Indexing When Reading the Records Was Hard
Feb 23
A Conversation about Precious Stories
Feb 23 Back to their Roots in England for New Leeds Mission Leaders
Feb 23 William Tyndale’s Descendant Performs in Commemorative Concert
Mar 23
How the Temple Helped Me in My Grief
Mar 23
Eyes Fixed Firmly on the Light of the Temple
Mar 23 One Name at a Time . . . Saints in Loganholme, Brisbane are enjoying indexing
genealogical records, which is helping family history enthusiasts all over the world.
Mar 23 A Conversation about Precious Stories
Apr 23
Making Easter a Time to Remember the Savior . . . Saturday . . .
When we do family history and temple work, we join with Christ in His saving work.
Apr 23 Why Was I Indexing the Hardest Names?
Apr 23
Revelation: The Key to Finding Truth . . . We can increase our ability to feel
and discern inspired revelation by striving to keep the commandments,
attending the temple, and doing family history work.
Apr 23
How Can We Find Truth in a Sea of Information? [Research Note: The best
Hoax-Slayer never closes, or fails to expose false doctrine, as it reveals all the truth,
as found in
Doctrine and Covenants 88, beginning with verse 11. And the light which
shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who enlighteneth your eye, which is
the same light that quickeneth your understanding; to verse 66 . . . my voice, because
my voice is Spirit; my Spirit is truth; truth abideth and hath no end; and if it be in you
it shall abound. Then, in verse 67. And if your eye be single to my glory, your whole
bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body
which is filled with light comprehendeth all things.
Line upon Line: Moses 1:39: God,
the Mighty Lord revealed, For behold, this is my work and my glory--to bring to pass
the immortality and eternal life of man. And every person, to become exalted, must
follow in the footsteps of the Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, and say and do His words, as
Moses 4: . . . Father, thy will be done, and the glory be thine forever. Obtaining all
of the total intelligence of the Universe, comes from believing in the Lord Jesus Christ.
As mentioned in KJV Mark 12:27-34 . . . And one of the scribes came, and having heard
them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him,
Which is the first commandment of all?
And Jesus answered him, (very respectfully),
The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel, The Lord our God is one Lord:
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with
all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. And the second
is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other
commandment greater than these. And the scribe (very respectfully)
said unto him,
Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one God; and there is none other
but he: And to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with
all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbour as himself, is more
than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices. And when Jesus saw that he answered
discreetly, he said unto him, Thou art not far from the kingdom of God. And no man
after that durst ask him any question. All Education in Truth is based upon the infinite
Words of Our Lord and Master, the King of the Jews, the Messiah of all the Universe.
The continuing verse 35 statement, "
And Jesus answered and said", indicates very
clearly, that the context of Mark's writings are surviving primary witness transcripts.
This is confirmed in JST Luke 1:1-2  As I am a messenger of Jesus Christ, and knowing
that many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things
which are most surely believed among us. Even as they delivered them unto us,
who from the beginning were eyewitnesses and ministers of the word; . . . Saint Luke's
testimony covers the early history of the parentage of John the Baptist. This invalidates
the Introductory statement in
Gospel of Mark - Biblical Studies - Oxford Bibliographies,
which suggests "The consensus of scholarly opinion is that Mark's gospel was composed
either in the mid-60s or shortly after 70 CE" (Using CE, or Common Era, denies the great,
holy testimony of Jesus Christ, as the living Son of God, the Eternal Father. And secular,
Gentile academia, Jewish academics, and current science based, anti-Christians, fully
reject the true AD, for Anno Domini, which is Latin for "in the year of the Lord"), in Rome
or in Syria. The recognition that Mark's was the first gospel arose from (hollow) quests
for the
Historical Jesus; based upon irreligious, denigrating, critical historical methods.
On the other hand, Non- Christian sources for the historicity of Jesus mention
Tacitus, Mara bar Serapion, Suetonius, The Talmud, Abgar V-Tiberius Correspondence,
and Minor sources:
Pliny the Younger, Thallus, Phlegon of Tralles, Philo, Celsus, etc.
Sextus Julius Africanus. writing circa A. D. 221, links a reference in the third book
of the History, to the period of darkness described in the crucifixion accounts in three
of the Gospels; being the earliest non canonical reference to a gospel episode. {He
writes: "On the whole world there pressed a most fearful darkness; and the rocks were
rent by an earthquake, and many places in Judea and other districts were thrown down.
This darkness Thallus in the third book of his History, calls, as appears to me without
reason, an eclipse of the sun." . . . "The
context in Julius shows that he is refuting Thallos'
argument that the darkness is not religiously significant."} Julius influenced
Chronicon (Eusebius) (written in A. D. 4th century), records what Phlegon said verbatim.
"Now, in the fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad [A. D. 32], a great eclipse of the sun
occurred at the sixth hour [noon] that excelled every other before it, turning the day
into such darkness of night that the stars could be seen in heaven, and earth moved
Bithynia, (in present day Turkey), topping many buildings in the city of Nicaea."
Tertullian, of The Tertullian Project, mentions in Apologeticus, referring to records
from the Roman Archives which back up the account of the
Crucifixion darkness:
Tempests, earthquakes, fires, whirlwinds, & physical upheavals attest Christ's crucifixion.
Roman historiography notes, in the annalistic tradition, histories written year-by-year,
containing names of public officials, events, and omens such as eclipses; etc. It is given
in non-biblical sources, that an earthquake and darkness accompanied His death; re:
Top Ten Historical References to Jesus Outside of the Bible – Bible Archaeology Report.
See also: Jesus Outside the New Testament: An Introduction to the Ancient Evidence;
additionally: Jesus Outside the New Testament: An Introduction to the Ancient Evidence
(Studying the Historical Jesus): Van Voorst, Robert E.: 9780802843685: Books
To this can be added, as special reference,
1 Kings 19:9-13 KJV, an experience of Elijah:
And he came thither unto a cave, and lodged there; and, behold, the word of the LORD
came to him, and he said unto him, (1) What doest thou here,
Elijah? . . . And he said,
Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the LORD. And, behold, the Lord passed by,
and a great and strong wind rent the MOUNTAINS, and brake in pieces the rocks before
the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake;
but the LORD was not in the earthquake: And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD
was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice. (Spirit) And it was so, when Elijah
heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering
in of the cave. And behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thou here,
Elijah? (2) The Crucifixion darkness was definitely caused by the power of the Holy Ghost;
of the Holy offended
One: the provoked and wrathful Voice of God, the Eternal Father.]
Apr 23
Service Missionaries Building the Church . . . Genealogical Missionaries
Apr 23
Merthyr Tydfil Sisters Focus on the Temple
Apr 23 The Lord Will Do The Rest
Family history research in the nineteenth century was very difficult.
Apr 23 “You’ve Never Had It So Good”
. . . The development of the Internet has given us access to a myriad of records
containing family history information--but this is all very new.
Apr 23 Europe North Area Presidency Announces British Pageant for Summer 2023
". . . This truly is an opportunity to turn our hearts to our families,
our friends, our forebears and especially to our Saviour."
Apr 23 Belfast Northern Ireland Stake Hosts Annual Remembrance Service
Apr 23 Called to Remember
Because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, our goodbyes are only temporary.
May 23 April 2023 [
General Conference]
May 23 The Work of the Temple and Family History—One and the Same Work
June 23
Uncles and Aunts—an Important Strength for the Family
June 23
Blessings of Making and Keeping Temple Covenants
June 23
Daniel and Thérèse Kola: ‘We had that joy in our hearts’
June 23 An Extraordinary Missionary . . .
His greatest love was the BillionGraves project, .  . .
June 23 A Once-in-a-Lifetime Youth Temple Trip . . . In preparation for the trip,
the youth had searched their family trees to find ancestors in need
of temple work and had collected names from ward members.
July 23 Promptings in the Temple . . . President Russell M. Nelson said, "We can be
inspired all day long about temple and family history experiences others have had.
But we must do something to actually experience the joy ourselves."
July 23 Gathering All to the Temple . . . 3. Family History . . .
July 23
Retired Couple Serves Tasmanian Families by Restoring Cemetery Markers
July 23
Northernmost FamilySearch Centre Opens in Alnwick
Aug 23 Letting Your Family History Change You for the Better
Aug 23 Before the Next Library Burns to the Ground
Aug 23
Our Love for Temple Work . . . I truly am grateful to have been born at this time,
to have the gospel in my life, and to be involved in doing temple work for my ancestors.
[Research Note:
Work for the Dead notes that President Brigham Young clearly said that
during the millennium those on the other side (of the veil who are temporally deceased),
will work hand in hand with those in mortality and will furnish all the names of the dead
which we are unable to obtain through our research, and thus every soul that is entitled
to these blessings shall be ferreted out and his (and her) work done for him (or her).
who have died before the age of eight years of age will not be required to be baptized,
due to the atonement of Jesus Christ, for their sakes; they are cleansed by His sacrifice,
before the Courts of Heaven. As noted by
Section 76, The Vision of the Degrees of Glory,
it appeared to the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr., as
self-evident, from what truths were left,
that if God rewarded every one according to the deeds done in the body: term 'Heaven',
as intended for the
Saints' eternal home must include more kingdoms than one. Thus, it
is plainly
self-evident, that those who are obedient to Telestial Law; they must receive a
portion of the Temple endowment that is necessary to abide legally and lawfully within
a Telestial Kingdom; being entitled to the Spirit of the Lord, as administered by Aaronic
Priesthood Authority; likewise, those
Saints, entering into the Christian covenants, who
acquire the status of
Terrestrial Glory, and therefore abide the presence of Lord Messiah,
will be partially endowed, to endure His Glory, by Melchizedek Priesthood Authority. So
this is why these Telestial and Terrestrial individuals can never progress from Kingdom
to Kingdom, after the Judgment and Resurrection from the Dead; because they will be
only given and be able to abide in the fullness of their Holy, partially given endowments.
God is Just. Therefore, Every Knee Shall Bow Every Tongue Shall Confess Jesus as Lord.
It should be mentioned for clarity, that Celestial Parents, or couples, within a Patriarchal
Priesthood Sealing Lineage, can descend down to visit with their eternal posterity, into
the Telestial, or Terrestrial Kingdoms, (withholding the manifestation of their full glory);
nevertheless, all within individual Telestial, or congregational Terrestrial parameters.]
Sep 23 Brothers and Sisters in the Lord . . . These noble sisters and brothers help gather
Israel through missionary service, prepare us to meet God through priesthood and family
service, unite families for eternity through temple and family history service, and minister
to those in need through welfare and self-reliance service.
Sep 23 Participating in the Work of Salvation and Exaltation—
Recent Messages from Prophets, Apostles, and Other Church Leaders . . .
Discover Family Stories ". . . We encourage you to discover them; and remember,
family history isn't all about the distant past. It is a combination of the past
and the present that makes you uniquely you."
Sep 23 15 Ways to Create Joy When You Feel Lonely
Sep 23 Taipei, Taiwan . . . FamilySearch is available in Chinese and 29 other languages.
Sep 23 The Importance of God’s Temple in Your Life
Sep 23 Temple Trip for Nine from the Saint Lucia Branch
Sep 23 Manchester Missionary Pays Tribute
to Great-Grandfather in Remembrance Day Service
Sep 23 The Blessings and Importance of Temple and Family History Work
Sep 23 An Angel and a Promise . . . Moroni's visit to Joseph Smith 200 years ago
launched he work of the Restoration, introduced Joseph to the Book of Mormon,
and laid the foundation for Elijah's return and the work of saving Israel on both sides
of the veil. . . . both established the doctrinal foundation for the work of salvation
and exaltation on both sides of the veil.
Oct 23
Connecting with Those beyond the Veil . . . When we gather our family histories
and go to the temple on behalf of our ancestors, God fulfills many of these promised
blessings simultaneously on both sides of the veil.
Oct 23
FamilySearch Helps Connect Communities and Families in Birmingham . . .
The Church provides FamilySearch free of charge to everyone, regardless of tradition,
culture, or religious affiliation. FamilySearch resources help millions of people around
the world discover their heritage and connect with family members.
Oct 23
Learning at the Feet of the Prophet . . . the The Joseph Smith Papers Project,
a comprehensive digital collection of the papers of Joseph Smith, Jr., provides (a real),
unprecedented access to the Prophet of the Restoration, (by the power of the Holy Ghost,
and by the Spirit, Power, and Calling of Elijah; the
Power to Seal on Earth and in Heaven).
It allows for a close, unfiltered examination of the Prophet to help people the world over
"know 'Brother Joseph' again." It establishes the standard of historical accuracy for this
era of the Church's history and is a catalyst for Church members to learn "more about their
past than ever before." Recent Projects Helping Church History Come “Out of Obscurity”
Nov 23 October 2023 [
General Conference]
Nov 23
The Sealing Power -  The sealing power makes individual salvation and family
exaltation universally available to the children of God. [Research Note: This elucidated
sealing power is inseparably connected with the
Church of the Firstborn. Celestial Saints
of God dwell in the Father's presence, become like Him, and receive all things from Him;
have part in the First Resurrection and will reign with Christ in the millennium; similar to
the Saints who were residents of Zion in the days of our great patriarchal father
See: The Joseph Smith Papers: "firstborn" Search:
Doctrine and Covenants 93; et cetera.
Jesus Christ presides over all the Holy Priesthood, after the Order of the Son of God; thus,
faithful Saints will receive through Jesus Christ, the
rights of inheritance of the Firstborn,
Adam and Eve, and all their sealed posterity, within the Celestial Patriarchal Order.
Noah, who is Angel Gabriel, is next to Adam in priesthood, or the Patriarchal Priesthood,
as he was the father of all living is his day, and to him was given the dominion. And thus,
for Adam to retain his standing as head of the human family, under the Lord Jesus Christ,
various keys of the Priesthood held in this grand conference, in all dispensations of time,
by all successive church officer leaderships will be returned to Adam, through said Noah,
at Adam-ondi-Ahman. T
he Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. actually saw men, before they had
ascended from the tomb, as though they were getting up slowly. They took each other
by the hand and said to each other, "My father, my son, my mother, my daughter,
my brother, my sister." This would require a Priesthood prerequisite of Patriarchal
Order, reestablished upon the earth, as in the days of Noah, down to all offices of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; before ushering in the Millennium;
and in
The Parable of the Ten Virgins, gathering faithful, wise, prepared virgins.
Glossary Topic: Adam-ondi-Ahman - History - Importance -
Location - Meeting - Savior.
It is very obvious, upon introspection, that the original spelling of A-w-m-e-n, with an "e",
being changed to Awman, and then later to Ahman; it implies definitional feeling sense
of Awe-man, or The Delightful Man; as Ah, by definition and meaning expresses delight.
In other words awe, to the righteous: His Glorious Countenance gives a Fullness of Joy;
as Joseph Smith, Jr. experienced a
fullness of Joy when he saw both Father and Son:
"My soul was filled with love and for many days I could rejoice with great joy and the Lord
was with me" (1832). Ergo, Joseph had the Holy Ghost as his constant aid and companion.
Alexander Neibaur, Journal, 24 May 1844, extract, Page 23, notes Joseph Smith, Jr. "saw
a fire towards heaven came near & nearer | saw a personage in the fire light complexion |
blue eyes a piece of white cloth drawn over | his shoulders his right arm bear after a wile |
a other person came to the side of the first |"
Liahona, October 1993, House of Revelation,
in subsection: Visions of the Father and the Son, in the Newel K. Whitney and Co. store, in
Kirtland, O., notes a sacred experience by
Zebedee Coltrin: "a personage walked through
the room from east to west, and Joseph asked if we saw him. I saw him and suppose the
others did & Joseph answered that is Jesus, the Son of God, our elder brother. Afterward
Joseph told us to resume our former position in prayer (kneeling, with our hands uplifted)
which we did. Another person came through; he was surrounded as with a flame of fire .
. . The Prophet Joseph said this was the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. I saw Him" Also,
John Murdock stated: "I saw the form of a man, most lovely, the visage of his face was
sound and fair as the sun. His hair a bright silver grey, curled in most majestic form.
His eyes a keen penetrating blue, and the skin of his neck a most beautiful white
and he was covered from the neck to the feet with a loose garment, pure white,
whiter than any garment I have ever before seen. His countenance was most
penetrating, and yet most lovely. And while I was endeavoring to comprehend
the whole personage from head to feet it slipped from me, and the vision was
closed up. But it left on my mind the impression of love, for months, that I never
felt before to that degree" (
John Murdock Journal, typescript, BYU archives, page 13.}
The firsthand Nephite witnesses of Christ had similar profound experiences of great joy
and rejoicing; and it seems self evident, after Joseph Smith, Jr., received a complete
forgiveness of all of his sins, that part of the many other things that Jesus Christ did say
to Joseph Smith, Jr., during his First Vision, was the Savior's invitation to Joseph, to feel
the wounds in the body of the Messiah; and being embraced fully by His personal Love.
Parting the Veil: The Visions of Joseph Smith (Contents: The Visions of Joseph Smith).]
Dec 23
You’ve Received Your Endowment. Now What? . . . President Russell M. Nelson
has added to these promises: . . . "I promise that as you increase your time in temple
and family history work, you will increase and improve your ability to hear Him."
Dec 23 115 Names and Titles of Jesus Christ Finding and studying the names
of Jesus Christ will help us draw closer to Him and recognize the ways He can bless
our lives. . . . . . . President Russell M. Nelson has also invited us to "study everything
Jesus Christ is by prayerfully and vigorously seeking to understand what each of His
various titles and names means personally for you. For example, He really is your
Advocate with the Father." (1)
Prophets, Leadership, and Divine Law . . . I have personally
discovered over 500 of them . . . find & study the titles and names of Jesus Christ yourself.
[Research Note: Additional Lists of Online References to Names and Titles of Jesus Christ:
  * 50 Names and Titles of Jesus Christ | Come unto Christ
  * 967 Names and Titles of our God (God's biblical names)
    WebBible Encyclopedia - ChristianAnswers.Net
  * All the Names of Jesus - Bible Resources
  * Names of Christ in the Book of Mormon | Book of Mormon Central
Names of God in Judaism - Wikipedia
  * Names of Jesus (from King James Bible Edition)
  * Names, Titles, and Metaphors of the Lord Jesus Christ - Bible Central
Rolls, Charles J. (Charles Jubilee), 1887-1983; Charles J. Rolls Quotes: Photograph
    Dr. Charles J. Rolls was educated at the
University of Cambridge, England. He was a
    missionary in India and home director for the Sudan Interior Mission for New Zealand
    & Australia. Serving in Brethren assemblies, he wrote a series of 5 books on the names
    and titles of Christ. [The Escalera Echo; Tag Archives: Charles J. Rolls] and References:
    Charles Jubilee Rolls (1887–1983) • FamilySearch:
Charles Jubilee Rolls
    - [
Alpha and Omega | God, Bible, Jesus | Britannica]
      "As the letters of the alphabet are the basis of any written communication, so Christ
        is the 'alphabet' of the spiritual realm. Dr. Rolls explores the innumerable names
        and titles of Jesus Christ, revealing countless facets and attributes of His character
        that thrill the heart and bring to every Christian new wonder and love for our Lord
        Jesus Christ."
      - The Names and Titles of Jesus Christ, The Indescribable Christ: A, B, C, D, E, F, G; Bk 1
      - The Names and Titles of Jesus Christ, World's Greatest Name: H, I, J, K; Bk 2
      - The Names and Titles of Jesus Christ, Time's Noblest Name: L, M, N, O; Bk 3
      - The Names and Titles of Jesus Christ, The Name Above Every Name: P. Q. R. S; Bk 4
      - The Names and Titles of Jesus Christ, His Glorious Name: T to Z;  Bk 5
    - WorldCat® au="Rolls, Charles J." - about 74 Search Results (some available in
  * The Joseph Smith Papers - Search: 2163 Results for "Jesus Christ"
  * The Living Christ - The Testimony of the Apostles
    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Names of Jesus Over 700 names of Jesus to help you really know the Lord you love.]
Dec 23 Preparing to Attend the Temple . . . Returning to the Temple for Your Ancestors
Dec 23
What Are Some Hopeful Signs in the Book of Revelation? . . . God will protect
the house of Israel by sealing them from destruction. The 144,000 from "all the tribes of
the children of Israel" (see
Revelation 7:1-8) will help "bring as many as will come to
the church of the Firstborn" (
Doctrine and Covenants 77: 11). [Research Note: This sealing
High Priest, Melchizedek Priesthood male members, of necessity, being an integral part
of the Church of the Firstborn, implies immediately the full restoration of the
Priesthood, within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, between both sides
of the veil. This further implies the restoration of the Office of the General Church
under the leadership of the
House of Joseph Smith, Sr., with all callings and elections of all
the 144,000 High Priest families made sure; being sealed up unto eternal lives and increase,
both in this world and the world to come; as part of their mission assignment to search out
the various tribes of the Ancient House of Israel, under the sacred direction of all members
of the
Quorum of Twelve Apostles, having direct access by their own Urim and Thummim.]
Dec 23 Ideas for Simple Service . . . FamilySearch . . . Tell Your Story
Dec 23
25 Ideas to Light the World - Help someone research their family genealogy. . . .
Text a photo of a fond memory to a family member; etc.

↑ upΛ

For the Strength of Youth
Jan 23 Gospel Gifts in Guam . . . Franchesca is excited to be able to go to the temple
more often and have the blessings that come from being baptized for her ancestors.
Feb 23
Connect - Cindy V. . . . I really like to do indexing and family history. . . .
Mar 23 Connect - Rikuto I., . . . I used the Family Tree app to learn who my ancestors
were and what their lives were like. I was surprised to learn that one of my ancestors
had been a cavalryman who had guarded a Japanese emperor who lived long ago.
May 23 April 2023 [General Conference]
Aug 23
Continual Conversion - Record Your Triumphs
Aug 23 Ready for My Patriarchal Blessing
Aug 23
He Helps Me Do Hard Things . . . I didn't know much about family history.
I prayed for help, received instructions from the Lord and inspired leaders,
and got to work.
Sep 23
Why do we need to perform baptisms for deceased ancestors? . . .
We can search for records of deceased ancestors and perform baptisms
for them in temples.
Oct 23
Why is it so important to control my language?  . . . James taught,
"If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also
to bridle the whole body" (
James 3: 2). [Research Note: This is the only way
that mankind can fulfill the commandment of Jesus Christ,
Matthew 5:48 KJV:
"Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect."
The last verse in
3 Nephi 12, of the Book of Mormon; namely, verse 48, says,
unequivocally: "Therefore I would that ye should be perfect even as I, or your
Father who is in heaven is perfect." The Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. stated, just
prior to his death, according to the testimony of John Taylor, "I am going like
a lamb to the slaughter; but I am calm as a summer's morning. I have a conscience
void of offense towards God, and towards all men. I shall die innocent, and it shall
yet be said of me: "He was murdered in cold blood". (
D&C 135:4) This statement is
certain testimony, that Joseph Smith, Jr. was able to bridle the whole body. Thus,
he was a perfect man. Perfect love casts out fear, because the
Tongue is controlled.
Jesus Christ said to the rich young man, "If you would be perfect, go, sell what you
possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; come, follow me."
Job, Noah, Abraham, Hezekiah, and all individuals who were
translated, were chosen,
to essentially became Perfect, or overcome the world, in this life, by their obedience
to the commands of God, even in laying down their own lives for the cause of Zion.
Nevertheless, Job was fully aware of his own imperfections, in high self esteem; Noah
however, became inebriated; and Hezekiah became sick and was near death; he cried
with a bitter cry; and the Lord Jehovah heard his prayer, and saw his tears. Therefore,
everyone can become perfect in this life, by the words they speak, if they are the words
of the
Angels in heaven, or the words of Jesus Christ, by which all righteousness is done;
overcoming the world in this life; leading to eternal life and lives in the world to come.
BibleGateway: The disciple is not above his master; but every one that is perfect shall
be as his master.
The Book of Mormon: And again, if ye by the grace of God are perfect
in Christ
, and deny not his power, then are ye sanctified in Christ by the grace of God,
through the shedding of the blood of Christ, which is in the covenant of the Father unto
the remission of your sins, that ye become holy, without spot. All these Saints have their
callings and elections made sure; sealed up, by and through the
Holy Spirit of Promise.]
Nov 23 October 2023 [General Conference]
Nov 23
The Sealing Power -  The sealing power makes individual salvation and family
exaltation universally available to the children of God. [Research Note: This elucidated
sealing power is inseparably connected with the
Church of the Firstborn. Celestial Saints
of God dwell in the Father's presence, become like Him, and receive all things from Him;
have part in the First Resurrection and will reign with Christ in the millennium; similar to
the Saints who were residents of Zion in the days of our great patriarchal father
See: The Joseph Smith Papers: "firstborn" Search:
Doctrine and Covenants 93; et cetera.
Jesus Christ presides over all the Holy Priesthood, after the Order of the Son of God; thus,
faithful Saints will receive through Jesus Christ, the
rights of inheritance of the Firstborn,
Adam and Eve, and all their sealed posterity, within the Celestial Patriarchal Order.
Noah, who is Angel Gabriel, is next to Adam in priesthood, or the Patriarchal Priesthood,
as he was the father of all living is his day, and to him was given the dominion. And thus,
for Adam to retain his standing as head of the human family, under the Lord Jesus Christ,
various keys of the Priesthood held in this grand conference, in all dispensations of time,
by all successive church officer leaderships will be returned to Adam, through said Noah,
at Adam-ondi-Ahman. T
he Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. actually saw men, before they had
ascended from the tomb, as though they were getting up slowly. They took each other
by the hand and said to each other, "My father, my son, my mother, my daughter,
my brother, my sister." This would require a Priesthood prerequisite of Patriarchal
Order, reestablished upon the earth, as in the days of Noah, down to all offices of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; before ushering in the Millennium;
and in The Parable of the Ten Virgins, gathering faithful, wise, prepared virgins.
Glossary Topic: Adam-ondi-Ahman - History - Importance -
Location - Meeting - Savior.
It is very obvious, upon introspection, that the original spelling of A-w-m-e-n, with an "e",
being changed to Awman, and then later to Ahman; it implies definitional feeling sense
of Awe-man, or The Delightful Man; as Ah, by definition and meaning expresses delight.
In other words awe, to the righteous: His Glorious Countenance gives a Fullness of Joy;
as Joseph Smith, Jr. experienced a
fullness of Joy when he saw both Father and Son:
"My soul was filled with love and for many days I could rejoice with great joy and the Lord
was with me" (1832). Ergo, Joseph had the Holy Ghost as his constant aid and companion.
Alexander Neibaur, Journal, 24 May 1844, extract, Page 23, notes Joseph Smith, Jr. "saw
a fire towards heaven came near & nearer | saw a personage in the fire light complexion |
blue eyes a piece of white cloth drawn over | his shoulders his right arm bear after a wile |
a other person came to the side of the first |"
Liahona, October 1993, House of Revelation,
in subsection: Visions of the Father and the Son, in the Newel K. Whitney and Co. store, in
Kirtland, O., notes a sacred experience by
Zebedee Coltrin: "a personage walked through
 the room from east to west, and Joseph asked if we saw him. I saw him and suppose the
others did & Joseph answered that is Jesus, the Son of God, our elder brother. Afterward
Joseph told us to resume our former position in prayer (kneeling, with our hands uplifted)
which we did. Another person came through; he was surrounded as with a flame of fire .
. . The Prophet Joseph said this was the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. I saw Him" Also,
John Murdock stated: "I saw the form of a man, most lovely, the visage of his face was
sound and fair as the sun. His hair a bright silver grey, curled in most majestic form.
His eyes a keen penetrating blue, and the skin of his neck a most beautiful white
and he was covered from the neck to the feet with a loose garment, pure white,
whiter than any garment I have ever before seen. His countenance was most
penetrating, and yet most lovely. And while I was endeavoring to comprehend
the whole personage from head to feet it slipped from me, and the vision was
closed up. But it left on my mind the impression of love, for months, that I never
felt before to that degree" (
John Murdock Journal, typescript, BYU archives, page 13.}
The firsthand Nephite witnesses of Christ had similar profound experiences of great joy
and rejoicing; and it seems self evident, after Joseph Smith, Jr., received a complete
forgiveness of all of his sins, that part of the many other things that Jesus Christ did say
to Joseph Smith, Jr., during his First Vision, was the Savior's invitation to Joseph, to feel
the wounds in the body of the Messiah; and being embraced fully by His personal Love.
Parting the Veil: The Visions of Joseph Smith (Contents: The Visions of Joseph Smith).]
↑ upΛ

Liahona 2022
Creation: The Creation (The Creation) [Doctrine and Covenants 77]
[Research Note:
Doctrine and Covenants 101, verses 32-34, validates
that modern science will never be able to comprehend or ascertain
the origins, or destiny of this earth, the solar system, or the Universe;
except on the principle of valiant service and sacrifice in the cause of
our King Jesus Christ, who will reveal all things at His coming in Glory.
Keys of the Universe are restricted to worthy Celestial administrators,
such as our Ancient of Days, Father
Adam.  When Son Ahman comes,
Adam delivers up his stewardship to Christ, that which was delivered
to him as holding the keys of the Universe, but retains his standing
as head of the human family. The Joseph Smith Papers - History.]
Jan 22 Beginnings and the Old Testament:
Jan 22
The Fall Was Part of God’s Plan
Jan 2
2 Deepening Your Understanding of Your Patriarchal Blessing
Jan 22
Who Was Enoch?: Enoch and the City of Zion
Jan 22 Over 100,000 Indexed Names
Jan 22
The Book of Abraham: A Most Remarkable Gift for Our Time
Feb 22 A New History Project for the British Isles
Feb 22 Seeking the Blessings of the Patriarchal Order
Feb 22
What Is RootsTech?
Mar 22 Adoption and Family History—Everlasting Ties, Eternal Connections
How can we know whether we should do family history work
for our biological or adoptive lines?
Mar 22 Help Ancestors Receive Sacred Ordinances
Mar 22
FamilySearch RootsTech Tapping Event
Mar 22 French Polynesians Remember Beloved Ancestors on ‘La Toussaint’ Day
Mar 22 The Joy That Comes from Family History and Temple Work
Mar 22 Finding What is Lost
May 22 April 2022 [
General Conference]
May 22
We Each Have a Story
June 22 Stories That Bind Us Together
June 22
Gospel Technology
July 22 Could Learning My Ancestors’ Language Help Me Gather Israel?
July 22
Elijah Restoring the Widow’s Son
Aug 22
Lydia and Mike
Sep 22 Prove That You Are Related
Further research showed that my deceased neighbor and I are related!
Sep 22
Getting to Know My Great-Great-Grandfather on My Mission
Sep 22 Strengthening Families Conference—
A Global Movement to Strengthen the Rising Generation
Sep 22 Tongans Demonstrate Love for Their Ancestors through Family History
Oct 22 Creating a Healthy Digital Culture in our Families
Oct 22 Neither Can They Without Us Be Made Perfect
Oct 22 “One Member, One Name Sent to the Temple” Challenge
Oct 22
Uniting Families Eternally
Nov 22 October 2022 [General Conference] (Posters)
Dec 22
Stockholm, Sweden: Swedish Names: All About Sweden Surnames
Dec 22
Caribbean Roots

↑ upΛ

For the Strength of Youth 2022
Feb 22 The Patriarchs: Who They Were and Why It Matters
Feb 22 Called to Serve His Ancestors
Feb 22 Look beyond the Soup
Feb 22
The Council in Heaven
Mar 22 Why did God change Jacob’s name to Israel?
May 22 April 2022 [General Conference]
May 22
We Each Have a Story
July 22
The Choice
Aug 22
One Name at a Time
Nov 22 October 2022 [General Conference] (Posters)
Dec 22
The Names of Christ

↑ upΛ

Liahona 2021 (for adults - formerly Ensign)
Jan 21
Grow into the Principle of Revelation . . . When we couple increased purity
and obedience with fasting, diligent seeking, study of the scriptures and the words
of living prophets, and temple and family history work, the heavens will open.
Jan 21
Enjoying the Later Years . . . Aging has blessed me with: . . .
Interest in family history and temple work.
Jan 21
Recovering from Spiritual Numbness . . . Put in daily effort.
We can also become more sensitive to the Spirit through praying sincerely,
studying the scriptures, partaking of the sacrament, attending the temple,
participating in family history work, listening to spiritual music, ministering,
or however else you feel close to God. The closer we get to Him, the more
we open our hearts to healing spiritual leprosy and feeling the Holy Ghost again.
Jan 21 Could I Honor My Heritage as a Descendant of Lehi?
Feb 21
The Worth of Each Soul . . . Temple and family history work
are important aspects of gathering scattered Israel on both sides of the veil. . . .
“When we gather our family histories and go to the temple on behalf of our ancestors,
God fulfills many of these promised blessings simultaneously on both sides of the veil.
Feb 21
Ministering to Those Who Are Incarcerated . . . Check with local prisons or jails
to see if they need donated items. Reading, crafts like crocheting, art projects,
and family history research are allowed in many facilities.
Australia Local Pages
Feb 21 Pacific Latter-day Saints Share Why Temple Recommends
Are Important to Them . . . In the meantime, we have more time with family
and opportunities to discover names that we can add to TempleReady
and Family File. Yes, my ancestors are waiting, and I know that the time will come
that they too, can enter the holy temple, so I hold a current temple recommend,
the link between me and my ancestors.”
United Kingdom and Ireland Local Pages
Feb 21 FamilySearch—UK and Irish Missionaries
Feb 21 Sister Giles Serves
Feb 21
Career Change even in Uncertainty
Feb 21 RootsTech Connect
Australia Local Pages
Mar 21 This Auckland Young Adult Helped Establish Tonga’s First Public Library . . .
She started weekend English classes, children’s programs, computer
and family history classes, job application skills classes, and even bicycle rentals.
United Kingdom and Ireland Local Pages
Mar 21 Serving the Lord as a Service Missionary
Mar 21
Aylesbury Ward, Watford Stake, Help Youth with Family History
Mar 21 The West Family's 10 Miracles . . . If you ever doubt that the veil is thin
or that there are others across that veil who wish their work done,
let these experiences prove to you that you can be an instrument in their hands.
If you allow yourself to be open to the impressions, the promptings, or urgings,
as a member of this Church or not, the work of Elijah can be accomplished.
Please always live so that you can be a vehicle in the work of redeeming your dead;
so that when you meet them, they will encircle you with their joy and gratitude.
United States and Canada Section
Mar 21 Making Our Homes Media Safe . . . Do family history and temple work.
Apr 21
How does God gather us? . . . Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum
of the Twelve Apostles has taught, “When we gather our family histories
and go to the temple on behalf of our ancestors, God fulfills many . . .
promised blessings simultaneously on both sides of the veil.”
Apr 21
Faith at All Levels of Ability
. . . Bringing Hundreds to the Temple . . .
“The things that I can’t do now I will be able to do later because of the Atonement
of Jesus Christ,” she testified. In the meantime, Sister Nilsson continues to help God
save souls using her talent for family history work. She has researched and helped
complete ordinances for hundreds of people in both her adoptive & biological families.
When hard days come, she reads her patriarchal blessing. It refreshes her faith
and reminds her to view current challenges with an eternal perspective.
Apr 21 Learning from Early Saints: Putting Aside the Cares of the World . . .
Prioritize serving in the temple or doing family history work
United Kingdom and Ireland Local Pages
Apr 21 My ‘One Hundred and Fifty’
Apr 21 New Preston Temple Presidency Begins Service Amid COVID-19 Restrictions
. . . ‘increase [our] participation in family history’
May 21
April 2021 [General Conference]
May 21 Virtual Events Create Unity . . . RootsTech Connect
More than a million family history enthusiasts joined the virtual RootsTech
event in February 2021. It was the largest number of participants ever in what
has become the world’s largest family history celebration. RootsTech has facilitated
the development of a virtual learning library that will be available all year long.
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife,
Patricia, were the featured speakers for Family Discovery Day,
which is an annual part of the gathering.
June 21
The Blessings of Discovering, Gathering, and Connecting Families
July 21 The Salvation of Little Children Who Die: What We Do and Don’t Know
July 21 Blessing My Ancestors
July 21 Welcome Back, Christine
July 21 The Miracles That Helped Me Find My Family’s Records in the Swiss Alps
July 21
Thoughts While Doing Family History
Aug 21 The Blessings of Connecting with Ancestors
Aug 21 Church Gives Digitized Family History Records
to American Samoan Government and People
Sep 21 Help from the Other Side of the Veil
Oct 21 Blessings of Temple and Family History Work
An introduction to the current issue of the magazine, (
October 2021),
emphasizing the theme of temple and family history work.
Oct 21 Why did Moses, Elias, and Elijah appear in the Kirtland Temple?
Oct 21 Praying for a Path to Find My Family Records
Oct 21 More for You in YA Weekly!
Oct 21 I Didn’t Like Family History Work. But Then I Experienced Miracles
Oct 21
Temple and Family History Work
Nov 21
October 2021 [General Conference]
Dec 21 Family History Helps Our Ancestors
Dec 21 Family History, Temples, and Missionary Work:
Powerful Partners in Gathering Israel
Dec 21 How We Gather Israel Today
Some stake patriarchs share their unique perspective
and insights on the importance of gathering Israel.
Dec 21 What does the Doctrine and Covenants teach about life after death?
Dec 21 Christmas, Gathering Israel, and Family History
Dec 21 A Vision of the Spirit World
Dec 21 Ideas for Bringing Together Family History, Temple Service, & Missionary Work
Dec 21 The Growth of Family History Resources

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For the Strength of Youth  2021 - (formerly New Era magazine - discontinued)
For the Strength of Youth (Manual)
[‘For the Strength of Youth’ Will Reach Latter-day Saint Teens in 140 Countries]
Apr 21
I Will See Her Again . . . Being apart from my grandma is hard.
But knowing that families can be together forever because of Jesus Christ
and the work done in temples brings me peace and joy!
May 21 April 2021 [General Conference]
Oct 21 What is Adam-ondi-Ahman? What is its importance?
Nov 21 October 2021 [General Conference]

↑ up

New Era magazine sections are listed separately within in all years: 2020 and before.
Previous Issues: Liahona
[Selected Articles; some articles duplicated in
Ensign (1971–2020) issues.]

2020      [Compare with Ensign 2020]
Jan 20
Family Search Links Jamaican Member to Jamaican National Hero
Feb 20
Ministering through Family History
Mar 20
“They Can’t Be Saved Without Us”
Apr 20 The Future of the Church: Preparing the World for the Savior’s Second Coming
May 20
April 2020 [General Conference]
May 20 “Let This House Be Built unto My Name”
May 20 COVID-19: Messages of Faith: Doing Sacred Work in Quarantine
June 20
A Temple Open House Opened My Heart
Aug 20 A Promise of Healing and Sealing
Through faithfulness in the gospel and seeking our ancestors,
my mother and I were blessed in ways we couldn't have imagined.
Aug 20 Family History in Five Senses
Nov 20
October 2020 [General Conference]
Nov 20 Let God Prevail . . . For the more than 36 years I’ve been an Apostle,
the doctrine of the gathering of Israel has captured my attention. Everything about it
has intrigued me, including the ministries and names of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob;
their lives and their wives; the covenant God made with them and extended through
their lineage; the dispersion of the twelve tribes; and the numerous prophecies
about the gathering in our day. . . . God changed Jacob’s name to Israel,
meaning  “let God prevail.” God then promised Israel that all the blessings
that had been pronounced upon Abraham’s head would also be his. . . .
When we speak of gathering Israel on both sides of the veil, we are referring, of course,
to missionary, temple, and family history work. We are also referring to building faith
and testimony in the hearts of those with whom we live, work, and serve.
Anytime we do anything that helps anyone—on either side of the veil—
to make and keep their covenants with God, we are helping to gather Israel.
[Research Note: Jesus Christ was a physical descendant of Abraham,
through his earthly mother Mary, and was entitled to this Abrahamic Blessing:
“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curse thee;
and in thee (that is, in thy Priesthood) and in thy seed (that is, thy Priesthood),
for I give unto thee a promise that this right shall continue in thee,
and in thy seed after thee (that is to say, the literal seed, or the seed of the body)
shall all the families of the earth be blessed, even with the blessings of the Gospel,
which are the blessings of salvation, even of life eternal.” (Abr. 2:8–11.)
A specific example is given in scriptures of how God the Eternal Father,
does not only bless all humanity, but will surely "curse them that curse thee."
(This also reveals that earth's climate changes are directed by mankind's actions,
for or against the House of Israel.) Jesus Christ, the Messiah of All Mankind,
was officially cursed; namely: "Then the high priest rent his clothes, saying,
He hath spoken blasphemy; what further need have we of witnesses?
behold, now ye have heard his blasphemy. What think ye?
They answered and said, He is guilty and worthy of death."
New Testament Revision 2, Page 4 (second numbering) . . .
Following shortly thereafter: "Jesus, when he had cried again
with a loud voice, saying, Father, it is finished; Thy will is done,
yielded up the ghost. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain
from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; . . ."
New Testament Revision 2, Page 7 (second numbering)
Thus, the God of Heaven, reversed the sentence back upon the accusers of His
Beloved Son, the Messiah, by first exposing (rent) the Holy of Holies Sanctuary,
desecrated by these blasphemers; after which, the whole earth was convulsed,
as jointly testified by the Book of Mormon, (rocks were rent in twain; they were
broken up upon the face of the whole earth); and multitudes of evil doers destroyed;
and their posterity was crushed, going well beyond the third and fourth generations,
and sorely afflicted. It is astounding to see the Almighty Power of Jehovah in the flesh,
when it is comprehended, that to the very end of His Life, after all of His bleedings,
(massive hemorrhaging from internally damaged blood vessels; with blood dripping
from every pore, so great was His trembling for the wickedness and the abominations
of His people); His excruciating sufferings; yet He had full control over His total soul.
It should be remembered that Jesus Christ was baptized, even though He needed no
baptism, for He was Perfect and had no sin; nevertheless, He, the Messiah, requested
John the Baptist, to perform the baptism; He becoming the example for all mankind.
Likewise, Jesus Christ needed no rebuke or chastening; nevertheless, all our errors,
and all our sins, were placed upon the Savior, in the Garden of Gethsemane. Thus,
God the Father loved Jesus Christ; and our chastisement, or the wrath of Almighty
God, the Eternal Father, was pronounced upon the head of Jesus Christ; for which
He, Jesus Christ accepted full responsibility and accountability; the sword of Truth,
from the mouth of Heavenly Father, against all of His sheep that had gone astray;
from the time of Adam and Eve, to the end of time upon this mortal earthly sphere.
And the comprehending Rock, the Light of Truth of our salvation, endured it well.
His infinite suffering included the full fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God. So,
He suffered the vengeance of eternal fire, for all those who are cast down to hell,
and suffer the wrath of Almighty God; He having overcome the world, and having
trodden the wine-press alone, even the wine-press of the fierceness of the wrath
of Almighty God; and He comprehends the torments of everlasting punishment.]
↑ upΛ

Liahona 2019
      [Compare with Ensign 2019]
Feb 19
Getting to Know Your Family
Feb 19 Ministering on Both Sides of the Veil
Feb 19
Indexing for the First Time
Mar 19 5 Reasons Singles Should Participate in Temple Sealings
Mar 19 Reassured of My Worth
Learning about my ancestors gave me courage to fight my spiritual battles.
Mar 19
Family History—Importance of our Four Generations
Apr 19 Temples . . . Over the years, the Ivorian Saints have have been actively
engaged in the family history work that culminates when members take their
own family names to the temple. . . . The Akan is the major cultural group of
the Ivory Coast. Deep reverence for one's ancestors is an important part of this
culture. There is a belief that the dead are looking after the living.
May 19
April 2019 [General Conference]
May 19 Great Love for Our Father’s Children
Includes Temple and Family History Effort to Gather Israel.
May 19
“Come, Follow Me” . . . Adam and Eve, Noah and his wife, Abraham
and Sarah, Lehi and Sariah, and all other devoted disciples of Jesus Christ--
since the world was created--have made the same covenants with God.
June 19
Have They Accepted the Gospel ?
Our Area Plan encourages members to more actively participate
in family history work and in temple ordinances as part of the process
to develop a deeper faith in the Savior.
July 19 Family History Awakening
July 19
Firesides Focus on Family History and Temple Work
Sep 19 The Sweet Sound of Family History
Sep 19 Family History, Step by Step
Sep 19
“Bringing Back the Family into Family History”
Oct 19 Family Traditions that Strengthen Us
Nov 19
October 2019 [General Conference]
Nov 19 Honoring His Name
With covenant identity and belonging, we are called by the name of Jesus Christ.
Dec 19
The Best Gift I Could Give
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Liahona 2018
      [Compare with Ensign 2018]
Jan 18
In Memoriam: President Thomas S. Monson
Jan 18
President Russell M. Nelson: Guided, Prepared, Committed
Feb 18 Saints: The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days
Feb 18 Where Is My Treasure?
Enjoying my family in the eternities is definitely what I treasure most.
Feb 18 My Mission among My Family
Feb 18 Adam and Eve
Mar 18 Remember Who You Are
Mar 18 Searching for Ancestors and Finding Truth
Mar 18 Our Space: Is My Family History Really Done?
Mar 18
Capturing Living History—the Importance of Our Four Generations
Apr 18 Let Us Share Our Knowledge of a Savior (through channels of technology)
Apr 18 A Match of Faith
May 18
April 2018 [General Conference]
May 18 The Elders Quorum . . . Having one Melchizedek Priesthood quorum in a ward
unifies priesthood holders to accomplish all aspects of the work of salvation, including
the temple and family history work previously coordinated by the high priests groups.
May 18 Behold! A Royal Army . . . Under the direction of the bishop, more priesthood
resources may assist with the work of salvation. This would include the gathering of
Israel through temple and family history work, working with families and individuals
in need, and helping the missionaries to bring souls to Jesus Christ.
May 18 The Powers of the Priesthood . . . A father who holds the priesthood presides
in his family by the authority of the priesthood he holds. He has no need to have the
directions or approval of priesthood keys in order to counsel the members of his family,
hold family meetings, give priesthood blessings to his wife and children,
or give healing blessings to family members or others.
May 18 Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives . . .
Nothing opens the heavens quite like the combination of increased purity,
exact obedience, earnest seeking, daily feasting on the words of Christ
in the Book of Mormon, and regular time committed to temple and family history work.
May 18 Prepare to Meet God
May 18
Family History: Discover, Gather, Connect
June 18
Family History Bursts Forth in Kenya
Aug 18
Increase Faith (and Testimony) through Family History and Temple Work
Sep 18 The Power of Faith and Family Stories
Sep 18
Elijah and the Widow
Oct 18 The Temple Brings Us and Our Ancestors Joy
Nov 18
October 2018 [General Conference]
Nov 18 Opening Remarks . . . It is time for a home-centered Church,
supported by what takes place inside our branch, ward, and stake buildings. . . .
The long-standing objective of the Church is to assist all members to increase
their faith in our Lord Jesus Christ and His Atonement, to assist them in making
and keeping their covenants with God, and to strengthen and seal their families.
Nov 18
All Must Take upon Them the Name Given of the Father . . .
From the beginning, God has declared the preeminence of the name of Jesus Christ
in His plan for us. An angel taught our first father, Adam, "Thou shalt do all that thou
doest in the name of the Son, and thou shalt repent and call upon God in the name
of the Son forevermore." [Research Note: According to the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr.,
the Garden of Eden was in the present location of Missouri, United States of America.
Since there was no division of the earth prior to the time of the Flood of Noah, Europe
did not exist as a separate continental entity; nevertheless, Neanderthals are stated
to be an extinct species or subspecies of archaic humans who lived in Eurasia until
about 40,000 years ago; with known Neanderthal range in Europe, Southwest Asia,
Uzbekistan, and the Altai Mountains. There could have been no real interbreeding
between Neanderthals and early modern humans, as there was no physical death
occurring on the planet earth, prior to the Fall of Eve and Adam, who did not have
sexual cognizance, prior to partaking the forbidden fruit. The origin of all language
began with Adam, who, at the request of Jesus Christ, named all animals residing
on the planet earth, over whom Adam was given all dominion; clearly invalidating
any biological DNA connectivity to Denisovan, or any other lower human life forms.
The writings of Adam, (his Book of Remembrance), began the written record of human
religious feelings, thoughts, and ideas. Paleolithic religions, as so incorrectly called,
actually began with the children of Adam and Eve who rejected their living parents
true testimony of Jesus Christ. Group dynamics included interpersonal society acts
of intentional violence, secrecy, and material controls, resulting in body degradation,
deformities, loss of mental acuity, brutality, and disrespect for all life forms in general,
which eventually led to the corruption of all life forms and world wide baptismal flood.]
Nov 18
The Vision of the Redemption of the Dead
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Liahona 2017
      [Compare with Ensign 2017]
Jan 17 Who Is Ready Now?
Jan 17 Our Space: Accepting the #TempleChallenge
Feb 17 ’As I Have Loved You
Feb 17
How Do We Come to Know the Lord? . . .
"On a future day, 'every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess' [Mosiah 27:31]
that Jesus is the Christ. On that blessed day, we will know He knows each of us
by name. . . . "
Feb 17
Understanding Church History by Study and Faith . . .
Similarly, though we have records of the priesthood's being withheld from men
of black African descent, no record has survived that authoritatively explains why
the practice began. In the study of history, the absence of evidence is not a valid
cause for doubt. [Research Note: The answer is found in the calling of Abraham,
from The Joseph Smith Papers,
Old Testament Revision 2, Page 35; JST Genesis,
Chapter 12, And I will bless them that bless thee, And curse them that curse thee.
 . . . But Abel offered an acceptable sacrifice, by which he obtained witness that he
was righteous, God himself testifying of his gifts; noted in The Joseph Smith Papers,
Letter to the Church, circa March 1834, Page 143. Because of the shedding of Abel's
innocent blood, the result was Abel was cursed, or denied the ability to continue
his physical posterity, or patriarchal lineage heritage through his own seed. Cain
was allowed by Jesus Christ to escape physical death and have physical seed, or,
a continuation of his posterity; nevertheless, by his posterity being denied access
to the rights and authority of the priesthood after the Order of the Son of God; or,
the Melchizedek Priesthood (Doctrine and Covenants 107:3); which holds the right
of presidency, and has power and authority over all the offices in the present living
organization; namely: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Cain was thus
denied an eternal posterity; and in Justice, in the future, all of the righteous children
and posterity of Cain will fall under the patriarchal priesthood of faithful martyr Abel.]
Feb 17 I Set Out to Find a Temple
Feb 17
Family History and Temple Blessings - The True Value of Family History
ASHLEY: Without family history, the sealing authority can't get where it needs
to be to be used. And the true value of family history is realized only because
of the sealing authority. The real power is in the combination. . . . "And not only this,
but those things which never have been revealed from the foundation of the world,
[including all of the Ancient of Days Family Records and Posterity - the sealed portion
of the Book of Mormon, written down by Mahonri Moriancumer, the brother of Jared],
but have been kept hid from the wise and prudent, shall be revealed unto babes
and sucklings in this, the dispensation of the fulness of times" (D&C 128:17-18).
Feb 17 Find, Take, Teach: Join the Temple Challenge
Feb 17 Three Ways to Be Involved in Family History
Feb 17
Three Fun Ways to Start Family History
Mar 17 Visiting Teaching, Family History, and Mothers
Mar 17 Why don’t we know much about our Heavenly Mother?
[Research Note: Information about Heavenly Mother can be obtained by recognizing
her eternal intimate relationship with Heavenly Father, or Ahman, the delightful Man.
Being One with Him, her work and her glory, has been to bring to pass the immortality
and eternal life of man. Ahman, because He was more intelligent, in the midst of glory
and spirits, encompasses also that Heavenly Mother was also full of Her honor, splendor,
beauty, greatness, and magnificence; and to instruct Her daughters to be exalted in joy;
to bring all of Her worthy children back into an eternal presence of God's family unit.
The current living world population has globally exceeded over 8 billion - Worldometer.
This does not include numbers determined by Biblical human population growth model.
When you do the figures, it confirms the biblical truth that everyone on Earth today is
a descendant of Noah's sons and daughters-in-law, noted in
Where are all the people?.
Additionally, according to World Population Since Creation, ". . . Even if we use rates
appropriate for the present world (x = 1 and C = 1.5), over 3 billion people could easily
have been on the earth at the time of
Noah." The United Nations has projected that our
world population will reach 9.8 billion in 2050, and 11.2 billion in 2100. The existence
of our Heavenly Mother thus becomes an hourglass on the time frame for the creation
of this earth; namely, using human rates of birth per child, and considering the risks;
waiting fewer than 12 months between delivery and conception of the next pregnancy
may increase the risk of illness, death, and spontaneous preterm delivery. Using only
the assured eight (8) billion population in 2022; ten months for full fetus development,
and two months between ideal birthing, adds up to an astounding 8,000,000,000 years;
living, growing, and maturing as intelligent spirit beings in Heaven; prior to Creation.
Utah Honeybees, are mentioned in LDS Church News: Viewpoint: Lesson of the Bees;
noting additionally in the reproduction of Honey Bees, that the queen is able to store
the entire spermatozoom in the spermatheca and her gland excretes nutrients for
the survival of almost 7,000,000 spermatozoa, being adequate for the rest of her life.
President Brigham Young chose the name "Deseret" for the Saints new "Utah" home,
and the beehive as its emblem. The Garden of Eden on this earth was prepared as
a natural and normal birthing chamber, for Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother,
to bring forth the infusion of the dust of this earth, which was paradisiacal; all within
the framework of the spirit bodies of two coequal selected children: Adam and Eve.
The Tree of Life, noted symbolically as the love of God, also, as an actual real fruit,
perpetuated eternal physical life; that Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother always
had access to partaking of its fruit; that it had restorative power to invigorate the very
Celestial bodies they had, (full of partaken paradisiacal "dust of the earth"), to return
back into their full and complete Celestial glory, power, and infinite grand authority.
On the other hand, contrary to the command of God, Eve, and then Adam, partook
physically of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and thus caused
their paradisiacal "dust of the earth" within their own bodies, to be transformed into
bodies sustained and nourished by blood, which initiated temporal death on earth.
Nevertheless, the first deaths upon the earth were caused by Jesus Christ himself,
when he provided Adam and Eve with Temple Garments, to cover their nakedness;
after which they were cast out of the Garden of Eden, or the presence of the Lord.
The immortal earth, receiving the blood of sacrificed animals, by Jesus Christ, then
caused the whole earth itself, to become "mortal", from which arose the afflictions
and distortions in both the plant and animal kingdoms. over time; a sad devolution.
All distorted life forms, including human abnormalities, were in post-Adamite time.
Their extreme loneliness caused Adam and Eve to "find themselves", and they then
became sexually active; as they had been married previously by God, while within
the Holy Garden of Eden; being formerly in an innocent, non reproductive state.]
Apr 17 The Old Family Album: The Power of Family Stories
Apr 17
Prepare for the Temple Every Day
May 17
The Family: A Proclamation to the World
June 17 Your Own Liahona {Patriarchal Blessing - Lineage determination}
Aug 17 God Trusts Us to Serve Our Ancestors
Aug 17
How You Can Help with Temple Work
Oct 17 Open the Heavens through Temple and Family History Work
(combined conversations by Russell M. Nelson and Wendy W. Nelson)
. . . Elijah in Hebrew literally means "Jehovah is my God." . . . I like to think
about the spirit of Elijah as "a manifestation of the Holy Ghost bearing witness
of the divine nature of the family." . . . So when we say that the spirit of Elijah
is moving upon people to encourage them to seek after their kindred dead,
we're really saying that the Holy Ghost is prompting us to do those things
that will allow families to be sealed eternally. . . . President George Q. Cannon . . .
taught that in these latter days, those who are joining the Church are joining
precisely because their ancestors have been praying for one of their posterity
to join the Church so that they, the ancestors, can receive their essential ordinances
by proxy (in a Melchizedek Priesthood dedicated and consecrated House of the Lord).
. . . It is my testimony that however fabulous your life is right now, or however
discouraging and heartbreaking it may be, your involvement in temple
and family history work will make it better. . . . We are engaged in the work
of Almighty God. He lives. Jesus is the Christ. This is His Church.
We are His covenant children. He can count on us.
Oct 17
Know before You Go: Temple Baptisms
Nov 17
The Truth of All Things
2017 Digital Articles: How Will You Be Remembered at Your Funeral?
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Liahona 2016
      [Compare with Ensign 2016]
Feb 16
Family Home Evening Ideas
Aug 16
Families Are Forever
Nov 16 Doctrinal Mastery: Course Materials > What is Doctrinal Mastery?
Helping students build their foundation on Jesus Christ, which includes:
Gospel Topics, Essays, and Other Resources
↑ up

Liahona 2015
      [Compare with Ensign 2015]
Feb 15 Patriarchal Blessings: Inspired Guidance for Your Life
Feb 15 What We Know about Premortal Life [Research Note: Defining premortal life
includes understanding that all inhabitants of this earth, obtained
spirit bodies; that
which is matter which is more refined and pure. Humanity therefore all came about
by a natural and normal spiritual birthing process, proceeding out, or from Heavenly
Parents. Intelligences were, and always have been, the eternal and coequal elements,
processed in and through Heavenly Father
Ahman, and His Eternal Consort Queens.
There are three degrees of glory in the Celestial Kingdom, entered in by those who
receive the testimony of Jesus Christ, are appropriately baptized by proper authority;
that receive the Holy Ghost, and faithfully keep the commandments. Journal records
of Wilford Woodruff notes that President Young said there would be men saved in the
Celestial Kingdom of God with one wife with Many wives & with No wife at all. Being
more specific, there is an order of single men and women in the Celestial Kingdom;
there is an order of monogamously married men to women in the Celestial Kingdom;
there is also an order of polygamous married men to women in the Celestial Kingdom.
The Holy Priesthood after the Order of the Son of God, even the Office of Jesus Christ,
justly holds the power and authority of the Messiah, which is above all, and saves all.
The Mother of Jesus Christ, even Mary, was foreordained and married to God Ahman.
Jesus Christ simultaneously presides in His threefold office: Prophet, Priest and King.
In the Kingdom of His Father Ahman, Christ is Prophet, the Word to polygamous men;
and they become equal with Jesus Christ, holding the birthright over all their creations.
President Brigham Young noted: "All intelligent beings who are crowned with crowns
of glory, immortality, and eternal lives must pass through every ordeal appointed for
intelligent beings to pass through, to gain their glory and exaltation. Every calamity
that can come upon mortal beings will be suffered to come upon a few, to prepare
them to enjoy the presence of the Lord. . . . experience . . . necessary for . . . salvation."
In the Kingdom of His Father Ahman, Christ is Priest of Salvation to monogamous men;
whose posterity are only saved through His sufferings in death,
over all of His Creations.
In the Kingdom of His Father Ahman, Christ reigns as King over single men and women;
those who administer in righteousness over the inhabitants of the
Terrestrial Kingdom.]
Feb 15 All Children of God Every child (on this earth) is a special (spirit) child of God.
May 15 The Plan of Happiness . . . The greatest reward we have received in this life,
and the life to come, is our children and our grandchildren.
May 15
The Sabbath Is a Delight
July 15
Keeping a Record
Aug 15 The Proclamation on the Family: Transcending the Cultural Confusion
The child-parent tie matters so much that God sent Elijah in 1836 to "turn the hearts"
of the fathers and the children toward each other.
Aug 15
He Taught Me the Heavenly Order of Eternity
Sep 15 The Temple and the Natural Order of Marriage
Sep 15 Church Handbooks—the Written Order of Things:
General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Sep 15
Lindsay’s Family Puzzle
Oct 15 Poster: Your Book of Life:
Genesis 1:26–27
Dec 15
Personal Progress on My Family Tree
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Liahona 2014
      [Compare with Ensign 2014]
Jan 14
Old Testament Prophets: Adam [Research Note: The Ages of the Patriarchs;
As found in the Joseph Smith Translation of the King James Version of the Bible.]
Jan 14 Both Parts of the Blessing: Youth Voices: Blessings of Family History
Jan 14
Family History Unites Families
Feb 14
Family Home Evening Ideas: The Liahona and other Church materials
are available in many languages at: Select a Language
Feb 14
Old Testament Prophets: Noah Noah stands next in authority to Adam
in the Priesthood; he was called of God to this office, and was the father of all living
in his day; as noted by the Prophet, Seer, Revelator, and Translator, Joseph Smith, Jr.
Feb 14
Temple Blessings: Questions and Answers
Feb 14
How to Fill Your Book of Life
Mar 14
Old Testament Prophets: Abraham
Apr 14
Prophet Portrait: Howard W. Hunter
May 14
A Priceless Heritage of Hope
June 14 Could I Enjoy Indexing?
June 14 Know Your Stories
June 14
My Note on the Gravestone
July 14
Getting to Know My Grandmother
Oct 14
Family History—I Am Doing It
Oct 14
Mormonad: Discover Them, Discover You
Oct 14
How can I help with family history work?
Dec 14 The Lost 500 Years: From Malachi to John the Baptist
Dead Sea Scrolls: Digital Dead Sea Scrolls
The Dead Sea Scrolls | The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
            - The Dead Sea Scrolls—Window to the Modern Bible
              - "LDS Perspectives on the Dead Sea Scrolls";
                by Donald W. Parry and Dana M. Pike
Dec 14
I Know That He Lives . . .
I saw, seated on a raised platform, the most glorious being my eyes
have ever beheld or that I ever conceived existed in all the eternal worlds.
↑ up

Liahona 2013
      [Compare with Ensign 2013]
Mar 13
What Happens after We Die? . . . President Brigham Young (1801-77)
taught that the spirits of those who once lived on earth remain around us
on this earth, though we can't see them.
Mar 13
Leaders Encourage Members to Tie Family History to the Temple
Apr 13
Death and Life: Pioneer Perspectives on the Resurrection
May 13 New Online Tools Help Preserve and Share Family Photos and Memories
May 13 Family History Changes Hearts
May 13
Elder Eldred G. Smith Dies at Age 106 . . . called as Patriarch to the Church.
[Research Note: This office originated with, and is equivalent to, all Ancient of Days
birthright blessings, which continued down to the time of Abraham and his posterity.
Joseph Smith, Jr. was a "pure Ephraimite". The Smith Family, are now lawful heirs
according to the flesh, and have been hid from the world with Christ in God-- . . . .
Furthermore, Doctrine and Covenants 86 states, "your life and the priesthood
have remained, and must needs remain through you and your lineage until
the restoration of all things spoken by the mouth of all the holy prophets since
the world began."
The History and Doctrine of the Adam-ondi-Ahman Revelation
(D&C 116) | Religious Studies Center, records that Joseph Smith, Sr. held the keys
of the "patriarchal priesthood", and that he would sit in council with a "general
assembly of patriarchs", wherein Adam, the "Ancient of days" would be present;
prior to, and in preparation for, the Almighty return of Jesus Christ to this earth.
Patriarch Age and Genetics discusses biologically accurate decay of lifespans.
Compare with: The Shortest and Longest Lifespans of Animals - YouTube.]
July 13 A Forever Family
July 13 Living for the Eternities
July 13 Why is family history work so important?
July 13
Around the Church . . . FamilyTree Available to General Public
Oct 13 Members Can Request Priesthood Line of Authority
Oct 13
Hastening the Work of Salvation
Oct 13
A Box of Pictures
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Liahona 2012
      [Compare with Ensign 2012]
Jan 12
In the News . . . Internet Coming to Meetinghouses Worldwide . . . Members
will be able to . . . participate in family history work from their meetinghouses;
Feb 12
The Doctrine of the Father . . . He knows us by name.
Mar 12
Do animals have spirits? What happens to them after they die?
Apr 12 Is Gift to the World: Bible Videos - The Life of Jesus Christ
May 12
How to Obtain Revelation and Inspiration for Your Personal Life . . .
President Joseph F. Smith: "I believe we move and have our being in the presence
of heavenly messengers and of heavenly beings. We are not separate from them. . . .
We are closely related to our kindred, to our ancestors . . . who have preceded us
into the spirit world. We can not forget them; we do not cease to love them; we always
hold them in our hearts, in memory, and thus we are associated and united to them
by ties that we can not break. . . . If this is the case with us in our finite condition,
surrounded by our mortal weaknesses, . . . how much more certain it is . . . to believe
that those who have been faithful, who have gone beyond . . .  can see us better than
we can see them; that they know us better than we know them. . . . We live in their
presence, they see us, they are solicitous for our welfare, they love us now more
than ever. For now they see the dangers that beset us; . . . their love for us and their
desire for our well being must be greater than that which we feel for ourselves."
May 12
Families under Covenant . . . "The spirit, power, and calling of Elijah is,
that ye have power to hold the key of the revelation, ordinances, oracles, powers
and endowments of the fullness of the Melchizedek Priesthood and of the kingdom
of God on the earth; and to receive, obtain, and perform all the ordinances belonging
to the kingdom of God, even unto the turning of the hearts of the fathers unto the children,
and the hearts of the children unto the fathers, even those who are in heaven.
July 12
Church Asks Members to Understand Family History Policies
Aug 12
In the News . . . FamilySearch Indexing App Now Available
Oct 12
Brazilian Youth Connect Family History, Temple Work
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Liahona 2011
      [Compare with Ensign 2011]
Jan 11
Engaging in Family History Work
Jan 11
World Briefs
June 11
Need Growing Internationally for Indexers
July 11
Church Seeks Histories of Modern-Day Pioneers
Aug 11
World Briefs
Sep 11
Preparing to Do Baptisms for the Dead
Nov 11
Daughters in My Kingdom: A Historical Work for Today’s LDS Woman
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Liahona 2010
      [Compare with Ensign 2010]
Jan 10
World Briefs
Feb 10 Your Patriarchal Blessing
Feb 10 Keeping a Record (Church History Library)
Mar 10
My Favorite Scripture [The Holy Spirit of Promise: "I. the Lord, am bound
when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise"; re:
(D&C 82:10). This is the foundation scripture for becoming
Accepted of the Lord:
The Doctrine of Making Your Calling and Election Sure. Stated in simple words,
the very essence of a person making his or her calling and election made sure,
is to bind the Lord, by doing and living all of His sayings. Then we are promised
to live in His presence forevermore, as all our callings and elections are assured;
this by the medium of our sacrifice of all earthly things and overcoming the world.]
Apr 10
Subscribers Will Receive Updated Temple Booklet
Apr 10
Sealed Sepulchres [Research Note: Historical evidence is presented within
the written records, that there was not only an earthquake at the time of the death
of Jesus Christ, but also there was a great earthquake, or secondary shock wave,
that occurred; wherein an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came
and rolled back the stone from the door" (Matthew 28:2). As the Book of Mormon
declares that there were three-day darkness and other destructive forces that did
occur upon the American Continents; then it must be considered that this mighty
angel created a secondary world wide tremor to occur, from Jerusalem, in Israel,
over to the descendants of Lehi, transcending the great bodies of oceanic waters.
Modern professional geologists cannot pinpoint these historically written events; it
suggests serious deficiencies in current "scientific" radiocarbon dating of history;
thus undermining specifically the fields of geology, paleontology, archeology; etc.
Records of ancient Enoch reveal wickedness of men causes this earth to mourn.
Native Americans preserved this truth within
traditions  of gratitude and sincere
indebtedness for all the wonders of Mother Earth; She having received a broken
heart; wounded to Her core, Her bowels weeping at the death of Jesus Christ;
yet, this contrite Mother Earth spirit, ceased trembling on the American lands,
with exceedingly great joy, at the physical resurrection of Her Royal Creator.]
May 10 Generations Linked in Love . . . and let us present in his holy temple
. . . a book containing the records of our dead, which shall be worthy
of all acceptation. The preparation of that record is our individual
and collective responsibility. As we work together,
we can make it worthy of all acceptation by the Lord.
Sep 10
World Briefs . . . Family History Classes Now Online.
Dec 10 Handel and the Gift of Messiah:
George Frideric Handel
Biography, Background, Compositions, Music, Messiah,
Accomplishments, & Facts | Britannica (The Britannica Dictionary)
↑ up

Liahona 2009
      [Compare with Ensign 2009]
Jan 09
Family History Notes
Mar 09
Why Do We Baptize for the Dead? [Research Note: If it were not so;
the whole earth would be utterly waster at his coming. Why so? Because
the faithful earth was created for the inhabitants of the Celestial Kingdom;
and without an eternal welding link between generations, back to father Adam,
and Eve, there would be no posterity of Adam and Eve worthy to dwell in eternal
burnings upon this earth; thus, their salvation is necessary and essential to our
salvation; and they, our ancestors, without us, also cannot be made perfect;
neither can we without our dead be made perfect. Therefore, when the Lord,
even Jesus Christ said, "Ye are, therefore, commanded to be perfect, even as
your Father who is in heaven is perfect (JST/BOM)."; this statement fully reveals,
ordinances of the Priesthood, binding families in eternal felicity, create celestial
perfection; and are mandatory requirements for the exaltation of planet earth.
Also, by extension, Jesus Christ, as the Messiah, is sealed to His Father Ahman;
and, Adam and Eve, with their righteous posterity, will be sealed to Jesus Christ.]
Mar 09 Web Extends Distribution Services’ Reach
Mar 09
World Briefs
June 09
Church History Library Set to Open
July 09
The Joseph Smith Papers: The Joseph Smith Papers
The Manuscript Revelation Books. Comprehensive digital collection.
Aug 09 When Should I Get My Patriarchal Blessing?
Aug 09
FamilySearch Indexing Now Available in Three Additional Languages
Dec 09
President Monson, Elder Oaks Present U.S. President with Family History
↑ up

Liahona 2008
      [Compare with Ensign 2008]
Feb 08
My Family History Miracle
"Now this prophecy Adam spake, as he was moved upon by the Holy Ghost,
and a genealogy was kept of the children of God" (Moses 6:8).
Mar 08 The Living Christ
The Testimony of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Apr 08
New Opportunity Allows More Members to Serve
May 08
Salvation and Exaltation
June 08
World Briefs
July 08
All Human Beings Are Created in the Image of God
Sep 08 Family History Reflections
Sep 08 Searching in Finland
Sep 08 Mom’s Journal
Sep 08
In the News
Oct 08
Gender Is an Essential Characteristic of Eternal Identity and Purpose
↑ up

Liahona 2007
      [Compare with Ensign 2007]
Apr 07
Family History Library Celebrates World Traditions
May 07
The Miracle of the Holy Bible
June 07
Lecture Looks at Online Future of Family History
Aug 07
Jump into Journaling—Nicole Antúnez of Santiago, Chile
Oct 07
Church Historian Discusses Role of History in Mission of Church
Dec 07 There Shall Be a Record Kept among You
Dec 07
The Joseph Smith Journals
↑ up

Liahona 2006
      [Compare with Ensign 2006]
Mar 06
Ground Broken for New Church History Library
May 06
A Royal Priesthood . . . President Joseph F. Smith said,
"In like manner our fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters and friends who have
passed away from this earth, having been faithful, and worthy to enjoy these rights
and privileges, may have a mission given them to visit their relatives and friends
upon the earth again, bringing from the divine Presence messages of love, of warning,
or reproof and instruction, to those whom they had learned to love in the flesh."
Aug 06
Jared’s Journal
Sep 06
Sharing Family Heritage
↑ up

Liahona 2005
      [Compare with Ensign 2005]
Apr 05 Family History Scroll
May 05
He Knows You by Name
June 05 Church Renovates Family History Library
June 05
Come Listen to a Prophet’s Voice: Your Fascinating History
Aug 05 599 Baptisms Inspired by a growing love for my ancestors,
I did family history work for hundreds of them.
Sep 05
New Church History Library to Be Constructed
Dec 05
Joseph Smith’s Family Tree
↑ up

Liahona 2004
      [Compare with Ensign 2004]
May 04
The Finished Story
Sep 04
Putting Family First in Ukraine . . . Elder Boyd K. Packer
of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles dedicated the land of Ukraine
. . . on 12 September 1991. . . . Elder Packer asked "that the people [in Ukraine]
will be blessed with food and clothing and shelter."  As noted in the Deseret News,
TWO REPUBLICS IN USSR ARE DEDICATED. This was later followed by Church News,
article: Kyiv Ukraine Temple fulfills 1991 prophecy. . . . "This gathering is prescient
of the tens and the hundreds and thousands and the hundreds of thousands that will
yet join Thy Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in this land.
We see the day when there will be scattered in the villages here and there a member
and yet another member and then a gathering and then a branch and, in due time,
stakes of Zion set firmly and permanently upon the fertile soil of the Ukraine.
And in due time, the spires of temples will be seen across this great land." . . .
"we remember those who have lived here in generations past and now are gone.
. . . We pray that there will be an outpouring of the Spirit of Elijah,
that the names will come forth, the records made available, . . ."
[Research Note: Russia's "special military operation" against Ukrainian sovereignty
is a direct contradiction of the righteous desires expressed by Elder Boyd K. Packer.
How Russian soldiers ran a 'cleansing' operation in Bucha | AP News, indicates how
death will not deter future righteous Temple blessings beyond the veil of death, for
suffering families. Andrii Dvornikov, was accused as being a spotter for the Ukrainian
military. He was the loving husband of Yulia Truba; she was called by Dvornikov, just
before being detained by Russian soldiers; and he told her to delete all evidence
of their communications. He was killed. Nevertheless, What relief Dvornikov's widow,
Yulia Truba has found did not come from a court. A month after she buried her
husband, he came to her in a dream. "I feel bad without you. How can I talk to you
if I already buried you?" she told him in the dream. "I am alive," he said. His face
was luminous. She jolted awake, weeping. Then she realized his voice was not sad.
"We still have this connection," she said. "After this, I felt better." Her case will ascend
above to the Courts on High, to the Righteous Judge of All, even Jesus Christ; with an
eternal sealing of all family relationships available, through the Sacrifice of His Life,
for all accepting willingly, the Atonement ordinances made in the House of the Lord.]
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Liahona 2003
      [Compare with Ensign 2003]
↑ up

Liahona 2002
      [Compare with Ensign 2002]
Mar 02
I Found Them!
June 02
Amberley and Jenneke Kurtz of Wellington, New Zealand
Aug 02 For Little Friends: My Book of Remembrance
Aug 02
Sharing Time: ‘The Heart of the Children
Nov 02 The Stake Patriarch
Nov 02
Ordinance Index Available on the Internet
↑ up

Liahona 2001
      [Compare with Ensign 2001]
Jan 01 The Redemption of the Dead and the Testimony of Jesus
By identifying our ancestors and performing for them the saving ordinances
they could not themselves perform, we are testifying of the infinite reach
of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
July 01
Born Again . . . the Church is now the custodian of the greatest
treasure of family records in the world. . . . These records are freely shared . . .

Sep 01
Building Family Unity through Temple and Family History Work
Oct 01
Truth from Elijah
Nov 01
The Hidden Book
Nov 01 No Need to Fear
↑ upΛ

Liahona 2000
      [Compare with Ensign 2000]
Jan 00
For This Cause Came I into the World . . . Voice cannot tell nor tongue proclaim
the fulness of Christ's ineffable example. In the words of John the Beloved, "And there
are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every
one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be
written" (John 21:25). [Research Note: All to be made available during the Millennium;
by which all mankind who have lived upon the earth will be accordingly self judged.
(KJV John 12:48 notes: He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that
judgeth him {by his own consciousness, or the Light of Christ dwelling within him}; the
word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him <self condemnation> in the last day.)
The Earth itself will be the sacred repository of all the Acts of The Messiah, Jesus Christ.
(KJV Habakkuk 2:14 notes: For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory
of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.) Earth will be a Terrestrial planet; its initial
preparation for its transition, after physical death, into a Celestial Urim and Thummim.
(D&C 130: 8-10 notes: The place where God resides is a great Urim and Thummim.
This earth, in its sanctified and immortal state, will be made like unto crystal and will
be a Urim and Thummim to the inhabitants who dwell thereon, whereby all things
pertaining to an inferior kingdom, or all kingdoms of a lower order, will be manifest
to those who dwell on it; and this earth will be Christ's. Then the white stone mentioned
in Revelation 2:17, will become a Urim and Thummim to each individual who receives
one, whereby things pertaining to a higher order of kingdoms will be made known; . . .)
Similar to modern Metaverse virtual and augmented reality; controllers and headset.]
Mar 00
The Ancestor Game
May 00
Spain: Exploring Horizons of Faith
June 00 The Spirit of Elijah
June 00
When the Lord Opened My Eyes
Nov 00 Lives under Construction
Nov 00
A Foundation of Strength in Germany
↑ up

Liahona 1999
      [Compare with Ensign 1999]
Jan 99
Small Temples—Large Blessings [in Ensign, Nov 1998]
May 99
Taiwan: Four Decades of Faith . . . "Church members emphasize ancestors
. . . We do family history work, submit names to the temple, and perform ordinances
for their eternal benefit."
July 99 Preparing Our Families for the Temple
July 99
Bridges and Eternal Keepsakes
Aug 99
Cactus Cleanup . . . Among the large number of young people in the area,
they have seen a "big push for genealogy." . . .
Dec 99
Living a Christ-Centered Life . . . Developing Faith in Christ . . . The Prophet
Joseph Smith spoke of this subject: "When you climb up a ladder, . . . the principles
of the Gospel--------------------you must begin with the first, and go on until you learn all
the principles of exaltation. But it will be a great while after you have passed through
the veil [death} before you will have learned them. It is not all to be comprehended
in this world; it will be a great work to learn our salvation and exaltation even beyond
the grave" (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, selected by Joseph Fielding Smith
[1976], 348). [Research Note: But what of having perfection in this life? Joseph Smith, Jr.
wrote: " . . . You don't know me; you never knew my heart. No man knows my history.
I cannot tell it: I shall never undertake it. I don't blame any one for not believing my
history. If I had not experienced what I have, I would not have believed it myself.
I never did harm any man since I was born in the world. My voice is always for peace.
I cannot lie down until all my work is finished. I never think any evil, nor do anything
to the harm of my fellow-man.
When I am called by the trump of the archangel (intent)
and weighed in the balance, you will all know me then. I add no more. . . ."  It is very
self evident that Joseph Smith, Jr. was innocent before God; had been fully forgiven,
of all of his mortal sins and transgressions, and was Christ perfected by the Holy Ghost.
↑ up

Liahona 1998
      [Compare with Ensign 1998]
Jan 98 issue missing online.
Feb 98
The Man Adam . . . "And there was given him dominion, and glory,
and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him:
his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his
kingdom that which shall not be destroyed" (Daniel 7:13-14). [Research Note keys:
Doctrine & Covenants 112:32
For verily I say unto you, the keys of the dispensation,
which ye have received, have come down from the fathers, and last of all, being
sent down from heaven unto you (The First Presidency and The Twelve Apostles).]
May 98
Remember the Sabbath Day
June 98 Planting Promises in the Hearts of the Children [Research Note references:
PRECIOUS BIBLE PROMISES; compiled by Samuel Clarke, D.D. (1684-1759) text, and
The Promises Made to and the Right Belonging to the Fathers | Religious Studies Center.
. . . Abraham "sought for the blessings of the fathers", including that of becoming
"a rightful heir, a High Priest, holding the right
belonging to the fathers" (Abraham 1:2;
emphasis added); contrary to his own idolatrous father's will: (Who Was Terah?).]
July 98 issue missing online.
Oct 98
Reflections on Establishing the Gospel in Eastern Europe . . . One of the most
effective of the Lord's ambassadors was the Church's microfilming work. . . .
the Genealogical Department (now the Family History Department) . . . [Research Note:
Hearts Turned to the Fathers: A History of the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1894-1994]
↑ up

Liahona 1997
      [Compare with Ensign 1997]
Jan 97 issue missing online.
Mar 97
A Dream Come True in Hong Kong
May 97
A House for the Lord
June 97
My Dream Came True
July 97 issue missing online.
Oct 97
Our Work Helped Others
Dec 97
I Am a Pioneer
↑ up

Liahona 1996
      [Compare with Ensign 1996]
Jan 96 issue missing online.
May 96 A Journal of Letters
May 96 France . . . Flowering . . . "The veil is thin when you do family history,"
says Sister Lafargue. "I pray for help as I gather the names and dates of my ancestors,
and I feel their presence when I perform their temple ordinances."
May 96 Calendar for Yesterdays
May 96
My Family Tree
June 96
Stumbling Blocks, Faith, and Miracles . . .
The Prophet Joseph Smith declared: All that we do for our own salvation
must be done for the salvation of our dear ones, because salvation is the same for all.
July 96 issue missing online.
Aug 96
A Journal for Today and Tomorrow
Sep 96
Brynjólfur Vídir Ólafsson of Hafnarfjördur, Iceland
Oct 96 The Miracle of My Conversion
Nov 96
The Spirit of Elijah [Research Note: Moroni informed Joseph Smith, Jr., then
a 17-year-old youth, that "Behold, I will reveal unto you the Priesthood, by the hand
of Elijah the prophet, . . .", on his initial heavenly visit. From a professional research
standpoint, there is a tremendous amount of internal consistency within records, in
the Biblical accounts, History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as
well as the Book of Mormon, that validates the truthfulness of The Book of Mormon.
Moroni followed the pattern of Jesus Christ, recorded about A.D. 34, as Jesus Christ
Himself required the record of Malachi to be written down, as noted, beginning with
additional scripture, or two chapters, seen within the Bible, "which the Father had
given unto Malachi". Clearly, the Lord Jesus Christ is manifested as a Record Keeper.
The key humility characteristic of the Messiah is found, as the Royal King did loose
the tongues of the children of the multitude, and they did speak unto their fathers
great and marvelous things, even greater than Jehovah Himself had revealed unto
the people; and He loosed their tongues that they could utter. Exceedingly gracious.
So this also clearly shows how the heart of the fathers will be turned to the children,
and the heart of the children to their fathers, in priesthood patriarchal family order;
as holy descendants of the ancient fathers, reveal hidden truths in these latter days.
The Plates of Nephi do contain the more part of the things which Jesus Christ did
teach the people, of which the current Book of Mormon does not contain even
a hundredth part. These teachings of Jesus Christ can exceedingly expedite all
missionary work, culminating in the gathering of Israel in these latter days; when
they are published to the world; brought forth by faithful LDS Church membership.
"I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall
prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions . . .
And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord
shall be delivered." Joel's confirmation that "my people shall never be ashamed."
It is self evident therefore, from the record structure, including the fact that Jesus
appeared to about 2,500 men, women, and children gathered around the temple
in the land of Bountiful; that all their feelings would have been similarly motivated,
to seek out all of their ancestry; that they performed and recorded vast, valid temple
ordinance works for those of their departed ancestry; also loved friends and relatives,
from that time forward, especially with the assistance of the three tarrying Disciples,
who received the same blessing granted to John the Beloved--that they might stay
on earth to bring souls to Christ until the Lord comes again, on both sides of the veil;
through the convincing power of God which is in them; as well as now, their present
ministering to the Gentiles, and the Gentiles know them not; and among the Jews,
and the Jews shall know them not; visits even unto all the scattered tribes of Israel,
and unto all nations, kindreds, tongues and people; even in these, the latter days.]
Nov 96
A Marvelous Work
↑ up

Liahona 1995
 {Tambulilit} [Compare with Ensign 1995]
Why ‘Tambuli’?
Tambulilit Meaning: A person who has the potential to attain spiritual enlightenment.
Jan 95 issue missing online.
May 95
A Temple-Motivated People
June 95
If Ye Be Willing and Obedient
June 95 Joseph Smith, Truly a Prophet
July 95 issue missing online.
Aug 95
The 20-Day Challenge (Keeping a Personal Journal Record)
↑ up

Liahona 1994
 {Tambulilit} [Compare with Ensign 1994]
Why ‘Tambuli’?
Tambulilit Meaning: A person who has the potential to attain spiritual enlightenment.
Jan 94 issue missing online.
Feb 94 The Abrahamic Covenant: A Blessing for All People
Feb 94
Friend to Friend
Apr 94
Because I Live, Ye Shall Live Also . . . " . . . Do [spirits go beyond the boundaries
of this organized earth? No, they do not. . . When the spirits leave their bodies they are
in the presence of our Father and God, they are prepared then to see, hear and under-
stand spiritual things. . . . If the Lord would permit it, and it was His will that it should
be done, you could see the spirits that have departed from this world, as plainly as you
now see bodies with your natural eyes" (Brigham Young, in Journal of Discourses, . . .).]
Apr 94 Treasure from China
Apr 94
The Joseph Smith Memorial Building
May 94 The Key of Faith . . . The person who is working on his or her family history
fits the description of one who is fulfilling his or her duty. . . . And to them will I reveal
all mysteries, yea, all the hidden mysteries of my kingdom from days of old,
and for ages to come, will I make known unto them the good pleasure of my will
concerning all things pertaining to my kingdom. . . . The key of faith can be ours.
June 94
Gaining Strength through Patriarchal Blessings
June 94
Joseph Smith among the Prophets . . . Who among the world's scholars
and religious leaders can lay claim to having stood face to face with Adam,
Enoch, Noah, Moses, Elijah, John the Baptist, Peter, James, and John?
[Answer: Jesus Christ Himself; as well as all other Seers who have had full visions
of the History of the World from Creation, down to the end of the temporal earth.]
June 94
Joseph Smith, Prophet of the Restoration
June 94
Where Are Those Dutchmen Going!
June 94
Sep 94 Our Return to Full Activity
Sep 94 Learning from the Scriptures: A Lifelong Pursuit
Sep 94 Diary of My Enemy
Sep 94
I Found My Ancestors
Nov 94
A Century of Genealogy
↑ up

Liahona 1993
  {Tambulilit} [Compare with Ensign 1993]
Why ‘Tambuli’?
Tambulilit Meaning: A person who has the potential to attain spiritual enlightenment.
Jan 93 issue missing online.
Feb 93
Family Album
Mar 93
Time Capsule
Apr 93
Wilford Woodruff: Man of Faith and Zeal . . . Keeping a History . . .
he had a terrifying experience with a "prince of darkness . . . Afterwards three men
dressed in white came to me and prayed with me, and I was healed immediately
of all my wounds, and delivered of my troubles." [Research Note: The Three Nephites
"are as the angels of God, and if they shall pray unto the Father in the name of Jesus
they can show themselves unto whatsoever man it seemeth them good" (Nephi 28:30).]
June 93
Joseph F. Smith: The Blessings of Family Relationships . . . "There can be no
genuine happiness separate and apart from the home, and every effort made to sanctify
and preserve its influence is uplifting to those who toil and sacrifice for its establishment.
. . . There is no happiness without
service, and there is no service greater than that which
converts the home into a divine institution, and which promotes and preserves family life."
July 93 issue missing online.
Aug 93
Korea: Land of the Morning Calm
Sep 93
Children’s Art around the World

Oct 93
House of Revelation . . . Visions of the Father and the Son . . ." a personage
walked through the room from east to west, and Joseph asked if we saw him.
I saw him and suppose the others did and Joseph answered that is Jesus, the Son of God,
our elder brother. . . . Another person came through; he was surrounded as with a flame
of fire. . . . The Prophet Joseph said this was the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I saw Him" . . . "event was confirmed . . . I saw the form of a man, most lovely,
the visage of his face was sound and fair as the sun. His hair a bright silver grey,
curled in most majestic form, His eyes a keen penetrating blue, and the skin of his neck
a most beautiful white and he was covered from the neck to the feet with a loose garment,
pure white, whiter than any garment I have ever before seen. His countenance was most
penetrating, and yet most lovely. . . . But it left on my mind the impression of love . . . " .
. . The Keys of the Kingdom . . . Many of the brethren saw a heavenly vision of the Savior,
and concourses of angels, and many other things, of which each one has a record
of what he saw" . . .
Nov 93
The Power of God Was with Us . . . "The Heavenly Host were in attendance
at the [first] dedication [service]." President Woodruff told the congregation in a
subsequent dedicatory service. "If the eyes of the congregation could be opened
they would [have] seen Joseph and Hyrum [Smith], Brigham Young, John Taylor
and all the good men who had lived in this dispensation assembled with us,
as also Esaias, Jeremiah, and all the Holy Prophets and Apostles who had
prophesied of the latter day work. . . . They were rejoicing with us in this building
which had been accepted of the Lord and [when] the [Hosanna] shout had reached
the throne of the Almighty," they too had jointed in the joyous shout.
↑ up

Liahona 1992
  {Tambulilit} [Compare with Ensign 1992]
Why ‘Tambuli’?
Tambulilit Meaning: A person who has the potential to attain spiritual enlightenment.
Jan 92 issue missing online.
Feb 92
I Found My Father
May 92 Wisit Khanakam
June 92 One of the distinctive teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
concerns the eternal significance of temples and temple ordinances. This special issue is
devoted to articles about modern-day temples and their purposes.
June 92
Come to the Temple
June 92
Why These Temples?
June 92 Endowed with Covenants and Blessings
June 92 The Holy Temple . . . No work is more of a protection to this Church
than temple work and the genealogical research that supports it. No work is
more spiritually refining. No work we do gives us more power. Nor work requires
a higher standard of righteousness. Our labors in the temple cover us with a shield
and a protection, both individually and as a people.
June 92
A Healing Balm
June 92 Salvation for the Dead
June 92
My Friend—Far Away and Long Ago
July 92 issue missing online.
Sep 92 Pedro Ayala Espinosa of Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl, México
. . . What's in a Surname?
Dec 92
‘I Was with My Family’: Joseph Smith As Husband, Father, Son, and Brother
↑ up

Liahona 1991
 {Tambulilit} [Compare with Ensign 1991]
Why ‘Tambuli’?
Tambulilit Meaning: A person who has the potential to attain spiritual enlightenment.
Jan 91 issue missing online.
Apr 91 Finding My Choctaw Ancestors
Apr 91
What Can I Do? My Journal
July 91 issue missing online.
↑ up

Liahona 1990
 {Tambulilit} [Compare with Ensign 1990]
Why ‘Tambuli’?
Tambulilit Meaning: A person who has the potential to attain spiritual enlightenment.
Jan 90 issue missing online.
Feb 90
Of the Most Worth . . . You will not be an effective missionary until you learn
to have
sympathy for all of our Father's children--until you learn to love them. . . .
(See also: The Vision of the Redemption of the Dead, by President M. Russell Ballard);
read the biblical account of Christ's resurrection . . . share the Book of Mormon account
of Christ's personal manifestation to those in America following His resurrection. . . .
The Book of Mormon . . . shows that Joseph Smith was a prophet. . . . "Do you want
to learn more of Christ?"  . . . [Research Note:
JST, Matthew 4:8 And again, Jesus
was in the Spirit, and it taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and showeth
him all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them. This vision was in preparation
for the Mission of Jesus Christ. From a genealogical research specialist standpoint, this
vision is validated in the destruction of Nephite cities at the time of Jesus Christ’s death;
(Example: that great city Jacobugath . . . I caused to be burned with fire, because of their
sins and their wickedness, which was above all the wickedness of the whole earth, . . .);
which shows that He had personal knowledge of all the inhabitants of the earth, during
the same time in which He was directly administering to the ancient holy lands; & that
He knew locations of the other sheep (tribes) of Israel, whom the Jews "know not of".]
Feb 90 Elder Richard G. Scott: ‘The Real Power Comes from the Lord
Feb 90
The Bible: Only 4,263 Languages to Go
Mar 90 Grandma’s Book of Life
Apr 90
1. Be Nice to Dan
Apr 90 Me—A Biographer?
Apr 90
Bienvenidos! Welcome Back! . . . Ana's deceased grandfather appeared to her.
Three times he forcefully said, "Ana, I need the gospel!"
July 90 issue missing online.
Sep 90 Temple Ancestor Day: Three Success Stories
Sep 90 Mormon Message Get to Know an Old Friend . . . Learn about your ancestors.
Nov 90
Three Hundred Parchment Scrolls
Nov 90
Family Reporter
↑ up

Liahona 1989
{Tambulilit} [Compare with Ensign 1989]
Why ‘Tambuli’?
Tambulilit Meaning: A person who has the potential to attain spiritual enlightenment.
Jan 89 issue missing online.
Mar 89
Memory . . . I pray that you will live so that your name
will appear on the list of the righteous, and that it can be written
in that "book of remembrance" which serves as a registry "for them
that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name" (3 Ne. 24:16).
Mar 89 My Grandfather’s Three Sons
Apr 89 The ‘Perfect Day’ Challenge
Apr 89
The naming and blessing of a child is not an ordinance necessary for salvation.
Why, then, is it important? [Research Note:
The Circumcision of Jesus Christ, as it is
presented in the Journal of Urology, mentions: "Christianity never condoned the ritual
of circumcision and established the sacrament of baptism in its place." Nevertheless,
this was a false transition, by an unenlightened priesthood. The testimony of St. Luke
mentions that the angel Gabriel (Noah), was sent from God, to Mary, declaring to her,
that she would bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus; and when eight days
were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called Jesus, (which
was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb). And when the days
of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him
to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord. Therefore, Latter-day Saint naming of a child,
and blessing them, is historically consistent with Holy Priesthood naming of Jesus Christ,
by the angel Gabriel (Noah); followed by a public presentation of the newly born infant,
before the Lord, usually in a meetinghouse of the general local membership; in devout
congregational joy and rejoicing; similar to just Simeon and prophetess Anna feelings.]
July 89 issue missing online.
Aug 89
Anna Nadasdi: Preserving Her Family History
Sep 89
Aunt Fia
Oct 89 Turning Our Hearts
Oct 89
A Gift of Memories
Oct 89 On Death and Dying
Oct 89
Art Thou Greater? [Research Note: From a historical background, Jesus Christ,
the Son of Man, declares He hath descended below them all. Stating if the very jaws
of hell shall gape open the mouth wide after thee, appears to relate to His Gethsemane,
(including the kiss of betrayal by Judas, whose very own body was possessed by Satan);
as well as suffering leading up to and including the crucifixion of Christ upon the cross.
No written historical defining testimony notes when Jesus Christ had all the elements
combined to hedge up His way; when the heavens gathered blackness; when the very
fierce winds became His enemy; when the billowing surge conspired against Him; or,
when He was cast into the deep; nor, when He was specifically cast into the pit; unless
related to His incarceration by the Jewish leadership, into the hands of evil murderers,
and the sentence of death was passed upon Him, by a fully enraged mob at Jerusalem.
Encounters with Satan appear to be superficially brief. Satan was a perpetual murderer.
In the pre-existence, or pre-earth-life, those who followed his desires lost their rightful
privilege to be born to this earth, which was an abortion for life denied to many billions
of spirit children of God. This was followed by Satan's design to bring death to humans
in this world, by the deception of Eve, in the garden of Eden; and degrading the earth.
This was followed thereafter by Satan's instigation of the death of Abel by brother Cain.
Satan encouraged the corruption of all flesh upon the earth, ending in a global flood.
Satan tempted Moses to worship him, and Satan also tempted Christ to worship him.
In the case of Moses, it is more clearly stated in the Pearl of Great Price, that Moses
said: "Depart hence, Satan." Satan thereafter cried with a loud voice, ranted upon
the earth; commanded, saying I am the Only Begotten, worship me; trembled: it
which caused the earth to shake; wept, wailed, gnashed his (spirit) teeth; departed.
"If he could [Satan] would shed the blood of every man and woman on the face of
the earth, rather than it should go into the hands of God. All those who are connected
with him would, if they could, slay every every man that stands in their pathway.
The more faithful a man is in the cause of God, the more the hatred of the wicked
is manifested against him." D & C 129:8 and the Reality of Satan’s Physicality,]
Nov 89
Life Is Eternal
Dec 89 Temple Worthiness
Dec 89
In Wisdom and Order There are many different things we can do to help
in the redeeming of the dead, in temple and family history work. All are expressions
of devotion and discipleship.
↑ up

Liahona 1988
{Tambulilit} [Compare with Ensign 1988]
Why ‘Tambuli’?
Tambulilit Meaning: A person who has the potential to attain spiritual enlightenment.
Jan 88 issue missing online.
Feb 88
Let’s Keep a Journal
Mar 88
Have You Ever Seen the Lord?
Apr 88
Do we know how the earth’s history as indicated from
fossils fits with the earth’s history as the scriptures present it?
[Reply: Facebook - Alphabetic History of Civilization: Ancient and Modern Genealogies]
July 88 issue missing online.
Aug 88
The Parents You Have Not Known . . . "You will have the great privilege
of performing work for and in behalf of your family, the parents you have not known.
If you will search for your family records, help will come from on high; the heavens
will respond to your prayers if you fast and pray and if you will be faithful in giving
of your time and talents."
Aug 88
The Sunday Box
Sep 88
Seek the Spirit of the Lord , , , Now note this: He also told her that as soon
as he realized that he was beyond the mortal world, he had tried to reach his father
but could not. His father was so busy with the details of his work that he could not
respond to the promptings of the Spirit. Therefore, the son had come to his mother.
Sep 88
Do we have guardian angels who watch over and protect us? [Research Note:
According to Jesus Christ, Presiding High Priest of The Church, JST Matthew 18:10-11,
Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones, for I say unto you that in heaven
their angels do always behold the face of (have Priesthood access to) my Father,
who is in heaven. For the Son of Man is come to save that which was lost and to call
sinners to repentance; but these little ones have no need of repentance, and I will
save them. Since all children of the family of Man, under age eight (8) years of age,
are innocent before God; then we have the complete testimony and total assurance,
that in heaven, their angels do always behold the face of His Father, our Lord Ahman.
Jesus Christ previously emphasized, in Matthew 18: 2-5, the expansion of this concept,
wherein: And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,
and said, Verily, I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children,
ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever, therefore, shall humble
himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoso
shall receive one such little child in my name, receiveth me. But whoso shall offend
one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone
were hanged about his neck and he were drowned in the depth of the sea. Obviously,
all members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, who continue within
childlike innocence before God the Eternal Father, receive continued angelic aid;
further validated by the fact that the Aaronic Priesthood enjoys the companionship
of the Spirit of the Lord and the ministering of angels; typically given to young men:
deacons, teachers, and priests; as well as recent adult male converts to the Church.
Losing a Friend to Death is an example of being comforted by having a clear dream.]
Oct 88 The Spirit of Elijah
Dec 88
On the Morrow Come I into the World . . . [Research Note: Samuel, a Lamanite
said: "And it shall come to pass that whosoever shall believe on the Son of God,
the same shall have everlasting life." . . . "And if ye believe on his name ye will repent
of all your sins, that thereby ye may have a remission of them through his merits . . .
Spirit of Elijah testifies that no accountable human being living on this earth now,
can say in truth that they believe on the Son of God, in fact; and thus become a son,
or daughter in the House of Israel; unless they become a true covenant Saint; through
baptism and receiving all other ordinances provided by the Holy Priesthood; in sacred
Temple Ordinances, ministered within The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.]
Dec 88
A Prophecy Come True [Research Note: Samuel, a Lamanite prophet, residing
upon the American continents, noted that "there shall a new star arise, such as one as
ye never have beheld" (Helaman 14:5). JST Matthew, beginning in Chapter 3, testifies:
"behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, Saying, Where is the child
that is born, the Messiah of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the east and have
come to worship him." This star was seen by descendants of Father Lehi, residing upon
American continents. The wise men were sent to Bethlehem by King Herod, telling
them to search diligently for the young child. The wise men, "When they had heard
the king, they departed; and lo, the star which they saw in the east went before them
until it came and stood over where the young child was." Bethlehem Ephrathah, located
in the Judaean Hills, is (5) five miles (8 km) south of Jerusalem. When they saw the star,
they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. Previously, in the ninetieth year of the reign of
the judges (2 B. C), "angels did appear unto men, wise men, and did declare unto them
glad tidings of great joy; thus in this year the scriptures began to be fulfilled"; showing
clear connectivity between feelings of exceeding great joy for both wise men groups.]
↑ up

Liahona 1987
 {Tambulilit} [Compare with Ensign 1987]
Why ‘Tambuli’?
Tambulilit Meaning: A person who has the potential to attain spiritual enlightenment.
Jan 87 issue missing online.
May 87
Elder Boyd K. Packer: Disciple of the Master Teacher . . . It is obvious,
however, that Donna Packer is a very accomplished woman—skilled homemaker,
talented Church worker, genealogical researcher. A dynamic woman,
she is currently writing a book on the Packer genealogy.
May 87
The Saints in South Africa
May 87 . . . To Be Continued.
June 87
The Missing Book . . . Thanks to this “mistake,” however, I have found
not just one, but more than a hundred names of my German family. Indeed,
the Lord had been helping me all along, even though I had not realized it at first.
July 87 issue missing online.
Aug 87 Australia Today: And Now the Harvest . . . If the opening of the temple
suggested a new level of maturity for the Church in Australia,
the following year’s genealogical and temple activity proved it.
Aug 87 Margaret Lawson: Kununurra’s Solitary Saint . . .
Endowed in the London Temple while on leave, Sister Lawson is 3,200 kilometers
from the Sydney Temple—too far to travel regularly. However, she recently established
Kununurra’s only genealogical society. Her eventual aim: to serve a temple mission
in one of the tropical-climate temples.
Aug 87
The Book of Mormon Is a Family History for ‘The Jets’
Sep 87
My Mission across the Centuries . . .
As the patriarch lifted his hands from my head, neither he nor I guessed
that a major part of my patriarchal blessing would be fulfilled so soon
and in such a surprising manner. The very doctrine that had thrilled me
at my conversion two years before—the responsibility of seeking after
my kindred dead—had been specifically mentioned three times in my blessing.
But when I had joined the Church as the only member in my family,
the task of compiling my genealogy had seemed overwhelming.
Oct 87 This issue is not available for the database.
Nov 87 This issue is not available for the database.
Dec 87 This issue is not available for the database.
↑ up

1986 {Tambulilit} [Compare with Ensign 1986]
Why ‘Tambuli’?
Tambulilit Meaning: A person who has the potential to attain spiritual enlightenment.
Jan 86 issue missing online.
Feb 86
Joseph, Example of Excellence . . . Children have always fascinated me.
They are a physical, mental, and emotional blend of two different people,
the combining of two parents into one flesh. Further, the way children take on
the characteristics of their parents intrigues me—their speech mannerisms, gestures,
laughs, attitudes, fashion consciousness, and so on. For this reason genealogy
has also intrigued me. I sometimes wonder how much of my ancestry I still carry in me,
how far back into my genealogical roots I could trace my own mannerisms,
physical attributes, and character traits. How fascinating it would be to have a detailed
written and visual account of each of our ancestors with which to compare ourselves.
. . . Few of us would think of claiming Iraq as an ancestral homeland,
yet that is where our father Abraham was born and reared to early maturity.
Syria remains a foreign country in the minds of many of us, yet our grandmothers
Rebecca and Rachel were born there, as was our grandfather Joseph.
And while our grandfather Joseph claimed Israel as his homeland, his wife,
our grandmother, Asenath, was not only Egyptian, but a daughter of an Egyptian priest.
Ephraim and Manasseh, then were both half-Egyptian. Through our genealogical roots,
most of us are citizens of the world, and whatever happens in the world
often affects those who are our distant cousins.
Mar 86 issue missing online; however, current Title for Feb Issue, as listed online.
Apr 86 What I Hope You Would Teach Your Children about the Temple . . .
Elijah brought the keys of sealing powers—that power which seals a man to a woman
and seals their posterity to them endlessly, that which seals their forefathers to them
all the way back to Adam. This is the power and order that Elijah revealed—
that same order of priesthood which God gave to Adam and to all the ancient patriarchs
which followed after him.
Apr 86
Ready for the Work . . . When we organized a genealogy class,
particularly for a group of nonmembers in town who were doing genealogy as a hobby,
we asked Heavenly Father for help in finding a teacher. He sent us another family;
the wife was a genealogy expert. She agreed to teach the class every Tuesday night.
Apr 86 Putting Your Talents to Work:
Examples of What Some Missionary Couples Have Done . . .
They were also invited to participate in a television interview and were able to answer
many questions about the Church and about genealogy.
May 86 issue missing online; however, current Title for Apr Issue, as listed online.
June 86 A Better Me, A Better Marriage: Developing Emotional Integrity . . .
To learn more about his mother, he did genealogy work and interviewed relatives.
As he listened with compassion to tapes of oral histories, he began to see his mother
as a person, not just as his parent. And he learned to understand her struggles
as she tried to succeed in what she perceived as her role as a wife and mother.
June 86 An Age of Contrasts: From Adam to Abraham . . . The Bible devotes
only eight chapters to this period (approximately ten pages in modern translations),
and three of those chapters are lists of genealogies, containing the familiar “begats.”
. . . Moses 6 and 8 supplement the genealogies of the Patriarchs by adding information
that is not found in the corresponding narrative in Genesis 5. The most substantial
contribution of this section, however, is the comparatively large amount of material
concerning the great prophet Enoch and his people.
June 86 Beyond the Veil: Two Latter-day Revelations
June 86
Grandpa’s Bible
July 86 issue missing online.
Aug 86 After Four Hundred Names . . . Mother was soon called to be the stake
genealogy secretary. Whenever a group assigned could not make it, a member
of the temple presidency would call mother to ask if her sons could come
to the temple to do baptisms for the dead.
Aug 86 Comfort from Beyond the Veil
Aug 86
George Frideric Handel
Sep 86 issue missing online; however, current Title for Aug Issue, as listed online.
Oct 86 President Thomas S. Monson: Always ‘on the Lord’s Errand’ . . .
As a member of the Council of the Twelve for twenty-three years, Brother Monson’s
administrative opportunities have included assignments—and invaluable training—
reaching across the breadth of Latter-day Saint life: missionary work, welfare services,
education, genealogy, home teaching, leadership training, correlation,
curriculum development, priesthood quorum and auxiliary programs—and on and on.
Nov 86 issue missing online; however, current Title for Oct Issue, as listed online.
↑ up

1985 {Tambulilit} [Compare with Ensign 1985]
Why ‘Tambuli’?
Tambulilit Meaning: A person who has the potential to attain spiritual enlightenment.
Jan 85 issue missing online.
Feb 85 This issue is not available for the database; current Title for Feb-Mar issue.
Apr 85 Digging into the Book of Mormon: Part 2 . . . The writing system was a vehicle
for carrying sacred significance throughout all aspects of civilized life—commerce,
rulership, “history,” the calendar, astronomy, and such things as warfare, sacrifice,
death, health, destiny, and genealogy.
May 85 issue missing online; however, current Title for April Issue, as listed online.
June 85 Working Together in Family Councils . . .
A family council for planning genealogy work will probably be different
from one used to coordinate activities or to establish family rules. . . .
July 85 issue missing online; however, current Title for June Issue, as listed online.
Aug 85 My Friend—Far Away and Long Ago . . . My reactions were both embarrassing
and frustrating to me. George had always found genealogical research stimulating,
and I had prayed that the experience would be just as exciting for me.
But the long, cold, stiff hours seemed endless.
Sep 85 issue missing online; however, current Title for August Issue, as listed online.
Oct 85 Striving Together: A Conversation with the Relief Society General Presidency
. . . As women, our concern extends beyond ourselves
to the entire mission of the Church. We are concerned
with missionary work and with genealogical and temple work.
Nov 85 issue missing online; however, current Title for October Issue, as listed online.
Dec 85
I Found the Heart of Christmas . . .
Like obedient servants my eyes continued reading the genealogy of Jesus,
but my mind was not willing to let the words become thoughts.
↑ up

1984  {Tambulilit} [Compare with Ensign 1984]
Why ‘Tambuli’?
Tambulilit Meaning: A person who has the potential to attain spiritual enlightenment.
Jan 84
For Cindy . . . I found a small white journal my mother had kept,
personal letters, and a large chart, yellowed and tattered, with several generations
of family genealogy carefully written by Mother and started by her mother long years
before. . . . Her life and teachings prepared me to receive the fullness of the gospel;
her faith and inspiration guided her to pave the way for me to compile a family history
and complete genealogical and temple work that would unite our family forever.
Jan 84
The Many Voices: How to Balance the Demands on Your Time
Mar 84
Instruments of Righteousness . . . I also knew that he could build
all the temples needed, perform all the genealogical research required,
and do all else, single-handedly, letter perfect, and without any wasted motion.
Mar 84
How Does Jesus Get the Money? . . . It’s sent to Church headquarters
to help with missionary work, with the building of temples and meetinghouses,
with genealogy work, and with other necessary things.
Apr 84 Genealogy and Temple Work . . . Elder Boyd K. Packer of the Quorum
of the Twelve made the relationship between the two very clear when he said:
“You cannot have regard for temple ordinance work without having great respect
for genealogical work as well. Genealogical work is the fundamental service
for the temples. The temples could not stay open without success
in the genealogical program.”
(The Holy Temple, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1980, p. 224.)
Apr 84 Please Do My Work . . . Now, in the middle of the night,
here was my great-great-grandfather Wilkie saying to me, “Terry Lynn,
please have my family sealed to me. I want to be with them through eternity.
Please have our temple work done! . . .
Apr 84 Are there guardian angels?
[Research Note:
Hebrews 1:13-14 KJV . . . 13 But to which of the angels said he
at any time, Sit on my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool?
14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them
who shall be heirs of salvation? COMMENTARY: All children under the age
of eight years of age are absolute heirs of salvation, for any child who dies
before the age of eight (8) will enter the Celestial Kingdom of God. All children,
born upon the planet earth are assigned a guardian angel, or, in other words,
are recorded in, and continuously maintained upon the celestial records kept
in heaven. At the age of eight, if then baptized authoritatively, legally and lawfully,
into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or in all prior administrations
of the true Church of Jesus Christ, from Adam, when its authority was upon the earth;
then, the administrative responsibilities of day to day comforting devolves upon,
or, transfers unto the Firstborn Office of the Holy Ghost, activated by independent
individual reception, worthiness and sanctification efforts, through use of free agency;
by special validating spiritual communication to a person's heart and mind; also, this,
additionally including in person revelation by various divine personages, ministering,
as considered necessary and expedient, through the very Royal Priesthood of God.]

May 84 issue missing online.
June 84
News: A Decade of Growth . . . 1982 March 18
Creation of three new Church Executive Councils: The Missionary Executive Council,
the Priesthood Executive Council, and the Temple and Genealogy Executive Council.
                                                                   1978 April 22
Adoption of controlled extraction program in genealogy.
July 84 How can I keep up with my Church responsibilities? . . .
Suppose you’re a mother of four young children; you also have two Church callings
to magnify, a garden to care for, canning and sewing to do, personal scripture study
and prayer to make part of each day, a desire to help and strengthen a lonely neighbor,
a desire to share the gospel with another neighbor, a need to do genealogical research
and attend the temple regularly, and on and on. What do you do? A prayerful search
may let you know that some responsibilities need to be temporarily limited
when children are small. But when we really desire to serve God, we will find a way.
July 84
Sprouting the Seed . . . For these missionaries,
training may also be given in the following: . . . Genealogy
Aug 84 Is it possible to extended ancestral lines to Adam? . . .
In the due time of the Lord we will have our connections back to Adam.
[Research Note: President Joseph Fielding Smith, The Way to Perfection
(Deseret Book, 1949 edition). Excerpts published previously in 1931
by the Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine; namely,
President Joseph Fielding Smith stated that . . . when the Saints could
“demonstrate [their] faith” and heed the “lesser teachings” would God
keep his promise to restore the sealed records to his people. Meanwhile,
their “faith [was] on trial"; all “the indications point to the fact that our faith
is weak, and therefore we are not prepared to receive these greater revelations
which will come forth when men are sufficiently humbled, prayerful, obedient,
and filled with faith, such as the brother of Jared had.” President Smith additionally
asserted that “this revelation of all the ages cannot come forth until the hearts of men
are prepared to receive it in perfect faith . . . willing to accept all the words of the Lord
without doubts and mental reservations.” (The records of the brother of Jared; i.e.,
the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon plates; the revelations from Christ
to the Lost Tribes, as well as their own written history; etc.)]
Aug 84
How My Journal Helped in My Conversion
Oct 84 As a home teacher, what can I do to encourage and involve
my junior companion? . . . 4. Many young men have had good training at home
caring for younger brothers and sisters. If you home teach a family
with small children, perhaps your junior companion could offer to tend
the youngsters (at no charge, of course) while the mother and father
go to the temple or to do genealogy or missionary work.
November 84 issue missing online.
↑ up

Liahona 1983 {Tambulilit} [Compare with Ensign 1983]
Why ‘Tambuli’?
Tambulilit Meaning: A person who has the potential to attain spiritual enlightenment.

Jan 83 Do we know by revelation that Christ was born on April 6?
[Research Note: +  EASTER TIME - From: Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
JESUS CHRIST: His Historical Validity & Gospel Chronology
"The date of Easter therefore varies between March 22 and April 25.
Eastern Christianity bases its calculations on the Julian Calendar whose
March 21 corresponds, during the 21st century to April 3 in the Gregorian Calendar,
in which calendar their celebration of Easter therefore varies between, April 4 and
May 8." In
D&C 20, a reference is made to "The rise of the Church of Christ in these
last days, being one thousand eight hundred and thirty years since the coming of
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the flesh, it being regularly organized and
established agreeable to the laws of our country, by the will and commandments
of God, in the fourth month, and on the sixth day of the month which is called April".
In the Book of Mormon, the first day of the first month would correspond with April 6th.
3 Nephi 2 "And six hundred and nine years had passed away since Lehi left Jerusalem. 
And nine years had passed away from the time when the sign was given, which was
spoken of by the prophets, that Christ should come into the world.  Now the Nephites
began to reckon their time from this period when the sign was given, or from the
coming of Christ; therefore, nine years had passed away."   Continuing,
3 Nephi 8,
"according to our record, and we know our record to be true . . . And it came to pass
in the thirty and fourth year, in the first month, on the fourth day of the month".  The
 Lord Jesus Christ was crucified at the beginning of His 34th year, being 33 years old,
for He hung upon the cross on the fourth day.  "And it came to pass that when the
thunderings, and the lightnings, and the storm, and the tempest, and the quakings
of the earth did cease— for behold, they did last for about the space of three hours."
These written events validate testimony in
Luke 23  "And it was about the sixth hour,
and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. And the sun was
darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst."  Jesus, who was
on April 6th, lived 33 years, and was crucified on the 9th of April, in His 34th year.
The Son of Man (
Messiah) gave witness as risen from the dead, within three days.
The Works of Josephus -
Complete and Unabridged, New Updated Edition, 1987;
from section:
The Antiquities of the Jews, Book 18, Chapter 3, page 480, verse 3.
(63), "Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call
him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works - a teacher of such men
as receive the truth with pleasure.  He drew over to him both many of the
Jews, and many of the Gentiles.  He was [the] Christ; (64) and when Pilate,
at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him
to the cross {b}   A.D. 33. April 3., those that loved him at the first did not
forsake him, for he appeared to them alive again the third day
{c}   April 5., as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten
thousand other wonderful things concerning him; and the tribe
of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day."
Ring of Roman Governor Pontius Pilate Who Crucified Jesus Christ
Found in Herodion Site in West Bank [Research Note: Title designation is incorrect.
Pontius Pilate, Roman procurator of Judea, in A.D. 26-36, presided over the trial
and execution of Jesus, as a just man, against his will. In what way was he
a just man? After interrogating Jesus Christ, Pilate declared to the people:
“I find in him no fault at all." . . . And Pilate saith unto them, Behold the man!]
[Additional Research Note: In the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible,
Pontius Pilate states and commands the Jewish multitude, as
Pilate washed his hands before them, saying: "I am innocent of
the blood of this just person; see that ye do nothing unto him."
This is a direct contradiction of Antiquities, stating that Pilate had
condemned Jesus Christ to the cross, (in The Works of Josephus).
The Jewish multitude violently prevailed, contrary to the specific
direct order command of the Judaean Roman province governor.]
Jan 83
The Secret of Cebu . . . Even though a lot of municipal records were destroyed
during the war, the Misaluchas have almost completed their four-generation genealogy
charts, and they keep looking for additional information. Bennette remembers going
to a cemetery to gather names and dates from tombstones, and Benjeline and Benson
are proud of their Books of Remembrance. Belenda keeps a regular personal journal.
Mar 83 Always Teaching … . . .
Elder Kimball had requested and been permitted to take time to do some genealogical
research on the actual location of the birthplace of his grandfather, Heber C. Kimball.
While it had generally been concluded that Heber C. Kimball was born
in Sheldon, Vermont, Elder Kimball wanted conclusive proof.
He also wanted to check for other genealogical information.
Apr 83
Elijah and the Power of God
May 83 issue missing online.
June 83
The People Have Given Me a New Heart . . . According to guidelines
from the First Presidency, sister missionaries may be involved in leadership
and member training, welfare services, visitors centers, public relations,
mission office staffs, Church education, and genealogy and temple work.
July 83
Commitment and Dedication . . .
You are probably acquainted with the following illustration from the life of Nephi.
When his father asked his older brothers to go up to Jerusalem to get the brass plates
which contained their genealogy, they whined and whimpered. But Nephi said,
“I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord
giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way …
that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.” (1 Ne. 3:7.)
Aug 83
Life Sketches Boost Quorum Brotherhood . . .
President Cowart firmly believes that the success of the procedure hinges
on the extensive time period given for each quorum member to tell his life story.
“It’s been good,” he says, “because nobody has just stood up and said where
he’s from and how many there are in his family. When they have twenty minutes
to talk, they can’t help but share meaningful experiences with us.”
Aug 83 A Change of Opinion . . . Both sisters are active in their callings
and have done genealogy that has allowed them to accomplish temple ordinances
for several hundred ancestors.
Aug 83
Friend to Friend . . .
Elder Hunter has served as president of the Polynesian Cultural Center in Hawaii,
as president of the Church Genealogical Society, as a bishop, and as a stake president.
. . . Elder Hunter related an experience he had during the time he served as president
of the Genealogical Society: “I went to see President McKay one day after a computer
representative told me that his company had developed a cylinder that would hold
a billion bits of information. I was excited! This was a break-through for genealogical
record keeping. As I told President McKay about it, I said, ‘Isn’t that marvelous?’
He replied, ‘What’s marvelous about that? You haven’t had use for it before, have you?’
I replied, ‘No, we are just at that point now.’ And he said, ‘Well, that’s the reason
the Lord has provided it now. ’”Because Elder Hunter kept diaries as a boy
and has continued to do so throughout his life, he urges all the children of the world
to do the same. “Even if you don’t think you do anything important, write down what
you do every day. Nothing is too unimportant to go into your daily journal. Encourage
your family to keep a journal also. They are treasured records"
Aug 83
My Journal . . . It was something he had heard the prophet,
President Spencer W. Kimball, talk about many times during general conferences.
That something was keeping a daily journal.
Sep 83
Questions and Answers . . . Only when families welcome home teachers
and rely upon their assistance in time of need can they really fulfill their priesthood role.
. . . They assist families in fulfilling their missionary, genealogical, preparedness,
and other responsibilities.
Sep 83
Through the Veil . . . When they mentioned temples, genealogy work,
and vicarious work for the dead, a voice rang in my ears, Grandpa’s voice,
and I heard again the solemn charge that he had given me.
Sep 83 Sharing Time: The Miraculous Story of Elijah! . . . 10. On April 3, 1836,
Elijah came to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery in the Kirtland Temple in Ohio.
Because the prophecy of Malachi was fulfilled, families can now be sealed for eternity,
and genealogy and temple work is done for the dead.
November 83 issue missing online.
Dec 83
Revelation . . . In other circumstances, needed information is communicated
by the quiet whisperings of the Spirit. . . . an adult has a problem at work, at home,
or in genealogical research, prays, and is led to the information necessary to resolve it;
a church leader prays to know who the Lord would have him call to fill a position,
and the Spirit whispers a name. In all of these examples—familiar to each of us—
the Holy Ghost acts in his office as a teacher and revelator, communicating information
and truths for the edification and guidance of the recipient.
↑ up

1982 {Tambulilit} [Compare with Ensign 1982]
Why ‘Tambuli’?
Tambulilit Meaning: A person who has the potential to attain spiritual enlightenment.
June 82
Questions and Answers Q. What did the Israelites do relating to genealogy,
welfare, missionary work, and the family—the four major emphasis of our day?
What was religion for them? . . .
Record keeping was a permanent part of Israel’s life-style. Beginning with Adam
who kept a book of remembrance (see Moses 6:5), we find men keeping an account
of their own life and times (see Moses 6:46; Abr. 1:31). Later, we find certain men
specifically assigned as record keepers. David, for example, “appointed certain
of the Levites” the task of keeping Israel’s records. (1 Chr. 16:4.) Later still,
professional scribes were employed to write and interpret that which had been written.
Ezra, writer of the book which bears his name, was one of these. (See Ezra 7:11.)
. . . Ezra presents a detailed account of Israel by family. (See Ezra 2, 8; also Neh. 7:5–64.)

Aug 82
Therefore I Was Taught . . . “As we plan our Sunday activities,
we may want to set aside time for our family to be together . . . We might want to . . .
write in journals; . . . write to or visit relatives and friends; . . .
do genealogical research, including the four-generation program
and family or personal histories; . .
Aug 82
Quotations . . .
“The time will come when only those who believe deeply and actively in the family
will be able to preserve their families in the midst of the gathering evil around us.”
Aug 82
How can a father truly give top priority to his family? George D. Durrant,
Regional Representative, director of the Church Priesthood Genealogy Division,
and father of eight children.

Sep 82
Joseph Fielding Smith (1876–1972) . . .
With the death of President Joseph Fielding Smith July 2, 1972,
the Church lost a great missionary, writer, historian, theologian, and genealogist.
November 82 issue missing online.
↑ up

1981 {Tambulilit} [Compare with Ensign 1981]
Why ‘Tambuli’?
Tambulilit Meaning: A person who has the potential to attain spiritual enlightenment.
Jan 81
Chinese Echoes of Truth . . .
For instance, God told us to have our genealogy worked out, and the Chinese
are a race that keeps genealogical records. My family’s record goes back to 1,000 B.C.
May 81 issue missing online.
Sep 81 Question and Answer
What laws governed the inheritance of birthright in the Old Testament? . . .
The patriarchs of the Old Testament times usually governed their families directly—
their wives, sons, unmarried daughters, families of the sons, and so on.
When the father died, he was succeeded as the head of the family by a son.
So that there would be no disputation as to which son would succeed the father,
the practice of primogeniture, or law of the firstborn, developed. (Prime means “first”;
geniture has to do with birth.) Upon the death of the father, the firstborn (eldest) son
became the new head of the family. As this was his right because of the order
of his birth, he was referred to as the birthright son (see Gen. 43:33).
The birthright son was entitled to a double portion as a son, the second portion
as the new head responsible for the family (see Gen. 48:22; Deut. 21:17),
including the care of his mother and unmarried sisters. As firstborn son,
under the Aaronic order, he also held the right of presiding over the family.
When the father had only one wife, there was no question as to who the birthright son
would be. However, in those days the Lord permitted some of his patriarchs to have
more than one wife (polygyny). Thus the father might have several “firstborn” sons,
possibly one from each of his wives. The question then naturally arose as to which
firstborn son of which wife would become the head of the entire family upon the death
of the father. Custom and tradition indicated that the firstborn son of the first wife
would be the birthright son as long as he proved worthy. Only in case of unworthiness
or death would the birthright go to the firstborn son of the second wife.
No second-born sons were considered for the birthright
unless all firstborn sons proved to be unworthy.
Sep 81
Patriarchal Blessings . . .
I was visiting a patriarch a while ago. He told about a blessing he gave to a woman
who came to him from one of the missions. Among other things he told her that her
progenitors had made a great contribution to the bringing forth of the gospel in these
latter days. And after the blessing was given she said, “I’m afraid you made a mistake
this time. I am a convert to the Church; I am the first one in my family to join
the Church.” “Well,” the patriarch said, “I don’t know anything about it. All I know
is that I felt prompted to say that to you.” And when he told me the story, she had just
been in the genealogical library and had found that some of her relatives— her
grandparents or her great-grandparents—had made great sacrifices in the early days
of the Church. A part of the family had drifted up into the East and had been converted.
She found that she was descended from some of the early pioneers. The patriarch
did not know of it himself. He had spoken by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost.
November 81 issue missing online.
↑ up

1980 {Tambulilit} [Compare with Ensign 1980]
Why ‘Tambuli’?
Tambulilit Meaning: A person who has the potential to attain spiritual enlightenment.
Jan 80 Becoming a Zion Society . . . Through genealogical work members become
saviors on Mount Zion. Through temple worship and covenant renewal, we prepare
and gain strength for the daily, hourly challenge of bringing forth the Zion society.
Jan 80 Origin of Man and Prophecy Fulfilled The Holy Bible contains the advice
of our Heavenly Father and I accept without mental reservation the statements made
in Genesis, chapters 1 and 2, that in the beginning God created the heaven
and the earth and every living thing that has inhabited the earth, including man.
Mar 80
The Many Voices . . . The same is true with the varying “voiced demands”
in our lives—family, genealogy, home teaching, missionary work, welfare assignments,
temple work, meetings, civic responsibilities, neighbors, and profession.
Rather than allowing these voices—all of them good—to determine their favorite hymn
and volume, the Lord expects each of us to be the director of his life.
Apr 80
The Uttermost Parts of the Earth . . .
We have a great Church educational system, and a great program for welfare services,
and a great priesthood department, a great system for training leaders and providing
aids for teaching genealogy and doing missionary work and providing
auxiliary programs for the children, the youth, and the women.
Apr 80 150 Years of Church History . . . 1965 March. The three-generation
genealogical family group-sheet program was initiated. . . . 1968 December
The Church began microfilming Polish and Korean genealogical records.
Apr 80
Record Your Own History
May 80 issue missing online.
Aug 80
Journey Toward Righteousness . . . I tried to regularly attend the temple,
learn and do genealogy, hold family home evenings, pay tithes and offerings,
give to the ward budget and building fund, and simply do whatever my bishop asked.
Sep 80 Early Families of the Earth
Sep 80
The Quest for a Peculiar People . . .
“When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance,
when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people
according to the number of the children of Israel. For the Lord’s portion
is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance.” (Deut. 32:8–9.) . . .
“Thus saith the Lord, Israel is my son, even my firstborn.” (Ex. 4:22.) . . .
Jeremiah prophesied: “They shall come with weeping,
and with supplications will I lead them: I will cause them to walk
by the rivers of waters in a straight way, wherein they shall not stumble:
for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn.” (Jer. 31:9.) . . .
Although Adam and the patriarchs of the period before the flood
were undoubtedly Israelites in spirit, the temporal house of Israel
did not come into being until several centuries after the flood. Abraham,
a descendant of Shem, . . . “And I will bless them that bless thee,
and curse them that curse thee; and in thee (that is, in thy Priesthood)
and in thy seed (that is, thy Priesthood), for I give unto thee a promise
that this right shall continue in thee, and in thy seed after thee
(that is to say, the literal seed, or the seed of the body)
shall all the families of the earth be blessed,
even with the blessings of the Gospel,
which are the blessings of salvation, even of life eternal.” (Abr. 2:8–11.)
. . . Following the birth of his twelve sons, Jacob, the grandson of Abraham,
was given a new name: Israel, which means “ruling with God.”
[Research Note: Biblical references absolutely invalidate, without any doubt,
the false assertion of evolution, that relies on the process of natural selection.
Natural selection is the open denial by atheistic oriented scientists, that God
does not and has not been involved directly on a regular basis, in the affairs
of all mankind. Evolution is a Fiction that theorizes incorrectly, that DNA changes,
indiscriminately, in the proportions of biological types in a population over time;
in a way that does not show care or judgment, contrary to the Words of the Lord.]
Oct 80 We Propose That We Establish a Temple … . . . This people is a people
who love their ancestors. . . . one of your brethren has found seventy generations
of ancestors. . . . Why have you been inspired to gather your genealogical data?
Undoubtedly it was in preparation for the opportunities that are at hand for you
when the temple work must be done by the living for the dead.
You have numerous ancestors who have died and have been in their graves
for long years. Undoubtedly they are waiting in the spirit world for you,
their descendants, to get busy and do the work for them in the holy temples of the Lord.
Oct 80
To Build a House of the Lord . . . As temples become available
Church leaders and members have an even greater responsibility to prepare
for regular temple attendance and expand their genealogical research efforts.
Oct 80
Why These Temples . . .
This vicarious work constitutes an unprecedented labor of love on the part of the living
in behalf of the dead. It makes necessary a vast undertaking of genealogical research
to find and identify those who have gone before. To assist in this research, the Church
coordinates a genealogical program and maintains research facilities unmatched in all
the world. Its archives are open to the public and have been used by many who are not
members of the Church in tracing their forebears. This program has been praised
by genealogists throughout the world and has been utilized by various nations
as a safeguard of their own records. But its primary purpose is to afford members
of the Church the resources needed to identify their dead ancestors
that they might extend to them the blessings that they themselves enjoy.
They in effect say to themselves, “If I love my wife and children so dearly
that I want them for all eternity, then should not my grandfather and great-grandfather
and other forebears have opportunity to receive the same eternal blessings?
Oct 80 Why We Build Temples . . .
Every genealogical society, library, and magazine; every genealogical record;
every name on each page of every pedigree and every individual in the United States
and other nations who is engaged in seeking after his dead is a physical witness
that Elijah came, because each indicates the fulfillment of that prophet’s mission
“to turn the hearts of the children to their fathers” as foretold by Malachi.
Oct 80
Vision of the Redemption of the Dead
November 80 issue missing online.
↑ up

1979 {Tambulilit} [Compare with Ensign 1979]
Why ‘Tambuli’?
Tambulilit Meaning: A person who has the potential to attain spiritual enlightenment.
Jan 79
Writing Systems among the Book of Mormon Peoples
May 79 issue missing online.
Aug 79
The Genetics of Genealogy One of the most remarkable outgrowths
of the Church’s genealogy program may be its unique contribution to medical research.
November 79 issue missing online.
↑ up

1978 {Tambulilit} [Compare with Ensign 1978]
Why ‘Tambuli’?
Tambulilit Meaning: A person who has the potential to attain spiritual enlightenment.
Feb 78
Because She Cared . . . and I think too of our kindred dead who have had
their baptisms and endowments and sealings done through our genealogy work.
Mar 78
Be Ye Therefore Perfect . . . “My patriarchal blessing had said I would work
on the genealogy of my family, but I didn’t understand genealogy,
and just couldn’t get really interested in it,” she confessed.
May 78 issue missing online.
June 78
The Single Years: A Burden or a Gift . . .
We have time to begin that long-overdue genealogy. My brother—
who is also a convert—and I dutifully began the data-gathering process
and were delighted to discover an entire new source of joy and excitement.
Now the entire family is involved in collecting old photographs, tracing records,
and constructing our family tree.
July 78
Genealogy Rules - In order to correctly complete your pedigree chart
or your family group record form for the four-generation program,
please observe the following guidelines.
July 78
Miracles Today? . . . The Lord is also giving the Saints information
and comfort through miraculous means. For instance, a sister, who was having
marital problems because of her husband’s authoritative attitude, told of a dream
she had that helped her resolve her bad feelings. “This sweet gentle lady came
to me and told me to be patient and loving, that Arnold was a good man, and that
he would change his ways. The dream stayed with me for days; I couldn’t get it off
my mind. I wondered who the lady was, and how she could say what she had.
Then one day, not long after, we received some long-awaited photos of Arnold’s
progenitors that we had sent for to put with our genealogy. Among the photos
was one of Arnold’s mother. He had never really known her, since she had died
when he was only seven. But apparently she knew him well. The woman who
came to me in that dream was his mother.”
Aug 78
Foundation for the Future . . . If we look at the graduation requirements
from Primary, we see that a boy learns to pay tithing, pray, keep the Word of Wisdom,
attend sacrament meeting, memorize scriptures and the Articles of Faith,
and do genealogy.
Sep 78
Administration of the Restored Church . . .
Under the Twelve there are at present five departments. Each department
is administered by two or three Seventies, under the direction of the Twelve,
with their staffs. They are, namely: Priesthood, Missionary, Genealogical,
Leadership Training, and the Correlation departments.
October 78 issue missing online.
Nov 78 How do we make a deceased child part of our family in mortality?
Dec 78 New Directions in Work for the Dead -
A conversation with Brother George H. Fudge,
managing director of the Genealogical Department, and the Ensign Magazine.
↑ up

1977 {Tambulilit} [Compare with Ensign 1977]
Why ‘Tambuli’?
Tambulilit Meaning: A person who has the potential to attain spiritual enlightenment.
May 77
The Things of Eternity—Stand We in Jeopardy? . . .
I hope to see us dissolve the artificial boundary line we so often place in our minds
between missionary work and temple and genealogical work because it is the same
great redemptive work!
May 77 Creating a Personal History
May 77
Organization Begins at Home
For fathers concerned about how to involve their families in missionary work,
genealogy, welfare, and home education, here’s a place to start.
Jun 77
A Sunday Box . . .Work on recording your own story
from directions in the May (1977) issue. . . . Learn about your ancestors
and fill out a genealogy sheet.
Aug 77 A New Commandment: Save Thyself and Thy Kindred!
Aug 77
In Search of Lehi’s Trail, Part 2: The Journey . . . At Abha,
we met an extraordinary man at precisely the time we needed him. Helwan Habtar,
a graduate of American schools with masters degrees in both political science
and economics, took us to his home where he recited for us his family genealogy
back 22 generations. Intrigued, three other men who had come by for the evening
also recited their genealogies back as far as 13 generations. They were delighted
that we would make tape recordings of them
October 77 issue missing online.
↑ up


Ensign 2020 (Ensign magazine - discontinued)
Jan 20 How the Lord Prepared the World for the Restoration . . .
Speaking specifically about the first prophet of the Restoration of the Church
of Jesus Christ, President Brigham Young (1801–77) observed, “The Lord had his eye
upon [Joseph Smith], and upon his father, and upon his father’s father, and upon their
progenitors clear back to Abraham, and from Abraham to the flood, from the flood
to Enoch and from Enoch to Adam. He has watched that family and that blood
as it has circulated from its fountain to the birth of that man. [Joseph Smith]
was foreordained in eternity to preside over this last dispensation.” . . . Fortunately,
patriarchal blessings, personal journals, and personal life histories can provide a lens
to see how the Lord’s hand is manifest in our lives.
Jan 20
Seeing the Lord’s Hand . . .
1836 Jesus Christ appears in the Kirtland Temple
and accepts it. Moses, Elias, and Elijah appear and commit priesthood keys. . . .
1894 President Wilford Woodruff announces a revelation instructing
“the Latter-day Saints … to trace their genealogies as far as they can,
and to be sealed to their fathers and mothers.” . . .
1938 The Church
purchases a microfilm camera and begins filming genealogical records.
1999 The Church launches FamilySearch website.
Jan 20
Have the Greatest Year with the Greatest Book . . .
President Nelson taught, “Nothing opens the heavens quite like the combination
of increased purity, exact obedience, earnest seeking, daily feasting on the words
of Christ in the Book of Mormon, and regular time committed to temple
and family history work.”
Jan 20 There Are No Coincidences . . .
Whenever I would experience promptings or strong answers to prayers,
I recorded them all in a journal. I would go back to that journal when I would doubt,
and those writings helped me hold on to what I knew to be true.
Jan 20 New Zealand Local Pages . . . Young Māori Artist Carves Genealogy on Ukuleles
. . . “I want to inspire people to connect to their heritage
and create a cultural connection that fills their soul.”
‘We Have Come to Zion,’ Apostle Tells New Zealand Latter-day Saints . . .
Elder Stevenson spoke about three priorities that President Russell M. Nelson
is focused on. These priorities are to gather Israel on both sides of the veil;
to have a home-centred, church-supported approach; and to minister
to one another in Christlike ways. Gathering Israel on both sides of the veil
means to share the gospel with others through missionary work,
and to engage in family history research and temple work.
Feb 20 Ministering through Family History
Feb 20 How to Manage Digital Devices and Get Your Family Back . . .
They connect us to an amazing world of information. They help us to do
family history, study scriptures, and speak with family across vast distances.
Feb 20 5 Unique Ways to Record and Remember Revelation
Feb 20 United Kingdom and Ireland Local Pages
. . . A History of a Welsh Baptism Spot
Mar 20 Salt Lake City, Utah . . . Family History Library:
The largest genealogical library in the world. Building completed in 1985.
Mar 20 Ministering through Temple Service   . . .
Ideas to Help Those Who Can’t Visit the Temple . . .
Teach or participate together in a temple preparation or family history class.
Mar 20
Extraordinary Daughters of God . . . We participate in the work of salvation,
which includes member missionary work, convert retention, activation of less-active
members, temple and family history work, and teaching the gospel—
all things which you are already doing.
Mar 20 Australia Local Pages / New Zealand Local Pages
. . . You’ll be the One to Save Our Family
Apr 20 A Special Message for Unsettling Times
Apr 20 The Future of the Church: Preparing the World for the Savior’s Second Coming
As part of the planned destiny of the earth and its inhabitants, our kindred dead
are to be redeemed (see Doctrine and Covenants 128:15). Mercifully, the invitation
to “come unto Christ” (Jacob 1:7; Moroni 10:32; Doctrine and Covenants 20:59)
can also be extended to those who died without a knowledge of the gospel
(see Doctrine and Covenants 137:6–8). Part of their preparation, however,
requires the earthly efforts of others. We gather pedigree charts, create
family group sheets, and do temple work vicariously to gather individuals
unto the Lord and into their families (see 1 Corinthians 15:29; 1 Peter 4:6).
Apr 20 The Ongoing Restoration . . .
It is by temple and family history work
that we help gather Israel on the other side of the veil.
. . . With the tools
we now have at our disposal, temple and family history work can be a regular part
of our participation in the ongoing Restoration. I have been interested and involved
in family history work for years, but online tools have greatly enhanced my success
in taking family names to the temple.
Apr 20
My Not-So-Traditional Easter Tradition
I thought of my deceased grandfather, who had been paralyzed for most
of his life, and the joy I would feel not only to see him again but also to see
him standing and running and to feel his arms around me. I thought of all
the tears that had been shed here for loved ones lost and of the joy
that would come with future tender reunions.
Apr 20 Finding Joy in Doing the Lord’s Work . . . Family History: Just Start Now
Apr 20 6 Things We’ve Learned from Visiting 106 Temples (So Far!) . . .
From family history work to missionary work to temple work, there’s much to be done.
What a blessing it is to be a small part of that! . . . There are countless people
whose names haven’t been spoken for hundreds, even thousands, of years.
But when we do work in the temple for those who have passed on, we honor
their memory. We remember them. We say their names at least 18 times.
And, most importantly, we give them the chance to accept the gospel
and be saved. That’s what family history work is really all about.
May 20
The Coming Forth of the Book of Mormon
His marriage to Emma Hale in 1827 was part of that preparation.
She played an important role in helping the Prophet throughout his life
and ministry. In fact, in September 1827, Emma accompanied Joseph
to the hill where the plates were hidden, and she waited for him
as the angel Moroni delivered the record into Joseph’s hands.
[Genealogy Research Note: Jesus Christ the Messiah was married prior to His baptism
by John the Baptist; else, He would not have had the Priesthood conjoint authority
to administer in the fullness of the ordinances of His restored Rabbinic Gospel. Else,
no Jewish Tannaim authority would have allowed Him to ever preach in the Temple,
which was (under control of the old priestly aristocracy. There were the High Priests,
who were in charge. And those came from particular families.) - Temple Culture.
Rabbis very function and nature, taught ideals of perpetuating Jewish family life.
Jesus Christ, The Jehovah in the flesh, beckoned unto them; and did say unto them,
with a loud voice, unmistakably, by precept and His personal family life, that Judah
should come unto Him, and partake of the white fruit of Eternal Life and Increase.
Scribes and the Pharisees, who brought a woman who had been caught in the act
of adultery, would have never presented this to Jesus Christ, if He had been single.

Jewish Marriage and Family in the Ancient World | My Jewish Learning
Additionally, Jesus Christ Himself, was temporally part of the royalty and priestly,
landed, merchant aristocracy, as the record clearly shows. His Royal Majesty,
made a triumphal entry into Jerusalem, entering the City, after having acquired
both an ass tied and a colt with her, whereon no man ever yet sat, as "The Lord
hath need of him"; as it is written: "Fear not, daughter of Zion: behold thy King
cometh, sitting on an ass's colt." Jesus, the Greek form for Joshua or Jeshua,
meaning: God is help, or Savior; the reason behind the Hosanna Shout. Only
the Jews, including His disciples, were assuming Roman authoritarian freedom,
with leadership slots in an earthly kingdom; not looking for heavenly mansions.
And that is why the once pleasing Hosannas turned quickly into crowd Crucify Him!
It is clearly stated in the scriptures that Mary, the temporal Mother of Jesus,
attended in Cana of Galilee, with her Son and his disciples. a marriage.
"His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it."
This statement validates the mother of Joshua had legal and lawful temporal
jurisdiction over her servants, who had the capacity to fill six stone waterpots,
and then to carry the contents unto the governor of the feast. Mary was strong,
herself. Mary’s capacity for hardship is indicated when she had to leave her home
in Nazareth, in the northern highlands of Galilee, to register for a Roman census;
traveling approximately "90 miles to the city of Joseph’s ancestors: south along
the flatlands of the Jordan River, then west over the hills surrounding Jerusalem,
and on into Bethlehem." All this being performed in the last week of pregnancy.]
May 20 Hosanna and Hallelujah—The Living Jesus Christ:
The Heart of Restoration and Easter . . . The spirit of Elijah,
a manifestation of the Holy Ghost, draws us to our generations—
past, present, and future—in our genealogies, histories, and temple service.
May 20 United in Accomplishing God’s Work . . .
“And then I think of how Joseph went into the woods to pray near their home
in Palmyra, New York. Where did he go? He went to the Sacred Grove.
Why did he go there? Because that’s where Mother went when she wanted to pray."
May 20 He Goes before Us . . .While I was serving in the Presiding Bishopric
many years ago, I was charged with overseeing the design and development group
that created what we named FamilySearch.
May 20 COVID-19: Messages of Guidance, Healing, and Hope . . .
Serving Those on Both Sides of the Veil . . .
To keep busy, I decided to do some family history, even though for quite a while
it has been difficult for me to find any new names. When I logged on to FamilySearch,
I found a notification of a record waiting to be attached. That one record led me to find
about 70 people in my line.
June 2020 United Kingdom and Ireland Local Pages
Temple Blessings . . .
Through family history research, Latter-day Saints search information
about their ancestors and take names to the temple to perform the ordinances for them.
Indexing Opportunity Made Easier
Living and Loving the British Mission: Eda Longbone . . . genealogical supervisor.
July 20 How I’m Preparing for a Temple in India . . . I’m learning how
to do family history work so I can bring my ancestors’ names to the temple.
Australia Local Pages:
July 20 Walk in the Light of Christ . . . If you don’t know how to discover and record
your family history, ask your ward or branch temple and family leader or consultants.
United Kingdom and Ireland Local Pages:
July 20
My RootsTech Experience
New Zealand Local Pages:
July 20 Family Matters
Aug 20 A Promise of Healing and Sealing
Through faithfulness in the gospel and seeking our ancestors,
my mother and I were blessed in ways we couldn’t have imagined.
United Kingdom and Ireland Local Pages
Aug 20
Feeling and Following the Spirit—Learning About What We Feel
In trying to draw more divine guidance into our lives, we can pursue
President Nelson’s encouraging insight that “Nothing opens the heavens
quite like the combination of increased purity, exact obedience, earnest seeking,
daily feasting on the words of Christ in the Book of Mormon, and regular time
committed to temple and family history work.”
Aug 20
Sisters reunited after 68 years
Aug 20 The history work of non-member Terry Jones
Aug 20 The story of Catherine Horner
Sep 20 Seeing Yourself in the Proclamation
Sep 20 The Family Proclamation: How Do I Fit In as a Single Adult?
Sep 20
Miracles of Healing through Temple Ordinances
Sep 20 If Only Our Ancestors Could Talk
Sep 20 I Finally Admitted That I Had Depression.
Jesus Christ Helped Me Out of the Darkness
United Kingdom and Ireland Local Pages:
Sep 20 Service Missionaries: Called to Serve in Europe
Sep 20 Lockdown Positivity in Southport Ward
Oct 20 How do we participate in the Lord’s “marvelous work”? . . . Keep a Record
Oct 20 Apostles Share Messages of Hope . . . Temple closures—
whether for pandemics, remodeling, or cleaning— “provide a marvelous opportunity
to learn more about family history research, indexing, and how to prepare many,
many names for the day when the temple doors will open again,” said Elder Bednar.
Oct 20 Turning Our Hearts - When Jesus visited the Americas,
He taught that the hearts of the children would turn to their fathers.
Oct 20 3 Nephi 20–26 . . . The purpose of temple and family history work
is to turn our hearts to those who have already passed on. When we participate
in this work, we are blessing both ourselves and our ancestors.
Australia Local Pages | New Zealand Local Pages
Oct 20 Prophetic Promises . . . “
I promise that as you increase your time in temple
and family history work, you will increase and improve your ability to hear Him.”
In the same talk, the Lord’s prophet added: “What will happen as you more intentionally
hear, hearken, and heed what the Savior has said and what He is saying now through
His prophets?
I promise that you will be blessed with additional power to deal
with temptation, struggles, and weakness.
I promise miracles in your marriage,
family relationships, and daily work. And
I promise
that your capacity to feel joy
will increase even if turbulence increases in your life.” In closing the conference,
President Nelson left us this promise: “We pray that you will begin anew truly to hear,
hearken to, and heed the words of the Savior.
I promise that decreased fear
and increased faith will follow.” . . .
Oct 20 Ring the Bell! - One ward’s miraculous family history marathon.
Oct 20 Church Members in Hastings, New Zealand,
Index 956,000 Genealogical Records during Pandemic Lockdown
United Kingdom and Ireland Local Pages
Oct 20 “Living With Gratitude” . . . The Saviour knows each of us personally,
by name, and He is there to help and assist us at all times, to eventually triumph.
Of that, we can be completely assured. [Research Note: All Family Genealogy
and History records for all mankind ever born, will be processed and completed.
‘Wherefore, condemn not the things of God, that ye may be found spotless
at the judgment-seat of Christ”.
Nov 20 Moving Forward . . . Family history work has increased exponentially.
Nov 20
Recommended to the Lord . . . We do temple work when we search
for our ancestors and submit their names for ordinances. While our temples
have been closed, we have still been able to research our families. . . .
When the Lord calls for us to “redouble” our efforts, He is asking that we increase
in righteousness. For example, we may expand our study of the scriptures,
our family history research, and our prayers of faith that we may share our love
for the Lord’s house with those preparing to receive a temple recommend,
our family members in particular.
Nov 20
Finding Joy in Christ . . . They will anticipate the blessings of holding
limited-use temple recommends and feel the spirit of Elijah through the influence
of the Holy Ghost as they pursue the blessings of the temple and family history.
Nov 20
Let God Prevail . . . When we speak of gathering Israel on both sides of the veil,
we are referring, of course, to missionary, temple, and family history work. We are also
referring to building faith and testimony in the hearts of those with whom we live, work,
and serve. Anytime we do anything that helps anyone—on either side of the veil—
to make and keep their covenants with God, we are helping to gather Israel.
Nov 20
A New Normal
. . .We look forward to the day when all worthy members
of the Church can again serve their ancestors and worship in a holy temple.
Australia Local Pages / New Zealand Local Pages
Dec 20
2020 Hindsight . . . Now I feel even more a part of Malachi’s prophesy,
that the hearts of the children shall turn to their fathers—
even my fathers in a far distant land.
United Kingdom and Ireland Local Pages
Dec 20 The living and the dead shall hear the Gospel . . . Now let me say here,
Apostle Teasdale did not know that my father came from England and had no way
of knowing that my father’s genealogy was over in England. So, I always thought
that he was most certainly inspired when he said,
“Go to England and get your father’s genealogy.”
Dec 20
‘Lest we forget’ . . . The temple and family history consultants
in Orpington Ward actively encourage members, particularly the youth,
to participate in genealogy and searching out their family history facilitated
by the online genealogy platforms including FamilySearch, Ancestry and My Heritage
Dec 20
Norfolk Relief Society Handmade Poppies . . .
Some sisters made poppies specifically in memory of family members
of whom they had learnt while doing their family history.

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New Era 2020
Jan 20 Connect . . . For one of my goals, I chose to find family names and perform
baptisms for the dead for them. It took a lot of work to learn how to do family history,
but I felt so happy every time I found a new name to take to the temple. . . .
Doing family history has helped me become closer to both my living family
and my ancestors. . . . I love to play the saxophone, do family history, . . .
Jan 20 Gospel Living App [includes record keeping]
Feb 20 Firm Foundations . . . A Sabbath Day Blessing for “Lefties”
How Can I Keep the Sabbath Day Holy? . . . Work on family history.
May 20 April 2020 [General Conference]
June 20 150th Anniversary of the Young Women Organization . . .
This is a sacred invitation to participate in temple and family history work,
serve in leadership positions, minister to your fellow sisters,
and share your testimony with your family and friends.
June 20
Finding Hope during the Pandemic . . .
My family all felt it would be important to start writing in our journals more.
I’ve never been very good about writing in my journal, but it’s really helped me
remember my blessings and know that I’m not alone, even in the hardest moments.
July 20 Going beyond the Names This teenager taught her high school class
about family history and why it’s cool to learn about our ancestors.
July 20
Searching for Strength in Quarantine . . .
Write in your journal,
study the scriptures, do family history, and read conference talks. . . .
Take time to call or video chat with . . . your . . . grandparents.

Oct 20
Firm Foundations . . . The Quest for the Thomas Family . . .
Anytime you do anything that helps anyone—on either side of the veil—
take a step toward making covenants with God and receiving
their essential baptismal and temple ordinances, you are helping to gather Israel.”
Nov 20 October 2020 [General Conference]

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Ensign 2019
Jan 19 Tokyo, Japan
At the Yanaka Cemetery in Tokyo, Japan, a Latter-day Saint family,
the Saitōs, visit their family memorial. For them it is a place of remembering,
made all the more sacred because of their gospel knowledge that families
can be together forever. Respect for family and ancestors is deeply rooted
in Japanese culture, and Japanese Latter-day Saints rejoice that their nation
is now blessed with three temples: Tokyo (the first in Asia, dedicated in 1980
and currently under renovation), Fukuoka (dedicated in 2000), and Sapporo
(dedicated in 2016). Japan is also home to 64 LDS family history centers.
Jan 19 Senior Missionary Service Made Simple . . .
Senior Missionary Service . . .
The website lists 13 categories (see below), with one to five options to consider
within each category. Information and videos are provided throughout. . . .
Preserve and Share Church History . . . Help People Find Their Ancestors . . .
Preserve Family History Records
Jan 19 All Who Have a Desire to Serve . . . With the help of local service mission leaders
and priesthood leaders, each service missionary receives an assignment customized
to their abilities and preferences. They may serve in: . . . Church-owned operations,
such as Deseret Industries, bishops’ storehouses, family history centers, and seminaries.
Jan 19 Entering the Gate of Heaven
We can also prepare spiritually by seeking our ancestors through family history research;
then we can prepare physically by literally taking their names to the temple to perform
their sacred temple work. Performing the work for our kindred dead will enhance
every aspect of our temple experience and always offers deeper communion
with God and enhanced love and appreciation for His plan of salvation.
Jan 19 How I Found My Great-Great-Grandfather
Jan 19 The Bardic Circle at the National Eisteddfod in Cardiff
Feb 19 Members in the UK and Ireland Commemorate the Service
of Those Involved with the War . . . 11 Days of Remembrance . . .
It was suggested to research ancestors from World War I and take part in other
family history related work. . . . Chorley Tribute . . . A large family history hub
proved extremely popular as visitors sought out their own WWI ancestors
and listened to inspirational speakers who taught from personal diaries
of family members and gave great insight into many aspects of the conflict.
Mar 19
The Church Is Here: Rome, Italy . . . a multifunctional meetinghouse
with a cultural hall and facilities for conferences), a visitors’ center,
a family history center, and patron housing, . . .
Mar 19
5 Reasons Singles Should Participate in Temple Sealings . . .
Temple work is even better when paired with family history. . . .
Mar 19
Redesigning My Life after Loss . . . A Memorial  I started to write
my husband’s story—as a memorial to the goodness of his life. I wanted
everyone to remember his magnetic personality, his zeal for the gospel,
and his love of the Lord. I had collected many family histories over the years
and loved doing that kind of writing. I felt my husband close. Memories of things
that happened in our lives came back to me—things I would not have thought
of on my own.
Mar 19 Off the Dusty Bookshelf
My family benefited when I added my stories to FamilySearch.
Apr 19 Ensign
Apr 19 The Sacred Duty of Record Keeping
Apr 19
What Can I Do to Receive Answers from God? . . . Ask: Is There More?
I’m a family history fan. A few years ago, I felt prompted to ask my grandparents
more about my great-uncle Paul McEwan Cutler, who went missing in an air flight
training mission during World War II. My grandma shared stories I’d never known
and then pulled out five books—two photo albums and three family group sheet books—
that I had never seen before. The albums had pictures from the early childhood of my
grandpa and of his twin, Paul—but the pictures were unlabeled and had been hidden
for years. The group sheets connected me to many cousins and an abundance of temple
work. That simple question about my great-uncle brought many hidden things to light.
Was there more? Yes. An index box of pictures taken in the mid-to-late 1800s. Was there
more? Yes. Recently we discovered some early film from the 1920s with footage of my
great-great-grandfather. Was there more? Yes! My mom then found an audio recording
she’d done of my great-grandmother’s life history. Is there still more? Likely. Sometimes
we get an answer and then move on with our lives. But how much are we missing when
we don’t stop to ask if there is more to know? What are we doing with what we’ve
already received, and are we ready or willing to find more?
Apr 19 The Prophet Taught Me How to Make Hard Choices . . .
Put in the spiritual work. President Nelson said you must “choose to do
the spiritual work required to enjoy the gift of the Holy Ghost and hear
the voice of the Spirit more frequently and more clearly.” He said you
can prepare by increasing your purity, feasting daily on the Book of Mormon,
doing temple and family history work, and expressing gratitude.
Apr 19 A Multicultural Burns Night in Aberdeen . . . Opening the stake centre
to others provided a great opportunity for members to express their beliefs
in the Saviour and the importance of family and family history.
Apr 19 "I member": A Story of True Conversion . . . The next class was a combined
priesthood and Relief Society lesson on family history. . . . “They are speaking
about family history,” I wrote. He gave the sign for thank you. . . . “Brother, do you
understand the things people are saying when they teach?” I wrote as the lesson ended.
He shook his head. “But you still come?” I asked. He took the pen and wrote,
“I member,” then pointed to himself.
May 19
Your Priesthood Playbook . . .
Become an expert in the FamilySearch app, and research your own family history.
May 19
Great Love for Our Father’s Children
May 19 Prepared to Obtain Every Needful Thing
May 19 New Policies, Procedures, Resources . . .
Ordinances Ready is a new FamilySearch tool that simplifies finding names
for the temple, allowing you more time to serve your family and enjoy the blessings
of the temple. And FamilySearch has nearly three dozen new in-home activities,
such as “Walk Where They Walked,” to help engage younger members
with family history. The activities are available in 10 languages.
May 19
Apostles Minister Worldwide . . . During the RootsTech family history conference
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Elder Bednar presented a $2 million donation on behalf
of the Church to the International African American Museum Center for Family History.
June 19 Fathers . . . “A father’s calling is eternal, and its importance transcends time.”
June 19
When One or Both Parents Don’t Attend Church . . . Family history work
can help children realize that their family began before they were born. And doing
family history work can bless them “with more closeness and joy in [their] family.”
June 19 Australia Local Pages:
The Day I Heard Angelic Choirs . . .
I do not know why I was spared from almost certain death, but since that miraculous day,
I have spent 42 years bringing the saving ordinances of the gospel to thousands
of my deceased relatives through years of family history and temple work.

June 19 United Kingdom and Ireland Local Pages:
Barrow Open House . . . Barrow Ward members had worked hard for many weeks,
sewing and embroidering table cloths and ‘scrapbooking’ (i.e. arranging personal
and family history in the form of a book).
RootsTech . . . “This event model has proven to be a great way for people to engage
in family history, regardless of age or genealogical skill level. Everyone is welcome
at RootsTech,” said Jen Allen, event director.
June 19 New Zealand Local Pages:
Making the Temple a Priority . . .
“I can think of no better way to keep the temple close than to do family history work.
July 19 Ensign
July 19 Our Ongoing Legacy of Pioneers
July 19 Thanking God for the Seagulls in Your Life . . .
Write it down.
Creating a written record (such as a journal, personal history, or family letter)
allows us to reflect on inspiring memories when times are hard,
strengthening our faith and helping us endure well.
July 19 Father and Son, Reunited after 50 years (Australia)
July 19
Who Do You Think You Are? (United Kingdom and Ireland) “Nothing opens
the heavens quite like the combination of increased purity, exact obedience,
earnest seeking, daily feasting on the words of Christ in the Book of Mormon,
and regular time committed to temple and family history work
." President Nelson.
July 19
Miracles from Munich . . . Family history research is about the places
where people have lived as well as names and dates.
July 19
My First Ever Prayer Saved My Life (New Zealand)
“That’s my last name!” she said. We discovered that our grandfathers were brothers
and that we were in fact family. I remember being overcome with emotion as I felt
the Lord speak lovingly to my heart saying, “There’s your sign.”
Aug 19 The Eternal Importance of Righteous Choices . . . Some members of the Church
profess that they would commit themselves with enthusiasm if given some great calling,
but they do not find ministering or gathering family history sufficiently heroic
for their sustained effort. . . . As we begin with the end in mind, temple covenants
and family history service are becoming a purposeful part of the covenant path.
Aug 19 Teenagers Research their ANZAC Ancestry
Aug 19 Helping Others with Family History Came Naturally
Aug 19 Young Missionaries Identify Ancestors
Who Also Served New Zealand Communities
Aug 19 Father and Son, Reunited after 50 years
Sep 19 Ensign
Sep 19 Family Study Fun - Post-Resurrection Family Reunion
Sep 19
1 Corinthians 14–16 - Activity: Family History, Step by Step.” Follow the path
in this Friend article to find out how Mei takes a family name to the temple.
Sep 19
When Senior Missionaries Return Home Service in the temple and association
with family history activities are actually additional forms of missionary work.
Sep 19 The Sweet Sound of Family History
Sep 19
Teen Discovers Joy in Family History and Temple Work (UK and Ireland)
Sep 19 Matthew Cowley’s Great Grand-Daughter “Comes Home”
with BYU-Hawaii Concert Choir (New Zealand)
Oct 19 Preparing Youth for the Temple: Seven Simple Steps . . .
Elder Andersen promised that as youth find and prepare these names,
they will receive incredible blessings:
Oct 19 Eight Funtastic Ways to Jump-Start Your Personal History
Oct 19 Gospel Library App: A Digital Multi-Tool for Righteous Living . . .
It’s a Journal: Personalized notes and highlights that won’t be lost in a fire.
Plus, whenever you need to share a spiritual thought or speak in sacrament meeting,
your notes will be waiting.
Oct 19 The Laie Hawaii Temple: A Century of Gathering . . .
At the dedication, President Grant prayed for the Lord to open the way for Saints
in New Zealand and all the Pacific Islands and to secure their genealogies so they
could come to the temple and become saviors to their ancestors.
Oct 19
New Area President Speaks (UK and Ireland)
He encouraged everyone to make a record of their lives . . .
Nov 19 Adjustments to Strengthen Youth . . . How will our beloved and hard-working
bishops fulfill this responsibility? . . . These responsibilities include missionary work
and temple and family history work in the ward.
Nov 19
Thru Cloud and Sunshine, Lord, Abide with Me! . . .
“Nothing opens the heavens quite like the combination of increased purity,
exact obedience, earnest seeking, daily feasting on the words of Christ
in the Book of Mormon, and regular time committed to temple and family history work."
Nov 19
Beloved Daughters . . . The role and purpose of class presidencies
have been strengthened and more clearly defined. The work of salvation
is one of these significant responsibilities, particularly in the areas
of ministering, missionary work, activation, and temple and family history work.
Nov 19
Spiritual Treasures . . . My dear sisters, your power will increase
as you serve others. Your prayers, fasting, time in the scriptures, service in the temple,
and family history work will open the heavens to you.
Nov 19
Finding Joy in Sharing the Gospel  . . . This work of salvation
includes member missionary work, convert retention, activation of less-active members,
temple and family history work, and teaching the gospel.”
Nov 19
Organizational Changes Focus on Strengthening Youth . . .
Quorum and class presidencies will focus on the work of salvation,
including member missionary work, convert retention, activation,
temple and family history work, and teaching the gospel.
Dec 19 Family Study Fun Ancestor Academy . . .
Dec 19
Revelation 1–11 . . . “Journal Page.”
Invite family members to use this journal guide to help them recognize when and how
Heavenly Father has helped them overcome challenges. (From the Friend.)
Dec 19
Follow the Path of Happiness . . .
Your spiritual genealogy makes each of you a descendant of the fathers,
as foretold by the prophets, and heirs to God’s promises to them.
Dec 19 Obedience and Indexing
Searching for my ancestors was overwhelming until I began indexing.
Dec 19
The Best Gift I Could Give . . . Before our baptism, the stake temple
and family history consultant helped me prepare my mother’s name and the names
of several other deceased ancestors to take to the temple for baptism.
Dec 19 Combating Loneliness: Get Out, Reach Out, Look Out . . .  Even acts of service
as simple as writing a note for my husband or spending time finding family names
to take to the temple always make me feel better.
Dec 19 5 Tips to Enjoy Christmas When You’re Far from Home . . .
Christmastime is the perfect time to do family history work,
whether that be finding names to take to the temple,
researching how your ancestors may have spent their holidays,
or even writing in your journal. Whatever you choose to do,
getting back to your roots will help you feel more connected to your family--
both those living and those who have passed--and bring you greater purpose.
Dec 19 United Kingdom and Ireland Local Pages . . . .
Watford Stake hosts school Heritage Boxes . . .
The intent of heritage boxes is to encourage primary-age children to search
for family photos, speak to different generations of their families to obtain stories,
and compile as much as possible within a shoebox to display to others.
As well as capturing family history for posterity, the project enabled young people
from migrant backgrounds to better understand their heritage and to enhance
their own skills in media creation, potentially also boosting their employability.
It also sought to improve intergenerational connections and community cohesion--
both within ethnic and linguistic subgroups and the wider community. . . .
She also ensured family history specialists would be available to talk to visitors,
as well as full-time missionaries to answer any questions about the Church;
she also organised refreshments.
Dec 19
Best Education Project Award . . . Elinor researched her own family history
and found several ancestors who had fought and died in WWI and, with her family,
visited their memorials in France – which they found to be a very moving experience.
Dec 19
Republic of Ireland’s first Church History Specialist
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New Era 2019
Jan 19 How to Get Better Revelation Reception . . .
Regular time committed to temple and family history work
Jan 19 Family Tree App: Ordinances Ready
Feb 19 “I keep giving in to the same temptations. How can I move past those sins?”
This might help you in staying away from the temptation. Involve yourself
in family and Church activities, especially missionary and family history work.
Mar 19
Finding Miracles in Everyday Life . . . Other times, miracles can confirm
a previous revelation, such as the signs of Christ’s birth in the Americas. God can
also use miracles to advance His work—family history work, missionary work,
and more. . . .
Mar 19 Reassured of My Worth
Learning about my ancestors gave me courage to fight my spiritual battles. . . .
This was my first witness of Elder David A. Bednar’s promise that by participating
in family history work, I would “be protected against the intensifying influences
of the adversary” (
Oct. 2011 General Conference). . . . Elder Russell M. Nelson
has taught that the Spirit of Elijah is “a manifestation of the Holy Ghost
bearing witness of the divine nature of the family” . . . As you respond in faith
to this invitation, your hearts shall turn to the fathers. The promises made to Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob will be implanted in your hearts. Your patriarchal blessing, with its
declaration of lineage, will link you to these fathers and be more meaningful to you.
Your love and gratitude for your ancestors will increase. Your testimony of
and conversion to the Savior will become deep and abiding. And I promise
you will be protected against the intensifying influence of the adversary.
As you participate in and love this holy work, you will be safeguarded
in your youth and throughout your lives. . . .
Mar 19 @LDSYouth I Love Family History!
I didn’t always appreciate family history work. That changed when
I was baptized for one of my ancestors in the Santiago Chile Temple.
May 19 April 2019 [General Conference]
May 19 Great Love for Our Father’s Children (excerpts) . . .
My purpose . . . is to emphasize the essential role of that kind of love
in missionary work, temple and family history work, and home-centered,
Church-supported family religious observance. . . .
Temple and Family History Effort to Gather Israel . . . These changes provide
for earlier and more powerful attention to learning about our ancestors
and gathering Israel on the other side of the veil. Both temple and family
history work are greatly enhanced. . . .
May 19 Prepared to Obtain Every Needful Thing (excerpts) . . .
Family history centers now are in our homes . . .
June 19 The Best Way to Prepare for Your Future . . .
Worthiness, obedience, sincere inquiry, scripture study, and participating
in the redemption of the dead through temple and family history work
all help to bring the companionship of the Holy Ghost.
June 19 Map My Ancestors
Jul 19 12 Facts about the Gathering of Israel . . . “Anytime you do anything
that helps anyone—on either side of the veil—take a step toward making
covenants with God and receiving their essential baptismal and temple
ordinances, you are helping to gather Israel.” President Russell M. Nelson
July 19 Firm Foundations: Inspired for Grace
Nov 19 October 2019 [General Conference]
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Ensign 2018
Jan 18 Home Earlier Than Planned . . . 5. Serving an Online Mission . . . I was able
to serve the Lord for nine months as an indexing support Church-service missionary.
This was a mission I could do!*
Jan 18
Family History at Your Fingertips
Feb 18 Meeting the Women Behind the Pulpit . . . We witnessed how God
teaches us through the records that our fellow Latter-day Saints left behind.
Feb 18 My Mission among My Family . . .
I returned to my mission with a deep love for family history.
Feb 18 Where Is My Treasure?
Mar 18
Unendowed but Not Unimportant . . . Try incorporating family history
into your temple experience. Take family names and do the temple work
with your other family members. Learn about the lives of those ancestors
whose names you take. Involve everyone, children and adults, in the process
and use the time you spend together to strengthen your family relationships.
President Thomas S. Monson (1927–2018) declared, “In my own family,
some of our most sacred and treasured experiences have occurred
when we have joined together in the temple to perform sealing ordinances
for our deceased ancestors.”
Mar 18 Sharing Your Family History
Mar 18 Four Ways to Share Family History That May Surprise You
Mar 18
Coping with Grief . . . After Grandpa dies, it’s hard for Jacob
to do the old traditions they shared.
Fishing Buddies - Friend Magazine
Mar 18
Christian Karlsson . . . My mom gave me a box of old pictures.
One of the surprises in this box was my grandfather’s journals.

Mar 18 Searching for Ancestors and Finding Truth
Apr 18 Cultivating Meaningful Connections . . . Connect with Self . . .
Write in your journal. . . . Connect with Others . . .
Do temple and family history work.
Apr 18 Stories Help Connect Eternal Families
Apr 18 Down the Family History Rabbit Hole
May 18 Young Women in the Work . . . For example, I recently met several
young women in the Las Vegas area who have been called to serve as ward
temple and family history consultants. They were glowing with enthusiasm
about being able to teach and help members of their ward find their ancestors.
They had valuable skills on the computer, had learned how to use FamilySearch,
and were excited to share that knowledge with others. It was clear that they had
testimonies and an understanding of the importance of seeking out the names
of our deceased ancestors so that essential saving ordinances can be performed
for them in the temple.
May 18 Family History and Temple Work: Sealing and Healing
May 18
The Elders Quorum . . . What are the purposes of the adjustments
to Melchizedek Priesthood quorums? Having one Melchizedek Priesthood
quorum in a ward unifies priesthood holders to accomplish all aspects
of the work of salvation, including the temple and family history work
previously coordinated by the high priests groups.
May 18
Behold! A Royal Army . . . Under the direction of the bishop, more priesthood
resources may assist with the work of salvation. This would include the gathering
of Israel through temple and family history work, working with families and
individuals in need, and helping the missionaries to bring souls to Jesus Christ.
May 18 Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives . . . Nothing opens
the heavens quite like the combination of increased purity, exact obedience,
earnest seeking, daily feasting on the words of Christ in the Book of Mormon,
and regular time committed to temple and family history work.
May 18
Prepare to Meet God . . . Third, Elijah committed the sealing keys
of this dispensation. For those of us alive at this time, the increase in temples
and family history work is phenomenal. This pace will continue and accelerate
until the Second Coming of the Savior, lest the whole earth “be utterly wasted
at his coming.” Family history work, heaven-blessed by technology, has dramatically
increased in the past few years. We would be unwise to become complacent about this
divinely appointed responsibility and expect that Aunt Jane or some other committed
relative will take care of it. Let me share President Joseph Fielding Smith’s jarring
comments: “None is exempt from this great obligation. It is required of the apostle
as well as the humblest elder [or sister]. Place, or distinction, or long service
in the Church . . . will not entitle one to disregard the salvation of one’s dead.”
May 18
Lisa L. Harkness . . . has also served as a . . . stake family history director,
ward family history consultant, . . .
May 18 Family History: Discover, Gather, Connect
May 18 Witnessing in All the World . . . First Presidency  President Dallin H. Oaks,
First Counselor in the First Presidency, spoke at the RootsTech Family Discovery Day
in Utah, USA, with his wife Kristen M. Oaks. “Family history offers a healing influence
and an assurance that each person is precious in the eyes of our Heavenly Father,”
President Oaks said. . . . Elder Cook also spoke at the Family History Leadership
Session at RootsTech in Utah. “The combination of greatly increased numbers
of temples and advanced technology for family history work make this the most
blessed time in all history,” he said. Elder Dale G. Renlund also spoke.
“We encourage everyone to get on the covenant path as soon as possible—even,
especially, when they are new and tender in the gospel—and then stay focused
on the blessings of the temple,” he said.
May 18
First-Sunday Council Meetings . . .
How can we be more involved in family history work and temple worship?
May 18
Second- and Third-Sunday Meetings . . .
Dale G. Renlund, “Family History and Temple Work: Sealing and Healing,” 46–49
June 18
Finding Answers for Family Caregiving . . .
Family history: Go through
family photos with your loved one. Record names, dates, and significant life events.
Use audio or video recordings to capture remembrances.

June 18
Choosing Good Media
. . . This month’s Family History Quest
(page 18) gives an idea for one great way to use technology.
July 18 April 2018 General Conference [see before]
July 18 Three Modern Pioneer Journeys . . . Joining the Church has allowed me
to honor my family in new ways, by doing family history and researching my ancestors.
July 18 The Spiritual Foundations of Church Financial Self-Reliance . . .
Members get help preserving family photos at their local family history center.
Tithing donations help fund the Church’s worldwide family history efforts. . . .
By policy, sacred tithing funds are approved and appropriated to support
the spiritual and religious mission of the Church. They are spent in support
of six major areas: . . . (5) building and operating nearly 160 temples
around the world, with many more to come, and administering an expansive
family history and records preservation program . . .
July 18
Let Us Not Fail to Feel . . . Today’s prophets and apostles have also stressed
the importance of observing the Sabbath at home and at church and achieving
the salvation of our ancestors through family history and temple work.

Aug 18
Parents, Help Them to Prepare . . . For worthy candidates not eligible
for full-time service, priesthood leaders can help identify other appropriate service
opportunities, such as serving as a Church-service missionary, volunteer, temple
and family history consultant, temple worker, and more. . . .
Aug 18 Worshipping in a Digital Age . . . Mobile devices help members of the Church
with gospel study, family history and temple work, and sharing the gospel.
Aug 18 From Brazil to Finland and Back . . . Are you searching for an elusive ancestor
and wonder where to look for information? The internet has opened up new avenues
for family history research. Even simply typing an ancestor’s name in a search engine
like Google™ can bring amazing results. FamilySearch and other websites offer records,
books, and newspapers online that may prove helpful, and FamilySearch can give you
access to records on,,, and other sites
(see Plus, be sure to check out these resources:
FamilySearch Wiki
Finding Elusive Records on FamilySearch • FamilySearch (video)
Sep 18 The Power of Faith and Family Stories . . . We are more resilient in the face
of trials when we are familiar with the challenges our own ancestors faced.
Oct 18
Where Tithing Money Goes . . . Doing family history research . . .
Oct 18
Elder Gerrit W. Gong: Love the Lord and Trust Him . . . Elder Gong’s
family history traces back 34 generations to First Dragon Gong, born in AD 837. . . .

Nov 18 Deep and Lasting Conversion to Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ . . .
As individuals and families engage in family councils, family history, ministering,
service, personal worship, and joyful family time, the Sabbath day will truly be
a delight. . . . Beginning with the end in mind, temple covenants
and family history service are becoming a purposeful part of the covenant path.
Nov 18 Our Campfire of Faith . . . These holy habits, righteous routines,
or prayerful patterns may include prayer; scripture study; fasting; remembering
our Savior and covenants through the ordinance of the sacrament; sharing gospel
blessings through missionary, temple and family history, and other service;
keeping a thoughtful personal journal; and so on.
Nov 18 Changes Help Balance Gospel Instruction at Home and at Church family history--
will not be held during Sunday class time. These courses may be taught at other times
for individuals, families, or groups based on local needs and at the bishop’s discretion.
Dec 18 Making Your Life a Soul-Stirring Journey of Personal Growth
Dec 18 We Asked Young Adults What They Think
of the New Curriculum and Sunday Schedule
Dec 18 FamilySearch Indexing: Easier Than Ever

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New Era 2018
Mar 18
Mormonad: Some Brackets
Some brackets last a month. Other brackets live forever.
Mar 18 Family History Tag Team
Mar 18 Fun Stop . . . A Great-Great Family Riddle -
While doing family history, you found an intriguing clue about an ancestor.
Mar 18
Who Knew? . . . Amulek . . . His genealogy is found in Alma 10:2–3.
I am Amulek; I am the son of Giddonah, who was the son of Ishmael,
who was a descendant of Aminadi; and it was that same Aminadi
who interpreted the writing which was upon the wall of the temple,
which was written by the finger of God. And Aminadi was a descendant
of Nephi, who was the son of Lehi, who came out of the land of Jerusalem,
who was a descendant of Manasseh, who was the son of Joseph
who was sold into Egypt by the hands of his brethren.
Mar 18
Firm Foundations . . . Is My Family History Really Done?
May 18
April 2018 [General Conference]
May 18
Messages from the Twelve . . . When we gather our family histories
and go to the temple on behalf of our ancestors, God fulfills promised blessings
simultaneously on both sides of the veil.
May 18
1. Q&A How can I be guided by the Holy Ghost?
Answer: . . . Seek personal revelation on questions, know that God wants
to speak to you, be pure, be obedient, study the scriptures daily, do temple
and family history work regularly, be patient (see:
President Russell M. Nelson,
Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives”)
May 18 Firm Foundations . . . When I was 14, I was called to be a family history
youth consultant. My family history class during Sunday School inspired me
to find my great-grandfather’s parents on my mom’s side. . . .
July 18 Don’t Be Distant from Your Cousins
July 18 @LDSYouth . . . I caught the vision of family history by realizing
I’m not so different from my ancestors. My great-grandma and I have always
had a really special connection, so for a Personal Progress project, I decided
to compose a family history book dedicated to her. Writing this book was such
an amazing experience because it created a closer bond to my ancestors.
I’m so grateful for this new perspective of family history work.
Aug 18 Worldwide Youth Devotional: Hope of Israel . . .
Their answers also included: “I would be willing to do more family history work.. . . "
Oct 18 But He Already Had His Chance, Right?
Nov 18 October 2018 [General Conference]
Nov 18 Deep and Lasting Conversion to Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
(excerpts) Same as: Nov 18 Ensign; See the
full address.
Dec 18
Light the World . . . 4. On the Other Side of the Veil
Help others receive salvation by doing family history, attending the temple,
and preserving memories through interviews. Visit
or download the FamilySearch Memories and FamilySearch Tree apps.

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Ensign 2017
Jan 17 They Walk with Me
Jan 17 Who Is Ready Now?
Feb 17 Family Stories Turned My Heart
Feb 17 Family History and Temple Blessings
Feb 17 Temples, Taproots, and Family Trees
Feb 17 Understanding Church History by Study and Faith
Feb 17 New Resources for Understanding Church History
Mar 17 Armed with Righteousness . . . Work on family history . . .
Mar 17 Helping Children Delight in the Sabbath . . . Family History Activities
President Russell M. Nelson, President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles,
has observed, “In addition to time with family, you can experience true delight
on the Sabbath from family history work." As children participate in family history,
they will look forward to and have delight in the Sabbath. . . .
Mar 17 Visiting Teaching, Family History, and Mothers
Apr 17 Understanding Your Patriarchal Blessing . . . First and foremost,
your patriarchal blessing declares your lineage, or the specific tribe
of the twelve tribes of Jacob (who was later called Israel) to which you belong.
Apr 17 The Old Family Album: The Power of Family Stories
May 17 “My Peace I Leave with You” . . . I leave you my sure witness that the Father
knows you—knows your needs and your name—loves you, and hears your prayers.
May 17 Gathering the Family of God
May 17
Overcoming the World . . . The blessings that the Lord has promised
to those who overcome the world are breathtaking. They will be “clothed in white . . .
and [named in] the book of life.” The Lord “will confess [their names]
before [the] Father, and before his angels.” Each shall have “part in the first
resurrection, receive eternal life, and “go no more out” from the presence of God.

May 17 That Our Light May Be a Standard for the Nations . . . Our light also grows
as we dedicate and consecrate time to finding the names of our ancestors, taking
their names to the temple, and teaching our family and others to do the same.
June 17 Leading Ourselves Back to Righteousness . . . Reading my old journal
taught me about the importance of recording spiritual impressions. . . .
July 17 An Adopted Son’s Family History Journey
July 17 Comforted after a Miscarriage
Aug 17 Sweeten the Sabbath with Family History
Aug 17 My Missionary Heritage
Sep 17 Prophets to Guide Us . . . Consider writing in your journal
about President Monson and his life--much as he describes in this message
the influence of each prophet he remembers.
Oct 17 Open the Heavens Through Temple and Family History Work
Nov 17 The Truth of All Things . . . Their teenage son had recently
participated in family history research and found a family name
for whom temple ordinances had not been completed.
Nov 17 Seek Ye Out of the Best Books . . . Further strengthening
is evidenced in the increase in temple and family history work
as families gather their ancestors through temple ordinances.
Nov 17 Prophets, Apostles Minister Worldwide . . . President Russell M. Nelson
presented the governor of Nebraska, USA, with a volume of family history, . . .
Nov 17 First-Sunday Council Meetings . . . Possible Topics . . .
How can we be more involved in family history work and temple worship?
Nov 17 Fourth-Sunday Meetings . . . Sabbath day . . . work on family history . . .
Dec 17 Including Grandpa Keiser in Our Christmas
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New Era 2017
Jan 17 Capture Your Life One Day at a Time
Keeping a journal is a lot easier than you think. . . .
Jan 17 Sabbath Day Technology . . . Do family history using
Whether it’s indexing, adding stories about relatives, or finding your ancestors,
technology makes it so easy. There’s even a FamilySearch Tree
and FamilySearch Memories app to make it easy on mobile devices. . . .
Chances are, you’re way more tech savvy than someone else in your family.
Teach Dad something about FamilySearch or show Grandma how to text. . . .
Jan 17
Celestial Moments . . . The first time I entered the temple, I was blessed
to attend with my parents and my sister. I was baptized for my great-grandmother,
and I felt that she was happy.
Jan 17 Instant Messages . . . I have been really engaged in family history. It started
with the invitation from Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
at RootsTech to do baptisms for my own family names. I felt really committed to do
family history, knowing that if I “knocked,” it would be “opened”. . .
Feb 17 Find, Take, Teach: Join the Temple Challenge
Feb 17 Three Ways to Be Involved in Family History
Feb 17 Personal Progress on My Family Tree
Mar 17 20 Ways to Honor Mom and Dad . . . Research your family history
with your parents, and take family names to the temple with them.
May 17 Apply What You Heard
May 17 3 Promises Made by the Priesthood . . .
“Finding the names of our ancestors and doing temple work for them.”
May 17 Questions & Answers: How do I prepare to receive my patriarchal blessing?
June 17 Your Own Liahona . . . Why is it important to know what your lineage is?
July 17 Your Pioneer Journey—for Real, Not Pretend
Aug 17 Why Baptisms for the Dead
Aug 17 How You Can Help with Temple Work . . .
Once the Saints realized they could perform baptisms for the dead, they wanted
to get their families’ work done as soon as they could. Many wrote to family members
so they could gather names of deceased relatives.
Sep 17 The Extra Smile
Oct 17 The World Is a Great Place . . . Genealogy is a very popular hobby online.
Oct 17 Take Time for a Great Work
Nov 17 Tucson Arizona Temple Dedication: I Will Prepare . . .
Goal: To learn more about my ancestors before I do their temple work. . . .
Goal: To work on my genealogy and do the things the Lord asks of me.
Dec 17 What’s Your Family’s Christmas Tradition? . . . It is also special to me
because I get to learn about my family history in the place where some of my
ancestors lived and experienced trials that they overcame through the Savior.
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Ensign 2016
Jan 16 Elder Andersen in Jerusalem . . .
attending an international genealogical conference in Jerusalem . . .
Jan 16
Revealed Realities of Mortality . . . The full blessings
of the priesthood are received together as husband and wife or not at all.
Jan 16
By Small and Simple Blogs . . .
hare what you’re passionate about in the gospel—whether it’s family history,
general conference, family home evening, temples, or food storage.
You never know what might catch someone’s interest.
Jan 16
Knowing the Godhead . . .
God . . . is a real being, an actual person, a literal Father of flesh and bone
who speaks and sees and feels, who knows all His children’s names . . .
Jan 16 Howard W. Hunter: My Father, the Prophet . . .
Developing a Commitment to Family History - After my parents were married,
one of Dad’s first callings was to teach a family history class. During this time
he became personally committed to doing family history work. His law office
calendar had many afternoons blocked off to go to the Los Angeles public library
to do genealogical research. He started preparing six-foot-long (1.8 m) family group
sheets, which he bound in sturdy ledgers. Dad would also gather data and connect
with our relatives. He sent hundreds of letters to his relatives as he discovered
who they were. He peppered our family vacations with visits to cousins, aunts,
and uncles. From this I learned of the good that can be done when you sacrifice
a pleasant day of vacationing.
Feb 16 The Joy of Family History Work . . . It doesn’t matter if you are single,
whether your husband or wife is less active, or whether you yourself are less active
or even a member of the Church, you too can assist in the salvation of souls.
There can be no more important, fulfilling, or glorious work.
Feb 16 Uniquely Blessed by Indexing
Mar 16 Making the Sabbath a Delight . . . Ask family members to tell stories about
“the good old days.” Have someone record the stories to include in a family history.
Mar 16 Blessings of the Sabbath Day . . . Time for Family History . . .
Mar 16 Resurrection—the Beginning of Immortality . . .
The assurance that the resurrection will include an opportunity to be with our family
member--husband, wife, parents, brothers and sisters, children, and grandchildren--
is a powerful encouragement for us to fulfill our family responsibilities in mortality.
It helps us live together in love in this life in anticipation of joyful reunions
and associations in the next.
May 16 See Yourself in the Temple . . .
The combination of increased numbers of temples and advanced technology
to fulfill our sacred family history responsibilities for our ancestors makes this
the most blessed time in all history. I rejoice in the extraordinary faithfulness
of our youth in indexing and finding their ancestors and then doing the baptism
and confirmation work in the temple. You are literally among the prophesied
saviors on Mount Zion. . . .
May 16 Always Remember Him . . . Family histories, family traditions, and family ties
help us savor remembrance of things past while providing future patterns and hope.
Priesthood lines of authority and patriarchal blessings witness of God’s hand
across generations. Have you ever thought of yourself as your own living book
of remembrance--reflecting what and how you choose to remember? . . .
May 16 Patriarchal Blessings Online
May 16 Doing Good around the World . . . In Malaysia, Church members
focused on the family during the celebration of the Chinese New Year,
an event that traditionally includes visiting burial sites
as ancestors are remembered, honored, and revered.
May 16 Changes to Family History and Temple Service
June 16 I Felt the Blessings of the Temple When . . . . . .
I know that when we do the work for our ancestors, we are guided.
I feel so grateful to Heavenly Father for giving us temples to unite families.
June 16 Keeping Memories Alive
July 16 Finding Grandma
July 16 A Temple Halfway around the World
Aug 16
The Hope of Eternal Family Love
Aug 16 Youth and Family History Come Together
Sep 16 Insights
Oct 16 My Service-Filled Sundays
Oct 16 The Joy of Learning . . . The Prophet Joseph Smith spoke of the importance
of recording insights and impressions: “If you … proceed to discuss important questions
. . . and fail to note them down, . . . perhaps, for neglecting to write these things
when God had revealed them, not esteeming them of sufficient worth, the Spirit
may withdraw . . . and there is, or was, a vast knowledge, of infinite importance,
which is now lost.
Oct 16 Stand as True Millennials . . . Spend more time -- much more time -- in places
where the Spirit is present. That means more time with friends who are seeking
to have the Spirit with them. Spend more time on your knees in prayer, more time
in the scriptures, more time in family history work, more time in the temple.
I promise you that as you consistently give the Lord a generous portion of your time,
He will multiply the remainder.
Oct 16 Family History: Peace, Protection, and Promises
Oct 16
Finding William
Oct 16 A Season for Family History
Nov 16
“If Ye Had Known Me” . . . On a future day, "every knee shall bow,
and every tongue confess" that Jesus is the Christ. On that blessed day,
we will know He knows each of us by name. . . .
Nov 16
Lest Thou Forget . . . Generations are affected by the choices we make.
Share your testimony with your family; encourage them to remember how they felt
when they recognized the Spirit in their lives and to record those feelings in journals
and personal histories so that their own words may, when needed,
bring to their remembrance how good the Lord has been to them.
Dec 16 Coming Home to Your Mission . . . "You can still serve the Lord.
Assign yourself to befriend someone new, serve in the temple,
do family history research, . . ."
Dec 16 Insights
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New Era 2016
Jan 16
Discover Your Gifts . . . 8. Reflect on your family.
What gifts do you have that your siblings, parents, or grandparents have too?
Go further! Research family history, discover stories, and identify even more gifts
you share with your family.
Jan 16
Moroni, My Mom, and a Lesson for My Life . . . Record spiritual promptings.
Writing down your impressions can help you be more spiritually aware, including
after you’ve prayed, read the scriptures, or participated in family home evening.
Jan 16 FHE Object Lesson: Holy Smoke! . . . “We can also keep a journal
and write our family histories to turn the hearts of the living toward the living—
as well as the hearts of the living toward their ancestors.”
May 16
My Conference Action Plan . . . Find Ancestors . . .
May 16 Write It Down
June 16 Leave Your You-nique Mark . . . Create photo collages of family memories.
June 16
Questions & Answers: Feeling the Spirit at Home . . .
Regardless of your home circumstances, you can show Heavenly Father
your commitment to your covenants by working on your family history,
. . .
July 16
Prepare and Do . . . stakes that use youth as family history consultants
have a higher percentage of members finding names for temple work and doing
the temple work. In one stake there are 20 youth who were called to be family
history consultants for one year before they are old enough for missions. As they
visit members in their homes to show them how to do family history, they talk
to people along the way and tell them about family history and the temple.
That is missionary work! . . .
July 16 Instant Messages . . . We'll All Be Together Again . . .
July 16 Conference Poster: True Identity . . . While a child’s earthly situation
may not be ideal, a child’s spiritual DNA is perfect because one’s true identity
is as a son or daughter of God.
Aug 16
The 30-Day “I Love You” Challenge
Aug 16
Rescued by My Brother
Aug 16 Ready to Take the Field
Aug 16 The Extra Smile . . . Why is Grandma up so early?
She joined a family history club. It’s called Early Morning Cemetery.
Oct 16 A Recipe for Learning . . . Write your feelings and impressions in a journal.
"As you write down precious impressions, often more will come.
Also, the knowledge you gain will be available throughout your life"
(Richard G. Scott, "To Acquire Knowledge and the Strength to Use It Wisely,"
Ensign, June 2002, 32). Especially write what the ideas mean in your life.

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Ensign 2015
Jan 15
Follow the Prophets . . . It has been said that history turns
on small hinges, and so do our lives.  Decisions determine destiny.
But we are not left unaided in our decisions.
Jan 15 Indexing Challenge Sets Record
Jan 15 Apostle Offers Counsel about Social Media . . . “I am confident all of us
also recognize how technology has accelerated family history and temple work,
our individual and family study of the restored gospel, and made it possible
for us to learn about, see, and experience the world in remarkable ways.”
Jan 15 Why Michigan?
Feb 15 Loving Those Who Have Gone Before Us . . . many people who lived
on this earth never married or never had children.  They have no direct descendants
to honor their memory.  We need to learn their stories so they can be told. Like those
who have descendants, they too deserve to be remembered.
Feb 15 “My Days” of Temples and Technology
Feb 15 How Family History Changes Our Hearts and Minds . . . Engaging in family history
research teaches us of the vastness and grand scope of God’s creation and underscores
the individual and merciful reach of Christ’s Atonement. . . . [
Amy Harris]
Feb 15 From Family History to the Temple . . . “Temple and family history
work is part of living the gospel at home. It should be a family activity.”
Mar 15 Grandpa, Father
Mar 15
Every Trial Can Bring Greater Faith . . . Consider writing in your journal some
of the lessons you have learned and some of the evidences of Heavenly Father’s love
that you have experienced during a difficult time in your life.
Mar 15 Insights . . . Fathers build family traditions. . .
Memories of these special times together will never be forgotten by their children.
Apr 15 “I Am Not a Son” . . .
Every name indexed represents another chance that someone will find
a missing ancestor and provide the ordinances of salvation for that person.
Jun 15
Families Can Be Together Forever . . . The priesthood power to bind families
eternally is one of the greatest gifts of God. . . . The priesthood keys that make this
possible were restored to the earth by the prophet Elijah . . .
July 15 All Is Well . . . And just as we know that the pioneers demonstrated these
qualities because of the records they kept, your posterity can get to know you through
your journal too. Take a few minutes to record a little about yourself in your journal.
Aug 15 Oral Family History Fades in Just Three Generations
Aug 15 Latter-day Saint Voices . . . A Prayer in the Family History Center . . .
Oct 15 Teaching Youth How to Lead in the Savior’s Way . . . We encourage
youth presidencies to help all quorum and class members participate
in every aspect of the work of salvation, including member missionary work,
convert retention, activation of less-active members,
temple and family history work, and teaching the gospel.
Oct 15 Protecting Our Youth through Family History
Nov 15
“Chosen to Bear Testimony of My Name” . . . “Let me close by bearing witness
(and my nine decades on this earth fully qualify me to say this) that the older I get,
the more I realize that family is the center of life and is the key to eternal happiness.
“I give thanks for my wife, for my children, for my grandchildren and my
great-grandchildren, and for . . . extended family who make my own life so rich and,
yes, even eternal. Of this eternal truth I bear my strongest and most sacred witness”

Nov 15
Making Conference Part of Our Lives . . . Write in your journal this week
about your divine nature and the blessings that come from that knowledge.

Nov 15
Elder Ronald A. Rasband . . . He comes from a multigenerational
Latter-day Saint family, a heritage he treasures.

Nov 15
Elder Gary E. Stevenson . . . He traces his family roots
to Utah’s early Latter-day Saint pioneers.

Nov 15
Elder Gerrit W. Gong . . . He has traced his ancestry back 33 generations
to First Dragon Gong, born A.D. 837 in southern China during the late Tang dynasty.

Nov 15 Women Leaders Join Church Councils . . . Sister Rosemary M. Wixom, Primary
general president, will serve on the Temple and Family History Executive Council.
Dec 15 Insights . . . in addition to time with family, you can experience true delight
on the Sabbath from family history work. . . .
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New Era 2015
Jan 15
Why Is Jesus Christ Important in My Life? . . . Record in your journal
the next time the Savior’s example or teachings help you choose the right.
Jan 15
2015 Mutual Theme . . . You find family names to take to the temple.
Jan 15
Serving God and Come, Follow Me . . . August
Did you realize keeping a journal can be service?
“How will keeping a personal journal bless me and my family?”
shows the importance and blessings of this record.
Consider making a goal for how you want to keep a record of your life.
Jan 15
Mutual Theme Cards . . . Research something important to you—for example,
an event in Church history or an ancestor. . . . Keep a journal and review it periodically.
Jan 15 Five Fun Ways to Record 2015
Jan 15
Be the First on the Dance Floor . . . You can be a force for good
in so many ways. You can help your friends become excited about family history.

Jan 15
Instant Messages . . . It's Time to Keep a Journal
Feb15 These Are Your Days:
Find Our Cousins
Apr 15 Better Than a Loaf of Bread . . . on the how and why of family history indexing
May 15 Thirty Things You Never Knew about Mom
Jun 15 30 Things You Never Knew about Dad . . . Did you realize that you’re doing
family history when you talk with your dad about his life?  Don’t let the stories he
tells you fade.  With his permission, record the stories he tells you
in the “Memories” section of
Aug 15 Ask Papá; Papá Héctor never really talked much,
but I wanted to know more about our family.
Sep 15 75 Truths from the Old Testament and Pearl of Great Price . . . Family history
and temple work turns our hearts to God and our ancestors. Malachi 4:5–6
Sep 15 Mutual Theme 2015: How’s the Sailing So Far? . . . and how important
it is to find and bring your own family names to the temple.
Sep 15 The Extra Smile: Wow! Someone has really done their family history!
Oct 15
Mormonad: Your Book of Life
Oct 15
Kevin Made It Happen
Nov 15 The 1,200-Hour Climb . . .
They even started dedicating one Wednesday a month to family history.

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Ensign 2014
Feb 14
Service . . . Share stories about service from your family history,
a Church magazine, or a general conference talk.
Feb 14
Nurturing Our New Lives . . . Doing Family History Work
. . . First-Time Family Historian?

Apr 14 A Visit from Milton . . . I was always perplexed to think that my
maternal grandmother didn’t know her exact birthday or hardly anything
about her relatives. Even as a boy, I felt compelled to solve the mystery --
probably because my mother would sometimes refer to me as her
“little genealogist,” hoping to instill in me a desire to find her long-lost relatives.
May 14 Roots and Branches Hastening family history and temple work
in our day is essential for the salvation and exaltation of families.
May 14
Wanted: Hands and Hearts to Hasten the Work . . .
Help wanted: family history and temple workers to link families eternally
June 14 Hastening the Work . . .Now, family history work is not easy. . . .
The Lord expects you and me to perform our family history work well.
I think the first thing we must do if we are to perform our work well
is to have the Spirit of our Heavenly Father with us.  When we live
as righteously as we know how to live, He will open the way for the
fulfillment of the blessings that so earnestly and diligently we seek.
June 14 I Find Joy in Family History When …
June 14 Touched by the Spirit of Elijah
June 14
Latter-day Saints in Italy—a Legacy of Faith . . . Paola Fava
of Genoa . . . stays busy serving in the Church and doing family history.

June 14 The Power of When . . . We trust in the Lord’s plan of eternal families
and eternal life.  It’s the power of when that keeps us moving forward.
July 14 The Promise of Hearts Turning
July 14
April 2014 Conference Notebook . . . How to hold a ‘Family Tree Gathering.’
July 14 Corrections
July 14 Keeping a Journal Your Way
July 14 Old Testament Prophets: Elijah
Aug 14
We Know Where He Is
Aug 14 Taming the Media . . . and now our son is encouraged to help me
with FamilySearch indexing.  He also likes to explore the FamilySearch
website and dabble in family history.  I believe it is important that we show
our children how to ‘stand in holy places’ online as well as in real life.
Sep 14
Put the Family in Family History
Sep 14
The Work of Salvation: Then and Now . . . The Book of Mormon
makes frequent reference to keeping family histories.  Lehi sent his sons
back to Jerusalem to obtain the brass plates, which contained the “record
of the Jews and also a genealogy of [his] forefathers” (1 Nephi 3:3). The book
of Ether sets forth the names of succeeding sovereigns and, as necessary,
their siblings and children, showing that extensive family history records
were kept among the people.  The Church’s worldwide temple and family
history initiatives are consistent with Book of Mormon teachings.
Sep 14
Strengthening Youth through Uplifting Activities
Oct 14 Family History for the Rising Generation
Oct 14 Missionary, Family History, and Temple Work
Oct 14 What’s a Family Tree Gathering?
Oct 14 My “Forgetter” Is Getting Better . . .
I am now writing
my personal history, and I find that the Holy Ghost helps me
by bringing “things to [my] remembrance” (John 14:26).
Oct 14 Finding Solace in Sacred Hymns
Nov 14 The Book . . . This “book” will be prepared using the records
of names and ordinances in the Church’s FamilyTree database.
Dec 14 Tithing Helps Build Up the Kingdom of God . . . and to sustain
missionary, temple, and family history work. . . .
Dec 14 Old Testament Prophets: Malachi . . . the names of those
who “feared the Lord … and that thought upon his name”
were written in a "book of remembrance."
Dec 14 Angels We Have Heard . . . A Mission to Visit Relatives and Friends
. . . “Our fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters and friends who have passed
away from this earth, having been faithful, and worthy to enjoy these rights
and privileges, may have a mission given them to visit their relatives and
friends upon the earth again, bringing from the divine Presence messages
of love, of warning, or reproof and instruction, to those whom they had
learned to love in the flesh.”
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New Era 2014
Jan 14 Family History Unites Families
Jan 14 Both Parts of the Blessing  Temple attendance and family history
are both important; when combined, they bring additional blessings.
Jan 14 Instant Messages - Family History Unites Families
Feb 14
Faithful, Loving Service . . . We do family history
and take family names to the temple for our ancestors.
Feb 14
28 Ways to Spread Sunshine . . . Teach someone about family history.
Feb 14 Questions and Answers: Making the Temple Part of My Life . . .
I think that doing family history work is about as close as you
can get to being in the temple without being in the temple.
Feb 14 How to Fill Your Book of Life
Mar 14 Sharing the Gospel Naturally . . . Ask your friends
where their names came from.  If they’re family names,
you can bring up family history and share how it connects
us to our past and to our future through temples.
Apr 14 The Gate and the Path . . . Service -- fulfilling our covenants
by serving God and His children, including callings, temple and
family history work, sharing the gospel, full-time missionary service
Apr 14
My Assignment from the Bishop . . .  Spirit of Elijah
and the responsibility the youth have to serve through family history.
May 14
Apostles Speak to Us . . . Roots and Branches
“The doctrine of the family in relation to family history and temple work is clear.
The Lord in initial revelatory instructions referred to ‘baptism for your dead’
[D&C 127:5; emphasis added]. Our doctrinal obligation is to our own ancestors.
This is because the celestial organization of heaven is based on families. . . .
We need to be connected to both our roots and branches . . .
May 14
Words to Live By . . . “The more connected we feel to our righteous
forefathers, the more likely we are to make wise and righteous choices.”
May 14
"Maybe I Should Get My Blessing" . . .  Later that day,
I asked my dad to help me understand the roles and blessings
of the tribes of the house of Israel.  It was long and hard, but we
figured it out, and I recorded what we learned in my journal.
May 14
Four Days at the Hamilton New Zealand Temple . . .
Mahonri K., a priest, researched and brought names from his own family
to do proxy work for them.  “I was excited to help my ancestors who had
passed on through the veil by being baptized and receiving the gift of the
Holy Ghost on their behalf,” he says.
. . . Throughout the temple conference
the youth strengthened their ties with the Savior, with each other,
and with their ancestors.  After gaining such new enthusiasm for the work,
their journey in family history is only getting started.
May 14
Fun Activity Ideas for Any Occasion . . . Temple and family history
June 14
Using Stories to Teach about the Priesthood . . .
Family history is another great resource--your ancestors
may have had an experience that you could share.
June 14
To the Point . . . Who will be on the earth during the Millennium,
and what will they be doing? . . . Family history and temple work will be
especially important and will link the entire family of man all the way back
to Adam and Eve.
June 14 Instant Messages . . . 400+ Names for the Temple . . .
Doing family history became a blessing. I think everyone should do it.
July 14 Outsmart Your Smartphone and Other Devices . . . Use these wallpapers
to help you: Make time for good things, like service and family history.
July 14 Instant Messages . . . Baptism for My Grandfather . . . We joyfully
went into the temple to do baptisms for the dead—for those who are in
the spirit world waiting for us to find our family history and do work for them.
Sep 14 50 Fun Things to Learn . . .
Find family history stories
and discover what you have in common with your ancestors.
Sep 14
What Is “the Work of Salvation”? . . . The Church helps us focus
our efforts in carrying out the work of salvation by dividing it into five categories:
“member missionary work, convert retention, activation of less-active members,
temple and family history work, and teaching the gospel.” . . .
Oct 14
October Issue - numerous articles throughout, themed in combination
with following the life of Jesus Christ and preparation for missionary work.
↑ up

Ensign 2013
Jan 13 Latter-day Saint Voices . . . Can I Have a Blessing?
. . . Because Annie was ill, it was difficult for her to get around, but she
soon found her own way to serve the Lord.  We brought her a typewriter,
and she spent hours every day in the hospital doing family history work.
Annie lived three years longer than expected and prepared hundreds of
family names for the temple before she passed away.  [Related Addendum
Research Note: Joseph Smith, Jr.; the Prophet . . . He then made a promise
in the name of the Lord, saying that that soul who has righteousness enough
to ask God in the secret place for life, every day of their lives, shall live to
three score years and ten.  From
Teachings: Section Five 1842-43, p.241]
Jan 13 Members Asked to Tie Family History to the Temple
Feb 13 Converted unto the Lord . . . As members of Relief Society,
we can help new members learn basic Church practices, such as:
Participating in family history work.
Performing baptisms and confirmations for their deceased ancestors.
Mar 13 Young Church-Service Missionaries Find Joy in Service . . .
Potential YCSM assignments include family history research, information
technology, mission office assistants, bishops’ storehouses, and more.
Apr 13 Temple Covenants . . . you can prepare to receive sacred temple
ordinances by: . . . Participating in family history work.
Apr 13 Latter-day Saint Voices . . . The Phone Switched Off . . . A year after
our baptism, the mission president invited us to prepare to go to the temple.
As part of our preparation, we started doing family history research. . . .
Apr 13 Church Leaders Discuss the “Hastening of Work” . . . Elder Packer
said that recently he heard of a young woman who stood and shared her
testimony of family history work. “This is a whole lot more fun than what
the old people said it was going to be,” she said. . . .
June 13 Joy in Family History
June 13
Worship the True and Living God . . . our assignment is to use
these many resources in our families and quorums to build up the kingdom
of God—to further the missionary effort and the genealogical and temple work;
. . . An older couple … set out to see the world. . . . They . . . were too busy for
genealogical research . . . He lost contact with his high priests quorum
and was not home enough to work on his personal history. . . .
June 13
Dear Are the Sheep That Have Wandered . . . I believe there is a strong
familial pull as the influence of beloved ancestors continues with us from the other
side of the veil. . . . I hope all children will eventually turn their hearts to their fathers
and also to their mothers. . . .
June 13
Latter-day Saint Voices . . . You Removed My Sadness . . .
I had long understood that family history and temple work can connect us
to our deceased ancestors, but I had never considered that it could connect
us to our living relatives as well.  I am grateful that I have been able to help
unite our family through family history—not only in the spirit world but also
during our earthly life.
June 13
Church Has Witnessed Historic Changes during President Monson’s Ministry . . .
During each area review the leaders also take an in-depth look at what is happening
with the Church in a given ecclesiastical area and review such things as humanitarian
service, welfare needs, missionary work, and family history and temple work.
July 13
Family History Treasure Hunt
July 13 Elder Cook Addresses Members and Investigators in Ivory Coast . . .
Elder Cook and Elder Clayton encouraged the Saints to move forward in four main areas:
increasing their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, strengthening their families, actively sharing
the gospel with others, and continuing their incredible family history & temple work efforts.
July 13 In Other Church Magazines
The New Era: Youth, Family History, and Temple Work . . .
The Friend: Sharing Your Family Stories
Aug 13
Recognize, Remember, and Give Thanks . . . You remember that the book
Moses: says, “And a book of remembrance was kept, in the which was recorded,
in the language of Adam, for it was given unto as many as called upon God to write
by the spirit of inspiration” (Moses 6:5).  President Spencer W. Kimball (1895–1985)
described that process of inspired writing: “Those who keep a book of remembrance
are more likely to keep the Lord in remembrance in their daily lives.  Journals are
a way of counting our blessings and of leaving an inventory of these blessings
for our posterity.”
Aug 13
Timing Is Everything . . . “One of my main projects in life now
is to do as much temple work as I can, as much genealogy as possible.
Sep 13
One Billion Records Now on FamilySearch
Sep 13 1,000 Things to Be Thankful For . . . An Expanding List . . .
Rather than saying “my family,” she listed people individually—name after name,
starting with her mother, who passed away when Charlotte was just eight years old,
then her father, her brothers, her sister, her sister-in-law, her cousins, aunts, and uncles.
Then she went back in time to grandparents both living and dead, great-grandparents
she had heard us talk about or had read about in family records, as well as earlier
ancestors and the legacy they created.  That led her to gratitude for all the journals
and photo books her mother left behind.  Soon the list included memories, birthdays,
weddings, youth conferences, the For the Strength of Youth booklet, refrigerators,
cinnamon rolls, breakfast, and choir practice.
Oct 13
Teens and Temple Covenants . . .
Parents can help their children become involved in family history research so that when
they turn 12 years old they can take family names to the temple.  To the youth who do so,
Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has promised: “Your love and
gratitude for your ancestors will increase.  Your testimony of and conversion to the Savior
will become deep and abiding.  And I promise you will be protected against the intensifying
influence of the adversary.”
Oct 13
Making Time for the Temple . . . Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum
of the Twelve Apostles has observed: “There are many tasks to be performed in temple
and family history work.  We should encourage our members to make prayerful selection
of the things they can do in their individual circumstances and in view of their
current Church callings.”
Oct 13
Hastening the Work of Salvation . . . Our role is to immerse ourselves in loving
and serving those around us . . .  helping a neighbor with her family history. . . .
The work of salvation is Heavenly Father’s work “to bring to pass the immortality
and eternal life of man” . . . includes . . . temple and family history work . . . It is time
for all of us to understand more clearly our role in hastening the work of salvation.
As we make member missionary work, convert retention, activation of less-active
members, temple and family history work, and teaching the gospel a natural part
of our lives, we will experience great joy and be endowed with the spiritual gifts
we need to strengthen the Church in the 21st century.
Oct 13
Latter-day Saint Voices: A Box of Pictures . . .
I testify that family history work is one of the most important works to be done.
Nov 13
The Windows of Heaven . . . sacred funds are used in a rapidly growing church
to spiritually bless individuals and families by constructing and maintaining temples
and houses of worship, supporting missionary work, translating and publishing scriptures,
fostering family history research, . . .
Nov 13
Come, Join with Us . . . "That and more.
We haven't even mentioned family history . . .

Nov 13
Be Ye Converted . . . I would like to share a conversion story
from my family history . . .
Nov 13
The Strength to Endure . . . Great examples of spiritual stamina
come from our own family histories. . . . A story from my own family history
illustrates this principle. . . .
Nov 13 The Power, Joy, and Love of Covenant Keeping . . . We can learn the stories
of our ancestors together, research family history, index,
and perform vicarious temple work for deceased loved ones. . . .
Nov 13 Social Media Pages Created for Church Leaders
Dec 13
The Lord Will Return to Earth in Glory  All that we do in the Church—
missionary work, family history and temple work, teaching the gospel, living Christlike
lives—prepares us and others for eternal life and for the Lord’s Second Coming.
Dec 13 Indexing Is Vital

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New Era 2013
Jan 13 Branching Out to Strengthen Home and Family . . . A creative
craft project helped these young women bring their family history to life.
. . . “Every human being who comes to this earth is the product
of generations of parents.  We have a natural yearning to connect
with our ancestors.  This desire dwells in our hearts, regardless of age.”
Feb 13 Focus on Values . . . The greatest ordinances and blessings
of membership in the Church come in the temple.  There we have the
ordinances of the endowment and the sealings to parents, spouses,
and ancestors.  All ordinances of exaltation are a family matter.  Do
you see that difference?  The ordinances of salvation are individual;
the ordinances of exaltation involve more than one person.
Feb 13 Mornings with Promise
May 13 Me? Teach Family History?
June 13
Gratitude—Feel It and Live It . . . I’m so grateful for my family,
and that includes my ancestors.  One way I like to show gratitude for all
of my family is by doing family history work. . . .
Editor’s note:
Family History How-to Videos to learn how to do your family history.
June 13
Balancing Church History . . . History blesses our lives because
it gives us a chance to look back.  Sometimes it’s hard to look back on
our own lives, but through history we can look back in the lives of others
and learn things that have blessed them.  And we can help ourselves avoid
mistakes by doing the things that have blessed our ancestors.
July 13
Family History Leads You to the Temple
July 13
Capturing Your Family Stories
Aug 13
Why Temple Marriage? . . . If you think about it, you’ll spend a large part
of your life preparing for big changes that come along.  There’s baptism, graduating
from Primary into Young Men or Young Women, attending the temple, and
participating in family history research and temple ordinances for your ancestors.
Family history involves keeping a record of your family today.
Aug 13
The Extra Smile . . . “Seriously, I have no idea
how our ancestors made it through Nebraska without an iPod.”
Aug 13
What’s Up? Unexpected Calling . . . But then she was given a ward calling
she never expected: family history consultant. . . . Watch a video about another
young woman called as a family history consultant at
Oct 13
Church-Service Missions: Real Service, Real Sacrifice . . .
Almost all young Church-service missionaries live at home and serve locally   
in some of the following ways: . . .
Family history: indexing and providing
patron support, document preservation, and system support . . .
Oct 13
Follow in His Footsteps . . . Keep a journal to document your progress.
Dec 13
The Gift of Family History
↑ up

Ensign 2012
Jan 12 Church News and Events:
RootsTech 2012 Registration Now Available, pg. 76
Feb 12 Keeping Safe & Balanced in a Google-YouTube-X-Facebook-iEverything World
Feb 12
This Is Your Work
Feb 12 My Family History Challenge
Feb 12 On the Web
Mar 12
Have I Done Any Good in the World Today? . . .
It was
President Thomas S. Monson.
. . . And then he paused and said, “I have been talking with Frances,
I have prayed about it, and I would like you to write my biography. . . .
Mar 12
October Conference Notebook . . . How: “I encourage you to study,
to search out your ancestors, and to prepare yourselves to perform proxy
baptisms in the house of the Lord for your kindred dead.”
Mar 12
Family Home Evening Ideas Creating a Personal History . . .

Mar 12 A Call for Indexers Worldwide
Mar 12
Church Introduces New Leader’s Guide to Temple and Family History Work
Mar 12 FamilySearch to Launch Census Indexing Project

Apr 12
My Mission Was Cut Short . . .  Perhaps the experiences we record today
will emerge in the life of a future loved one, carrying comfort from the past.
Apr 12 Features New Biographies of Living Apostles
May 12
The Vision of Prophets regarding Relief Society: Faith, Family, Relief
. . . Saving souls includes sharing the gospel and participating in
missionary work.
It includes engaging in temple and family history work.  It includes doing everything
possible to become spiritually and temporally self-reliant.
May 12
Seek Learning: You Have a Work to Do . . . Surround yourself with exemplary
women who can teach you skills in homemaking, art, music, family history, sports,
writing, or speaking.
May 12
Now Is the Time to Arise and Shine! . . . Last general conference I thrilled
as I listened to
Elder David A. Bednar invite each of you to become anxiously
engaged in doing your own family history and temple work for those who have
passed on without the blessings of the restored
Gospel of Jesus Christ . . .
May 12
Elder Richard J. Maynes . . . served . . . as Executive Director
of the Family History Department.
May 12
Linda S. Reeves . . . She has many passions, including art, music,
photography, family history, and missionary work.
May 12
International Art Exhibit Winners Announced, Exhibit Opens . . .
Brandon Daniel Hearty—a Merit Award winner from Alberta, Canada—
uses an oil portrait of his great-grandmother (Matriarch) as a representation
of family history and intergeneration connections.
June 12
Acting on Promptings . . . Years ago I began having a persistent nagging
feeling that I needed to put together a family cookbook, including recipes from my
extended family.  As I took one last look at the completed book, I turned to the family
tree page and became overwhelmed with the Spirit.  Tears ran down my cheeks as I
became keenly aware of why I was to put this “silly” cookbook together.  It had very
little to do with recipes.  I had gathered names and dates of generations of my
ancestors.  All these people could now have their temple work done. Additionally,
I had preserved wonderful stories for future generations.
June 12
Quilted Expressions of Human Ties . . . Some quilts serve to etch
the life story of an ancestor into the hearts of posterity. . . . A traditional
story cloth uses images to preserve family history, community traditions,
and recent or historic events.
June 12
Family History Missionaries Serve in Ancestor’s Home
June 12
Church Asks Members to Understand Policies . . . Church leaders
are asking Latter-day Saints to learn and better understand the Church’s
family history policies on submitting names for temple ordinances.
June 12
In the News . . . The free FamilySearch Indexing app for iPhone and iPad
users now helps individuals preserve and share precious genealogical records
from around the world on mobile devices. . . .
Brigham Young University
will present its annual Campus Education Week . . . on subjects such as
education, family relations, genealogy, health, history, . . .
July 12
Family Home Evening Ideas
: Spotlighting Our Ancestors
Aug 12
The Savior’s Call to Serve . . . After I had done 500 baptisms,
I set a goal to do family history research on my ancestors, and I liked
doing the research so much that I could not sleep because I was looking
for names.  I found 50 names and eight generations of my family history;
I helped do the temple work for all of them.

Aug 12
Latter-day Saint Voices: Look at the Last Page
Sep 12
The Blessings of Focusing on the Temple . . . “The divine plan
of happiness enables family relationships to be perpetuated beyond
the grave.  Sacred ordinances and covenants available in holy temples
make it possible for individuals to return to the presence of God and for
families to be united eternally.”
Sep 12
Senior Missionaries: Responding to the Prophet’s Call
Ye Are the Light of the World . . . Church-service missionaries
are needed worldwide to serve in family history centers . . .
Sep 12
FamilySearch Launches New Indexing Initiative
Oct 12
Loss and Childlessness: Finding Hope amid the Pain
Oct 12
What Have You Done for Them? . . . “We found things we had wondered
about for a long time.  It seemed as though they came to us almost too easily.
More than this, things that we never dreamed existed began to show up.  We
began to learn by personal experience that this research into our families is
an inspired work.  We came to know that an inspiration will follow those who
move into it.  It is just a matter of getting started.”
Oct 12
Traditional Family Championed at World Congress
Nov 12 Ask the Missionaries! They Can Help You! . . . They have ready access
to the vast family history records of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Nov 12 Brethren, We Have Work to Do . . . Another challenging but
stimulating priesthood work is that of family history and the temple. . . .
Nov 12 The Joy of Redeeming the Dead
Nov 12 New Tools Help Members Prepare Family Names
Dec 12 My Christmas Letter
Dec 12 Service Never Grows Old . . . Doing What No Computer Can . . . Brother Schory,
. . . spends hours each day transcribing names from digital images of original records
as part of the FamilySearch indexing program, often in languages such as French,
German, Italian, and Spanish.
↑ up


New Era 2012
Jan 12
What’s Up?: You're Invited To Do Family History, pg. 39
Feb 12 Screening Your Screen Time . . . The Internet makes FamilySearch indexing
Indexing Overview —] incredibly easy and accessible anywhere.
Mar 12
How Can We Make the Most of Temple Attendance? . . . You will need
to identify your ancestors.  The new FamilySearch program makes the effort
easier than before.  It is necessary to identify those ancestors, qualify them,
and come to the house of the Lord to perform the ordinances they
are longing to receive. . . .
Mar 12
Be a Defender of the Family  . . . Read the family newsletter
your mother wrote. . . . (You can watch video tutorials about FamilySearch
at [redirect to]
FamilySearch - YouTube, or talk with the family history specialist
in your ward or stake.)
Mar 12
When Life’s Always Changing . . . My dad gave each of us a journal
to write some of the daily things that happen so he can read about what
we are doing and see things from our point of view.
. . .
Mar 12 Heritage
Apr 12
Instant Messages I decided that for a Personal Progress experience,
I wanted to do my family history. . . . Personal Progress and Family History . . .
May 12 More Than a Scripture Journal . . . Robbie explains that he used
to think keeping a journal was just for posterity, but then as he read
in the scriptures each day and actually wrote down the impressions
and ideas that came to him as he read, an important discovery came to him:
“When I started to read my scriptures and write in my journal at the same time,
I figured out that’s one way you receive revelation.”
May 12
Getting Into Indexing . . . … Any young person can do what I am
suggesting, using the modules available at [forwarded to:
Family History].
May 12
Instant Messages Blessed by Indexing
May 12
We’ve Got Mail . . . I have ancestors and current family members
who served in the armed forces.
June 12
Questions and Answers . . . It is very important to live the gospel
together with our family.  We can start living it with them through family
prayer, family scripture study, family home evening, and doing family history.
June 12
How to Endure to the End . . . I read my journals. It reminds me that God
has always helped me before when I needed it, and He will help me again.
July 12 Instant Messages: Baptism for My Grandparents
July 12 Ancestors
Aug 12 Walking with Our Ancestors
Sep 12 Keeping Your Life in Balance . . . "Write down the tasks you would
like to accomplish each day.  Keep foremost in mind the sacred covenants
you have made with the Lord as you write down your daily schedules."
Oct 12
I Needed to Understand . . . Family
relationships can continue beyond death.
Nov 12
Words to Live By Do you young people want a sure way to eliminate
the influence of the adversary in your life?  Immerse yourself in searching for
your ancestors, prepare their names for the sacred vicarious ordinances available
in the temple, and then go to the temple to stand as proxy for them to receive
the ordinances of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost. . . . I learnt that I need
to do family history work far more, as with it come a lot of blessings and strength
against the adversary. . . . “I liked when Elder Richard G. Scott talked about genealogy
and promised that the Lord would help us with family history work and indexing.  I’ve
had trouble with indexing because I couldn’t read much of the handwriting.  I tried
indexing again and prayed for help to be able to read the handwriting.  I was able
to get through a batch of names without as much trouble as I usually have.”

Nov 12
Conference Cards Family History. This work is a spiritual work. . .
You can make a powerful contribution.

Nov 12
Tell Dad! . . . Consider writing in your journal
about a time when revelation helped protect or direct you.

Nov 12
Thinking outside the Book . . . For millennia, human
beings have been finding ways to keep some record of their lives.

↑ up

Ensign 2011
Jan 11
So They Will Know Their Heritage, pgs. 56–59
Jan 11
Small and Simple Things, . . . Engaging in Family History Work . . ., pgs. 70–72
Jan 11
Temple News, . . . Rome Italy Temple . . . family history center . . ., pg. 78
Feb 11
Questions and Answers, pgs. 36–39
Feb 11
Latter-day Saint Voices, . . . I Don't Want to Know You!,  pgs. 66–69
Mar 11
“I Speak of Missionary Work”, pgs. 27–29
Mar 11
Learning to Forgive, . . . Soon after joining the Church
I became keenly interested in genealogy.  Family history started
me down the path to genuine forgiveness. . . ., pgs. 56–59
Mar 11
In Other Church Magazines, pg. 79
Apr 11 Blessed to Give, . . . Church and Family History
Apr 11
Need Growing Internationally for Indexers
Apr 11
In the News: Thousands Find Synergy at RootsTech Conference
July 11
Mi Vida, Mi Historia
Aug 11
World Briefs: now offers more than
140 classes online free of charge to help people with family history.
Sep 11
The Sealing Ordinance Links Families Eternally
Sep 11
Dreams, Covenants, and Secondhand Buses . . . My mother’s journal
summarizes our experience perfectly: “If we were shown on one hand all of the
mishaps and trials and on the other hand being in the temple with our family all
dressed in white, we’d pack up tomorrow and head out again.”

Sep 11
Our Family History Game
Sep 11
Latter-day Saint Voices: His Promise Was Fulfilled
Oct 11
Who Wrote the Book of Mormon?
Oct 11
Teachings for Our Day, . . . It seems that the Lord wanted Lehi to have a forever
family.  He first told Lehi to leave everything behind and save his present family by
taking them to the promised land.  While they were still in the wilderness, the Lord
told Lehi to send his sons back to get the record of past family members.
After that, He sent them to get Ishmael and his daughters. This was preparing
for their future family.
Nov 11
You Matter to Him . . . The Last Shall Be First . . . God knows that some of the
greatest souls who have ever lived are those who will never appear in the chronicles
of history. They are the blessed, humble souls who emulate the Savior’s example
and spend the days of their lives doing good. . . .
Nov 11
The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn
Nov 11
A Time to Prepare . . . I have found it helpful to access research articles,
conference talks, and ancestral records, and to receive e-mails,
Facebook reminders, tweets, and texts.
Nov 11
Summary for the 181st Semiannual General Conference . . .
Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles announced
a new section . . . (See the article on page 128.)
Nov 11
New Site to Help Teens Start Family History
Dec 11
The Peace and Joy of Knowing the Savior Lives . . .
The Savior's Unique Parentage: More important than the humble place
of the Savior’s birth is His unique parentage.  Several scriptures ask the question
“Who shall declare His generation?”
(Isaiah 53:8; Acts 8:33; Mosiah 14:8; 15:10). This means
“Who shall declare His genealogy?” Now, two millennia later, we proclaim that
Jesus the Christ was born of an immortal Father and a mortal mother. From His
immortal Father, Jesus inherited the power to live forever.  From His mortal mother,
He inherited the fate of physical death. . . .  Each individual with a testimony
of the Lord has the privilege, in faith, to know of His divine parentage and to testify
that Jesus is the Son of the living God. [INSERT: My Own Personal Testimony Online:
Alphabetic History of Civilization: Ancient and Modern Genealogies: Jesus Christ]
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New Era 2011

Mar 11
Remember to Remember, pgs. 16–19
June 11
What’s Up?, . . . The youth were challenged to use
the FamilySearch Indexing program to index 64,045 names . . .
Sep 11
Introduction to Duty to God . . . Write down what the Spirit tells you to do.
Sep 11
Personal Progress: Individual Worth, Am I a Child of God? . . .
Interview your oldest relatives and create a history of their lives and stories.
You could video record them or tape them so you have their voice, too.  Think
of how their history has influenced your life and helped you become who you are.
Give copies of the history to your family members.
Oct 11
Questions and Answers . . . Like a Journal
We are told to keep a journal.  This is to help the generations after us know how
it was in our day so our descendants can learn from the things we did.  This relates
to the Book of Mormon.  It was written by prophets telling about the things they did
and learned so that we can have a guide to help us be closer to our Heavenly Father.
Nov 11
General Conference Is for You . . . Conference made me more motivated to
memorize scriptures and work on
Family history. I like conference because it helps
me to do better. . . .  An Invitation to the Rising Generation: It is no coincidence that
FamilySearch and other tools have come forth at a time when young people are so
familiar with a wide range of information and communication technologies. Your
fingers have been trained to text and tweet to accelerate and advance the work
of the Lord--not just to communicate quickly with your friends. The skills and
aptitude evident among many young people today are a preparation to
contribute to the work of salvation.
Nov 11
Do You Believe in God? . . . My husband and I recently moved, and while
unpacking, I came upon a box of my old writings. This is an excerpt from a journal
entry I wrote when I was 16 years old. . . . As my journal entry testified to me, . . .
Nov 11
We’ve Got Mail: Excited about Family History, Hearing Elder David A. Bednar's
talk on the Spirit of Elijah and how we youth know how to use technology got me all
excited about family history work. . . . After conference my mother and I sat down
together at and looked to see what information I already had.
I found out that someone had sent in a lot of information about my grandmother’s line,
and I was able to link them together. I am so excited to start working
on my family history, and I hope to find names that I can do baptisms for in the temple.
Dec 11
What Did You Get for Christmas? . . . My parents gave me more: they gave me
fun family traditions, a firm sense of belonging, and a knowledge that true gifts are . . .
Dec 11
This Shall Be a Sign unto You . . . Of the Seed of David . . . Matthew gives us
Christ’s genealogy, showing how the Lord is descended from that king of long ago: . . .
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Ensign 2010

Jan 10 Coming To
Coming to My Ancestors’ Aid, . . . I searched for my
Chinese ancestors . . . in their ancestral temple there was
a book containing the records of our ancestors going back
4,000 years. . . one of my uncles owned a book that contained
the records of 120 generations of my mother's family. . . . , pgs. 18-20
Jan 10
Family Home Evening Ideas: Family Home Evening
Journal Sharing, pg. 70
Feb 10
Where Worlds Meet: The Oakland, California, Family History Center, . . .
You too can enjoy the excitement of family history research.  There are 4,600
family history centers in 132 countries.  To find the center closest to you,
go to
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and click Family History
and Temples,
then Family History Centers
. . . , pgs. 40–45
Mar 10
The Value of Experiencing and Expressing Gratitude,
Keep a Gratitude Journal, . . . Our Family Journal, pg. 49
Apr 10
Missionaries Support Family History, pgs. 76-77
Apr 10
World Briefs: Family History a Missionary Success, pg. 78
May 10
YouTube™ - Elder Robert D. Hales - Our Duty to God

            Mission of Parents and Leaders to the Rising Generation.
June 10
Positive Uses of the Internet, pgs. 13-15
June 10
A Bountiful Harvest in Bardstown, pp. 36-40
June 10
Small and Simple Things: How Do You Spend Your Time?, p. 71
June 10
World Briefs: Family History Classes Now Online, p. 78
June 10 "and research our family history.",  back cover
July 10
Investing in the Golden Years, pgs. 63–65
July 10
Updated to Bring New Features Under One Roof, pgs. 74-75
Aug 10
Remembering Those in Prison, . . .
help inmates work on family history . . . , pgs. 58-63
Sep 10
Using Relief Society Meetings to Teach and Inspire, pg. 35
Sep 10 Redesign Connects Members and Investigators, pgs. 76–77
Sep 10
In Other Church Magazines, pg. 79
Oct 10
Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Dec 10
Our Responsibility to Participate in Temple and Family History Work, pg. 7
Dec 10
Glad Tidings of Great Joy, pgs. 52–57
Dec 10
Small and Simple Things, pgs. 70–72
Dec 10
Future of Explained at Seminar, pgs. 76–77
Dec 10
World Briefs, pg. 78
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New Era 2010
Jan 10
The Power of a Question, pg. 13
Mar 10
We’ve Got Mail: Visit to the Family History Center, pg. 48
May 10
We’ve Got Mail: Indexing, I like doing the family history
indexing project,  p. 48
June 10
What’s Up?, . . . Honoring Military Veterans, pg. 36;
STEP into Family History, pg. 37
June 10
Instant Messages: Finding Mary Redhead, pgs. 44–45
July 10
Blazing Trails of Faith, pgs. 16–19
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Ensign 2009
Jan 09
Drawn to the Temple, . . . doing good includes
researching his family history and serving . . ., pgs. 23–25
Jan 09 My Guilt Was Swept Away, pgs. 34–35
Jan 09 Treasuring the Doctrine and Covenants, pgs. 50–53
Jan 09 My ‘Let It Rain’ Journal, . . . personal revelation is
like rain.  It comes drop by drop, and if we would create a
reservoir for it, so to speak, in our journal, we’d be surprised
at how much the Holy Ghost prompts us every day.  He advised
us to write in our journal any questions we might have and pray
about them.  . . ., pg. 69
Jan 09 News of the Church: Web Extends Distribution Services’ Reach, pgs. 75–76
Jan 09 News of the Church: World Briefs, . . . To help support family history
consultants, the Family History Department is developing new online tools
and services.  These will include access to up-to-date training and new systems,
services, and products. Information, updates, and helpful hints will be e-mailed
periodically to registered participants. Consultants can register at
Temple and Family History Callings with their unit number
and Church membership number; . . . Colin R. Chapman . . . involved
in developing the three-letter Chapman County Code, which has become
the international standard in family history work., pg. 77
Feb 09 Latter-day Saint Voices: . . . Have a Cup, pg. 73
Mar 09 Focusing on the Lord’s Work of Salvation, pgs. 18–22
Apr 09 Random Sampler: Family Stories, pg. 71
July 09 Daddy, Do Not Leave Me Here, pgs. 34–36
July 09 Our Family Picture Book, pg. 67
Aug 09 News of the Church: World Briefs.  FamilySearch recently added
the 1851, 1861, and 1871 Canada Census indexes to its online collection,
which already included the 1881 and 1916 Canada censuses. . . . , pg. 80
Sep 09 This Is Our Religion, to Save Souls, . . . We can do family history
work and serve in the temple often., pgs. 22–25
Sep 09 Random Sampler: Evening of Family History, pg. 71
Oct 09 A Temple-Going People; Family history, fellowshipping, and baptisms for
the dead inspire adult members to receive their temple endowments., pgs. 12–15
Oct 09 Finding and Sharing the Gospel Online, . . . Lisa Caress of California has
always used her blog as a journal and family history record, but . . . , pgs. 22–26
Oct 09 Giving the Past a Future: The New Church History Library, pgs. 38–45
Oct 09 My Privilege to Serve, pgs. 50–51
Oct 09 Temple Worship: 'A Contagious Fire', pgs. 52–57
Oct 09 In Search of My Dad—Online, . . . we were amazed
by what we found online to help us. pgs. 58–61
Oct 09 News of the Church: President Monson, U.S. President Meet, pg. 79
Oct 09 News of the Church: World Briefs, . . . In July 2009, participants in
Brigham Young University’s 41st annual Conference on Family History
and Genealogy were encouraged to embrace changes in technology.,  pg. 80
Nov 09 Stewardship--a Sacred Trust, . . . Recently a group of highly respected
Jewish leaders and rabbis visited Church facilities in the Salt Lake Valley,
including Welfare Square, the Humanitarian Center, the Family History Library,
and the Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple open house. . . . , pgs. 91-94
Dec 09 Questions and Answers, The Christmas season can seem hectic,
but the angels sang of "peace on earth."  In what ways do you find peace
in your celebration of Christmas? . . . Going to the family history center,
gathering names of my family members, and taking them with me makes
my temple trips even more special.  Performing services for my deceased
relatives gives me a feeling of satisfaction. . . . , pgs. 34–37
Dec 09 I Saw the Hosts of the Dead, pgs. 54–59
Dec 09 Technology Helps FamilySearch Volunteers Hit Major Milestone, pgs. 76–78
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New Era 2009
Feb 09 The Value of a Good Name, . . . Your good name
connects you with your past family history.  Your righteous
living, your example, your teachings, and your worthwhile
service will bless numerous people with your vision. . . . , pgs. 2–6
Feb 09 Back in Time, pgs. 10–12
Mar 09 Why Do We Baptize for the Dead?, pgs. 2–5
May 09 Indexing Mania: Going to the temple is not the only way
to help redeem the dead.  Take it from these youth who have
learned a fun way to participate in family history. . . ., pgs. 18–21
Aug 09 Looking Back and Looking Forward, . . . As you can learn to see
through the generations—by looking back and by looking forward—you
will see more clearly who you are and what you must become. . . . , pgs. 2–5
Aug 09 The Extra Smile, . . . “Doing family research is like playing
hide and seek with your ancestors—except they want to be found!”, pg. 35
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Ensign 2008
Jan 08 Random Sampler: Family History Now, pg. 75
Jan 08 News of the Church: New Opportunities Allow More Members
to Serve, . . . FamilySearch, the Church's online genealogical resource,
is being rebuilt with new features that will allow temple ordinance cards
for ancestors to be printed at home and will help prevent ordinance work
duplication.  The need for Church-service missionaries from around the
world will continue to grow . . . and can serve the full mission from their
homes. . . . , pg. 79
Jan 08 News of the Church: 10,000 Volunteers Sought for Project
to Put Latin American Family History Online, pg. 80
Feb 08 Joseph and Emma’s Family, Family of Joseph Smith Jr.
and Emma Hale Smith, pgs. 39–41
Feb 08 Starting from Scratch, No one in my family
had done any family history.  How should I begin?, pgs. 42–45
Feb 08 Latter-day Saint Voices: A Warning Voice, pgs. 71–72
Feb 08 News of the Church: FamilySearch to Put Part
of National Archives Online and Comment, Branching Out, pg. 80
Apr 08 My Journal, My Testimony, pgs. 51–53
Apr 08 Random Sampler: Family Story Ideas, pg. 75
Apr 08 News of the Church: One Mission Enough to Change Lives,
But Not to Satisfy Desire to Serve, pgs. 76–77
Apr 08 Comments: Update, The new Web site will
allow members to print a bar-coded form at home that they can take
with them to the temple to create temple ordinance cards. . . . , pg. 80
May 08 The True and Living Church, . . . This is a true and living Church,
reaching even to those who are no longer living.  As you have the faith to
find the names of your ancestors, as you go to the house of the Lord to offer
them vicarious ordinances, you sustain this great work, whose purpose is to
offer salvation to all of Heavenly Father’s children who come into this world.
. . . , pgs. 20–24
May 08 Faith of Our Father, . . . In fact, my son [son of Dieter F. Uchtdorf]
recently discovered that one of our family lines connects back to Martin Luther
himself.. . . , pgs. 68–70, 75
June 08 In Search of Mary Dudley, pgs. 37–39
June 08 Reaching Out to Belong, . . . It can be easier to get to know
others in classes that tend to be smaller, such as in Gospel Principles,
Teacher Improvement, or Family History classes. . . ., pgs. 64–66
July 08 News of the Church: Genealogy Guides Aid in Research
British Soldiers, Seamen Records in FamilySearch; U.S. Civil War Records,
1860 Census Online; Resources for Family History Leaders Available Online, pg. 80
July 08 Comment: . . . Journal Keeping, pg. 80
Sep 08 Latter-day Saint Voices: I Didn’t Give Up, Family History Reflections,
Searching in Finland and Mom’s Journal, pgs. 68–72
Sep 08 News of the Church: Members Rely on Prayer During Deadly Tornado,
pgs. 74–75
Oct 08 Preparing Yourself for Marriage, pgs. 54–57
Oct 08 Family History Notes, pg. 80
Nov 08 Go Ye Therefore, pgs.10–12
Nov 08 Holy Temples, Sacred Covenants, pgs. 112–14
Nov 08 Finding Joy in the Journey, . . . "These things are important: temple marriage,
mission, college.  Press on, set goals, write history, take pictures twice a year.",
pgs. 84–87
Dec 08 Temple Blessings in a Part-Member Family, pgs. 23–25
Dec 08 Living by the Light of Christ, pgs. 56–58
Dec 08 News of the Church: FamilySearch Indexing: Anyone Can Help
with Family History Anytime, Anywhere, pgs. 74–75;
Comment: No Travel Necessary, pg. 80
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New Era 2008
Jan 08 Instant Messages: How Could I Relate?, pgs. 44–45
Feb 08 What’s in It for You: Family History Idea, pg. 47
Apr 08 Temple-Going Teens, . . . He is one of a continuing number of young
men since that time who have become interested in temple work while earning
the Genealogy merit badge in Boy Scouts. . . . , pgs. 26–29
May 08 My Family Treasure Hunt, pgs. 40–42
May 08 Line upon Line: Malachi 4:5–6, pg. 43
Aug 08 Mutual Benefits, pgs. 18–23
↑ up

Ensign 2007
Jan 07 Getting Back on Track, pg. 21
Feb 07
A Foundation for the Future in San Antonio, pgs. 32–36
Feb 07
Never Alone, pgs. 60–62
Feb 07
Random Sampler: Our Family Storybook, pgs. 72–73
Mar 07 Random Sampler: Heritage Albums, pg. 73
Mar 07 News of the Church: Church Marks Anniversary
of Wilford Woodruff's Birth, . . . avid journal keeper . . ., pgs. 76-77
Apr 07 Consider the Children quilt, picture art on back of Front Cover
Apr 07 Sealed on Earth, Sealed in Heaven, picture art, pgs. 40-43
Apr 07 Branching Out on Your Family Tree, pgs. 44-47
Apr 07 News of the Church: Lecture Looks at Future
of Family History Online, pgs. 77-78
May 07 I Know That My Redeemer Lives!, pgs. 22–25
May 07 Remember and Perish Not, pgs. 36–38
May 07 The Miracle of the Holy Bible, . . . It is a miracle that
the Bible’s 4,000 years of sacred and secular history were recorded
and preserved by the prophets, apostles, and inspired churchmen. . . . , pgs. 80–82
May 07 Repentance and Conversion, pgs. 102–5
June 07 Eight Japanese Brothers, pgs.  52–55
July 07 It’s All Been Done, pgs. 28–31
July 07 This, the Greatest of All Dispensations, pgs. 52–58
July 07 Random Sampler: Family Reunion Story Time, pg. 74
July 07 News of the Church: Revolutionary War,
Other Records to Go Online As Part of New Program, pg. 76
July 07 News of the Church: Comment, A Note on Descendancy Research, . . .
I find that many relatives died having never had children or having had their
children die before reaching adulthood, leaving no descendant.  Descendancy
research is the only way their temple work will be done. . . . ,  pg. 80
Aug 07 FamilySearch Indexing, You can become part of this worldwide effort
to index records and make them accessible on the Internet. . . . , pgs. 34–41
Sep 07 They Waited 2,000 Years, . . . my oldest known ancestor was born
in 474 B. C. . . .  [photos] Top: Chung family history, showing the name of the
author’s grandfather.  (Photograph of Chinese characters by Welden C. Andersen;
Chinese characters created by Maya Nakahara.)  Above: Chung family temple in
Guangdong, China, built in the 1500s.
(Photograph courtesy of Google
™ Images.), pg. 27
Oct 07 Come to the Temple, pgs. 18–22
Oct 07 Turning Hearts in a Land of Temples, pgs  64–69
Oct 07 Seeing a Connection, pg. 69
Oct 07 Latter-day Saint Voices, . . . Uncle Gilberto’s Memory, pg. 70
and Who Turned My Head?, pgs. 72–73
Oct 07 Comment,  pg. 80
Nov 07 Faith, Family, Facts, and Fruits, pgs. 25–27
Dec 07 Questions and Answers, . . . Build new traditions
. . . , pgs. 16–20
Dec 07 There Shall Be a Record Kept among You, pgs. 28–33
Dec 07 The Joseph Smith Journals, pgs. 34–39
Dec 07 Random Sampler: A Photo, a Sketch, and a Story, pg. 67
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New Era 2007
Jan 07 Reaching for the Top, As Number One,
[photos] . . .The Karaka family photo., pgs. 30–33
Mar 07 Missionary Mail: . . . Post Script, pgs. 58–61
Apr 07 What’s in It for You: . . . Family Home Evening Idea,
. . . Lesson 17, Keeping Family History Records . . . , pg. 47
May 07 Injured and Alone, . . . My testimony of prayer was strengthened
one day when I was reading in my family history. . . . , pgs. 34–36
Sep 07 The Future Is Now, . . . Institute: It’s Where You Want to Go; . . .
At the start of each school term, you can register for any classes the institute offers.
. . . Introduction to Family History, pgs. 22–23
Oct 07 Instant Messages, . . . All in My Family, pg. 45
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Ensign 2006
Jan 06 Wilford Woodruff: Contending for the Faith,
. . . There is hardly any principle the Lord has revealed that I have rejoiced
more in than in the redemption of our dead; that we will have our fathers,
our mothers, our wives and our children with us in the family organization,
in the morning of the first resurrection and in the Celestial Kingdom.
These are grand principles. They are worth every sacrifice.. . . ,
pg. 20
Jan 06 Thanks for Finding Me, pg. 39
Jan 06 Latter-day Saints Voices:
A Gift for My Father, pg. 68

Jan 06 News of the Church: Digitalizing Church History, pg. 77;
Hispanic Saints Gathered at Family History Conference
(15 Oct 2005) 8th annual, pg. 78
Feb 06
Young Adults and the Temple, pg. 12
Feb 06 News of the Church:
Leaders Break Ground for Church History Library;
Family History Centers Spreading, pg. 74
Mar 06
In Denmark, a Quiet, Vibrant Faith, . . . When the Nielsens
discovered a love of family history, they devoted much of their own
free time to helping more than 30 other members compile their
family history. . . . ,
pg. 34
Mar 06 Random Sampler: Bringing the Past into Focus, pg. 70
Mar 06
News of the Church:, pgs. 74-75
Apr 06 Finding What Was Lost, I . . . read name after name of my
ancestors from northern Spain, written generations ago . . . ,
pg. 58
Apr 06 Random Sampler: . . . Acid Free, Worry Free,
Permanently preserving records was of utmost concern even anciently,
when words were engraved. . . . As an archive preservation specialist
for the Church, I recommend the following preservation tips for journals
and other important paper documents.
. . . , pg. 70
Apr 06 Making the Most of This Issue, . . .
Andres Sanchez helped save
his town's genealogical records during the Spanish Civil War. . . . , pg. 80
June 06 
A Chilly Morning in Queens: I went to New York to see the sights
but came home with a testimony of family history . . . ,
pg. 50
June 06
Latter-day Saint Voices: . . . Reuniting the Dancing Couple, pg. 68
July 06
Finding Ancestors, Uniting a Ward, pg. 20
July 06 More Than a Name, pg. 23
July 06 Cambodia - a Land of Developing Peace, . . . In a culture of
traditional ancestor worship, it is no wonder that the people of Cambodia
would be intrigued by the genealogical work of the Church., pg. 48
July 06 Visiting Teaching Message: Strengthening Families, pg. 67
July 06 Random Sampler: Family Home Evening Helps . . .
A Wagon in Our Living Room, pg. 73
Aug 06 Blessings for My Ancestors, Blessings for Me, pgs. 34-35
Aug 06 My Name is Paul Koelliker Too, pg. 39
Aug 06 Our Heritage of Faith, pg. 40
06 News of the Church . . ., the largest
provider of free family history resources and genealogy records in
the world, has helped millions of people find their ancestors and preserve
their family history since it first launched seven years ago in May 1999.
. . .
The Church's Web site now has new resources available to help
priesthood leaders administer family history to Church members.
The "Administering Family History" section of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (found at the link
"Serving in the Church" and "More Callings") offers priesthood
leaders two lessons that give guidance in overseeing the family history
organization in stakes and wards. . . ., pgs. 76-77
Sep 06 Sharing Family Heritage, pg. 8
Sep 06 For the Divorced Single Parent, . . .
Keep a scrapbook for each child.
. . .
Keep a journal. . . ., pg. 19
Sep 06 News of the Church: Deaf Attend Family History Workshop, pg. 75
Oct 06 Where Do I Go from Here? . . . What is family history?, pg. 24
Oct 06 Resources to Support Gospel Living, pg. 59
Nov 06 The Temple Is about Families, pg. 9
Nov 06 The First Generation, pg. 11
Dec 06 Random Sampler: Christmas Card Keepsake, pg. 66
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New Era 2006
Jan 06 What's Up?. . . Recommit to Record It, pg. 23
Jan 06
How to Talk about the Temple, . . .
For more information you can share with others, go to
There, you will find more about the history and purposes of temples,
answers to frequently asked questions, and how family history work
relates to temple work. . . . , pg. 45
June 06 Idea List: Grateful and Glad, pg. 13
Aug 06 Line upon Line: The Family: A Proclamation to the World,
Paragraph 3, pg. 27
Sep 06 Uncle Birl's Letter, . . .

[photo/photos] . . . A family photo (far right) of Sarah's grandparents,
Gene and Alice Louise Brown, with her great-uncle Paul Brown. Uncle Birl
gave this photo to Sarah along with 6,000 names he had compiled.
. . ., pg. 8
Sep 06
What's Up?. . . Make a Family Flag,
Here's a great family project that can help you learn more about your
family history, and you'll have a lot of fun doing it.
. . ., pg. 37
Nov 06 Putting the Puzzle Together:
They've found 10,000 names,
and they're still going strong. . . ., pg. 18
Nov 06 What's in it for You, pg. 47
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Ensign 2005
Jan 05 Random Sampler: My Achievement Journal, pg. 73
Feb 05
The Temple Effect, . . .
[photo] Annabell Lines studies family history records for names
that can be prepared to receive temple ordinances. . . . ,
pg. 42
Mar 05
The Saints of Colombia: An Example of Strength,
. . . Javier Tobón, . . . has compiled many generations of his own
family history
and is teaching others how to do the same.  "We're
doing exactly the opposite of what the guerrillas are doing," he says.
"They are destroying families—we are uniting them." . . . , pg. 38
Mar 05
The Things of My Soul, pg. 62
Mar 05
News of the Church: . . . Before the interview President Hinckley
presented [Larry] King with a binder containing the host's family history,
including genealogy and other historic and legal documents that help tell
the story of King's family. . . . , pg. 74
Apr 05 Random Sampler: . . . What Do You Know about Mom?, pg. 72
Apr 05
News of the Church: Church Renovates Family History Library,
pg. 77
May 05
Constant Truths for Changing Times, . . . I admonish all families:
search out your heritage.  It is important to know, as far as possible, those
who came before us.  We discover something about ourselves when we
learn about our ancestors. . . . , pg. 19

May 05
The Worth of Souls, pg. 32
May 05 Couple Missionaries:
Blessings from Sacrifice and Service, pg. 39 

May 05 Hearts Bound Together, pg. 77
May 05 Be Thou an Example, pg. 112
June 05 The High Priests Quorum, . . . In December 1975
the First Presidency clarified that ward high priests groups
function as part of the stake high priests quorum, with the
stake president serving as president of the quorum and his
counselors in the stake presidency serving as counselors
in the quorum.  Ward high priests group leaders function
under the direction of the stake president. . . . Group leaders
and quorum members set an example in doing temple and family
history work, including regularly attending the temple where
circumstances allow. . . . They also encourage members to identify
their kindred dead and provide temple ordinances for them. . . .
Under the bishopric's direction, the high priests group leader
coordinates temple and family history work in the ward. . . .
Above all, they are patriarchs in their homes and families,
setting an example and establishing a pattern of righteousness
for generations that follow. . . . , pg. 50
June 05 News of the Church:, pg. 79
July 05 Random Sampler: Sharing Family History, pg. 72;
Scripture Study with an Ancestor, pg. 73
July 05 News of the Church:
New Church History Library To Be Constructed
, pg. 74
Aug 05 Picturing the Past, pg. 38
Aug 05 Messages from the Doctrine and Covenants:
Family History Changed My Life, pg. 42
Aug 05 I Found It!: . . .

Whether we search for information about our family members in a cemetery,
on an Internet site, or among faded old papers, the Lord will help us. . . . , pg. 44
Aug 05 Random Sampler: One More Story, Dad!;
Family Home Evening Helps: Two Fun Family Traditions, pg.73
Aug 05
Making the Most of This Issue, pg. 80
Sep 05
Personal Consecration, pg. 42
Sep 05 News of the Church:
Personal Ancestral File Upgrade Prints in Color (PAF Companion 5.2), pg. 78
Oct 05
Polynesian Pearls, pg. 14
Oct 05 Sarah Ann and Me, . . .
My first experience with family history was as a freshman at
Brigham Young University, where I took an introductory class.. . ., pg. 50
Oct 05 Random Sampler: . . . A Lunch Box and a Life History, pg. 71
Oct 05
News of the Church:, pgs. 73 and 79
Nov 05
On Zion's Hill, . . . Genealogy was renamed "Family History." . . . , pg. 70
Nov 05 Aaronic Priesthood and Young Women
Resource Guides, . . . pg. 122
Dec 05 First Presidency Message: Joseph Smith, Jr.--
Prophet of God, Mighty Servant, . . . Family history research . . . program
of the Church did not result from the pursuit of a hobby.  It is an extension
of the teachings of Joseph Smith the Prophet.  He declared that we cannot
be saved without our forebears, . . . , pg. 2
Dec 05 Family of Joseph Smith, Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith;
The First Family of the Restoration, pg. 7
Dec 05 A Prophet's Life: The Cradle - Sharon, Vermont, pg. 10
Dec 05 Mission Blessings in the Golden Years: . . .
Dec 05 Healed Hearts and Family History, pg. 32
Dec 05 News of the Church: Church History Library Ground is Broken, pg. 68

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New Era 2005
Jan 05 Idea List: Jazz Up Your Journal, pg. 15
Jan 05 The Times of the Prophets, pg. 28–29 . . .
Joseph Smith, Jr. (1805–44) [Son of Joseph Smith, Sr.]

The First Prophet, Seer, Revelator and Translator
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
During His Lifetime:
1827–29 Translates the Book of Mormon in about 60 working days.
1830 Organizes the Church of Christ
1842 Organizes the Female Relief Society of Nauvoo
1805 Napoleon is crowned king of Italy
1812–14 Americans and British fight the War of 1812 over freedom of the seas.
1810 Tin cans are invented.  You had to use a hammer and chisel to get them open. 
Can openers didn't come along until about 50 years later.
1823 Legend has it that when a player at the Rugby School of England picked
up a soccer ball mid-game and ran with it, the idea for rugby was born.
1805 Hans Christian Andersen, famous fairy tale writer, is born
1808 Ludwig van Beethoven's Fifth Symphony premiers in Vienna, Austria.
Food and Fashion
Early 1800s Ponytails and powdered wigs for men are going out of style.
Brigham Young (1801–77) [2nd President]
. . .
Jan 05 Instant Messages, . . . My Great-Great Temple Trip, pg. 47
Jan 05 What's in It for You, (Ideas for Using the 2005 Mutual Theme), pg. 49
Mar 05 Ward of Wisdom, pg. 12
Aug 05
599 Baptisms, . . . My heart began to expand, and I began
to love the ancestors of each person in my ward.. . . , pg. 10
Sep 05 The Message: A Code to Live By, pg. 4
Oct 05 Idea List: Temple Blessings Now and Later, pg. 15
Nov 05 Your Patriarchal Blessing, pg. 4
Nov 05 You Have a Birthright, pg. 9
Dec 05 What Did Joseph Smith Really Look Like?, pg. 28
Dec 05 Joseph Smith's Family Tree, pg. 34
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Ensign 2004
Jan 04 Too Young to Be a Widow, pg. 29
Jan 04
Singles and the Proclamation on the Family, 
. . .
Family History and Temple Work, pg. 33
Jan 04
Joy in the Journey, . . . I learned as a young boy that
family history begins with a love for our ancestors. . . . , pg. 48
Jan 04 Heber J. Grant: A Prophet for Hard Times, . . .
Under President Grant's leadership, the Church . . . began
microfilming family history records, . . . , pg. 57
Feb 04 A Voice of Gladness, pg. 35 
Feb 04 Net Results, . . .
When I began searching for my family
on the Internet, I didn't realize someone was also searching for me, pg. 54
Feb 04
Latter-day Saint Voices: Help from Heaven, pg. 68
Feb 04 Random Sampler:
(Family Home Evening Helps: Five Family History Activities), pg. 72
Feb 04 
News of the Church: Strengthening the Community,
Philippine Saints Celebrate National Family Week, pg. 78
Feb 04 Making the Most of This Issue, pg. 80
Mar 04 With Every Stitch, . . . Some include family genealogy. . . . , pg. 32
Mar 04 Gospel Classics: A Temple-Motivated People, pg. 38;
Letter from the First Presidency, pg. 45
Apr 04 Random Sampler: Our Family History Timeline, pg. 72
Apr 04 News of the Church:
. . . Elder Costa also presented the president
with a copy of several generations of President Uribe's and the First Lady's
family histories
, along with a CD containing FamilySearch™
Personal Ancestral File software and a statuette of a family. . . . , pg. 77

May 04 Roots and Branches, pg. 27
June 04 Julia and Emily: Sisters in Zion . . .
My ancestors' experiences as handcart pioneers . . . , pg.
une 04 Family Newsletters Made Easy, pg. 73
June 04 News of the Church:
Two Family History Products Now Sold Together . . .
Personal Ancestral File (PAF) 5.2 and PAF Companion
are now being sold together as a single package.
PAF is the Church’s personal genealogy management software.
It allows members to capture and organize their personal and family
history electronically on a personal computer and helps in preparing
and tracking ancestors' names and information for temple ordinances.
Users can attach digital pictures or images of original sources, print
charts and reports, capture personal notes about an ancestor, and
add research notes.  PAF 5.2 can be downloaded for free from the

Internet at  PAF Companion allows users
to create additional reports and charts from their family history
databases.  Using information from the user’s PAF database,
the Companion software can also print narrative reports on
an ancestor in a book format that includes pictures, notes,
and sources.  PAF Companion is also compatible with earlier
PAF versions (PAF 3, 4, and 5) . . . , pg. 78
July 04 Random Sampler: Our Family on Film, pg. 67
July 04 News of the Church: . . .
Since its launch in 2003,
Church History) website has been updated and expanded.  Its three
newest features include information on the pioneers, biographical information
on the Presidents of the Church, and a new index to gospel-related
articles and articles about the Church.  Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel
. . . online database allows users to search for names of individual pioneers
and browse company listings chronologically or alphabetically . . . offers
narratives about each company and posts citations of publications that
provide additional information.  Presidents of the Church . . . features
biographical information on all 15 Presidents of the Church. pg. 76
July 04 News of the Church: . . . Formerly known as "Index to Church
Articles," this updated index provides searchers with key articles about
specific topics . . . the site immediately links visitors to the magazine article
in the Gospel Library section of the Church's Web site . . . also refers to
articles about the Church in external sources such as news magazines,
newspapers, and other media . . . the Church History Web site also has
offerings related to the general history of the Church, Church historical
sites, Museum of Church History and Art, the Church History Library,
Church Archives, and BYU resources, pg. 77
uly 04 News of the Church: . . .
158th anniversary of the landing
of the Brooklyn in Yerba Buena
(now San Francisco), California, pg. 77
Aug 04
News of the Church:, pg. 78
Aug 04
Making the Most of This Issue, pg. 80
Sep 04 Couple Missionaries: Going the Second Mile, pg. 20
Sep 04 Random Sampler: My Journal, A Vital Record . . . , pg. 72
Oct 04 You Taught Me, pg. 22   

Oct 04
These Are Your Days, . . . For example, we all are spirit sons
and daughters of our Heavenly Father, an encouraging genealogy
without temporal and national borders. . . . , pg. 26
Oct 04 Book of Mormon Principles:
The Gathering of the Lord's Faithful, . . . In speaking of the gathering
of Israel, one must also include the elect of God from other generations
for whom temple and family history
work is undertaken. . . . , pg. 58
Oct 04 Random Sampler: . . .
Family Home Evening Helps: Just the Two of Us, pg. 65
Oct 04 Parents with Different Standards, . . . I have found ways
to strengthen our relationship through family history
work.  By
researching our ancestors I have come to understand my parents
better.  I have grown closer to them as they have shared with me
stories from their youth.  I feel the strength of the family as I do
temple work for my deceased relatives. . . . , pg. 67
Nov 04 Senior Missionaries and the Gospel, pg. 79
Nov 04 We Did This for You, . . . To accomplish this work there will
have to be not only one temple but thousands of them, . . . Youth programs
such as Personal Progress and Duty to God encourage youth to . . . participate
in journal writing, family history, and performing baptisms for their ancestors.
. . . I encourage you … to begin to unlock the knowledge of who you really
are by learning more about your forebears. … You can easily access a vast
collection of family history records using the Internet on your home computer
or at your nearest family history center. . . . , pg. 89
Dec 04 Family Home Evening for Two, pg. 47
Dec 04 Random Sampler: A Brick for Christmas? . . . Family history
compilations, family cookbooks, a collection of family letters, and a brick
have been favorite heritage gifts as well. . . . , pg. 64
Dec 04 Making the Most of This Issue, pg. 80
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New Era 2004
Jan 04 Lehi's Family Tree, pg. 28
Jan 04
What's in It for You, (Family Home Evening Ideas), pg. 49

Feb 04 We've Got Mail:
Story on Journals, pg. 50
Apr 04 What's in It for You, pg. 49

July 04
Of All Things: Pioneer Days! , pg. 40
Sep 04
Eight Ways God Can Speak to You, pg. 4
↑ upΛ

Ensign 2003
Jan 03 Random Sampler: From Your Meetinghouse to Your Home
. . . The meetinghouse library has a variety of books on topics such as
family history work, . . . , pg. 6
Jan 03 News of the Church: Census Information Now Available
through FamilySearch™
, . . . data from the 1880 United States Census,
the 1881 British Census, and the 1881 Canadian Census are now available
at:,  pg. 78
Feb 03
Questions and Answers, . . . Doing his family history
has been my salvation! . . . , pg. 28

Feb 03 Comfort from the Past, pg. 47
Feb 03 On Site: T
o the Ends of the Earth, . . . Automation in
the Salt Lake Distribution Center has also accelerated the mailing
of microfilms to family history centers. . . .
[photos] . . . Right, below:
Microfilms from high-density storage racks (rear) are assembled to
fill family history center order. . . . ,
pg. 64

Feb 03
Random Sampler: Planning for Family Unity, pg. 72
Feb 03 News of the Church:
Ordinance Index On-Line,
Ordinance information for deceased individuals is available for the
first time on-line at . . . contains a record of all
completed temple ordinance work for deceased individuals.  Members
can access this database to verify if temple ordinance work . . . [to]
help reduce duplicate ordinance work.  Ordinance information is found
in the International Genealogical Index (IGI) listing. . . . Members
will need their membership record number and confirmation date for
the registration process.  Ward and branch clerks can provide this
information. . . . Millions of names recently have been added to
the IGI, and it will be updated weekly to ensure members have
current information about their ancestors.  Members who have access
to the Internet at home or through their local family history center
will be able to access the information . . . ,  pg 77; see also Apr 03, pg 79

Mar 03 [illustration] Turning Hearts to the Family, Front cover
Mar 03 Random Sampler:
Family Heritage Month, pg. 69
Mar 03 News of the Church:
Family History:
Changes Announced regarding Submissions to Ancestral File:
In anticipation of a new system that will better handle family history data,
the Family and Church History Department asks members to hold their
corrections for FamilySearch™ Ancestral File until the new system
is in place.  In the interim, new family history information should be
submitted to the Pedigree Resource File.  Submissions will not be accepted
for Ancestral File.  Information in the Pedigree Resource File, Ancestral File
and unprocessed submissions and corrections to Ancestral File will be
incorporated into the new system when it is launched.",  pg. 79
Apr 03 The
Impact of Couple Missionaries, pg. 61

Apr 03 Random Sampler: Picture This, pg. 72
Apr 03 Inviting Extended Family, pg. 73
May 03 The Importance of the Family, pg. 40
May 03
There Is Hope Smiling Brightly before Us, pg. 103
May 03 News of the Church: . . .
Presiding Bishopric announced . . .
in the United States and Canada, that branches, wards and stakes
in these areas may create Web sites for their units, pg. 128
June 03 Random Sampler: Who Needs a Will?, pg. 72
June 03
Random Sampler: Forefather's Day, pg. 73
June 03 News of the Church:

Church Leaders Share Goodwill with Various Nations
. . .
Germany . . . Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Presidency of the Seventy
met with German president Johannes Rau in December . . . Church
leaders made a promise to research the Raus' family history . . .
Missionaries serving in the Family History Library found 400
names in President Rau's ancestry and another 800 names
in his wife's family . . . , pg. 77
July 03 The Savior's Visit to the Spirit World, pg. 32
July 03
Random Sampler: Getting to Know You, . . .
Family reunions provide many opportunities to meet extended
family members . . . fun games have helped our family become
better acquainted, pg. 73
Aug 03 Your Family History: Getting Started, pg. 12
Aug 03 Finding Links in the Chain, . . .

The library's collection includes more than 2.3 million rolls of
microfilmed records; 742,000 microfiche; 300,000 books, serials,
or other publication formats; and 4,500 periodicals.  Currently,
microfilmers are filming records in 45 countries.  The library's
resources increase by an average of more than 4,000 rolls of film
and 700 books a month. . . ., pg. 18
Aug 03 My First Church Assignment, . . . I developed an abiding love
of family history as I discovered my roots in China, Great Britain,
Latin America, and Switzerland,  pg. 22
Aug 03 That Happened to You?, . . . Have you ever interviewed a relative,
wishing you knew more about your family's history?  If not, this article is
just what you need to get started! . . . , pg. 26
Aug 03 One Family, . . . Artist Valerie Atkisson of Manhattan, New York,
created . . . a nine-foot hanging sculpture representing her ancestry.  She
used hundreds of triangles of folded rice paper, each bearing the name of
one ancestor. . . . , pg. 30
Aug 03
Parables of Jesus: The Parable of the Talents, pg. 32
Aug 03 A Walk down Parley Street,  . . . An imaginary walk through old
Nauvoo with the Saints of 1846 can help us appreciate the sacrifices of
these pioneers., pg. 43
Aug 03 Making the Most of This Issue, pg. 80
Sep 03
Finding Grandpa Pablo, pg. 18
Sep 03 Random Sampler: Tapping into Family History Societies, pg. 72
Sep 03
News of the Church:, pg. 74
Oct 03
Your Longing for Family Joy, pg. 28
Oct 03
The Doctrine of Temple Work, pg. 56
Nov 03
Conference Summary for the 173rd Semiannual General Conference,
. . . Music by a Relief Society choir from
. . . Family History mission, pg. 2
Nov 03
Realize Your Full Potential, pg. 41
Nov 03
The Phenomenon That Is You, . . . To turn our hearts to our
fathers is to search out the names of our deceased ancestors and to
perform the saving ordinances in the temple for them.  This will forge
a continuous chain between us and our forefathers eventually all
the way back to Father Adam and Mother Eve.. . .We feel a pull
from our relatives who are waiting for us to find them so their ordinance
work can be done.  This is a Christlike service because we are doing
something for them that they cannot do for themselves.. . . . , pg. 53
Nov 03 Resource Guides, pg. 119
Nov 03 News of the Church:, pg. 127
Dec 03 Catching the Vision of Missionary Work, . . .
While not all our guests immediately began investigating the gospel
in earnest, several are still on the gradual path leading to that point.
For instance, one promising family has agreed to participate in a family
project in our area., pg. 20
Dec 03 Testimonies of Family Home Evening, pg. 26
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New Era 2003
Jan 03 I Hope … I Wish … I Dream …, . . . I received a strong
testimony that day of the power of goal setting. . . . , pg. 41
Feb 03 Birthday Temple Trip, . . . [photos] Fifteenth birthdays are
a big deal to young women in Brazil.  And Priscila Vital's celebration
was even more special than a traditional party or dance--she was able
to travel by boat and bus to the temple. . . . ,
pg. 29
Feb 03 New Era Classic: The Angels May Quote from It, . . .
The Savior emphasized the importance of keeping records.  And one
of the most valuable records is the one you keep of your own life. . . 
Spencer W. Kimball, pg.  32
Apr 03
Still a Sacred Place, pg. 20

May 03 Of All Things, . . .

Adam-ondi-Ahman  . . . an area in Daviess County, Missouri, named Spring Hill
was the location of Adam-ondi-Ahman (see
Doctrine & Covenants 116). . . . after
Adam was cast out of the Garden of Eden he dwelt in Adam-ondi-Ahman.  And
three years before Adam died, he gathered his righteous posterity to this same
area to give them his final blessing (see
Doctrine & Covenants 107:53-54). . . . , pg. 36
June 03 Our Greatest Happiness, . . .
"We want the Latter-day Saints from this time to trace their genealogies
as far as they can and to be sealed to their fathers and mothers.  Have children
sealed to their parents and run this chain through as far as you can get it."
Wilford Woodruff (1807-1898) Fourth President of the Church, pg. 12
June 03 Spanning the Generations, pg.  21
June 03 Of All Things, pg. 32
June 03 Joseph's Family, pg. 42
July 03
Play Your Part, pg. 31
Sep 03 Q&A: Questions and Answers,
(My life isn't very exciting,
and I'm not a very good writer.  Do I still need to keep a journal?), pg. 16
Sep 03 Saving the Stories, . . .
Only one person knew who was buried where in Gary's Creek Cemetery.
Now, thanks to Chris Collier, all that information is recorded where anyone
can find it and use it for family history.,
pg.  39
Sep 03 Of All Things:
. . . Family History Faces, . . . The Young Women
in the Visalia Fourth Ward, Visalia California Stake, are into family history.
. . . ; (Bound in Heaven), . . . the Prophet Joseph Smith . . .
addressed the Saints
in a letter . . . and it contains important directions on baptism for the dead, . . . pg. 42
Sep 03
What's In it for You: . . . Mutual Activities . . . Service Project, pg. 49
Oct 03 The Story Of A Lifetime, pg. 29
Oct 03
What's in It for You, . . . Family Home Evening Ideas, pg. 49
Nov 03
Every Young Man, . . . expanded requirements for the new
Duty to God Award . . . Kept a journal. . . . Prepared a four-generation
pedigree chart . . . , pg. 34
Nov 03
Resource Guides, pg. 48
↑ upΛ

Ensign 2002
Jan 02  The Gift of the Blue Lace Curtain, pg. 61
Jan 02 News of the Church: . . . New Genealogy Workbooks Make
Research Easier, pg. 76
Feb 02 Gospel Classics: The
Origin of Man, The First Presidency
of the Church, . . . What was the form of man, in the spirit and in the body,
as originally created?  . . . "God created man in his own image." . . .
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is "the express image" of His Father's person
Hebrews 1:3). . . . "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father" (John 14:9). . . .
. . . His Father is in the form of a man; for that was the form of the Son of God,
not only during His mortal life, but before His mortal birth, and after His
Resurrection. . . . It is held by some that Adam was not the first man upon
this earth and that the original human being was a development from lower
orders of the animal creation.  These, however, are the theories of men.
The word of the Lord declared that Adam was "the first man of all men"
Moses 1:34), and we are therefore in duty bound to regard him as
the primal parent of our race. . . . , pg. 26
Feb 02 Saints in Saskatchewan, Canada, pg. 73
Feb 02 News of the Church:, pg. 79
Mar 02 First Presidency Message: Communion with the Holy Spirit, pg. 3
Mar 02 Coping with Chronic Illness, . . . As the years have passed,
my ability to do things has diminished.  Instead of the calligraphy
and handcraft I used to love doing, I now do mountains of family history
research for family and friends. . . . , pg. 58
Mar 02 Latter-day Saint Voices: . . . I Hope You'll All Remember Me, pg. 70
Mar 02
Random Sampler: Creating a Ward Newsletter, pg. 72
Mar 02 Making the Most of This Issue, pg. 80
Apr 02 Latter-day Saint Voices: In My Grandmother's Name, pg. 55
Apr 02
News of the Church:
Church Joins Salt Lake City in Welcoming the World
[The First Presidency greeted United States President George W. Bush
and first lady Laura Bush in the Church Administration Building, where
they gave the President and his wife each a personal copy of their 
family history], pg. 75
Apr 02 Making the Most of This Issue, pg. 80
May 02 The Church Goes Forward, pg. 4
May 02 Becoming a Great Benefit to Our Fellow Beings, . . .
You will grow in favor with God as you engage in family history
perform baptisms in the temple for deceased ancestors, . . . , pg. 44
May 02 The Other Prodigal, . . . That incomparable counsel helps us
remember that the word generosity has the same derivation
as the word
, both coming from the Latin genus, meaning of the same birth
or kind, the same family or gender. . . . , pg. 62

May 02 Teachings for Our Time, pg. 102
May 02 News of the Church: . . . Media Spotlight Shines on Church, pg. 110;
Kansas City Stake Helps Put on Family Week, pg. 112
June 02 To Acquire Knowledge and the Strength to Use It Wisely, . . . Fifth:
Temple Worship . . . enhance your capacity to understand and live eternal truths
. . . receive the greatest measure of eternal happiness . . . calming, settling,
consoling influence that distills peace and contentment . . . inspiration in answer
to prayers.  The accompanying family history work yields similar blessings., pg. 32
June 02 Questions and Answers, pg. 49 
June 02 Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration,
. . . The Prophet revealed to us the true meaning of genealogy.  It is not
to prove we are better than someone else, as was the reasoning of the
Pharisees, but to perform essential gospel ordinances for our ancestors,
recognizing "that they without us should not be made perfect"
Hebrews 11:40). . . . , pg. 62
June 02 Latter-day Saint Voices: Honoring My Father, pg. 68;
. . . My Search by Postcard, pg. 70
June 02 Random Sampler: You've Got Mail … and a Journal, pg. 73
June 02 News of the Church:
New Family History Products for European Genealogy Announced, pg. 76;
Appointments - Elder James M. Paramore to preside over missionaries 
and volunteers in the Family and Church History Department, pg. 77
June 02 Making the Most of This Issue, pg. 80
July 02 The First Nauvoo Temple: So Great a Cause, pg. 8
July 02 News of the Church: The Family and Church History Department
recently received two awards for its FamilySearch Web site and for its
publication Denmark: Finding Records of Your Ancestors, Part A., pg. 78
Aug 02 Enriching Our Prayers, pg. 53

Aug 02 Prune Creek and Other Memories, pg. 72
Aug 02 Vital Documents at Your Fingertips, pg. 72-73
Aug 02
Making the Most of This Issue, pg. 80
Sep 02 Random Sampler: Emergency Preparedness Game, . . .
The booklet also recommends preparing a portable packet with valuable
family documents, such as family history records. . . . , pg. 73   
Sep 02 News of the Church: 1881 Canadian Census Available, pg. 79
Oct 02 Latter-day Saint Voices: . . .
Help from the Other Side, pg. 71
Oct 02
News of the Church: . . . New Temple Announced for Downtown
New York City . . .
A Public Affairs Department office and a family history
center will remain., pg. 74
Nov 02
Sacrifice Brings Forth the Blessings of Heaven, . . .
Temple and family history work is a sacrifice of love. . . . , pg. 33

Nov 02
Instructional Resources, pg. 118
Dec 02
Wanted: Modern Nehemiahs, . . . Nehemiah established law
and order in the newly revitalized city [Jerusalem] and withheld
the priesthood of God from any man who did not have genealogical
records to prove his right to the priesthood (see
Nehemiah 7:63-64). . . . , pg. 44
Dec 02 Random Sampler: No-Fuss Family History, pg. 64
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New Era 2002
Jan 02 Duty to God, pg. 13
Jan 02 Decisions, Decisions, . . .
For behold, Laban hath the record of the Jews and also a genealogy
of my forefathers, and they are engraven upon plates of brass. . . ., pg. 40
Feb 02 We've Got Mail: Her relative too . . . Annie Hicks . . . , pg. 50
June 02 Reader's Guide: Family Home Evening Ideas . . . , pg. 49
July 02 A Question of Time, . . .
We don't do our genealogy because we don't have time. . . ., pg. 38
Aug 02 Of All Things:
Get a notebook … a journal that will last through all time .., pg. 38
Sep 02 Of All Things: Write Away!  Do you know who any of your great-great
grandmothers were?  Have you ever done baptisms for the dead?  The New Era
wants to hear about your experiences while doing family history and temple work
for the dead.  Send your true stories to:
New Era
50 East North Temple
Salt Lake City, Utah 84150
or e-mail us at:, pg. 35

Nov 02 Resource Guide, pgs. 48-49
↑ upΛ

Ensign 2001
Jan 01Faithful from the First, (Joseph Smith, Sr. Family), pg. 52
Jan 01 Random Sampler: Involving Children in Family History, pg. 75
Jan 01 News of the Church:, pg. 79
Jan 01 Making the Most of This Issue, pg. 80 
Feb 01 Pioneering in Chyulu, Kenya, pg. 30
Feb 01 Latter-day Saint Voices: The Lost Pamphlet, pg. 60
Mar 01 News of the Church: . . .
New CES Manuals on Pearl of Great Price, Family History,
[. . .  new Church Educational System manuals . . .  
The Introduction to Family History Student Manual, Religion 261
(item no. 36405; $1.50) has been revised for use with Windows 
applications in Personal Ancestral File, TempleReady,
and the Family History Library Catalog.  The new manual has
user-friendly instructions for using other basics of the FamilySearch™
program.  It does not deal with Internet use.], pg. 75
Apr 01 Special Witnesses of Christ, . . . Now, in our day,
the marvelous work is moving forward—the family history work,
the temple work in which families are being united for all eternity.
And in a world that is degrading itself with the dissolution of families,
this work goes forward across the world. . . . , pg. 4
Apr 01 Looking for William Moulton, pg. 43
Apr 01 'Call the Sabbath a Delight' (Isa. 58:13), pg. 46
Apr 01 Welcome to
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, pg. 54
May 01 Couple Missionaries: A Time to Serve, pg. 25
May 01 Them That Honour Me I Will Honour, pg. 45 
May 01 Born Again, . . . As Nephi said, baptism is the gate, "and then
cometh a remission of your sins by fire and by the Holy Ghost." . . .
Because baptism by water and of the Spirit is essential for full salvation,
in the eternal nature of things all of God's children should have this
opportunity, including those who have lived in centuries past. . . .
At great expense and effort the Church is now the custodian
of the greatest treasure of family records in the world. . . . , pg. 54
May 01 News of the Church: 
Freedman's Bank Records Offer Priceless Family History Tool, pg. 110
June 01 Miracles, (two family history references), pg. 6
June 01 Latter-day Counsel, pg. 74
June 01 News of the Church: 
[A new version of TempleReady and an update of the International
Genealogical Index (IGI) are now in Church Family History Centers], pg. 79
June 01 News of the Church: Discontinuation of Local Church Unit Web Sites,
[The following letter, dated 15 March 2001, has been sent to local unit
priesthood leaders by the Presiding Bishopric. . . ], pg. 79
July 01 Latter-day Saint Voices: . . . The Hidden Book, pg. 58;
I Saw Beyond the Prison Bars, . . . Also, on one side of the chapel
was a Family History Library for use by the inmates. . . . , pg. 61
July 01 Random Sampler: Happy Birthday: Dear Ancestor, pg. 70
July 01 News of the Church:
New York's Ellis Island Genealogy Records Released, pg.76
Aug 01 A Disposition to Do Good Continually, pg. 13
Aug 01 Pink and White Pages, Keeping a journal! I thought. . . . , pg. 59
Aug 01 Latter-day Saint Voices: . . . The Very Experience I Needed, pg. 61
Aug 01 News of the Church: . . . 1880 Census Released on CD-Rom, pg. 75
Sep 01 Tonga: A Land of Believing People, . . . In the past, Tongans
recorded the names, dates, and places of their ancestors on long rolls
of tapa cloth (rough paper made from pounded bark).  Many families
know their family history back hundreds of years. . . . , pg. 42  
Sep 01 Helping Each Other Succeed in Family History, pg. 48
Sep 01 Seagoing Saints, (Between 1840 and 1890, about 90,000 Latter-day
Saints immigrated to America on more than 500 known voyages.), pg. 54
Sep 01 Visiting Teaching Message:
Building Unity through Family History, pg. 69
Sep 01 Random Sampler: Creating a Family Flag, pg. 70
Sep 01 News of the Church: PAF 5.0 Adds Many Languages, pg. 79
Sep 01 Making the Most of This Issue, pg. 80
Oct 01 Latter-day Saint Voices: . . . I Found Them!, pg. 63 
Oct. 01 News of the Church: 
Vital Records Index for Scandinavia Released, pg. 76
Nov 01 Teachings for Our Time, 2002, pg. 105
Dec 01 The Unfolding Restoration of Temple Work, pg. 34
↑ upΛ


New Era 2001
Feb 01 Planting Temple Seeds, pg. 20
Feb 01 Remembering Sarah, pg. 40
Feb 01 Readers' Guide: . . . Laurel Project Idea, pg. 49
May 01 The Temple at 12, pg. 9
July 01 Idea List: Starting Your Family History, pg. 43
July 01 Reader's Guide: . . . Young Women and Young Men
Mutual Activities, . . . If the Family History Center in your
stake is close enough to visit, arrange for a tour and some
instruction on how to get started.  Set a goal to take a family
name to the temple on your next temple trip., pg. 49
Sep 01 Ray Roundup, pg. 30
Oct 01 New Era Classic: Every Soul is Precious, pg. 26
Nov 01 Finding My Father, pg. 30
Dec 01 Reader's Guide: . . . Family Home Evening, pg. 44
↑ upΛ

Ensign 2000
Jan 00 Out of Obscurity and Out of Darkness, . . . We are now seeing
the Church learning to use the new medium of the World Wide Web to
proclaim the gospel, answer questions, further family history
and proclaim the word of the Lord through His servants. . . . , pg. 45

Jan 00 Latter-day Saint Voices: Comfort from My Mother's
Journal, pg. 62; . . .
And What Have You Learned?, pg. 65:
I Had Shut Out the World, pg. 66
Jan 00 Random Sampler: . . . After a Spouse Dies, pg. 71 
Feb 00 Uniting Generations, (family history and temple work
depicted in photos and artwork), pg. 42
Feb 00 Latter-day Saint Voices: Do This Each Year?, pg. 62
Feb 00 Portraits: . . . Preserving His Heritage,
(Urshel Taylor - Native American), pg. 69
Feb 00 News of the Church: . . . Family History Product Update
(website, PAF 4.0, PRF CDs), pg. 79
Mar 00 Taking Temples to the People, pg. 12
Mar 00 Making Priesthood and Relief Society Lessons
Part of Our Lives, pg. 36
Mar 00 Building Good In-Law Relationships, . . . At this point we might
ask ourselves why this account of King David's family history
is included
in the Old Testament. . . . , pg. 53 

Mar 00 Auxiliary Perspectives: . . .
Young Women Worldwide Celebration, pg. 72
Apr 00 My House Is on Fire!, . . . The table was gone, and the lamp
on it was gone, but there in the ashes our family history book lay
untouched, even to the plastic wrap still unmelted around it. . . . , pg. 28
Apr 00 Two Faiths, One Purpose, . . . Tracing family history together
can help a family develop a sense of being one. . . . , pg. 34
Apr 00 Living the Law of Sacrifice, pg. 44
Apr 00 Family History Together: Family History Together, pg. 58;
Personal Ancestral File Parties, pg. 58; A Night in Sicily, pg. 59;
Two Days in the Temple, pg. 60
Apr 00 I Have a Question, pg. 61  
Apr 00 Latter-day Saint Voices: . . . My Spiritual Journal, pg. 63
Apr 00 News of the Church: . . . LDS Scene . . . (175 Volumes
of Chinese Family History Donated) . . . (Park City, Utah,
Visitors' Center Emphasizes Family) . . . ,
pg. 78; . . .
(Massachusetts Museum to Focus on LDS History), pg. 80
May 00 Resurrection, pg. 14
May 00 We Are Creators, pg. 64
May 00 As Doves to Our Windows, pg. 75 
June 00 Give Heed unto the Word of the Lord, pg. 22
June 00 News of the Church: . . . Descendants Celebrate Hyrum Smith's
Birth, pg. 76; LDS Scene: Newspaper Sparks Family History Emphasis
in Austria, pg. 77; Family History Fair, pg. 77; Family History Software
Available in Five Languages, pg. 79
July 00 Keeping Track, pg. 12
July 00 The Only Member in My Family, . . . I write newsletters
and send pictures, share family history, and attend family reunions., pg. 16
July 00 Time and the Single Parent, pg. 30 
July 00 Family History Via the Internet, pg. 51
July 00 Portraits: Standing Tall in Service, pg. 68
July 00 News of the Church: . . . Second Ancestors Series to Air, pg. 79;
New Family History Tools Announced, pg. 79
Aug 00 News of the Church: . . . Family Search Web Site 
Receives Three Billion Hits . . . [photo] The Church's FamilySearch
Web site can be reached at:, pg. 79
Sep 00 News of the Church: . . . (Historic Milestone Achieved:
More Non-English-Speaking Members Now Than English-Speaking), pg. 76;

(Family History, Historical Departments Combined), The First Presidency
recently announced the consolidation of the Family History and Historical
Departments to form the Family and Church History Department. . . . , pg. 78
Oct 00 Building Temples, Building Lives, pg. 23
Oct 00 Using Family History as a Missionary Tool, pg. 29
Oct 00 Loving the Role I Once Shunned, pg. 59

Oct 00 Random Sampler: Bedtime Teaching, pg. 70;

Fun with Family History, pg. 71
Oct 00 News of the Church: . . . Mormon Immigration Index Released, pg. 78
Nov 00 The Redemption of the Dead and the Testimony of Jesus, pg. 9
Nov 00 Be a Strong Link, pg. 19 
Nov 00 Instructional Resources: Resource Guide, 2001, pg. 106
Nov 00 News of the Church:, pg. 108
Dec 00 Lessons Learned in the Journey of Life, pg. 7
Dec 00 News of the Church: . . . New Family History Resources Released, pg. 65
↑ upΛ


New Era 2000
Jan 00 Mormonad: Get into Family History
Your ancestors are part of the eternal picture. 
Develop an interest in them. (See
Doctrine & Covenants 128:15), pg. 19
Feb 00 Q & A: Questions and Answers, (
I like surfing the Internet on our
computer, but my parents are worried about it.  Aren't they overreacting?),
pg. 16
Mar 00 Lives under Construction: . . . Hearts of the Children, pg. 20 
May 00 Idea List: I'm Going There Someday, . . .
To increase your understanding and testimony of temples
and temple work, find out what the scriptures have to say
about them (see "Temple, House of the Lord"; "Genealogy and Temple Work";
and "Marriage, Celestial" in the Topical Guide;
see also "Temple" in the Bible Dictionary). . . . , pg. 15
July 00 Forever and Three Days: . . . Turning Hearts to the Family, pg. 13
Nov 00 We Are Women of God, pg. 12  
Nov 00 Two-Hundred-Year Wait, pg. 47
Nov 00 Resource Guides: . . . "Families Can Be Together Forever,"
no. 300. . . . , pg. 48
↑ upΛ

Ensign 1999
Jan 99 With Love, from Grandma Bess, pg. 60
Jan 99 News of the Church: New Family History Products and Procedures, 
(North American Vital Records Index, British Isles Vital Records Index,
PAF Companion 2.0, new Family File procedures), pg. 78
Feb 99 Getting Involved, Giving Service, Growing, . . .
"A man filled with the love of God, is not content with blessing his
family alone, but ranges through the whole world, anxious to bless
the whole human race" (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith,
sel. Joseph Fielding Smith [1976], 174)., pg. 21
Feb 99 Luke: One Facet of a Diamond, . . . In addition, the genealogy
in Luke is more clearly universal than the one found in Matthew, for
Luke traces Jesus' lineage
not merely to Abraham but to Adam
and ultimately to God (
Luke 3:38). . . . , pg. 30
Feb 99 Could I Wait for a Temple Marriage?, pg. 48 

Feb 99 News of the Church:
Using Family History Centers™ for
Missionary and Activation Efforts
, . . . Elder Christofferson said that
missionaries are currently "being trained to use family history as one
means of introducing investigators to the gospel, of involving new
converts in significant gospel activities, and of encouraging less-active
members.", pgs. 77, 78 and 80
Mar 99 Family History: A Work of Love, pg. 15
Mar 99 Random Sampler: History As It Happens, pg. 62
Mar 99 Portraits: . . . Her Tip of the Iceberg, (Bliss Anderson), pg. 69
Mar 99 News of the Church:, pgs. 76 and 78
Apr 99 Spain: Exploring Horizons of Faith, pg. 33 
Apr 99 I Have a Question, (How do I determine relationships between
distant cousins?), pg. 52
Apr 99 Random Sampler: . . . Family History from Home, pg. 57
Apr 99 Mormon Journal: . . . Go Back to the Beginning, pg. 63
Apr 99 The Visiting Teacher:
Teaching Family Members Righteous Principles, pg. 70
Apr 99 Auxiliary Perspectives:
Strengthening Families through Relief Society, pg. 72
May 99 Report of the 169th Annual General Conference of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, pg. 1
May 99 The Work Moves Forward, . . . Our family history work
goes forward with increasing momentum.  There is a tremendous
interest in one's roots everywhere. . . . , pg. 4
May 99 Strengthening Families: Our Sacred Duty, . . . Teach our children
the history of our ancestors and of our own family history. . . . ,
pg. 32
May 99 Your Name Is Safe in Our Home, . . . From our oral family history,
and subject to all of the romanticizing and inaccuracies of such histories,
we learn . . . , pg. 81 

May 99 Bridges and Eternal Keepsakes, pg. 83
June 99 Eliza's Song, Our Song, (Eliza R. Snow), pg. 51
June 99 I Have a Question, pg. 54 
June 99 Mormon Journal: Michelle, Is That You?, pg. 60
June 99 Becoming Part of the Fold, . . . It wasn't long after my baptism
that I was invited to attend the ward's family history class . . . , pg. 62  
June 99 News of the Church:, pgs. 74, 76, 77 and 80
July 99 I Have a Question, . . . (Now that members of the Church
are responsible for clearing their own names for temple work using
TempleReady™, what guidelines apply?), pg. 65
Aug 99 News of the Church: Family History Website Launched, pg.74
Aug 99 Mormon Journal: The Record Box, pg. 60; . . .
My Grandmother's Locket, pg. 65
Aug 99 Priesthood Perspectives: . . . The Role of Priesthood Quorums
in Conversion and Retention, pg. 73
Sep 99 Becoming Our Children's Greatest Teachers, . . .

A Member's Guide to Temple and Family History Work
describes how members may prepare to receive temple ordinances
for themselves or provide them for ancestors. . . . , pg. 15
Sep 99 The Church Grows in Strength, . . . In a number of European
war zone communities, bombs and fires had destroyed civil and church
records, which had been prime family history sources. . . . , pg. 32 
Sep 99 Why Write It?, pg. 56
Oct 99 Preparing for a Worldwide Ministry, . . . The need for increased
attention to genealogy became apparent when President Kimball said
that many temples would soon be built closer to the people. . . . , pg. 33
Oct 99 Images of an Era: Making Ready for a Worldwide Church, pg. 40
Oct 99 Auxiliary Perspectives: The Power of Service in Conversion
and Retention,. . . Help nonmembers learn about their ancestors
through the resources at Church Family History
Centers™. , pg. 52
Oct 99 As Flaming Fire and a Ministering Angel, . . .
when John the Revelator saw in vision the dead standing before God,
John was contemplating the work of the salvation of the dead.  . . .
Latter-day Saints are to take an active part in the work John was
contemplating, which we do through family history and temple work.
The "books" that John saw, from which the dead are to be judged,
include the scriptures, the records of the Church, and "the record
kept in heaven of the names and righteous deeds of the faithful.", pg. 54
Oct 99 News of the Church:, pgs. 76, 78-79
Nov 99 Welcome to Conference, . . . As computer facilities improve,
the number of temples grows to accommodate the accelerated family
history work., pg. 4  

Nov 99 Becoming Our Best Selves, pg. 18
Nov 99 Of Seeds and Soils, pg. 46

Nov 99 We Are Women of God, . . . She was never happier than when
she was working on family history or teaching . . . , pg. 97
Dec 99 Witnesses through Trial and Triumph, pg. 27 
Dec 99 Images of an Era: Becoming a Worldwide Family, . . .
. . . Above: On 24 May 1999 President Gordon B. Hinckley announced
the Church's family history Web site, located at
Free Family History and Genealogy Records
(Photo courtesy of Church News.),
pg. 39 

Dec 99 The Visiting Teacher: Preparing for the Temple, . . . " . . .
Your [temple] endowment is, to receive all those ordinances in the house
of the Lord, which are necessary for you, after you have departed this life,
to enable you to walk back to the presence of the Father, passing the angels
who stand as sentinels" (Teachings of Presidents of the Church:
Brigham Young
[1997], 303, 302)., pg. 55
↑ upΛ


New Era 1999
Jan 99 The Bulletin Board: . . . Quality, pg. 38
Feb 99 Mormonad: Write Here  Write Now,
Revelation 1:19), pg. 19
Mar 99 At the End of the Road, . . . gangs of teenagers invaded
the little town of Guadalupe, Arizona. . . . interviewing residents
for town and family histories, . . . , pg. 28

Apr 99 What Grandpa Left Me, pg. 9 

Apr 99 Where Love Is, . . . When they did their genealogy, the Ralphs
discovered they had descended from King Alfred the Great. . . . ,
pg. 12
May 99 Idea List: Making History, . . . Compiling an oral history
for a family member or friend is an excellent way to learn interesting
things about the 20th century.  You'll also learn things you never would
have known about a person while providing a valuable service for them
and their family.  Young women can put together an oral history as
a knowledge value experience or as part of a Laurel project;
young men can do one as part of a Family History merit badge.
Follow these tips for a fun, successful interview: . . . , pg. 15
June 99 Idea List: Summer Testimony Shape-up, . . .
Willingly help your parents and other family members with a project,
such as family history work or an Eagle or Laurel project. , pg. 11
June 99 Summer Here, Summer There: . . . Family History, pg. 20 
Aug 99 Searching for Mary Ellen, pg. 26
Aug 99 Idea List: Beat Summertime Boredom, pg. 37
Sep 99 The Ahuna Adventure, [of Kaneohe, Hawaii], pg. 29
Sep 99 The Inheritance, pg. 41
Nov 99 The Bulletin Board: Worldwide Values,
. . . Good Works . . . Knowledge, pg. 38
↑ upΛ

Ensign 1998
Jan 98 The Abrahamic Covenant, pg. 42
Jan 98 Random Sampler: Bedtime Journals, pg. 60
Jan 98 Mormon Journal: . . . The Faceless Man, pg. 64
Jan 98 Excerpts from Recent Addresses of President Gordon B. Hinckley,
 . . . Vicarious Work, "I think that vicarious work for the dead more nearly
approaches the vicarious sacrifice of the Savior Himself than any other
work of which I know." . . . , pg. 72
Feb 98 Remembering Those Who Wait, pg. 8
Feb 98 Argentina's Bright and Joyous Day, pg. 36
Feb 98 Mormon Journal: Finding Aunt Ida's Church, pg. 62
Feb 98 Random Sampler: . . . Grandfather's Book:
Color Him Loved, pg. 71; Our Home Evening History, pg. 72
Feb 98 News of the Church:, pg. 79
Mar 98 Turning Hearts, (Artwork from Museum of Church
History and Art competitions reflects the importance of temple
and family history work in the lives of Latter-day Saints.) . . . , pg. 33
Mar 98 News of the Church: . . . Utah Salt Lake City Temple Square
Mission, which takes in only 10 acres and the Joseph Smith Memorial
Building across the street. . . . missionaries may . . . teach visitors how
to use family history software, . . . , pg. 78
Apr 98 First Presidency Message: "Behold Thy Mother", pg. 2
Apr 98 Random Sampler: . . . Writing Our Family Journal, pg. 72
Apr 98 News of the Church:, pg. 79
May 98 Report of the 168th Annual General Conference of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, pg. 1
May 98 Live the Commandments, pg. 6
May 98 A New Harvest Time, pg. 34
May 98 New Temples to Provide 'Crowning Blessings' of the Gospel,
. . . All of our vast family history endeavor is directed to temple work. 
There is no other purpose for it. . . . , pg. 87
May 98 Understanding Our True Identity, . . .
The Spirit of Elijah is with young women. . . . , pg. 91
May 98 News of the Church:, pg. 118
June 98 The Church in the United Kingdom and Ireland, . . .
[photos] Above: Jack and Marie Burdock, Phoenix Park Ward, Dublin, Ireland,
in the stake family history center
. . . . , pg. 40
June 98 Building Bridges of Understanding, pg. 62 
June 98 Random Sampler: . . . Question-a-Week Family History, pg. 73
June 98 News of the Church: New Family History Software, 
(SourceGuide, 1851 British Census, Australian Vital Records), pg. 77
June 98
[illustration] Inside back cover: Latter-day Journal Keeping,
by Anne Marie Oborn, . . .
July 98
Adversity, pg. 7

July 98 Sharing Life Histories, pg. 13
July 98 Walk in the Wilderness, pg. 46
July 98 Mormon Journal: . . . Discovering Dad, pg. 65
July 98 Random Sampler: A Tour Back in Time, pg. 72
July 98 News of the Church: . . . Exhibit Forges New Link with Missouri, pg. 79
Aug 98 A Stitch in Time, (In the heart of Manhattan, Lynda Gunther uses
quilting to teach family values and family history to her eight children.), pg. 37
Aug 98 Portraits: . . . , pgs. 68-69
Aug 98 Random Sampler: Guess Who, pg. 70
Aug 98 News of the Church:, pg. 79
Sep 98 Mealtime, Family Time, . . . You might ask if family members at the table
recall other family history
stories meaningful to them. . . . , pg. 22 
Sep 98 Random Sampler: The Write Habit, pg. 71
Sep 98 News of the Church:, pg. 74
Oct 98 First Presidency Message: Feed the Spirit, Nourish the Soul, pg. 2  
Oct 98 Portraits: . . . Searching Her Roots, (Sheila Hsia), pg. 69
Nov 98 Parents in Zion, . . . Genealogy was renamed family history
and set to collect records of all the families. . . . , pg. 22
Nov 98 Small Temples--Large Blessings, pg. 64
Nov 98 What Are People Asking about Us?, pg. 70

Nov 98 Walking in the Light of the Lord, . . . At the marriage of each of our
daughters and granddaughters, my wife has presented a special gift. . . . a
seven-generation family history chart of her maternal line . . . made up of
photographs of her maternal great-great-grandmother, . . . Every woman
. . . a Relief Society worker. , pg. 97 

Dec 98 Sealing Families, Strengthening a Ward, pg. 30
Dec 98 Australia: Coming Out of Obscurity Down Under, pg. 35
Dec 98 Random Sampler: Gifts to Remember, pg. 60
Dec 98 Portraits: By Small and Simple Things, pg. 64
Dec 98 News of the Church:, pgs. 66
and 70
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New Era 1998
Jan 98 In Black and White, (Even in tough times, life is not only
worth living—it's worth remembering.  Just ask Sharla.) . . . For some
reason, writing things down makes them easier to remember. . . . , pg. 12
Feb 98 Have I Done Any Good?, . . . These Scouts have learned
to safely operate weed whackers, to properly glue broken headstones
together, and to keep a journal of names and locations for people who
wish to visit graves or do family history
research. . . . , pg. 20
Feb 98 History in the Making, pg. 28 
Apr 98 Where In History is Josh Taylor?, pg. 12
Aug 98 See What We Mean, . . . She knew about family history
and genealogy, since Alla had told her about the hundreds of names
she has researched. . . . , pg. 12
Aug 98 It's About Time, pg. 21
Sep 98 Contest Winners: All Things Bright and Beautiful, pg.  8
Sep 98 Fiddle, Harp, and Bones, . . . Obviously, the group has a strong
interest in genealogy and family bonds.  Sam explains that one of the highlights
of his musical career so far has been playing his fiddle at the graves of some
of his ancestors in Nova Scotia.. . . , pg. 28
Nov 98 A Site to Behold, . . . Researching family history is another way
the Albuquerque youth are preparing for the temple. . . . , pg. 12
Nov 98 Turning Their Hearts to the Family, pg. 20
↑ upΛ

Ensign 1997
Jan 97 A Prophet for the Fullness of Times, pg. 50
Jan 97 Mormon Journal: . . . A Letter from Russia, pg. 62
Jan 97 Random Sampler: . . . Keeping the Family in Touch, pg. 72
Jan 97 News of the Church:, pg. 74;
Series on Family History
Produced by KBYU, . . .
[photo] Hosts Jim and Terry Willard are
amateur genealogists and former high school teachers. . . . , pg. 75
Feb 97
Australia's Pioneer Saints, pg. 45

Feb 97 Reaching Out to Their Own, . . .
[photo] Arleen and Annie Standiford
review family history records.; [photo] Bobby Jo Casey enters data in family
history center computer.; . . . [photo] Many youth became experts at using
the family history center's research aids.,
pg. 54
Feb 97 Random Sampler: Getting Started with Family History, pg. 66
Mar 97 Instruments of the Lord, pgs. 27–28
Mar 97 A Conversation with Single Adults, pg. 58 
Mar 97 I Have a Question, (How much of the human family has had
its temple work done?), . . . Over time, as many as 105 billion people
may have lived on the earth.  (Estimates courtesy of Population Reference
Bureau, Washington, D.C.; see Carl Haub, "How Many People Have Ever
Lived on the Earth?" Population Today, 23 [Feb. 1995]: 4–5). . . . this work
has been performed for about .13 percent (just over one-tenth of 1 percent)
of the earth's estimated historic population of 105 billion. . . . , pg. 73
Apr 97 Random Sampler: Learning to Use the IGI, pg. 71;
Family Pioneer Celebrations, pg. 73
May 97 Report of the 167th Annual General Conference of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, pg. 1
May 97 True to the Faith, pg. 65  
May 97 News of the Church:, pg. 107; Church Has Internet Home
Page, . . .
Since the December activation, the home page has had
an average of 1,600 Internet visitors a day. . . . , pg. 112
June 97
Temple Blessings: On Earth and in Eternity, pg. 7
June 97 The Pioneer Trek: Nauvoo to Winter Quarters, pg. 31  
June 97 Portraits: My Place Is at Church, pg. 68
June 97 Random Sampler: Six Ideas to Strengthen Family Ties, pg. 73
July 97 Family Home Evening for One, pg. 65
July 97 Random Sampler: Using TempleReady, pg. 66; Golden Years
of Service, pg. 66: Old Photos to New, pg. 67; Teaching the Mission
of the Church, pg. 68
July 97 Portraits: Centered in Family History, 
(Mardean Peterson Steinmetz), pg. 70
July 97 Excerpts from Recent Addresses of President Gordon B. Hinckley,
. . . Temple Attendance . . . , pg. 72
July 97 News of the Church:, pg. 74 
Aug 97 Dad's Lessons, pg. 51
Aug 97 Faithful, Good, Virtuous, True': Pioneers in the Philippines, pg. 56
Aug 97 Random Sampler: Double-Duty Letters, pg. 72
Aug 97 News of the Church:, pg. 75
Sep 97 Random Sampler: . . . Using Personal Ancestral File, . . . [photo]
Photo by Craig Dimond [illustration] Illustrated by Beth Whittaker,
pg. 71
Sep 97 News of the Church: . . .
New Personal Ancestral File Version Released
, pg. 77
Oct 97 Extending Institute, pg. 38
Oct 97 The Incomparable Blessings of the Priesthood, . . . As foretold by
this prophecy, missionary and family history
work in combination will yet
touch untold millions of God's children. . . . , pg. 44 
Oct 97 Portraits: . . . A Burning Testimony in Iceland, pg. 61
Oct 97 Random Sampler: Our Sacrament Meeting Program-Newsletter, pg. 69   

Oct 97 News of the Church:, pgs. 73 and 80
Nov 97 Pioneer Shoes through the Ages, pg. 12
Dec 97 I Remember When, (Sharing powerful stories of our own
and our ancestors' lives can teach children rich lessons about family
values and beliefs.), pg. 13
Dec 97 Putting Down Roots in Uruguay, pg. 19
Dec 97 Living Singly, pg. 22
Dec 97 News of the Church: . . . Personal Ancestral Software
Compatible with Windows
, pg. 65: . . . Starting Family History, pg. 71
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New Era 1997
Mar 97 Turning Hearts, pg. 28
Mar 97 FYI: For Your Info
, . . . (Uncanny History) . . .
Keeping a personal history is a fun and easy way to do genealogy work. . . .
(Worldwide Wow) . . . Since the Young Men and Young Women know how
important it is to do genealogy so that temple work can be completed for
their ancestors, they spent one of their youth conferences learning how
to enter names on the Personal Ancestral File and entering information
for name extraction.. . . , pg. 35
July 97 I Married a Pioneer, pg. 12
July 97 Stars on the Trek, pg. 20
Aug 97 How I Know: Writing a Testimony, pg. 15
Oct 97 A World Away, . . . Ana, Carlos's 15-year-old sister, talks about
how meaningful her temple baptisms feel when she does them for ancestors
she has found at the family history
library-- . . . , pg. 20
↑ upΛ

Ensign 1996
Jan 96 Grandma Chris's Rye Bread, pg. 62
Jan 96 Random Sampler: . . . Teaching Moments: 
Sharing Books, Sharing Lives, pg. 73
Feb 96 Couple Missionaries -- "A Wonderful Resource", pg. 7;
"Our Work Helped Others", pg. 8; . . .
[photo] Ervin Brown
takes pride in repairing and binding old books in the family history
center in Los Angeles, California. . . .

Feb 96 Mormon Journal: . . . Forty-four Friends in the Temple, pg. 58
Feb 96 Portraits: . . . Where the Action Is, (Mabel Koester), pg. 68
Feb 96 News of the Church:, . . . President Hinckley also presented
President Clinton with one volume containing six generations of his
family history and several volumes containing the family history of
first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton.  A copy of each history was also
prepared for the couple's daughter, Chelsea., pg. 74
Mar 96 A Vision of What We Can Be, pg. 10  
Mar 96 Working Together, (Cooperative efforts by thousands of
Latter-day Saints and others have produced an index of the British 1881
census, thereby making an important record accessible and fostering
many positive relationships.), pg. 56
Mar 96 News of the Church:, pg. 79
Apr 96 Shepherding in Mississippi's Jackson Stake, . . .
Advertisements in the local paper invite people to monthly activities
and to the family history center in the small branch building., pg. 36
Apr 96 News of the Church: . . . By Their Works:
A Temple-Going People
, pg. 80
May 96 News of the Church: . . . Elder Neal A. Maxwell and Elder
M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles met with
U.S. vice president Al Gore, presenting him with copies of his family
history., pg. 109; . . . FamilySearch Release Available . . . , pg. 112
June 96 A Dream Come True in Hong Kong, pg. 44 
June 96 Family History -- Who Can Help Me?, (In the Seattle, Washington,
area, ward family history consultants are successfully helping members
identify their ancestors and provide temple ordinances for them.), . . .
[photos] . . . Above: With the help of her ward family history consultant,
. . . [photos] . . .  Right: The Simses love family history work . . . [photo]
Sixth Ward family history class,
. . . [photo] . . . family history consultant
. . . [photos] . . . Above: . . . attending the temple and performing baptisms
for family ancestors.,
pg. 62
June 96 Random Sampler: (Family Reunions: Where Do We Begin?), pg. 71  
June 96 News of the Church: . . . PAF Release for Macintosh, pg. 78;
Conversation on: Gospel Roots Deepen in Northern Europe, pg. 79
July 96 What I Would Do Differently As a Parent, pg. 6
July 96 Our Seven-Generation Celebration, pg. 30
July 96 Mormon Journal: . . . I Will, Dad, I Will!, pg. 66
July 96 News of the Church: . . . Radio Series Distributed Worldwide, pg. 77
Aug 96 News of the Church:, pg. 78
Sep 96 The Fruit of Her Hands, pg. 51

Sep 96 The Visiting Teacher: "Heirs according to the Covenant", pg. 70

Nov 96 News of the Church:, pgs. 103 and 109; Conversation:
The Church in Japan, Korea, and Far-East Russia
. . . We are very
excited about members' great upsurge of interest in family history work,
which naturally dovetails with the feelings of respect and reverence
toward ancestors shared by most Asian cultures. . . . , pg. 110
Dec 96 Alone for the Holidays, pg. 16
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New Era 1996
Mar 96 All Four One, pg. 30
July 96 Who Am I, pg. 4
July 96 Q & A: Questions and Answers, (Some people almost seem
to brag about how many generations of their family have belonged
to the Church.  I'm a convert and the first generation in my family
to belong.  Does it really matter if you’re related to pioneers?), pg. 17
July 96 FYI: For Your Info, . . . [(Family) History Buff] . . .
"Often, when I'm working on genealogy, I can feel the urgency
and the desire of these people to have the work done.", pg. 34
Sep 96 FYI: For Your Info
, . . . (Genuine Genealogists) . . .
Young Women in the Shoreline Ward, Richland Washington Stake,
found an unusual way to learn about genealogy research.  They pieced
together a history of a six-day-old baby that had been buried in their
city's cemetery in 1909. . . . , pg. 34
Oct 96 Q & A: Questions and Answers, (I live in a remote area
and my parents aren't very active in the Church.  I have trouble
getting to my meetings on Sunday.  How can I feel more involved
in the Church?), . . . Keep the Sabbath holy.  If you cannot attend
church every Sunday, try to do the things that set the Sabbath day
apart from the rest of the week.  Read your scriptures.  Read Church
magazines.  Write in your journal and work on family history.
Fast and pray. . . . pg. 17
Oct 96 Mormonad: Save Your Life
Preserve your memories, experiences, thoughts and feelings.
Keep a journal. (See
Moses 6:45-46), pg. 19
Nov 96 FYI: For Your Info, . . . (Computing Their History), pg. 35
↑ upΛ

Ensign 1995
Jan 95 Leading the Way, (Strong ward and stake priesthood
leadership results in strong family history activity.), . . . [photos]
. . . [photo] The Monterey California Stake meetinghouse, home
of the area's family history center. . . . [photos] . . . [photos] . . .
Top left: Oshawa Ontario Stake family history leaders at a stake picnic.
. . . [photos] . . . ,
pg. 54
Jan 95 Portraits: . . . Bridging Barriers, pg. 69
Jan 95 News of the Church:, . . . Another highlight of the conference
and stake anniversary was the publication of the history of the stake,
How Firm a Foundation: The Story of the Pasadena Stake,
a 200-page
book written by Susan Kamei Leung., pg. 73; . . . pg. 76
Feb 95 First Presidency Message: A Temple-Motivated People,
. . . Doing work for others is accomplished in two steps: first, by
family history research to ascertain our progenitors; . . . , pg. 2
Feb 95 The Holy Temple, . . . No work is more of a protection
to this church than temple work and the genealogical research
that supports it.  No work is more spiritually refining.  No work
we do gives us more power.  No work requires a higher standard
of righteousness. . . . , pg. 32
Feb 95 Salvation for the Dead, pg. 46
Feb 95 Random Sampler: . . . Grandpa Wrote a Book, pg. 72
Feb 95 News of the Church: . . . Family History Centennial, pg. 80
Mar 95 A Blooming in France, . . . Flowering . . . , pg. 41
Mar 95 Mormon Journal: . . . The Burning Bus, pg. 52
Mar 95 Speaking Today: Talks from fireside honoring
Pres. Howard W. Hunter and the Genealogical Society
of Utah, pgs. 56, 58, 61 and 64
Mar 95 Random Sampler: My Memory Notebooks, pg. 71;
Come, Let's Go to the Temple, pg. 72
Apr 95 President Howard W. Hunter:
The Lord's 'Good and Faithful Servant,' . . .
As president of the Genealogical Society of Utah
(now the Family History
Department of the Church) from 1964 to 1972,
Elder Hunter guided the implementation of computers to tackle the slow
and inadequate methods of processing names for temple work. . . . , pg. 8

Apr 95 President Howard W. Hunter: A Man for All Seasons, . . . His
mission was marked by monumental events.  The World Conference
on Records and the expansion of family history
work, . . . , pg. 31
May 95 Search for Identity, pg. 41
May 95 This Work Is Concerned with People, pg. 51
June 95 Teaming Up For Temple Work, pg. 30
June 95 Mormon Journal: Guided to Our Ancestors, pg. 58
June 95 Portraits: Broadcasting the Gospel, pg. 69
June 95 News of the Church: Processing of Names for Temple
to Be Done Locally, . . .
[photo] Member processes names for
temple work in stake family history center. [photo] Family history
pg. 74; Of Good Report . . . (The Hearts of the Children) , pg. 79
July 95 To Mom and Dad, with Love, pg. 20
July 95 Extending the Family, pg. 35
July 95 FamilySearch Got Me Started, pg. 35
July 95 Two Old Notebooks, pg. 36
July 95 Keeping Reunions Simple, pg. 36
July 95 Excited about Extraction, pg. 38
July 95 Our Family History Service, pg. 38
July 95 An Ancestor a Day, pg. 38
July 95 Ancestors at My Fingertips, pg. 39
July 95 Mormon Journal: . . . Treasure from China, pg. 62
July 95 I Have a Question, pg. 64
Aug 95 Brief Mission, Constant Harvest, pg. 46 
Aug 95 Random Sampler: . . . The Learning Game, pg. 61
Aug 95 Family History You Can Do, pg. 62
Aug 95 I Have a Question, . . . (Why wouldn’t information submitted
to the Church from three-generation and four-generation family group
sheets in the 1960s and 1970s be included in Ancestral File™?), pg. 72
Sep 95 Random Sampler: History in the Mail, pg. 71;
. . . The Ancestor Game, pg. 73
Sep 95 News of the Church: . . . , pg. 74; . . . Names Submitted for Temple
Ordinances, (
The following letter, dated 16 June 1995 and signed by
the First Presidency, is for all Church members:
), . . . Because of
the sacred nature of this work, members should be diligent in assuring
the accuracy of all information submitted. . . . , pg. 80
Oct 95 News of the Church:, pg. 77
Nov 95
Of Missions, Temples, and Stewardship, pg. 51
Dec 95 News of the Church:, pg. 69
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New Era 1995
Apr 95 Alice Is Wonderland, pg. 21
July 95 FYI: For Your Info, . . . (Seminary Superstar) . . .
Miguel Arancibia Flores . . . , a 17-year-old from Viña del Mar, Chile,
. . . enjoys going to church and doing genealogy work. . . . , pg. 34
Sep 95 FYI: For Your Info, (If You Can't Use Gold Plates) . . .
We have been asked to keep family histories and to preserve them
for the generations that will come after us.  Here are some suggestions
to keep your memories alive: . . . Pictures and Photographs . . .
Scrapbooks . . . Journals . . . Letters . . . Storage . . . , pg. 34
↑ upΛ

Ensign 1994
Jan 94 The Man Adam, . . . In the Joseph Smith Translation
of Genesis, we read of the line of great patriarchs from Adam
to Enoch: "And this is the genealogy
of the sons of Adam, who
was the son of God, with whom God himself conversed."
Genesis 6; . . . compare Moses 6:22) . . . , pg. 8
Jan 94 Too Active to Need Home Teachers?, pg. 60
Jan 94 Portraits: . . . Hooked on History, (Ruth Zollinger),  pg. 69
Jan 94 News of the Church:, pg. 79
Feb 94 First Presidency Message: The Key of Faith, . . .
The person who is working on his or her family history fits
the description of one who is fulfilling his or her duty.
. . .
Faith is a requisite to this work. . . . , pg. 2
Feb 94 Mormon Journal: . . . My Lesson from Pahoran, pg. 40
Feb 94 The Stresses of Life, . . . Baby books and family histories
must be assembled and kept current. . . . , pg. 47 
Feb 94 Random Sampler: A Journal of Letters, pg. 71
Feb 94 News of the Church: Temple Ready Now Available, pg. 75
Feb 94 Of Good Report:
Number of Names Extracted, (1985-1993),  pg. 80
Mar 94 Glimpses of My Grandpa, pg. 28
Mar 94 News of the Church: . . . The Saints in Saskatoon:
Building a Center Place of Faith
. . .
[photo] Family history devotees
Gill and Elsie Roland.
, pg. 76
Apr 94 Working Wonders in McLean, pg. 22
Apr 94 Remember the Sabbath Day, pg. 46
May 94 Counseling with Our Councils, . . . priesthood executive
. . . to consider . . . family history . . . , pg. 24 

May 94 Therefore I Was Taught, . . . So, the hearts of you fathers
and mothers must be turned to your children right now, if you have
the true spirit of Elijah, and not think that it applies merely to those
who are beyond the veil. . . . , pg. 36
May 94 Decisions, pg. 80
May 94 News of the Church: . . . , pgs. 110 and 111
June 94 Planting Promises in the Hearts of the Children, . . .
Honoring father and mother in the fullest sense of the fifth
commandment not only brings eternal blessings to families
but also builds enduring societies.), pg. 46
June 94 One-Hour Life History,  . . . [photo] . . . , pg. 54
June 94 Mormon Journal: . . . We Were a Family Once More, . . .
On his computer, he prepared and personalized a family history
book for each of them, going back seven generations and including
all the family pictures and stories we could find. . . . , pg. 65
June 94 News of the Church:
(Stake and Family Record Extraction Programs Consolidated), pg. 75;
(Upgraded Personal Ancestral File Available), (PAF 2.3), pg. 76
July 94 President Howard W. Hunter: Fourteenth President of the Church,
. . . In the Church he taught a junior genealogy class. . . . , pg. 2
July 94 A Prophet of Certitude:
Counsel from President Ezra Taft Benson, . . . I invoke my blessing
upon the Latter-day Saints and upon good people everywhere. . . . I bless
you with increased discernment to judge between Christ and anti-Christ.
I bless you with increased power to do good and to resist evil. . . .
Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil
to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how
familiar His face is to us . . . The Holy Ghost causes our feelings to be
more tender.  We feel more charitable and compassionate with each other. 
We are more calm in our relationships.  We have a greater capacity to love
each other.  People want to be around us because our very countenances
radiate the influence of the Spirit. . . . , pg. 28
July 94 I Have a Question, . . . (Are members of the Church able to obtain
copies of priesthood lines of authority from Church headquarters?), pg. 66
July 94 Random Sampler: . . . Pictures for a Lifetime, pg. 72
Aug 94 The Letter I Never Sent, pg. 22
Aug 94 Serving at Home and Abroad, . . .
[photos] . . . Right: Valene Hubbard
served full-time in the Church Family History Department. . . . ,
pg. 40
Sep 94 New Horizons in Houston, pg. 33 

Sep 94 Random Sampler: The Fifteen-Weed Formula, pg. 74;

Great-Great-Grandpa Came to Dinner, pg. 74

Oct 94
[illustration] Inside front cover: Hearts to the Fathers, . . . 
Oct 94 Finding Joy in Temple Service, pg. 6
Oct 94 Our Strengths Can Become Our Downfall, pg. 11
Oct 94 Pioneers in East Africa, pg. 21
Oct 94 The Sabbath--Holy Day or Holiday?, pgs. 26–27
Nov 94 Exceeding Great and Precious Promises, pg. 7
Nov 94 The Spirit of Elijah, . . . The Spirit of Elijah will inspire individual
members of the Church to link their generations, rather than submit lists
of people or popular personalities to whom they are unrelated. . . . the daily
building of happy memories in our families is an important part of making
family history pleasant. . . . , pg. 84
Dec 94 Everyone's Blessing, (We make our own lives richer as we serve
others through temple and family history work.), . . .
[photos] . . . [photo], pg. 16
Dec 94 Resolutions, . . . Remember that a person's name is to that person
the sweetest and most important sound in any language. . . . , pg. 62
Dec 94 News of the Church: . . . , pgs. 69 and 72
↑ up


New Era 1994
Jan 94 Q & A: Questions and Answers, (My family and Church leaders
are always talking about how important the temple is.  But I'm not sure
I understand. Why is it so important?), pg. 17

Feb 94 Names and Faces, . . . The Christensens know something
about family history, since they've worked on their own genealogy for years.
. . . Several of the girls in her ward were involved in their own genealogy,
helping their parents assemble their records.. . . , pg. 28
Apr 94 True Believers, . . . True believers gladly perform their duties
in the kingdom. . . . They include . . . doing  . . . family history work, . . . , pg. 20
June 94 The Message: Joseph Smith, Truly a Prophet, pg. 4
Aug 94 FYI: For Your Info, . . . (Full Speed Ahead), pg. 40   
Nov 94 The 20-Day Challenge, . . . About this time, a seminary teacher
in our branch challenged me to write in my journal every day for 20 days.
She said if I did, it would become a habit. I decided to try it. . . . , pg. 12
Dec 94 FYI: For Your Info, . . . (Sailing in Slovakia), pg. 34
↑ up

Ensign 1993
Jan 93 Ancient Gifts for a New Dispensation, pg. 11
Jan 93 Random Sampler: . . . The Book That Changed the Night, pg. 72;
Happy History to You, pg. 73
Jan 93 News of the Church: . . . Update, pg. 80
Feb 93 I Have a Question, . . . And since memories are more
important than possessions, we ought to write down memories
in journals or family histories
and preserve them and not worry
about possessions. . . . , pg. 29

Feb 93 Turning Hearts in the Ozarks, pg. 44
Feb 93 Mormon Journal: . . . Briefcase from the Dump, pg. 54
Feb 93 News of the Church: . . . A Good Turn in Palmyra . . .
William Avarell helped "crack the ice" in Church-community
relations while on a family history mission there with his wife
in 1984–85., pg. 75; . . . Comment: . . . Flood of Memories, pg. 79
Mar 93 Random Sampler: . . . Grandchild of the Week, pg. 63
Apr 93 Mormon Journal: . . . I Saw My Eternal Family, pg. 61
Apr 93 News of the Church: . . . Bridge Building in Independence
. . .
[photos] . . . Inset: Elda Mae Billings, director of the family
history center. . . .
, pg. 76

May 93 The Temple, the Priesthood, pg. 18
May 93 This Peaceful House of God, . . . we are carrying forward
a mighty undertaking of family history
research so that a work of
redemption might go forward in behalf of millions who have passed
beyond the veil of death., pg. 72
May 93 News of the Church: . . . Of Good Report: Neighbors and Friends
. . . Members of the Church were guided through the Jewish synagogue,
and the Jews toured the LDS meetinghouse. . . . The "Heaven Ward"
Project, pg. 109
June 93 Crossing the Divide, pg. 25
June 93 So Much to Live For, . . . If you're part of the older generation,
you may be the only source of certain information on family history
and traditions., . . .
[photo] Older people who share family history
offer a treasure that only they can give.,
pg. 34
June 93 Life without Him, pg. 40
June 93 Of Good Report: . . . The "Write" Type of Competition, pg. 64   

July 93 Wilford Woodruff: A Man of Record, pg. 28
July 93 A Celebration of Service, pg. 44
July 93 Meeting Our Relatives on Paper, pg. 66
July 93 Random Sampler: . . . Home Is Where Family History Is, pg. 73
Aug 93 A Temple to Exalt, . . . Surely it could be said today that
very few of those who have experienced the endowment fully
appreciate or fully know the supernal worth of the temple ordinances
and the family history work which sustains them. . . . , pg. 7
Aug 93 Family History Wellspring, (Tampa, Florida FHC),  pg. 22
Aug 93 Making Memories, pg. 59
Aug 93 Random Sampler: . . . Home Movies -- Starring Our Ancestors!, pg. 66
Aug 93 News of the Church: . . . Joseph Smith Memorial Building
Is New Name of Former Hotel Utah. . .
The building also includes . . .
an area known as the FamilySearch® Center with computer stations
for researching genealogies., pg. 75; . . . pg. 80
Sep 93 A Tour of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building, . . . Visitors' center
functions are served by a magnificent reception lobby featuring a statue of
the Prophet Joseph Smith; the FamilySearch® Center, where, with the help
of modern technology, visitors can easily identify family data; . . . A half floor
below the ground level, the large FamilySearch center at the north end of
the building features . . . [photos] Above: The FamilySearch Center has
130 computer workstations where visitors can easily obtain data from the
Ancestral File™, International Genealogical Index™, and a catalog of
records stored in the Church's Family History Library.  Family history
missionaries, Temple Square missionaries, and family history employees
are always on hand to assist visitors and answer questions.  Right: Visitors
may ask for help at the main desk to follow up on information they have
obtained at the FamilySearch Center.. . . [photos] The Church's Family
History Department (above) . . .
pg. 32
Sep 93 News of the Church: . . . [photo] Family history is an important
part of service for Albuquerque Stake members. . . .
, pg. 75;
. . . Of Good Report:The "Heaven Ward" Project . . . [photo]
Youth in the Crystal First Ward research names. . . . [photo]

. . .
The Grandmothers' Pageant, pg. 78; . . . Crushed While
Quarrying Stone, pg. 80
Oct 93 There Is Work for Us to Do, . . .
[photos] Above: Many
missionaries serve in the rewarding work of family history. . . . ,
pg. 36

Dec 93 I Have a Question, . . . The book of Moses gives information
about Adam's family that is not found in Genesis.  Before Cain and Abel
were born, Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters, who in turn had
children of their own. (See
Moses 5:2-3) . . . , pg. 59
↑ up


New Era 1993
Jan 93 Just a Teenager, pg. 14
Feb 93 My Story: How I Tackled Life,
[photos], pg. 20
Mar 93 FYI: For Your Info, (The First Time), pg 40
Apr 93 The Message: The Temple--What It Means to You, pg. 4
Aug 93 The Message: Child of Promise, . . . pg. 4
Sep 93 FYI: For Your Info, (The Book of You) . . . , pg. 34
Nov 93 FYI: For Your Info, (Home Alone--and Sick) . . .
(For Your Spirit) . . . Try doing some genealogy work.  Ask your parents
what needs to be done in your family, or check with someone in the ward
who knows all about it.. . . , pg. 34
↑ up

Ensign 1992
Jan 92 News of the Church: . . . Number of Names Extracted, . . . , pg. 79
Feb 92 Small but Mighty, pg. 31
Feb 92 Four Who Serve, pg. 38 
Feb 92 I Have a Question, (Are Church members still asked
to submit their four-generation family group sheets to the Church's
Family History Department?), pg. 51
Mar 92 Come, Let Us Rejoice!, . . . Family history quilt stitched
by Mary Lou Stephens of Ogden, Utah, for her parents' fiftieth
wedding anniversary features a tracing of each descendant's hand,
including those of two newborn babies.,
pg. 44
Apr 92 Believing Christ, pg. 5
May 92 Come to the House of the Lord, pg. 15
June 92 Mormon Journal: . . . Lost in the Fold, pg. 49
June 92 Random Sampler: . . . Threefold Family Home Evening, pg. 72;
. . . Voices from Our Past, pg. 73
June 92 News of the Church: . . . [photo] . . .
[photo] . . . , pg. 77 
Aug 92 FamilySearch®-- Stepping-stone to the Temple,
(Since FamilySearch® arrived, members in the Logan Utah Stake
use the computer in the family history center nearly twenty-four
hours a day.), . . .
[photos] [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] [photo] . . .
FamilySearch, with its variety of powerful computer tools, helps to
lead us to the temple in behalf of our ancestors.,
pg. 12
Aug 92 Alone, but Not Lonely, pg. 53
Aug 92 Mormon Journal: . . . In the Lord's Time, pg. 57
Sep 92 Line upon Line: The Fiery Trial, pg. 21
Sep 92 Random Sampler: . . . One Memory at a Time, pg. 62
Sep 92 Mormon Journal: . . . James and Annie Forever, pg. 64
Oct 92  First Presidency Message: "The Heritage of the Servants
of the Lord," pg. 2
Oct 92 Reunion in Leningrad, pg. 49
Oct 92 I Have a Question, . . . It may be significant that the names
Lachoneus and Timothy, the only two names in the Book of Mormon
that seem to be of Greek origin, appear in the Book of Mormon only
after the Mulekite contact with the Nephites. . . . , pg. 53
Nov 92 Coming unto Christ by Searching the Scriptures, pg. 27
Nov 92 The Priesthood in Action, . . . extraction work . . . for
the Confederate soldiers . . . we have sent for temple work
just over 101,000 names. . . . ,
pg. 47
Nov 92 News of the Church: . . . , pg. 110
↑ upΛ


New Era 1992
Jan 92 Mormonad: Simply keep a journal
Someday you’ll see that your "ordinary" life is heroic,
pg. 15
Jan 92 Hear the Song, . . . Songs of the Saints . . . , pg. 21

Feb 92 FYI: For Your Info, . . . --Have a family history night
where you learn how to do genealogy, extract records, etc. . . . , pg. 41
Mar 92
[photos] Cover: Adam, Amanda, and Adriane Talley
of Knoxville, Tennessee, have been learning that family history
includes present blessings as well as past. {See p. 20.}
Mar 92 Turning Their Hearts, pg. 21
Aug 92 Q & A: Questions and Answers, (My journal is really boring.
Why should I even keep one?), pg. 17
Aug 92 FYI: For Your Info, (Dances) . . . Atmosphere . . .
Genealogy: Come as your favorite ancestor., pg. 34
↑ up

Ensign 1991
Jan 91 Random Sampler: Dear Angela 
(Corresponding with My Journal), pg. 72
Jan 91 News of the Church: . . . Update: Names Extraction Totals, pg. 79
Feb 91 Taiwan--Family Oriented, . . . The Church enjoys a favorable
reputation in Taiwan, and relations with the government are good, in
large measure because of the emphasis on family and family history.
The temple fits into . . . Chinese veneration for family history.
, pg. 25
Feb 91 How Does This Scripture Apply to Me?, pg. 61 

Feb 91 Mormon Journal: Family Ties, pg. 64;
In the Right Place at the Right Time, pg. 65;
Seventy-Generation Pedigree, pg. 66;
Book with a Past, pg. 68
Feb 91 Random Sampler: . . . Do I Still Need to Save This?, pg. 72
Mar 91 Doing 'Homework' for the Lord, (People in the Bountiful
Eighteenth Ward are making a worldwide contribution from their
own homes in the Family Record
Extraction Program.),
. . .
[photos], pg. 54

Mar 91 I Have a Question, . . . , pg. 61
Mar 91 News of the Church: . . . Comment,
. . . Family History
Prayers, pg. 80 
Apr 91 Filling Your 'Empty Bucket,' pg. 42
Apr 91 Date Night--at Home, pg. 57 
Apr 91 Mormon Journal: Finding Grandma Toth, pg. 59
Apr 91 Random Sampler: Heritage Home Evenings, pg. 71
May 91 Redemption of the Dead, . . . "Malachi plainly outlined
the mission of Elijah—to establish a bond of interest between
present and past generations … to create in the hearts of living
men and women an interest in their ancestors."
(Ensign, Jan. 1972, p. 49.), . . . pg. 26
May 91 Honour Thy Father and Thy Mother, . . . Other
manifestations of this commandment include the bearing
and care of children, the preparation of family histories,
and efforts to see that the ordinances of eternity are
performed for our departed ancestors., pg. 14

May 91 The State of the Church, . . . Question 5:
"What about the temple and family history work?", . . .
The salvation of the Lord applies to every man, woman,
and child on the face of the earth. . . . The determination of
accurate family history records and the work which follows
in the temples are basic in this vast undertaking which
the Lord has placed upon our shoulders. . . . These assets
are in . . . temples and family history archives, . . . , pg. 51
May 91 Linking the Family of Man, . . . pg. 75
June 91 Home from a Mission, . . . One sister said that upon
her return home, she made the transition by "preaching the gospel,
cleaning up the ragged edges of [her] genealogy, and helping others
to serve.". . . , pg. 46
June 91 I Have a Question, . . . (How can we teach our children
about the importance of the temple?), pg. 51
June 91 News of the Church: . . . Light at West Point . . . He has
done the necessary research to do temple ordinances for every
cadet who graduated between 1802 and 1880., pg. 77
July 91 Under Sail to Zion, (For early converts gathering to America,
the ocean voyage was a test of faith and mettle.), . . . Problems from
Overcrowding . . . He suggested that betrothed couples be married to
relieve the imbalance.  Many marriages were promptly solemnized,
and the congestion eased. . . . , pg. 7 
July 91 It Seemed Impossible the Sun Could Still Shine, . . . Through
reading a journal, we can share in the hopes and trials of another person
as his or her life unfolds before us. . . . , pg. 15
July 91 Philippine Saints: "A Believing People," . . . There is a family
history service center in Manila and a branch family history
library in
almost every stake and in some districts., pg. 32
July 91 Mormon Journal: . . . Find Iby, pg. 42
July 91 Arne Bakken: Lifting with Love in Norway, pg. 50
Aug 91 Have I Ever Told You … ?, (Sharing family stories forges
links with your family's past.), pg. 21
Aug 91 'I Was with My Family': Joseph Smith--Devoted Husband,
Father, Son, and Brother, . . . " . . . esteeming it one of the greatest
earthly blessings to be blessed with the society of parents, whose
mature years and experience render them capable of administering
the most wholesome advice." . . . " . . . Remained at home and had
great joy with my family.",  pg. 22

Oct 91 The Mathematics of Multiple Disabilities, . . .
[photos] The autistic often excel in unusual ways.  Eric Robinson,
for instance, shines at filing records on his Church-service mission
at the Family History Library.,
pg. 65   

Nov 91 The Gospel--A Global Faith, . . . All men and women
have not only a physical lineage leading back to Adam and Eve,
their first earthly parents, but also a spiritual heritage leading
back to God the Eternal Father. . . . , pg. 18
Nov 91 The Lord's Day, . . . Other appropriate Sabbath
activities, such as strengthening family ties, visiting the sick
and the homebound, giving service to others, writing personal
and family histories, genealogical
work, and missionary work,
should be carefully planned and carried out. . . . , pg. 33
Dec 91 A Day in Heaven, . . . Family File . . . , pg. 33
Dec 91 Random Sampler: Family History -- Holiday Style, pg. 57;
The Grandma Tapes, pg. 57; Baby Stories, pg. 58
↑ up


New Era 1991
Mar 91 The Sunday I Discovered the Sabbath, pg. 9
Apr 91 FYI: For Your Information, . . . (Family History Phenom),
Kris Whitehead, a priest in the Lethbridge Fourth Ward,
Lethbridge Alberta Stake, learned to use the family computer
at age six and never stopped.  He loves entering names in
the Church Personal Ancestry File, and last year entered
more than 4,500 names. . . . , pg. 40
June 91 A Most Excellent Adventure in Family Land,
. . . You could discover some interesting things that would
make nice additions to a family history. . . . , pg. 40
June 91 FYI: For Your Information, . . . (Finding the Grand
in Grandparents), pg. 56  
July 91
Re: Living History, pg. 20
July 91
FYI: For Your Information . . . , pg. 40
Aug 91 Called to Serve, . . . Elder Dennis B. Neuenschwander, 54,
of Centerville, Utah, a manager in the Family History Department
presently serving as mission president in the Austria Vienna East
Mission. . . . , pg. 49
Sep 91 FYI: For Your Info, (Writing What's Wrong … and Right) . . . , pg. 40
Dec 91 FYI: For Your Info, (Christmas Spirit);
(Gone But Not Forgotten), pgs. 40–41
↑ up

Ensign 1990
Jan 90 'A Man … Shall Cleave unto His Wife': Marriage
and Family Advice from the Old Testament, . . . Strengths
found in Latter-day Saint families often are linked to family
traditions. . . . , pg. 28
Jan 90 What Are We Learning in Church This Year?, pg. 54
Jan 90 News of the Church: . . . Diplomats' Wives Learn of Church
at N.Y. Center . . .
Representing thirty-four nations from areas as
diverse as China, the U.S.S.R., Africa, Guatemala, and Fiji, the women
also became acquainted with the Family History Center. . . . , pg. 80
Feb 90 The Abrahamic Covenant: A Blessing for All People, . . .
"Abraham received promises concerning his seed, and of the fruit
of his loins … which were to continue so long as they were in the world;
and as touching Abraham and his seed, … both in the world and out of
the world should they continue as innumerable as the stars; or, if ye
were to count the sand upon the seashore ye could not number them."
Doctrine & Covenants 132:30) . . . , pg. 51
Mar 90 Marriage--It's a Great Adventure, pg. 22
Mar 90 The Old Letter Got Me Going, pg. 58
Mar 90 Mormon Journal: . . . Three Hundred Parchment Scrolls, pg. 64
Apr 90 Singapore Saints, pg. 25
Apr 90 The Lord Is With Us, pg. 30
Apr 90 Study, Fun, and Brother Mack, pg. 34
Apr 90 Mormon Journal:  . . . I Found My Dad, pg. 41
Apr 90 Portraits: Ed Rawley: A Steel Grip on Family History, pg. 66
May 90 Thus Shall My Church Be Called, . . . We are all pleased when
our names are pronounced and spelled correctly.  Sometimes a nickname
is used instead of the real name.  But a nickname may offend either
the one named or the parents who gave the name. . . . , pg. 16
June 90 The Gospel in Hungary--Then and Now, . . . 12. Hungarian
District Manuscript History, 31 Dec. 1904, LDS Church Archives;
Hungarian Conference Record of Members, Family History
Salt Lake City, pg. 8
June 90 The Tapestry Called Family, pg. 20
June 90 Mormon Journal: . . . Enemy Soldier at the Pulpit . . . , pg. 59
June 90 Random Sampler: . . . Family History Goes to the Movies,  pg. 70
June 90 Brooklyn's Window on the World, . . . Brooklyn's tradition
as one of the world's crossroads is legendary.  Estimates suggest
that as recently as 1940, three out of every four Americans could
trace their family history
back to when their ancestors lived in or
passed through Brooklyn. . . . , pg. 74

July 90 Doing Temple Work at Home, 
(Family Record Extraction Program), pg. 24
July 90 News of the Church: . . . Announcing FamilySearch, pg. 79
Aug 90 I Didn't Have Time for TV Anymore, pg. 27  
Aug 90 Mormon Journal: . . . The "Insignificant" Scripture, pg. 47 
Aug 90 Rosa Clara: Bravery on the Pacific, (pioneer story), pg. 54
Aug 90 Random Sampler: Write It 'n' Read It, pg. 71
Sep 90 St. Johns: An Oasis Built on Bedrock, pg. 33
Sep 90 News of the Church: . . . Canadian LDS Experience
Is Topic of Scholarly Forum
, pg. 79
Oct 90 Who Will Mother Mom?, pg. 47 
Nov 90 Redemption: The Harvest of Love, pg. 5
Nov 90
Temples and Work Therein, pg. 59
Nov 90
News of the Church: . . . To understand more about
FamilySearch, the Ensign spoke with Elder J. Richard Clarke,
Executive Director of the Family History Department. . . , pg. 110
Dec 90 The Trip to Crawfordsville, pg. 38
Dec 90 Only a Matter of Time, pg. 42
↑ up


New Era 1990
May 90 FYI: For Your Information, . . . (Hi Cuz!) . . . , pg. 34
July 90 FYI: For Your Information, . . . (Best Friend) . . . , pg. 40  

Nov 90 The Message: Miracles, . . . As I have studied my
family history, I have run across three events which demonstrate
vividly to me that "signs shall follow them that believe"
Mark 16:17; Mormon 9:24-25)., pg. 4
Nov 90 Better Than Royalty, . . . Careful records were usually
kept of the ancestry of royal lines.  The names of all the kings
and queens and their children were carefully recorded when
many others were not.   But each of you can have a record of
your lineage in your patriarchal blessing. . . . , pg. 35
Nov 90
FYI: For Your Information, . . . (Searching for Names)
. . .
[photos] Oklahoma youth find that family history research
is okay.  They extracted hundreds of names, then did baptisms
for the people whose names they’d found.
, pg. 38
↑ up

Ensign 1989
Jan 89 Elder Richard G. Scott:
'The Real Power Comes from the Lord,' . . . But I have never
been blessed to serve with a more dedicated, capable, devoted
group of men and women, nor more consistently felt the guiding
influence of the Spirit than during this singular experience in
the Family History
Department. . . . , pg. 7
Jan 89 I Am Not Any Longer to Be Alone, pg. 51
Jan 89 Teaching Children about Prayer, pg. 60 

Jan 89 Portraits: . . . Ralph McKay: Willing Hands, pg. 65
Feb 89
The Eight-Year Book of Mormon, pg. 32
Feb 89 True to the Book of Mormon--The Whitmers, . . . More
members of their family saw the gold plates than any other family,
including the Joseph Smith, Sr., family. . . . In addition, if the history
of their family is correct, we must add an eighth member of the family
who saw the plates—their mother, Mary Musselman Whitmer, the only
woman so blessed. . . . , pg. 34 
Feb 89 Mormon Journal: . . . The Minister's Eternal Marriage, pg. 65
Feb 89 Random Sampler: Bone Up on Osteoporosis, . . .
Current evidence suggests that women who have early menopause,
who are markedly underweight, who smoke cigarettes, who consume
alcohol regularly, or who have a family history
of osteoporosis are
also frequently affected. . . . , pg. 70

Feb 89 Portraits: Anna Nadasdi: Preserving Her Pedigree, pg. 72
Feb 89 News of the Church: . . . A Conversation about Microfilming,
. . . About 67 percent of the users of LDS family history
libraries are
non-Latter-day Saints. . . . The U.S. Postal Service has recommended
that would-be genealogists become familiar with the LDS Church's
family history libraries.
, pgs. 76, 77 and 79
Mar 89 Aunt Fia, pg. 47
Mar 89 Random Sampler: My Airmail Journal, pg. 66;
Streamline with a Time Line, pg. 68
Apr 89 On Death and Dying, . . . These past few months I've
taken my kids on trips, taught my Gospel Doctrine class,
and written fifteen articles and three books--in other words,
I'll work until I can't. . . . , pg. 31

Apr 89 Young Women of Value, pg. 43 

Apr 89 Portraits: Vera Hilton: Perennial Bloomer, pg. 68
Apr 89 Random Sampler: Baby's First Newspaper, pg. 71
Apr 89 Sharing: 1. Be Nice to Dan, pg. 74
Apr 89 News of the Church: . . . The Church's Family History Library
has recently published a series of reference outlines to help with
family history research in the United States. . . . , pg. 77
May 89 Our Kindred Family--Expression of Eternal Love, pg. 60
May 89 Let Love Be the Lodestar of Your Life, pg. 65

May 89 News of the Church:, pgs. 110 and 111
June 89 Family History: 'In Wisdom and in Order,' pg. 6
June 89 I Have a Question, . . . Couples are also needed to teach
family history
skills, staff family history centers, and search out
or microfilm records. . . . , pg. 26

June 89 Mormon Journal: Seeing Grandma through Her Book, pg. 70
June 89 News of the Church: . . . LDS Scene, pg. 79
July 89 Temple Ancestor Day, pg. 12
July 89 Margaret McNeil Ballard's Legacy of Faith, pg. 16
July 89 A Grave by the Little Blue, pg. 20
July 89 The Honeymoon Trail, pg. 23
July 89 The Search for Early Members of the Church, pg. 28
July 89 Buon Giorno!, . . . Rosario Saccone . . . microfilming . . . , pg. 34
July 89 A Tribute to Women, . . . In section 84 there is a genealogy
which traces the priesthood back to Adam. (See
Doctrine & Covenants 84:6-17)
Another in section 107 (
Doctrine & Covenants 107:40-57) was included in instruction
to the Twelve. . . . , pg. 72
Aug 89 Put Your Family Name on the Front Page, (family newsletters), pg. 36
Aug 89 From California to Council Bluffs, pg. 42
Aug 89 Mormon Journal: . . . Don't Try to Convert Me, pg. 61
Aug 89 Random Sampler: . . . The Fun of Family Folklore, pg. 69
Sep 89 New Zealand, . . . New Zealand-born Maoris and pakehas
currently make up 84 percent of the Church membership here.  Polynesians
from Pacific islands . . . constitute another 11 percent. . . . , pg. 33
Sep 89 Kiwi Saints, pg. 38
Sep 89 The Visiting Teacher: Life Is Eternal, pg. 59
Sep 89 Mormon Journal: . . . Where Are the Prophets?, pg. 69
Sep 89 News of the Church: . . . Acknowledging the presence of
Jayne Thompson, wife of Illinois Governor James R. Thompson, . . .
During the ceremonies, President Benson presented Mrs. Thompson
with a copy of her husband's genealogy . . . . , pg. 74
Oct 89 Christ-Centered Teaching, . . . The Prophet Joseph Smith said,
"The fundamental principles of our religion are the testimony of the
Apostles and Prophets, concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, was buried,
and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven; and all other
things which pertain to our religion are only appendages to it."
(Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, sel. Joseph Fielding Smith,
Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1976, p. 121.) . . . Family history
work can be severed from the body of Christ if its only emphasis is
being with our families in the next life.  Seeking after our dead is the
same as doing missionary work for the living.  The purpose of both
is to bring people into the family of Christ and help them be part of
family forever. . . . , pg. 7
Oct 89 Why Are These Things Not Recorded in Your Journal?, pg. 20
Oct 89 Teaching Children to Keep the Sabbath, pg. 44
Oct 89 Family Home Evening for One, pg. 50
Oct 89 I Have a Question, . . . In my experience in the Church, I have
known nonmembers who have served on Scout and activity committees,
as Sunday School or auxiliary class officers, as family history librarians
or consultants, and as organists and choristers.  In fact, the calling of
nonmembers to the latter two positions is specifically approved in the
Church's General Handbook of Instructions. . . . , pg. 52  
Oct 89 The Visiting Teacher: Turning Our Hearts, pg. 57
Oct 89 'Out There' and Back, pg. 65
Oct 89 Comment, . . . Joseph, not James . . . , pg. 73

Oct 89 News of the Church: . . .
Name Extraction Milestone: 100 Million since 1977 . . .
A few years ago, the stake record extraction program was furnishing
about 85 percent of the names submitted to temples for ordinance work.
But that percentage has dropped as individual members have increased
their own activity in family history; individuals now furnish about one-third
of the names.  The stake extraction program is separate from the new,
rapidly growing family record extraction program in which individuals
extract information from paper copies of records in their own homes.
. . . , pgs. 77-79
Nov 89 Report of the 159th Semiannual General Conference of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, pg. 1
Nov 89 To the Elderly in the Church, . . . You are the fastest-growing
segment of our population in the world today, as well as within
the Church. . . . , In some situations you are the family history.
In few ways will your heritage be better preserved than by your
collecting and writing your histories., pg. 4
Nov 89 An Ensign to the Nations, pg. 51
Nov 89 News of the Church:, pg. 102
Dec 89 The Visiting Teacher: Preparing for the Temple, pg. 45
Dec 89 Won't You Be My Neighbor?, pg. 54  

Dec 89 Portraits: Berget Herb:
The Renaissance Woman of Freiberg, pg. 56
↑ upΛ


New Era 1989
Jan 89 Called to Serve: New General Authorities, . . .
As a member of the Presidency of the First Quorum of the Seventy,
Elder Scott was executive director of the Family History Department
of the Church. . . . , pg. 12

Jan 89 Will the Real Me Please Stand Up, pg. 34
Feb 89 The Message: Perception, pg. 4
Feb 89 FYI: For Your Information, (Hawaiian Ancestry),
pg. 40
July 89 Bridge the Gap, (Near to where Washington crossed the Delaware,
LDS youth learn about crossing over time.) . . . , pg. 21
Aug 89 FYI: For Your Information, . . .
(Winning Citizen) . . . Emily Marlowe Hancock was named the winner of
the National Junior American Citizenship competition. . . . sponsored by
the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, . . .
Emily's winning entry included a chart and report about her family's genealogy.
She used pedigree charts and family history records to chronicle how
her ancestors came to be members of the Church. . . . , pg. 40
Sep 89 FYI: For Your Information, (Getting Started on Your Family History),
pg. 40; (What's in a Name), pg. 41
Oct 89 Mormonad: Get to Know an Old Friend.
He had an outrageous sense of humor and rode a mean pair
of wheels.  He was your great-great-grandfather.  Get to know
him and a lot of other greats.  Get into family history.
Get into life.  (See
Joseph Smith—History 1:39),
pg. 7
↑ upΛ

Ensign 1988
Jan 88 Random Sampler: Mom's Night at the "Genny", pg. 72
Jan 88 News of the Church:, pg. 75
Feb 88 Tender Embraces, pg. 32
Feb 88 The Parents You Have Not Known,
(Would my mission to Korea lead me to them?) . . .
Genealogy work and missionary work parallel each other. 
They both bring the gospel and the ordinances of salvation to God's
children—one to the dead, one to the living.  My mission provided
an opportunity for me to combine both. . . . , pg. 43
Feb 88 Mormon Journal: . . . A Model Airplane Led Me to Dad, pg. 57
Feb 88 Portraits: . . . Lillian Freestone Millett: Seeking Kindred Spirits
Elder John A. Widtsoe must have had someone like Lillian Freestone Millett
in mind when he said: "Those who give themselves with all their might
and main to this work [of genealogy] receive help from the other side,
and not merely in gathering genealogies.  Whosoever seeks to help those
on the other side receives help in return in all the affairs of life."
(Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine, July 1931, p. 104.),  . . .
To assist others in the Mesa area to do likewise, she pioneered
a "Youth in Genealogy" program, entitled "Who Am I?" which was used
extensively by many local stakes.  She also assisted in the establishment
of a branch of the Church Genealogical Library system in Mesa. . . . , pg. 62
Feb 88 Random Sampler: My Three-ring History, pg. 68
Mar 88 I Have a Question, pg. 21
Mar 88 Elijah and Elisha, pg. 24
Mar 88 Happiness--the Lord's Way, . . . Too often, singles in the Church
express displeasure at the number of references made to families—they say
they have no family.  But we all have and are a part of a family.  These are
"families of orientation."  They include our "genealogy families"--our parents
and siblings, as well as our extended family of grandparents, aunts, uncles,
nieces, nephews, and cousins; our "gospel families"--members of the Church
who share common eternal goals and show Christlike love to those around them;
and our "neighborhood families," who, because they live closer to us than anyone
else, can be the first to whom we turn when we need help, friendship,
or just a kind word. . . . , pg. 46
Mar 88 The Widows' 'Might,' . . .
[photo] Many widows find quiet satisfaction
in researching family history and extracting names for temple work. . . . ,
pg. 50
Mar 88 News of the Church:, pg. 77
Apr 88 picture inside front cover: "An Eternal Family" by Del Parson
Apr 88 First Presidency Message: Seek the Spirit of the Lord . . .
He said he had come to tell me that my time in mortal life was ending
and that on the following Thursday (it was then Friday), I would be
expected to leave mortal life. . . . , pg. 2
Apr 88 Home Evenings: Lesson on the Garage Roof, pg. 55
Apr 88 Discovering Fun-Filled Family Projects, pg. 56 
Apr 88 Me -- A Biographer?, pg. 59
Apr 88 Random Sampler: Family Facts and Fancies, pg. 67
May 88 Come unto Christ, and Be Perfected in Him, . . .
All members of the Church should be actively engaged in working on
their family histories
and receiving the help they need from trained
stake and ward temple and family history consultants. . . . , pg. 84

June 88 A "Roots" Vacation, pg. 23
June 88 After the Children Leave, pg. 32
June 88 Random Sampler: This House is Bugged!, pg. 67
July 88 They Belong to Us All,
(The early pioneers are our shared heritage.), pg. 15
July 88 Pioneers--Since 1974, pg. 27
July 88 Idaho's Hess Family Farm--A Museum of Love, pg. 29  
July 88 Mormon Journal: Cornmans' Request, pg. 57
July 88 Random Sampler: Dial-a-History, pg. 71
Aug 88 Getting Older, Getting Better, pg. 42
Aug 88 Finding My Choctaw Ancestors, pg. 44
Aug 88 The 'Perfect Day' Challenge, pg. 62
Aug 88 Mormon Journal: The Missing Book, pg. 66
Aug 88 Random Sampler: Grandpa, Tell Me about the Olden Days, pg. 73
Aug 88 News of the Church:, pgs. 75 and 77
Sep 88 picture inside front cover: "That We May Be Redeemed",
by Harold Hopkinson (founding fathers)
Sep 88 Canada: From Struggling Seed, the Church Has Risen
to Branching Maple, . . .
Librarian Rose Ingram assists patrons
(lower inset photo; photography by W. A. [Burt] Perry) in the
satellite family history library.
, pg. 30
Sep 88 Toronto: A Growing Light in the East, . . .
[photo] Toronto
family history enthusiasts at a family history seminar held at the
Brampton Stake Center in Etobicoke.,
pg. 46

Oct 88 A Treasury from the East: What We Can Learn
from Chinese Genealogy, pg. 17
Oct 88 Chiasmus in Mayan Texts, . . . Their kings had kept detailed
records of their genealogy and of their mythological beliefs, and few
of these early documents betray Western influences. . . . , pg. 28
Oct 88 Hello … BYU Helpline, . . . The Elderhostel program,
described on another tape, gave us the opportunity to stay on
the Brigham Young University campus and attend genealogy
classes at the university and at the Family History
in Salt Lake City. . . . , pg. 66
Nov 88 The Healing Power of Christ, . . . They had disposed
of their cars and everything except their clothing, their family
photographs, and their family history records. . . . , pg. 52
Nov 88 Train Up a Child, pg. 73
Nov 88 News of the Church:, Elder Richard G. Scott
of the Quorum of the Twelve . . . , "
Of course, even with the aid
of computers, there is and always will be a requirement for individual
involvement in this work," he says, "so that Church members will
have the great spiritual experiences that accompany it, and will feel
the spirit of the work." . . . pgs. 101 and 111
Dec 88 examination of the picture: "The Eternal Family through Christ",
by Judith Mehr, pg. 24
Dec 88 Family History--One-on-One,
With individual help from ward family history consultants, members are
discovering the joy of doing temple work for their own ancestors. . . . , pg. 26
Dec 88 Random Sampler: A Gift of Memories, pg. 62
↑ up


New Era 1988
Jan 88 There's No Place Like the Rock, pg. 29
Mar 88 Do Something More: . . . Generations of Service, pg. 39
Mar 88 FYI: For Your Information, pg. 57
July 88 If Anybody Wants to Listen, (Turn a tape recorder
into a time machine by recording interviews with older members
of your family.),
pg. 36
↑ upΛ

Ensign 1987
Jan 87 More Than Names, . . . Copying vital information from
the films is the role of the extraction program and is an essential
part of the Church's genealogy program. . . . , pg. 12
Jan 87 The Chance to Say 'I Love You,' pg. 18
Jan 87 Mormon Journal: The Unexplained Birth Certificate, pg. 44
Feb 87 Links in the Chain of Good, pg. 15
Feb 87 Random Sampler: . . . Making a Family Archive, pg. 66
Mar 87 'Gifts of Bright': Relief Society Strengthens My Family, pg. 9
Mar 87 Relief Society Midweek Activities:
An Opportunity for Friendship and Growth, . . . A ward Relief Society
president learned that a group of sisters in her ward wanted to get
together each week to do genealogy work. . . . The group enjoyed
their times together at her home, at the genealogical library,
and at the temple. . . . , pg. 21
Mar 87 A View of the Eighties:
What It Means to Be a Latter-day Saint Woman Today, pg. 22 
Mar 87 The Visiting Teacher:
A Time to Every Purpose under the Heaven, pg. 31
Mar 87 Random Sampler: Ancestor Holidays . . . , pg. 69
Apr 87 Belmont's Blessing in Disguise, pg. 26
Apr 87 Cardston--Harvesting a Pioneer Heritage, pg. 36
Apr 87 Random Sampler: Family History, Warts and All, pg. 70
May 87 Covenants, pg. 22
May 87 Patience, a Key to Happiness, pg. 30
May 87 My Neighbor--My Brother!, pg. 59
May 87 News of the Church: . . . The monthly Smith Family News,
including articles from each family, is "a wonderful way to keep in
touch and to keep a history of what’s happening in the family,"
Sister Smith says. . . . , pgs. 94 and 105  

June 87 It's Like Being Called on a Mission,
Behind the brown wooden door marked "Data Entry Center,"
genealogical volunteers do some of the most compelling work of the Church.
. . . (record extraction), pg. 17
June 87 Portraits: . . . Lucy Legg:
Learning and Teaching the Healer's Art, pg. 49
June 87 Mormon Journal: Finding My Black Ancestors, pg. 54
June 87 Death of a Personality, . . . And I have begun to do some writing.
I'm quite proud of the family histories
I have completed. . . . , pg. 63
July 87
Special Issue: 150 Years of the Church in the British Isles

[photos] On the cover: . . . Front cover: . . . (lower right)
John Dale, standing, librarian at the Billingham stake genealogical
 library, and assistant librarian Allen Carun. . . .

July 87 Missionary Journal, . . . Elder M. Russell Ballard . . .
In England, I was able to verify some details of an event that
has become one of the great genealogy stories in the Church. . . . , pg. 8
July 87 Truth Prevailing: The Significance of the Nineteenth-Century
LDS Experience in Britain, . . . Many of today's well-educated,
middle-class Latter-day Saints trace their genealogy
back to poor
members from the British Isles and other parts of Europe who were
transformed in so many ways by the gospel light. . . . , pg. 33

July 87 This Is the Truth, and We Will Not Turn Back, pg. 44
July 87 A Friendly Library, pg. 51
Aug 87 Genealogy - Love That Transcends Time, pg. 11
Aug 87 News of the Church:
Temple and Genealogy Work to Be Emphasized, pg. 75
Aug 87 News of the Church: LDS Scene
The Cardiff Wales Stake and the University of Wales
recently sponsored a one-day genealogy school., pg. 79
Sep 87 I Have a Question, (Can we put the names of our
miscarried or stillborn children on our family group records?
Will these children belong to us in the hereafter?), . . . "The body
of man enters upon its career as a tiny germ embryo, which becomes
an infant, quickened at a certain stage by the spirit whose tabernacle
it is, and the child, after being born, develops into a man."
(James R. Clark, comp., Messages of the First Presidency
of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,

Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1970, 4:205.) . . . , pg. 27
Sep 87 News of the Church: . . . Our efforts in genealogy
not concentrate on preparing forms and records, but in taking an
ancestor with us to the temple, . . . , pg. 73
Oct 87 Making Nauvoo Beautiful Again:
Just What the Doctor Ordered, pg. 20
Oct 87 Gregory J. Newell, United States Ambassador to Sweden:
The Art of Family Life, pg. 34  

Oct 87 The Visiting Teacher:
Unmeasured Blessings and Sacred Responsibilities, pg. 57
Oct 87 News of the Church: . . .
Family History Department
Is New Name for Genealogical Department
. . .  There will
be no change in the name of the Genealogical Society of Utah,
a legal entity that facilitates interaction with governments
and private organizations for the acquisition of records. . . . , pg. 78

Nov 87 Looking beyond the Mark, pg. 11
Nov 87 To the Fathers in Israel, . . . Fathers, yours is an eternal
calling from which you are never released. . . . a father's calling
is eternal, and its importance transcends time.  It is a calling for
both time and eternity. . . . , pg. 48
Nov 87 A Meaningful Celebration, pg. 70
Nov 87 Opportunities to Serve, pg. 81
Nov 87 Strengthening the Family, pg. 90
Nov 87 Overcoming Challenges along Life's Way, pg. 92
Nov 87 News of the Church:, Frankfurt Temple Dedicated, pg. 101

Dec 87 Sharing the Wonder, pg. 23
Dec 87 Time for Each Other, pg. 30 

Dec 87 Mormon Journal: The Year We Had No Gifts to Give, pg. 42
Dec 87 Random Sampler: A Gift of Family Fun, pg. 64
↑ upΛ


New Era 1987
Mar 87 Pennington Mountain, . . . Often the pictures demand some
explanation, and the explanations provide snatches of family history: . . . . pg. 31

Apr 87 FYI: For Your Information, (Turning the Hearts), The Pukalani Ward,
Kahului Hawaii Stake, has an early-morning seminary class eagerly participating
in a genealogy project. . . . , pg. 40
June 87 FYI: For Your Information, . . . (Earns His Eagle) . . . , pg. 42
Oct 87 In Search of the Great Pumpkin, . . . The ornaments on the tree,
for example, are not just decorations but family histories. . . . ,
pg. 15   
Nov 87 Even in an Ordinary Ward, pg. 9
Nov 87 FYI: For Your Information, . . . (Family Tree) . . . , pg. 40
↑ up

Ensign 1986
Jan 86 'For the Perfecting of the Saints':
A Look at Church Curriculum, pg. 14
Jan 86 Church Curriculum:
Helping Us Learn and Live the Gospel, pg. 20
Jan 86 News of the Church: . . .
New Genealogical Library Dedicated
, pg. 76
Feb 86 President Thomas S. Monson: Man of Action,
Man of Faith, Always 'on the Lord's Errand,' pg. 10 
Feb 86 An Age of Contrasts: From Adam to Abraham, pg. 28
Feb 86 Mormon Journal: . . . After Four Hundred Names....., pg. 58
Mar 86 I Have a Question, . . . Regarding "endless genealogies",
the commentator states that Paul meant "those genealogies
which were uncertain—that never could be made out, either
in the ascending or descending line. …  We are told that Herod
destroyed the public registers; he, being an Idumean, was jealous
of the noble origin of the Jews; and, that none might be able to
reproach him with his descent, he ordered the genealogical tables,
which were kept among the archives in the temple, to be burnt. …
From this time the Jews could refer to their genealogies only
from memory, or from those imperfect tables which had been
preserved in private hands; and to make out any regular line
from these must have been endless and uncertain.  It is probably
to this that the apostle refers; I mean the endless
and useless
labour which the attempts to make out these genealogies
produce, the authentic tables being destroyed." . . . , pg. 49
Apr 86 President Howard W. Hunter,
Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles,
. . . Under Elder Hunter's direction several years ago, goals
and guidelines were established that still point the way for
the Church's Genealogical Department. . . . , pg. 20
Apr 86 Mormon Journal: An Instrument in His Hand . . . , pg. 44
Apr 86 When In Doubt, Don't Throw It Out, pg. 52
Apr 86 Random Sampler: For Reluctant Relatives--
A Family History Questionnaire, pg. 65
Apr 86 News of the Church:, pg. 74
May 86 Statistical Report 1985, pg. 19
May 86 The Law of the Fast, . . . One of the certainties of life
is that mankind, individually and collectively, will cycle through
their mortal experience with periods of good and difficult times.
How many of our family histories
contain paragraphs similar
to this? . . . , pg. 31 

May 86 The Call of Duty, . . . The General Handbook was helpful.
The principal areas of administration were spelled out by leaders,
both stake and general: The bishop . . . (4) is responsible for
keeping proper records; . . . , pg. 37
May 86 The Things of My Soul, . . .
The history
in the Book of Mormon is incidental.  There are prophets
and dissenters and genealogies
to move them from one generation
to another, but the central purpose is not historical. . . . , pg. 59
May 86 Learning to 'Fare Well,' . . . The thirteen-year-old,
the Family Heritage Committee, is in charge of history, genealogy,
and visits to members of the extended family. . . . , pg. 86
June 86 Elder Boyd K. Packer:
Disciple of the Master Teacher, . . . He took pains to point out
that though their lineage
runs "to the stately manor houses of
England," it also "runs to the poorhouse in Pullham, Norfolk"
--and that neither of those origins is a determinant of success
or happiness in life. . . . , pgs. 8–9
June 86 The Book of Mormon As a Witness of the Old Testament, pg. 14  

June 86 Sister Hooper, . . . She loved her husband's family as the family
she never really had and was pleased when in our genealogy work we
were able to get clearance for baptism and temple work for her father,
husband (who had died years before), and several members of her
husband's family. . . . , pg. 19
June 86 Mormon Journal: My Mission across the Centuries, pg. 49
June 86 Mirthright, pg. 63
June 86 Random Sampler: Become an 'Audio Ancestor,', pg. 68
July 86 The Softening of the Heart, pg. 12
July 86 Sidney B. Sperry: Student of the Book of Mormon,
. . . The Book of Mormon affirms … that Israel was a record-
keeping people from the very earliest times.  It strikingly confirms
the traditions of the Hebrew people that Moses did write five books
and becomes a witness to the fact that the Old Testament stories
about the patriarchs and the early history
of the tribes of Israel
are more reliable than generally supposed. (Sidney B. Sperry,
Ancient Records Testify in Papyrus and Stone,
Salt Lake City:
MIA Boards of the LDS Church, 1938, pp. 231–32.) . . . , pg. 24

July 86 Hidden Benefits of Keeping a History, pg. 47
July 86 Random Sampler: 24 Ways to Find Time for a Journal, pg. 64;
Remember When?, pg. 65
July 86 News of the Church: . . .
New Genealogy Software Available for Computers, pg. 75
Aug 86 A Choice Seer, . . . And Adam stood up in the midst
of the congregation; and, notwithstanding he was bowed down
with age, being full of the Holy Ghost, predicted whatsoever
should befall his posterity unto the latest generation.  These
things were all written in the book of Enoch, and are to be
testified of in due time. (
Doctrine & Covenants 107:53-57)  This
startling and informing revelation came, by the way, in the midst
of verses otherwise concerned with chronologies, genealogies,
and duties. . . . , pg. 6
Aug 86 Elder L. Tom Perry: Serving with Enthusiasm, . . . pg. 17
Aug 86 Portraits: Gary Reese: Scouting the Eagle Trail, pg. 46
Aug 86 George Reynolds:
Loyal Friend of the Book of Mormon, . . . George Reynolds
did not confine his writing to topics relating to the Book of Mormon.
He had an abiding interest in genealogy
and particularly in the roots
of the Latter-day Saints people. . . . , pg. 48

Aug 86 Random Sampler: More Than Journals and Group Sheets, pg 60
Aug 86 News of the Church:, pg. 80
Aug 86 picture inside back cover:
"The Family Album" by Gayle Harris Stratford
Sep 86 Mormon Journal: . . . Prayer and the Parish Register, pg. 40
Sep 86 Random Sampler: Scrapbook of Family Fun, pg. 67
Sep 86 News of the Church: . . . Genealogy
Richard G. Scott, Executive Director; Loren C. Dunn
and Spencer H. Osborn, Managing Directors. . . . , pg. 74

Oct 86 First Presidency Message: Do Not Despair, pg. 2
Oct 86 Australia Today: And Now the Harvest, pg. 28
Nov 86 Happiness and Joy in Temple Work, pg. 70
Nov 86 News of the Church:, pgs. 101 and 106
Dec 86 Random Sampler: A Stockingful of History, pg. 54;
The Gift of Tradition, pg. 55
↑ up


New Era 1986
Jan 86 Called to Serve, (Quorum of the Twelve),
. . . Because of President Romney's poor health, Howard W. Hunter, 78,
has been named Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve.  He has
been a member of the Quorum of the Twelve since October 10, 1959. 
He has been associated with the Church’s genealogy, temple, correlation
and welfare activities. . . .
pg. 9
Jan 86 Participatory Journalism: Change of Opinion,
. . . Both sisters are active in their callings and have done genealogy
that has allowed them to accomplish temple ordinances for several
hundred ancestors. . . . ,
pg. 10
Mar 86 [25 Terrific Ideas for Family History Fun], pg. 34
Mar 86 FYI: For Your Information, (Book Winner), . . . Jacob's story,
"John Knowles, Irish Rebel and American Patriot," was chosen from
thousands of entries from throughout the United States and around the world.
Jacob’s winning story is based on facts taken from his genealogy. . . . ,
pg. 40
Mar 86 A Good Place to Start, pg. 46
July 86 Memory, . . . It seems incredible to me that one's brain
has the storage capacity of one-quadrillion bits of information.
. . .
Do we not read that records kept by the ancients enlarged the memory
of the people?  Of course, it is true.  Records do preserve language,
safeguard truth, and inspire future readers, if they are kept properly. . . . , pg. 46
Sep 86 Right in Their Own Backyard, pg. 20
Nov 86 Grandma's Aren't Always Around, pg. 9
Nov 86 Lights! Camera! Activation!,
. . . So far, the program has dealt with such topics as loneliness,
alcoholism, genealogy, and self-esteem. . . . , pg. 17
Dec 86 Bringing Glad Tidings, pg. 20
↑ up

Ensign 1985
Jan 85 Random Sampler: . . . Water Fights and Star Watches, 
. . . Historical Family Outing . . . , pg. 72
Jan 85 Mirthright, . . . We use a large calendar in the kitchen
to keep track of coming events, as well as to record occurrences
in our lives so they can be added to our family history later. . . . , pg.74
Jan 85 News of the Church:, pg. 75
Feb 85 Working Together in Family Councils, . . .
A family council for planning genealogy
work will probably
be different from one used to coordinate activities or to establish
family rules. . . . , pg. 28
Feb 85 Odomville: Its Citizens Are Family, Its Boundary Is Love, pg. 44
Feb 85 'They of His Own Household': Living in a Part-member Family, pg. 52 
Mar 85 Striving Together:
A Conversation with the Relief Society General Presidency,
. . . We are concerned with missionary work and with genealogical
and temple work. . . . , pg. 11
Mar 85 Sharing: . . . Writing Gave Me Perspective, pg. 14 
Mar 85 Visiting Teaching: The Multiplier Effect, pg. 17 

Apr 85 Doing Genealogy:
Finding That Glorious, Elusive Condition Called 'Balance', pg. 18
Apr 85
Mormon Journal: . . . My Friend--Far Away and Long Ago, pg. 67  
May 85 The Sustaining of Church Officers, pg. 4
May 85 Statistical Report 1984, pg. 20
May 85 Born of Goodly Parents, . . . If distance, missions,
or ill health prevent personal reunions, write one of those
special letters that will be treasured in family histories. . . . , pg. 21
June 85 Parental Leadership in the Family, pg. 7
July 85 Ready for the Work, pg. 28
July 85 Putting Your Talents to Work, pg. 31
July 85 Portraits: . . . Eva Woolstenhulme: Grandma and Friend, pg. 53
July 85 Random Sampler:
Ancestor Puppet-tree,
. . .
We use the tree and the puppets in presentations to our families
and to the ward to encourage genealogy work., pg. 69
July 85 Sharing: Heritage Box, pg. 71
; Dad's Slippers, pg. 71
July 85
News of the Church:, pgs. 78 and 80
Aug 85 A Better Me, a Better Marriage:
Developing Emotional Integrity, . . . Blair’s wounds began to heal
when he came to see that he was reacting to all women as if they
were reflections of his mother.  To learn more about his mother,
he did genealogy work and interviewed relatives.  As he listened
with compassion to tapes of oral histories, he began to see his mother
as a person,
not just as his parent. . . . , pg. 35
Nov 85 News of the Church:, pgs. 107 and 108
Dec 85 President Ezra Taft Benson Ordained Thirteenth President
of the Church, . . . President Hunter . . . serves on the correlation
committee and as vice-chairman of the Temples and Genealogy Council,
. . . , .pg. 2

Dec 85 Spencer, the Beloved: Leader-Servant, pg. 8; Milestones
in the Life and Administration of President Spencer W. Kimball, pg. 10
Dec 85 News of the Church:
A Conversation about the Church's New Genealogical Library
, pg. 70
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New Era 1985
Apr 85 Temples Are for Teenagers Too, . . .
Christy Arrowood was able to do baptisms for her relatives.
"I was baptized for my great-great-grandmother and her sister,"
said Christy.  "I felt their spirits and kind of got a picture in my
mind of what it would be like up there and how long they had been
waiting.  It was really neat.". . . ,
 pg. 14
July 85 My Grandfather's Three Sons, pg. 18
July 85
Another Witness, . . . "The Genealogy Song" . . . , pg. 22
Nov 85 Young Women Special Issue: Stand Up, Lead Out, pg. 23
↑ up

Ensign 1984
Jan 84 A Decade of Growth, pg. 10

Feb 84 I Have a Question, . . . I've heard that some people have
extended their ancestral lines back to Adam.  Is this possible?
If so, is it necessary for all of us to extend our pedigrees back
to Adam? . . . Every pedigree I have seen which attempts to bridge
the gap between that time and the biblical pedigree appears to be
based on questionable tradition, or at worst, plain fabrication. 
Generally these pedigrees offer no evidence as to the origin
of the information, or they cite a vague source. . . . , pg. 29
Feb 84 Teaching--A Calling We All Share, . . . (Much teaching
and learning must take place before we can do genealogical research
or perform temple ordinances—or before those in the spirit world can
accept ordinances performed in their behalf.) . . . , pg. 38
Apr 84 News of the Church:, pg. 78
May 84 Statistical Report 1983, pg. 20
May 84 News of the Church:, pgs. 108 and 110
June 84 The Church and Computers: Using Tools the Lord Has Provided,
 . . . About fifteen other major computer-related projects, including
computerization of the Ancestral File, are now being developed in
the Genealogical Department to help eliminate duplication and simplify
the process of genealogical research. . . . , pg. 24
June 84 I Have a Question, pg. 29
June 84 Moving from Utah to the Mission Field, pg. 47
June 84 Mormon Journal: Grandpa's Picture Album, pg. 62
June 84 News of the Church: . . . The Genealogical Department
of the Church has announced the Personal Ancestral File™, a new
genealogy software program for personal computers. . . . , pg. 78
July 84 Add Life to Your Years, and Years to Your Life, pg. 14 
July 84 David Forsythe: Keeping Life in Perspective, . . . It's
tremendously satisfying to see an article in the newspaper
advertising a ward genealogy class that is open to the public,
then to have so many people come that the class has to be moved
from the Relief Society room into the cultural hall. . . . pgs. 41–43
July 84 Daddy, Do You Love Me?, pg. 49
Aug 84 The Work of Our Priesthood Quorums, pg. 8
Aug 84 Can You Take Another Child?, pg. 30
Aug 84 Mormon Journal: Portraits, pg. 53
Sep 84 Elder Derek A. Cuthbert:
British Leader Is 'At Home' in the Lord's Work, pg. 19

Sep 84 Keeping Things Moving, pg. 54 

Sep 84 Family Fun with Genealogy, pg. 64
Sep 84 News of the Church: . . . The Family Registry, a service of
the Genealogical Department launched in late 1983, is now accepting
inquiries from genealogists. . . . , pgs. 77-79
Oct 84 Digging into the Book of Mormon: Our Changing Understanding
of Ancient America and Its Scripture, Part 2, pg. 12

Oct 84 I Have a Question, pg. 29
Oct 84 A Hidden Legacy--26 Years Later, pg. 59
Nov 84 Out of Obscurity, . . . One day, the historical record
will be complete; but, meanwhile, the scriptures will be our guide
concerning those transcending spiritual events in human history
which are saturated with significance. . . . We can wait, as we must,
to learn later whether, for instance, Matthew's or Luke's account
of Jesus' Davidic descent is correct. (See
Matthew 1; Luke 3)
Meanwhile, the Father has, on several occasions, given us Jesus'
: "This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
Hear Him!" (See
Matthew 3:17; Matthew 17:5; 3 Nephi 11:7;
Joseph Smith—History 1:17; italics added.) . . . , pg. 8
Nov 84
News of the Church:
Among Australian Landmarks, a House of the Lord, pg. 104;
Taiwan Saints Eager for Temple Blessings . . .
One day soon, perhaps many more records will be available, he said,
noting that members of his family who are not yet LDS have
"genealogy books going back one thousand to two thousand years."
, pg. 107;
Family Registry Available for Research., pg. 112;
LDS Scene ". . .
records" for those interested in tracing
ancestors back to Japan., pg. 112
Dec 84 Early Signs of the Apostasy, . . . In 1 Timothy 1:3–4
1 Timothy 1:3-4], Paul counseled Timothy to teach others to avoid
"fables and endless genealogies." Similarly, he admonished
Titus to "avoid foolish questions, and genealogies." (
Titus 3:9)
We know that genealogy
for worthy purposes was known among
early Christians. (See
Matthew 1:1-16; Luke 3:23-38; Acts 4:36;
Philippians 3:5)  What Paul was referring to here was quite different,
since he denounced it in the context of speculative doctrinal
contention that was "unprofitable and vain." (
Titus 3:9
Gnosticism's dualism of pure spirit on one extreme and evil matter
on the other gave rise to an extensive genealogy of subordinate
deities, each descending from one more holy than himself.  In some
second-century gnostic systems, there were as many as 365 levels
in this chain of divine beings. [14]  Many commentators believe
that Paul's prohibition against "endless genealogies" refers to
this type of structure. [15]  Such diverting speculations do not
edify in faith, Paul said, but "minister questions." (
1 Timothy 1:4)
. . . , pg. 8
Nov 84 The Joy of Service, pg. 23
Nov 84 The Pattern of Our Parentage, [Elder Boyd K. Packer
Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles]. . . This is demonstrated
in so many obvious ways, even an ordinary mind should understand it.
Surely no one with reverence for God could believe that His children
evolved from slime or from reptiles.  (Although one can easily imagine
that those who accept the theory of evolution don’t show much enthusiasm
for genealogical research!)  The theory of evolution, and it is a theory,
will have an entirely different dimension when the workings of Go
in creation are fully revealed. . . . , pg. 66
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New Era 1984
July 84 How My Journal Helped in My Conversion, p. 12
Nov 84 FYI: For Your Information, (Essay Winner), pg. 33
Dec 84 FYI: For Your Information, . . . (Sunbonnet Sisters) . . . , pg. 40
↑ up

Ensign 1983
Jan 83 Random Sampler: . . . Homespun Nursery . . . Date each
tape and identify yourself.  Some tapes may very well survive as
an important part of your family history!, pg. 72
Feb 83 I Have a Question, pg. 19
Feb 83 Ione Horrocks:
Some Good Latter-day Saint Woman Should Step Forward, . . .
[photo] Sister Horrocks teaching a genealogy class in her ward. . . . , pg. 22
Feb 83 Didn't He Say Everybody?, pg. 47
Feb 83 Life Sketches Boost Quorum Brotherhood, pg. 53
Feb 83 Random Sampler: Savoring the Sabbath, pg. 64
Mar 83 Commitment and Dedication, pg. 3
Mar 83 I Rejoice in Being a Mother, . . . labeling and organizing
thousands of slides into a picture history of our family; . . . , pgs. 39–40
Mar 83 Mirthright, pg. 45
Mar 83 News of the Church:, pg. 76
Apr 83 Mormon Journal: . . . In an Old Country Church, pg. 30
May 83 Report of the 153rd Annual General Conference of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, . . .
[illustration]  Inside back cover: Genealogy, by Theodore Gorka,
oil on canvas, 40" by 60", 1982.  In this recent painting, Latter-day Saint
artist Theodore Gorka depicts the bond that sacred family records can
create between present and past generations., 
pg. 3
May 83 Statistical Report 1982, pg. 20
May 83
News of the Church: . . . Keeping Pace:
BYU's Bachelor of Independent Studies Program. . . . , pg. 96
June 83 I Have a Question, . . . What is the best way to go about
composing one's personal history?, . . . , pg. 25
June 83 The Best Thing We've Done: More Than a Trophy Case, pg. 66
June 83 News of the Church:, pgs. 75 and 78
July 83 Instilling a Righteous Image, . . . One of the most profound
means of instilling a righteous image in our children is through the use
of scripture and family stories. . . . , pg. 21

July 83 I Have A Question, . . . How personal should my personal journal
(or history) be? . . . , pg. 43
July 83 Mormon Journal: . . . For Cindy, pg. 50
July 83 Random Sampler: Scripture Time for Preschoolers, pg. 55
Aug 83
Missionary Couples--Sharing the Gospel through Service, pg. 9
Aug 83 Genealogy and Temple Work:
You Can't Have One without the Other, . . . Elder Boyd K. Packer
made the relationship between the two very clear when he said:
"You cannot have regard for temple ordinance work without having
great respect for genealogical work as well.  Genealogical work is
the fundamental service for the temples.  The temples could not stay
open without success in the genealogical program."
(The Holy Temple, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1980, p. 224.) . . . , pg. 18
Aug 83 Mormon Journal: . . . Please Do My Work, . . .
Now, in the middle of the night, here was my great-great-grandfather
Wilkie saying to me, "Terry Lynn, please have my family sealed to me.
I want to be with them through eternity.  Please have our temple work
done!  You are now away from your husband—imagine that for eternity.
It is awful!  I want to be sealed to my wife." . . . , pg. 54
Aug 83 News of the Church: . . . Elder Derrick, of the Presidency
of the First Quorum of the Seventy, and Executive Director of
the Genealogical Department, answers a number of questions
on genealogy. . . . , pg. 77
Sep 83 A House of Learning, . . . Wherever illiteracy is replaced
with literacy, lives are enhanced.  Wherever literacy is committed
to the Lord's service, society is greatly blessed. . . . , pg. 23

Sep 83 Me, a Records Extractor?, pg. 51
Sep 83 The Illegible Name, . . .While working as a Spanish language
extractor in the Tucson Arizona East Stake Genealogical Library, I
became aware of the special power that attends this work.. . . , pg. 53
Sep 83 The Law after Christ, pg. 69
Oct 83 Learning to Be a Missionary at the MTC, . . . Besides learning
basic proselyting and teaching skills, they receive instruction in welfare
services, genealogy, leadership, and member work. . . . , pg. 8 
Nov 83 The House of the Lord, pg. 27
Nov 83 Our Responsibility to Take the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth,
. . . Elder John A. Widtsoe taught that in our premortal state "we agreed
… to be not only saviors for ourselves but measurably, saviors for
the whole human family. …  The working out of the plan became then
not merely the Father's work, and the Savior’s work, but also our work."
Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine,
Oct. 1934, p. 189.) . . . , pg. 32
Nov 83 News of the Church: Elder Richard G. Scott
Sustained to Presidency of the First Quorum of the Seventy, . . . ,
pg. 90
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New Era 1983
Mar 83 Come, Listen to a Prophet's Voice, . . . pg. 6
May 83 Jason's Library, pg. 33

June 83 Feedback, (A Sabbath remembered),
. . . In about a week she was able to come to our new home in Orem.
She was still bedridden, and we had to be her nurses, but it was just
good to have mom home again.  To pass the time she worked on her
life history and updated the genealogy books, making sure all were
in order.
, pg. 3
June 83
Instruments of Righteousness, pg. 4
June 83
The Golden Chain, pg. 9

July 83
FYI: For Your Information,
. . . (Author Card for Bradley) . . . , pg. 42

Aug 83 Road Show--How to Write a Winner, . . .
One stake chose
the general theme of genealogy for its road show activity.  And while
some leaders shrugged in dismay, one ward got writing and came up
with these audience delighters.  To the tune of "Bare Necessities"
from Jungle Book:
Start with the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities,
The names, the dates, the places, everyone.
We mean the bare necessities, the simple bare necessities,
And get your genealogy work done!
And to the tune of "Nothing like a Dame":
Oh, there's nothing like a name, nothing in this world,
The greatest joy you’ll ever claim
Is in finding a family name! . . . , pg. 32
Aug 83
The Song of the Flute, . . . In his own quiet way, that seems
to be exactly what John Rainer is doing for the coming generation
--he is passing on to them the tradition of the song of the flute. . . . , pg. 39
Sep 83
Q & A: Questions and Answers, . . . President Joseph F. Smith
said, "Our fathers and mothers, brothers, sisters, and friends who have
passed away from this earth, having been faithful, and worthy to enjoy
these rights and privileges, may have a mission given them to visit their
friends and relatives upon the earth again, bringing from the divine
presence messages of love, of warning, or reproof or instruction, to
those whom they have learned to love in the flesh." (Gospel Doctrine,
Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co., 1959, p. 436)
., pg. 49  
Nov 83
Sprouting the Seed (The MTC: Part Two), pg. 32
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Ensign 1982
Jan 82 The 'Other Tribes': Which Are They?, pg. 31
Feb 82 The Ten-Generation Phone Call, pg. 42
Feb 82
News of the Church: . . . She visited in particular
with tribal genealogist Beetaloo Bill, who has the distinct task
of committing to memory the genealogy of tribal members. . . . , pg. 75

Feb 82 Support Your Local Family Council, pg. 50
Mar 82 Always Teaching … , pg. 10
Apr 82 Random Sampler: Building a Good Home Library, pg. 63
Apr 82 The Microfilm Mission of Archibald F. Bennett, pg. 69
May 82 Statistical Report 1981, pg. 18  

May 82 What Temples Are For, pg. 71
May 82 News of the Church:, pg. 105
June 82 Family Organizations: For the Fun of It!
The following reports suggest ways to make family reunions fun
as well as effective: how to get maximum participation, how to make
family history interesting to children, how to accomplish genealogical
responsibilities as a large ancestral organization, and how to organize
a mainly non-LDS family organization., . . . The Roundup Reunion, pg. 25;
Remembering Christopher Layton: A Report from an Ancestral Family
Organization, pg. 27; When Your Family Isn't LDS, pg. 28;
Hold Fast the Heritage, pg. 30
June 82 I Have a Question, pg. 34
June 82 Mormon Journal: Reunion with Gladys, pg. 57
June 82 Random Sampler: Minutes of Family Goings-On, pg. 73
July 82 News of the Church: . . . Ward Genealogical Consultants.
. . . ,  pgs. 78 and 80
Aug 82 Wind River Mission, . . . Until 1978 his written record
of how he baptized the Shoshone Chief Washakie along with
over three hundred of his tribesmen had been lost for nearly
one hundred years. . . . , pg. 28
Aug 82 Random Sampler: How to Publish a Family Book, pg. 59 
Aug 82 News of the Church:, pgs. 76 and 79
Sep 82 The People Have Given Me a New Heart, pg. 14
Sep 82 Genealogy of the King James Bible,
[Some other translations in English since the KJV], pgs. 70-71
Oct 82 Remembering Aunt Carrie, pg. 56
Nov 82 News of the Church:, pg. 109
Dec 82 Random Sampler: . . . Season's Greetings, pg. 65 
Dec 82 News of the Church: "Finding the Posterity"
Is Kirtland's New Challenge . . .
,  pg. 68
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New Era 1982
Jan–Feb 82 The Blessings of an Honest Tithe, pg. 45
Mar 82
And When Thou Art Converted, pg. 30

Apr 82
FYI: For Your Information,
(Youth Extractors: A Special Calling), pg. 49
June 82 Into the Wild Blue Yonder, pg. 22

July 82 FYI: For Your Information, (Responding to the Challenge),
Several groups have responded to the challenge issued by a story
in the May 1981 New Era called "An Author Card for Cindie."
In the article, a young girl became enthused about genealogy work
and recorded the information from tombstones in a small cemetery.
She made an index of the graves in the cemetery and submitted
the names to the Church Genealogical Department in Salt Lake.
. . . , pg. 40
Aug 82 Feedback, . . .
The resuscitation of Gudmundur (Iceland) . . . , pg. 3
Sep 82 Revelation, pg. 38
Oct 82 My Jeep Is History Too, . . . Revisiting a house or
neighborhood in which they spent their childhood was a good
jog to the memories of these young genealogists.  Just being
in those same spots brought back memories and details that
were overlooked when writing about the past. . . .
(Family Histories: Getting Started), . . . , pg. 32
Nov 82 The Secret of Cebu, pg. 23
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Ensign 1981
Jan 81 The One Business of Life, pg. 51
Jan 81 Random Sampler: The Family That Drives Together,
. . . Bring your journals and write along the way. . . . , pg. 64
Jan 81 The Best Thing We've Done:
Stake Homemaker’s Day Acts as a Missionary Tool, pg. 68
Feb 81 Random Sampler: A Picture of True Stories, pg. 60
Feb 81 Comment, . . . Do it now . . . , pg. 61

Mar 81 In Honor of President Spencer W. Kimball
at His 86th Birthday, pg. IFC
Mar 81 News of the Church: . . . (New Guidelines
for Missionaries with Additional Assignments.) . . .
Missionary couples and lady missionaries may be involved
(when specifically assigned) in contacting officials of governments,
genealogical and historical societies, and other churches to locate
genealogical records, negotiate for acquisition, microfilm records
(in selected situations), and cultivate friends for the Church.
They may also teach genealogical skills to members in districts
and branches or, with the approval of the Executive Administrator,
in stakes and wards. . . . , pg. 76
Apr 81 Dallin H. Oaks: The Disciplined Edge, . . .

[photo] Dallin and his son Lloyd reviewing family genealogy.,
pg. 32
Apr 81 News of the Church: . . . Genealogy's New Ancestral File, pg. 76
May 81 A Report of My Stewardship, . . .
The next morning, Friday, March 13, in company with
Elder Gordon B. Hinckley, we visited with President Ronald Reagan
in the Oval Office of the White House.  We presented to him his
genealogy on his mother’s side.  We then met with Mrs. Reagan. 
Both were very warm and gracious and very appreciative
of the genealogical record. . . , pg. 5
May 81 We Are Called to Spread the Light, . . . Moreover, there are
among the mature couples those who have acquired a great expertise
in genealogy and they can use their knowledge and experience, when
specifically assigned to do so, to teach genealogical skills to members
in wards and branches. . . . , pg. 11
May 81 Statistical Report 1980, pg. 19 
May 81 Rendering Service to Others, pg. 45
May 81 Turning the Hearts, . . . There are those who feel that this turning
of the hearts is strictly Elijah's job, but in Doctrine and Covenants 98:16
Doctrine & Covenants 98:16] the Lord seems to give us that assignment.
He said, "Seek diligently to turn the hearts of the children to their fathers,
and the hearts of the fathers to the children." . . . , pg. 73

May 81 We Are on the Lord's Errand, . . . They had previously
presented to us Korean clan genealogies containing names of
approximately fifteen million people. . . . , pg. 78
May 81 The Need to Teach Personal and Family Preparedness,
. . . They chose to create family memories through shared experiences,
to complete family histories, to have a year's supply of food and other
necessities to meet the financial emergencies that would come. . . . , pg. 87
May 81 News of the Church: . . .
President Spencer W. Kimball presented a two-inch thick volume
of genealogy to President Ronald Reagan at a March White House
meeting.  Elder Gordon B. Hinckley of the Quorum of the Twelve
accompanied President Kimball. . . . , pg. 105, 108 and 110
June 81 Time for Sunday: What We Do with All That Time, pg. 7
June 81 The Langheinrich Legacy:
Record-Gathering in Post-War Germany, . . . By government decree
in 1933, the Office of Family Research (Reichsamt fuer Sippenforschung,
hereafter RFS) was ordered to systematically microfilm all German parish
registers containing information prior to 1874, at which time the vital records
offices were established. . . . , pg. 23
June 81 I Have a Question, pg. 35
Aug 81 We Hope They Call Us on a Mission!, pg. 7 

Aug 81 Discovering My Icelanders, pg. 25
Aug 81 Family Fun--on a Shoestring, pg. 32
Aug 81 We Adopted Some Grandparents, pg. 48
Aug 81 The Mission of Elijah, . . . "If a man gets a fullness
of the priesthood of God he has to get it in the same way
that Jesus Christ obtained it, and that was by keeping all
the commandments and obeying all the ordinances of the house
of the Lord." (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, comp.
Joseph Fielding Smith, Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1938, p. 308.)
. . . We cannot do work for our dead unless we first identify them.
This means we must undertake genealogical research in behalf
of our own ancestry—our own forefathers—our own dead kindred.
We must teach the people the details of this genealogical research
and encourage the local congregations to teach each other. . . . , pg. 64
Aug 81 News of the Church: . . . a family genealogy presented
by Elder Paul H. Dunn of the First Quorum of the Seventy to
Pirate manager Chuck Tanner. . . . , pg. 80
Oct 81 Beyond the Fourth Generation, pgs. 20-21
Oct 81 Happy Parents = Happy Children, pg. 46
Nov 81
[photos] . . . Photographs in this issue feature a wide range
of genealogical activities, as well as scenes of conference.

Nov 81 The 'Little Things' and Eternal Life, pg. 23
Nov 81 News of the Church: . . . Ancestral File . . . , pg. 108

Dec 81 Open Your Mouths: The Courage to Share the Gospel,
. . . What are some acceptable ways for children to share the gospel
with their nonmember friends? . . . sharing genealogical projects
in show-and-tell. . . . , pgs. 5–6

Dec 81 I Have a Question, . . .
What did the Israelites do relating to genealogy, welfare,
missionary work, and the family—the four major emphases
of our day?  What was religion for them?, . . .
Record keeping was a permanent part of Israel's life-style.
Beginning with Adam who kept a book of remembrance (See
Moses 6:5),
we find men keeping an account of their own life and times (See
Moses 6:46;
Abraham 1:31).  Later, we find certain men specifically assigned as record keepers.
David, for example, "appointed certain of the Levites" the task of keeping Israel's
records.  (
1 Chronicles 16:4)  Later still, professional scribes were employed
to write and interpret that which had been written.  Ezra, writer of the book
which bears his name, was one of these. (See
Ezra 7:11)  Of particular
interest in early Israel was the keeping of a family genealogy.  Lengthy
genealogical lists are found throughout the Old Testament, but following
their return from captivity the Jews pursued the task even more earnestly.
Ezra presents a detailed account of Israel by family. (See
Ezra 2; Ezra 8;
Nehemiah 7:5-64)  He also makes particular mention of "the book
of the records of thy fathers" (
Ezra 4:15), which reminds us in turn of
Abraham's statement that he had preserved in his own hands
"the records of the fathers, even the patriarchs, concerning
the right of Priesthood" and that his own efforts in writing were
"for the benefit of my posterity that shall come after me" (
Abraham 1:31).
. . . ,
pg. 58
Dec 81 Random Sampler: . . . Personalized Christmas Tablecloth, pg. 65
Dec 81 Comment,  . . . Gathering Records in Pre-War Germany, pg. 70

Dec 81 News of the Church:, pg. 71
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New Era 1981
May 81 An Author Card for Cindie, . . . So sharpen your pencils,
pack a picnic lunch, get some friends together, and go exploring
some cemeteries.  Your notes may be just the key to unlocking
somebody’s family history!, pg. 14
June 81
Maori Traditions and the Mormon Church, pg. 38

June 81
FYI: For Your Information, . . . (Not for Ghosts Only) . . . , pg. 47
Sep 81 The Message: Find Them, pg. 4 
Nov 81
A Journal Called Lucy, pg. 38
Nov 81 The Blessing Counter, pg. 42
↑ upΛ

Ensign 1980
Jan 80 They Served: The Richards Legacy in the Church, pg. 25
Jan 80 I Have a Question, pg. 48
Jan 80 Journey toward Righteousness, pg. 53
Jan 80 Random Sampler: Family Stories on Felt, pg. 67

Jan 80 Mormon Journal:
The Message Was Clear: "Now Is the Time",
pg. 69

Jan 80 News of the Church: 1980 World Conference on Records
Has Something for Everyone, pg. 79
Feb 80 The Way It Looks Today: Some LDS Settlements in the West, pg. 36
Feb 80 Comment, pg. 70

Feb 80 The Best Thing We've Done: Colorado Ward Honors the Living, pg. 71
Mar 80 News of the Church:, pg. 73
Apr 80 A Statistical Profile: What Numbers Tell Us about Ourselves, pg. 15

Apr 1980 Brothers and Sisters: A 1980 Sampling,

(Through the Veil), pg. 51
May 80
Report of the 150th Annual Conference of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, pg. 3

May 80
Statistical Report 1979, pg. 20
May 80 Eternal Links That Bind, . . .
I want to bear witness—and my witness is true—that the work
for the redemption of the living and the dead is divine.  It is a keystone
of our religion.  The work performed in temples stays the judgments of
God from smiting the earth with a curse.  It is not unusual, therefore,
that the Prophet Joseph would say, "The greatest responsibility in this
world that God has laid upon us [as individuals] is to seek after our dead"
(Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, sel. Joseph Fielding Smith,
Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1938, p. 356). . . . . .
The Prophet Joseph warned, "Those Saints who neglect it in behalf
of their deceased relatives, do it at the peril of their own salvation."
(Teachings, p. 193). . . . "It is our duty," counseled Elder John A. Widtsoe,
"to secure as complete genealogies as possible, to discover our fathers
and mothers back to the last generation, to connect, if it may be possible,
with Adam, our first father upon the earth—a duty which we cannot escape"
("Genealogical Activities in Europe,"
Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine,
July 1931, p. 104). . . .
Elder Melvin J. Ballard testified that "the spirit and influence of
your dead will guide those who are interested in finding those records. 
If there is anywhere on the earth anything concerning them, you will find it"
(Bryant S. Hinckley, Sermons and Missionary Services
of Melvin Joseph Ballard,
Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Company, 1949,
p. 230; italics added). . . . , pg. 40
May 80 Salt of the Earth: Savor of Men and Saviors of Men, pg. 42
May 80 Writing Your Personal and Family History, pg. 48
May 80 News of the Church:, pgs. 99 and 106
June 80 Family Preparedness: It's More Than a Year's Supply,
. . . And what did we find in the ashes?  The genealogy, located
 in the center of the worst part of the blaze. . . . , pg. 41
June 80 Keeping Pace:
Varied 'Menu' of Goals for Church Members, pg. 70
June 80 News of the Church:
(Variety Marks World Conference on Records), pg. 76;
(History Meets Art in Jackson Hole, Wyoming), pg. 79
July 80
[photo] On the cover: A photographic still-life of family history
items, entitled "Preserving Our Heritage." . . . 
July 80 Torleif Knaphus, Sculptor Saint, . . . At one time his
mammoth pedigree chart was displayed at the Church Office Building
as an example of one of the most complete genealogy records ever
assembled. . . . At his funeral Elder LeGrand Richards of the Quorum
of the Twelve said that he knew of no single man in the Church
who had done more genealogy work than Torleif Knaphus. . . . , pg. 11
July 80 Keeping Pace: Our Family, pg. 43  
July 80 News of the Church:, pgs. 74 and 76
Aug 80 How to Move the Kingdom, . . . I am impressed
by the example offered by President Ezra Taft Benson
who completed his family histories and four-generation
program before he addressed the Church on this subject
in October 1978.  Church government by example!, . . . pg. 23
Aug 80 A Covenant People: Old Testament Light on Modern
Covenants, . . . An ancient treaty usually contained the following
major parts: (1) The preamble. Since most of these treaties were
between a king and a vassal (usually a group defeated in battle),
the preamble spelled out the power relationship.  Since the major
power or conqueror spelled out this relationship, the preamble
identified this personage and often gave his titles, attributes,
and genealogy. . . . , pg. 36
Aug 80 News of the Church: . . . American Latter-day Saints
who serve in the armed forces can have gravestones marked
with the special emblem of Moroni blowing a trumpet.
. . . , pg. 77, 78-79
Sep 80 Joseph, Model of Excellence, . . . Sometimes we forget
when reading the early portion of the Bible that many of us are
reading our own family history and that we share a very special
relationship with those individuals. . . . , pg. 9
Oct 80 I Have a Question, pg. 35
Oct 80 News of the Church: . . . , President Spencer W. Kimball,
addressing the first conference general assembly . . . By now,
in my own personal history, I have managed to fill seventy-eight
large volumes which are my personal journal. . . . , pg. 72
Nov 80 Families Can Be Eternal, . . . There are those who would
define the family in such a nontraditional way that they would define
it out of existence.  The more governments try in vain to take the place
of the family, the less effective governments will be in performing
the traditional and basic roles for which governments are formed
in the first place. . . . Let us be sure, in our Latter-day Saint homes,
that we do our part to stem and to turn the tide.  Again, I urge you
to be diligent in recording your personal and family histories. . . . , pg. 4
Dec 80 Discover Yourself: Keep a Journal, pg. 57
Dec 80 News of the Church: . . . At a dinner held with Bonneville
personnel and General Authorities, Jimmy Stewart received
a "treasure box" containing his genealogy. . . . , pgs. 64 and 68
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New Era 1980
June 80 A Notebook by Any Other Name … , pg. 11
June 80 Q & A: Questions and Answers,
(How important is my calling as a home teacher,
and how can I magnify this calling more fully?), pg. 14

June 80 FYI: For Your Information, (Eagles in Action), pg. 43
July 80 FYI: For Your Information, . . . (Watering Your Family Tree), pg. 41 

Aug 80 Molas, pg. 36
Sep 80 Taking Control of Your Life and Other Odds and Ends, pg. 12  

Oct 80 FYI: For Your Information, (Genealogy Club Catches On), pg. 34
Nov 80
FYI: For Your Information, . . . (The Great Christmas Present Hunt)
. . . A lively approach to having fun while exploring your family history
is found in Fun and Names, or How to Dig Your Family History
Without Really Prying,
. . . , pg. 47
Dec 80 President Kimball Speaks Out on Personal Journals, pg. 26
↑ up

Ensign 1979
Jan 79 Keeping Pace: Can You Use These Filmstrips?, pg. 72
Feb 79 Becoming a Zion Society: Six Principles, pg. 31
Feb 79 Beyond the Glitter, pg. 36
Mar 79
Serving a Mission Together, pg. 9
Apr 79 I Have a Question, pg. 25
Apr 79 Random Sampler: The Family That Writes Together, pg. 67
May 79 To Those Searching for Happiness, pg. 14

May 79 Statistical Report 1978, pg. 18

June 79 Almost-Buried Treasures, pg. 37
June 79 Mirthright, pg. 39 
June 79 Books for Many Uses, pg. 53
June 79 News of the Church:, pg. 77
July 79 The Uttermost Parts of the Earth, pg. 2
July 79 Line upon Line, pg. 32
July 79 News of the Church:
Thousands Find Roots through Missouri Project, pg. 77
Aug 79 The Many Voices:
How to Balance the Demands on Your Time, pg. 16
Aug 79 How Am I Doing as a Member-Missionary?, pg. 21
Aug 79
Taping of Histories Brings Blessings, pg. 70
Sep 79 Learning about Ourselves through Church History,
. . . The linkage of families to each other is a factor of
as well as of genealogy. . . . , pg. 6

Sep 79 News of the Church:, pg. 77
Oct 79 Family History on Film, (Special Features), pg. 38
Nov 79 Making the Right Decisions, pg. 34
Nov 79 The Governing Ones, pg. 37
Nov 79 The Administration of the Church, pg. 42
Nov 79 News of the Church:, pg. 100
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New Era 1979
Jan–Feb79 If We Want to Go Up, We Have to Get On,
(Women's Fireside - September 16, 1978)
. . . We keep a personal record, and we do our genealogy. . . . , pg. 40
Jan-Feb 79 FYI: For Your Information, (Moses, Man of Miracles), pg. 47 

Mar 79 The Heart of the Children, pg. 11
Mar 79 FYI: For Your Information, pg. 44

Apr 79 FYI: For Your Information, (A Journey in Genealogy),
. . . A few days later, each of the 16 nursing home residents was
presented with family group sheets, pedigree charts, a cassette
recording of his personal history, and a copy of the Book of Mormon.
Inside each book was a photograph taken during the interview
and the handwritten testimonies of the interviewers., pg. 36
July 79 Now I Have a Friend, pg. 9 
July 79 FYI: For Your Information, (Mormons Making Mention), pg. 37
Sep 79 Television and Time, pg. 7
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