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I-lan Chang shih tsu p'u /,
[chu hsiu Chang Chien-p'ang ; chien hsiu Pai
Ch'un-jen ;
chuan hsiu kung P'eng-ch'eng ... et al.].
[S.l. : s.n., 1983?] 3
v. (253 leaves) : ill. ; 29 cm.
Language: Chinese
I, Ni. Ch'ien ch'iu chia kuo meng : Kuang-chou Kao-ti chieh Hsu shih chia tsu
I Ni chu. Ti 1 pan.
[Canton] : Kuang-tung jen min ch'u pan she, 1994. 2 v.
: ill. (some col.) ; 21 cm.
Series title: Ling nan feng 880-06
Related titles: Kuang-chou Kao-ti chieh Hsu shih chia tsu
Language: Chinese
I studied inscriptions from before the flood :
ancient Near Eastern, literary,
and linguistic approaches to Genesis 1-11 /,
edited by Richard S. Hess and
David Toshio Tsumura.
Winona Lake, Ind. : Eisenbrauns, 1994. xvi, 480 p. ; 24
Series title: Sources for biblical and theological study ; 4.
Iamele, Sharon Schertz, 1946-. Conklin cousins :
the many children of Joseph &
Mary (Cory) Conkling /,
by Sharon Schertz Iamele.
Worthington, Ohio (563 Meadoway Park, Worthington 43095) :
S. S. Iamele, 1999. 276 p. ; 25 cm.
IAnin, V. L.. Novgorodskaia feodalnaia votchina : Istoriko-genealogicheskoe
issledovanie /,
V. L. IAnin.
Moskva : Izd-vo "Nauka," 1981. 296 p., [1] folded
leaf of plates : ill. ; 21 cm.
Language: Russian
Ibach, Earl W.. The hub of the Tulpehocken /,
Earl W. Ibach, author.
[s.l. :
c1976 (Lebanon, Pa. : Boyer Print. Co.) 653, [11] p. : ill. ; 29 cm.
Ibarrola Arriaga, Gabriel, 1918-1967. Familias y casas de la Vieja Valladolid
[1. ed.]
Morelia, Mexico, Fimax Publicistas, 1969 599 p. illus. (part. col.),
col. coats of arms, ports. 25 cm
Language: Spanish
Ibn 'Abd al-Barr, Yusuf ibn 'Abd Allah, 978 or 9-1071.
al-Qasd wa-al-umam fi
al-ta'rif bi-usul ansab al-'Arab wa-al-'Ajam /,
Ibn 'Abd al-Barr Abu 'Umar
Yusuf ibn 'Abd Allah ;
haqqaqahu wa-qaddama la-hu wa-wada'a faharisahu Ibrahim
al-Tab'ah 1.
Bayrut, Lubnan : Dar al-Kitab al-'Arabi, 1985. 78 p. ;
24 cm.
Language: Arabic
Ibn 'Abd al-Barr, Yusuf ibn 'Abd Allah, 978 or 9-1071.
al-Qasd wa-al-umam fi
al-ta'rif bi-usul ansab al-'Arab wa-al-'Ajam ... /,
imla' Abi 'Umar Yusuf ibn
'Abd al-Barr al-Namari al-Qurtubi ;
wa-yalihi min ta'lifihi al-Anba' 'ala
qaba'il al-ruwah wa-huwa al-madkhal li-kitabihi al-Isti'ab.
Cairo : Maktabat
al-Qudsi, [1931] 152 p. ; 24 cm.
Language: Arabic
Ibn al-Athir, 'Izz al-Din, 1160-1233. Al-lubab fi tahdhib al-ansab.
[1938/39-50] 3 v. 25 cm.
Language: Arabic
Ibn al-Athir, 'Izz al-Din, 1160-1233. al-Lubab fi tahdhib al-Ansab,
al-Din Abi al-Hasan 'Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn al-'Athir.
Mustafa 'Abd al-Wahid. [al-Tab'ah 2.]
Misr, Matba'at Dar al-Ta'lif [1971- ]
v. 26 cm.
Language: Arabic
Ibn al-Athir, 'Izz al-Din, 1160-1233. al-Lubab fi tahdhib al-Ansab.
Bayrut :
Dar Sader, 1972. 3 v. ; 25 cm.
Language: Arabic
Ibn al-Dayba', 'Abd al-Rahman ibn 'Ali, 1461-1537.
Nashr al-mahasin
al-Yamaniyah fi khasa'is al-Yaman wa-nasab al-Qahtaniyah /,
li-Ibn al-Dayba'
al-Shaybani al-Shafi'i Wajih al-Din 'Abd al-Rahman ibn 'Ali ibn Muhammad ;
wa-sharrahahu Nathr al-lali' al-Sunniyah ; san'at Ahmad Ratib Hammush.
al-Tab'ah 1.
Bayrut : Dar al-Fikr al-Mu'asir ;
Dimashq : Dar al-Fikr, 1992.
312 p. : facsim. ; 24 cm.
Language: Arabic
Ibn al-Hajj, al-Talib ibn Hamdun, d. 1856 or 7.
Nazm al-durr wa-al-la'al fi
shurafa' 'Uqbah ibn Sawal.
Kitab nazm al-durr wa-al-la'al fi shurafa' 'Uqbah
ibn Sawal /,
bi-qalam Abi al-Fayd Hamdun ibn al-Hajj al-Sulami ; tahqiq 'Ali
al-Muntasir al-Kattani. al-Tab'ah 1.
[Casablanca] : Manshurat Jam'iyat
al-Shurafa' al-Kattaniyin lil-Ta'awun wa-al-Thaqafah, 2000. 157 p. ; 24 cm.
Series title: Manshurat Jam'iyat al-Shurafa' al-Kattaniyin lil-Ta'awun
wa-al-Thaqafah ; 2,
Manshurat Jam'iyat al-Shurafa' al-Kattaniyin lil-Ta'awun
wa-al-Thaqafah ; 2
Language: Arabic
Ibn al-Kalbi, d. 819?. Gamharat an-nasab;
das genealogische Werk des Hisam Ibn
Muhammad al-Kalbi,
von Werner Caskel.
Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1966. 2 v. facsim.,
geneal. tables.
Language: Arabic
Ibn al-Kalbi, d. 819?. Jamharat al-nasab /,
li-Ibn al-Kalbi ;
riwayat Abi
Sa'id al-Sukkari 'an Ibn Habib 'anh. Wa, Mukhtasar al-Jamharah wa-hawashihyah
haqqaqaha wa-akmalaha wa-nassaqaha 'Abd al-Sattar Ahmad Farraj ;
waqafa 'ala
tab'ihi Muhammad Khalifah al-Tunisi.
[Kuwait] :
Matba'at Hukumat al-Kuwayt,
1983- v. : ill. ; 30 cm.
Series title: al-Turath al-'Arabi ; 21,
Turath al-'Arabi (Kuwait) ; 21.
Language: Arabic
Ibn al-Kalbi, d. 819?. Jamharat al-nasab /,
li-Abi al-Mundhir Hisham ibn
Muhammad al-Sa'ib al-Kalbi ;
riwayat al-Sukkari 'an Ibn Habib ; tahqiq Naji
Hasan. al-Tab'ah 1.
Bayrut :
'Alam al-Kutub ; Maktabat al-Nahdah al-'Arabiyah,
1986. 736 p. : facsims. ; 25 cm.
Language: Arabic
Ibn al-Kalbi, d. 819?. Jamharat al-nasab li-Ibn al-Kalbi /,
Hisham Abu
al-Mundhir ibn Muhammad ibn al-Sa'ib al-Kalbi ;
riwayat Muhammad ibn Habib
'anhu ; tahqiq wa-khatt wa-lawhat Mahmud Firdaws al-'Azm ;
muraja'at Mahmud
Fakhuri ; qaddama la-hu Suhayl Zakkar.
Dimashq :
Yutlabu min Dar al-Yaqzah
al-'Arabiyah, wa-min al-muhaqqiq M. F. al-'Azm,
[1983-<1986 > v. <1, 3 > : facsims. ; 32 cm.
Language: Arabic
Ibn al-Kalbi, d. 819?. Nasab Ma'ad wa-al-Yaman al-kabir /,
li-Abi al-Mundhir
Hisham ibn Muhammad ibn al-Sa'ib al-Kalbi ; tahqiq Naji Hasan. al-Tab'ah 1.
Bayrut : 'Alam al-Kutub : Maktabat al-Nahdah al-'Arabiyah, 1988. 2 v. (865 p.)
: ill. ; 24 cm.
Language: Arabic
Ibn al-Kalbi, d. 819?. Nasab Ma'add wa-al-Yaman al-kabir /,
li-Hisham Abi
al-Mundhir ibn Muhammad ibn al-Sa'ib al-Kalbi ;
tahqiq wa-khatt wa-mushajjarat
Mahmud Fardus al-'Azam, qira'ah Riyadh 'Abd al-Hamid Murad.
Dimashq, Suriyah :
Dar al-Yaqzah al-'Arabiyah, [1988] 3 v. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Language: Arabic
Ibn al-Mibrad, Yusuf ibn Hasan, 1436 or 7-1503.
Shajarah al-Nabawiyah.
al-Shajarah al-Nabawiyah : fi nasab Khayr al-Bariyah /,
nazara fihi
wa-atammahu Jamal al-Din Yusuf ibn Hasan ibn 'Abd al-Hadi al-Maqdisi ;
haqqaqahu wa-'allaqa 'alayhi Muhyi al-Din Dib Mastu. al-Tab'ah 1.
Dimashq :
Dar al-Kalim al-Tayyib : Dar Ibn Kathir, 1994. 112 p. : ill. ; 27 cm.
Related titles: Shajarah al-Nabawiyah
Language: Arabic
Ibn al-Mulaqqin, 'Umar ibn 'Ali 1323-1401.
Tawdih. Selections.
al-anbiya' wa-manaqib al-qaba'il min al-Tawdih li-sharh al-Jami' al-sahih /,
ta'lif al-imam Siraj al-Din Abi Hafs 'Umar ibn 'Ali ibn Ahmad al-Ansari
al-Shafi'i al-ma'ruf bi-Ibn al-Mulaqqin ;
dirasat wa-tahqiq Ahmad Hajj
Muhammad 'Uthman. al-Tab'ah 1.
Makkah al-Mukarramah :
al-Maktabah al-Makkiyah
Bayrut : Mu'assasat al-Rayyan, 1998. 567 p. : facsims. ; 25 cm.
Language: Arabic
Ibn al-Qaysarani, Muhammad ibn Tahir, 1056-1113. Homonyma inter nomina
auctore Abdu'l-Fadhl Mohammed ibn Tahir al-Makdisi, vulgo dicto
quae cum appendice Abu Musae Ispahanensis e codd.
Baghdad, s.n., 1963. xix, 229 p. facsim. 25 cm.
Language: Arabic
Ibn al-Qaysarani, Muhammad ibnTahir, 1056-1113.
Ansab al-muttafiqah fi
al-khatt al-mutamathilah fi al-naqt wa-al-dabt. al-Mu'talif wa-al-mukhtalif :
al-ma'ruf bi-al-Ansab al-muttafiqah fi al-khatt al-mutamathilah fi al-naqt
wa-al-dabt /,
ta'lif Abi al-Fadl Muhammad ibn Tahir al-ma'ruf bi-Ibn
Wa-yalihi Ziyadat al-hafiz Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr 'Umar ibn Ahmad
ibn 'Umar Abi Musa al-Asfahani ... /
taqdim wa-fahrasat [kilahuma] Kamal Yusuf
al-Hut. al-Tab'ah 1.
Bayrut, Lubnan :
Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyah, 1991. 224 p. :
ill. ; 24 cm.
Language: Arabic
Ibn 'Aqil, Abu 'Abd al-Rahman. Ansab al-usar al-hakimah fi al-Ahsa' /,
allafahu Abu 'Abd al-Rahman ibn 'Aqil. al-Tab'ah 1.
al-'Arabiyah al-Sa'udiyah : Dar al-Yamamah, 1983-[1984] 2 v. : ill. ; 20 cm.
Series title: Dirasat wa-nusus 'an al-buyutat al-'Arabiyah al-hadithah ; 3-4,
Dirasat wa-nusus 'an al-buyutat al-'Arabiyah al-hadithah ; 3-4.
Language: Arabic
Ibn Azzuz, Mohammad. Kashshaf asma' 'a'ilat Tatawun : (min sanat 1483 ila sanat
1900) /,
Muhammad ibn 'Azzuz Hakim.
[Titwan : M. I. 'A. Hakim], 1999. 164 p. ; 25 cm.
Language: Arabic
Ibn Durayd, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan, 837 or 8-933. al-Ishtiqaq /,
li-Abi Bakr
Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ibn Durayd ; tahqiq wa-sharh 'Abd al-Salam Harun.
[al-Qahirah] : Mu'assasat al-Khanji, 1958. 715 p. ; 25 cm.
Language: Arabic
Ibn Durayd, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan, 837 or 8-933. al-Ishtiqaq /,
li-Abi Bakr
Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ibn Durayd ;
tahqiq wa-sharh 'Abd al-Salam Harun. 1958.
40, 713 p.
Language: Arabic
Ibn Hazm, 'Ali ibn Ahmad, 994-1064. Jamharat ansab al-'Arab,
Misr, Dar al-Ma'arif, 1948. 11, 524, 11 p. : facsims. ; 25 cm.
Series title: Dhakha'ir al-'Arab ; 2
Language: Arabic
Ibn Hazm, 'Ali ibn Ahmad, 994-1064. Jamharat ansab al-'Arab,
li-Abi Muhammad
Ali ibn Sa'id ibn Hazm al-Andaluzi.
Tahqiq wa-ta'liq Abd al-salam Muhammad
Misr, Dar al-Ma'arif, 1962. 17, 709 p. 25 cm.
Series title: Dhakha'ir al-'Arab ; 2
Language: Arabic
Ibn 'Inabah, Ahmad ibn 'Ali, d. 1424 or 5. al-Fusul al-fakhriyah /,
Jamal al-Din Ahmad ibn 'Inbah ;
bi-ihtimam-i Mir Jalal al-Din Husayni Urmavi
Tehran :
[s.n.], 1347 [1968] 11, 208, 95 p. : facsims. ; 25 cm.
Language: Persian
Ibn 'Inabah, Ahmad ibn 'Ali, d. 1424 or 5. al-Fusul al-fakhriyah /,
Jamal al-Din Ahmad ibn 'Inbah ;
bi-ihtimam-i Mir Jalal al-Din Husayni Urmavi
Tihran :
[Shirkat-i Intisharat-i 'Ilmi va Farhang], 1365 [1986]
11, 208, 85 p. : facsims. ; 25 cm.
Language: Persian
Ibn Jurays, Rashid ibn 'Ali al-Hanbali, d. 1880 or 81. Muthir al-wajd fi ansab
muluk Najd /,
ta'lif Rashid ibn 'Ali al-Hanbali ibn Jurays ;
tahqiq Muhammad
ibn 'Umar ibn 'Abd al-Rahman al-'Aqil (Abi 'Abd al-Rahman ibn 'Aqil al-Zahiri)
haqqaqa al-tab'ah al-ula (1399 H) 'Abd al-Wahid Muhammad Raghib ;
wa-raja'ahu 'Abd al-Rahman ibn 'Abd al-Latif Al al-Shaykh. al-Tab'ah 1.
Arabia] : Darat al-Malik 'Abd al-'Aziz, 1999. 136 p. ; 25 cm.
Language: Arabic
Ibn Qudamah, Muwaffaq al-Din 'Abd Allah ibn Ahmad, 1147-1223.
al-Istibsar fi
masab al-sahabah min al-ansar,
ta'lif Muwaffaq al-Din 'Abd Allah ibn Qudamah
Haqqaqahu wa-qaddama lahu 'Ali Nuwayhid.
[Bayrut?] Dar al-Fikr
[1972] 407 p. illus. 25 cm.
Language: Arabic
Ibn Raysun, al-Hasan ibn al-Qutb, 1572 or 3-1645 or 6.
Fath al-ta'yid fi
managib al-jadd wa-akhihi wa-al-walid /,
lil-'allamah al-Hasan ibn al-Qutb
Sidi Ahmad ibn 'Ali ibn Raysun ;
sahhahahu wa-nasharahu 'Ali al-Raysuni.
al-Tab'ah 1.
[Tetuan : 'Ali al-Raysuni], 1985. 149 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Language: Arabic
Ibn Sa'id, 'Ali ibn Musa, 1213-1286. Nashwat al-tarab fi tarikh Jahiliyat al-
German & Arabic. 1982. Die Geschichte der "reinen Araber" vom Stamme
Qahtan :
aus dem Kitab naswat at-tarab fi ta'ri gahiliyyat al- 'Arab des Ibn
Sa'id al-Magribi /,
herausgegeben und ubersetzt, eingeleitet und kommentiert
von Manfred Kropp. 2.,
verb. Aufl.
Frankfurt am Main ; New York : P. Lang,
c1982. 545 p. ; 22 cm.
Series title: Heidelberger orientalistische Studien ; Bd. 4
Language: German
Ibn Sadiq, Abu Hisham 'Abd Allah. al-Usar al-Qurashiyah : a'yan Makkah
al-Mahmiyah /,
Abu Hisham 'Abd Allah ibn Sadiq. al-Tab'ah 1.
Jiddah : Tihamah,
1983. 268 p. : facsims. ; 24 cm.
Language: Arabic
Ibn Siddiq, Abu Hisham 'Abd Allah, 1938 or 9-. al-Usar al-Qurashiyah :
Makkah al-mahmiyah /,
Abu Hisham 'Abd Allah ibn Siddiq. al-Tab'ah 2.
Misr :
Maktabat wa-Matba'at al-Jundi, 1990. 332 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Language: Arabic
Ichikawa, Taichi, 1948-. "Seshu" daigishi no kenkyu /,
Ichikawa Taichi. 1-han.
Tokyo : Nihon Keizai Shinbunsha, 1990. iv, 302 p. : ill. ; 20 cm.
Language: Japanese
Ici finit le comte de Beuil :
inventaire des archives dans les villages du
de Beuil trois ans
apres l'execution d'Annibal Grimaldi d'apres
manuscrit inedit de 1624 /,
preface de E. Hildesheimer ;
traduction et
commentaires, Colette et Michel Bourrier-Reynaud.
Nice : Editions Serre, 1987.
132 p. : facsims., maps ; 24 cm.
Language: French
Ida Charles Wilkins Foundation. Maryland genealogical notes :
early parishes
and hundreds, Baltimore County, Md.,
including tax lists, years 1692, 1694,
[Baltimore : The Foundation] 1954. 1 v. (58) p. : maps ; 28 cm.
Idaho 1870 census index, A-Z /,
edited by Raeone Christensen Steuart.
Bountiful, Utah : Heritage Quest, 2000. xviii, 82 p. ; 29 cm.
Idaho Genealogical Society.
Idaho Territory : Federal population schedules
mortality schedules, 1880 /,
Idaho Genealogical Society.
[Boise?] :
Print. Co., 1976. 983 p. ; 29 cm.
Idaho vital statistics /,
Compiled by Idaho Genealogical Society.
Boise, Id. :
The Society, [1963]- v. : map. ; 28 cm.
Idota, Hirofumi, 1936-. "Ie" ni saguru myoji to namae /,
Idota Hirofumi.
: Yuzankaku Shuppan, 1986. 216 p. : ill. ; 20 cm.
Language: Japanese
Idrisi, Ahmad al-Shabani. Masabih al-bashariyah fi abna' Khayr al-Bariyah /,
Ahmad al-Shabani al-Idrisi. al-Tab'ah 1.
[Casablanca] :
A. al-Sh. al-Idrisi,
1987. 327 p. ; 24 cm.
Language: Arabic
Ie to kafuchosei /,
Hikaku Kazokushi Gakkai kanshu ;
Nagahara Keiji, Sumiya
Kazuhiko, Kamata Hiroshi hen. Shohan.
Tokyo :
Waseda Daigaku Shuppanbu, 1992.
iv, 303, 5 p. : ill. ; 20 cm.
Series title: Shirizu hikaku kazoku ; 1. 880-04
Language: Japanese
Ifert, Doris R..
A listing of the members of the Jefferson United Church of
Christ, 1823 to September 1997 /,
Historical Committee Doris R. Ifert and
Helen R. Remsburg.
Jefferson, Md. : The Committee, [1977] 106 p., [12] leaves
: ill. ; 28 cm.
Igiehon, Imarhiagbe. The Eruvbi family of Benin : the story of Laeru :
Ise of
Utekon, Okhonmwonvo Ne Iguisi, Eruvbi ne Okpokhuo and their descendants /,
Imarhiagbe Igiehon.
Benin City, Nigeria : Eruvbi Publishers, 1996. xvi, 158 p.
: ill. ; 22 cm.
Iglesies, Josep, 1902-. El fogatge de 1553 : estudi i transcripcio /,
Barcelona : R. Dalmau, 1979-1981. 2 v. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Series title: Publicacions de la Fundacio Salvador Vives Casajuana ; 59, 70
Language: Catalan
Igo, June Jones, 1928-.
Descendants of Rev. William Wilson Walker and
Margarett Jane Sims of Butler County, Alabama /,
by June Jones Igo.
Georgetown, Tex. : J. J. Igo, [1992] iii leaves, 247 p. : ill., facsims., map ;
29 cm.
Related titles:
Descendants of Reverend William Wilson Walker and Margarett
Jane Sims of Butler County, Alabama
Ikonnikov, N. F.. NdR, la noblesse de Russie;
elements pour servir a la
reconstitution des registres genealogiques de la noblesse,
d'apres les actes
et documents disponibles completes grace au concours devoue des nobles russes.
2. ed.
Paris, 1957-66. A-Z v. in 51. 27 cm.
Language: French
Iksan Yi Ssi sebo : chon /,
Yi Pyong-son p'yonjip.
Soul T'ukpyolsi :
Iksan Yi
Ssi Chongch'inhoe, 1976. 388, 74 p. : ill., maps ; 27 cm.
Language: Korean
Ilan ha-B'esht.
Tel-aviv : Mekhon Tsiyon ;
737 [1976 or 1977]. 1 folded plate
: col. ; 50 x 69 cm.
Language: Hebrew
Ilanot ha-yahas shel shivte 'Arav veha-h'alifim u-mapot 'ezer la-'olam
ha-Muslemi :
homer le-shi'ur ve-targil /,
D. Ayalon, M. Sharon.
Jerusalem :
ha-Universitah ha-'Ivrit, ha-Fakultah le-mada'e ha-ruah,
ha-Makhon le-limude
Asyah ve-Afrikah,
725 [1964] 23 leaves : geneal. tables, maps ; 35 cm.
Language: Hebrew
Ilker, Osman. Asagi Maden ve Asagi Madenliler : (A. Hod ve A. Hodlular) /,
Osman Ilker.
Istanbul : Asagi ve Yukari Maden Koyleri Kultur ve
Dayanisma Dernegi,
[1992]- v. : col. ill., map, music ; 28 cm.
Language: Turkish
Ilkley (England). The parish register of Ilkley (1597-1812),
Transcribed and
edited by William Cooper.
[Leeds] Priv. print for the Yorkshire Parish
Register Society, 1927. 3 p. l., 270 p. 23 cm.
Series title: The Publications of the Yorkshire Parish Register Society ; vol.
Illing, Traugott Frederick.
Register of marriages and baptisms kept by the
Rev. Traugott Frederick Illing,
in connection with the
churches of St. Peter's
(Lutheran), Middletown, and Caernarvon (Episcopal),
Lancaster County, Penn'a.
Harrisburg [Pa.] : Harrisburg Pub. Co., 1891. 43 p. ; 24 cm.
Series title: Genealogy & local history ; LH542 4001651781
Illinois 1830 state /,
Editor, Ronald Vern Jackson.
North Salt Lake, UT :
Accelerated Indexing Systems International, c1984. [33], 34 leaves : maps ; 29
Illinois 1835 state census index /,
Editors, Ronald Vern Jackson, W. David
North Salt Lake, UT :
Accelerated Indexing Systems International,
c1984. 55 p., 58 leaves : maps ; 29 cm.
Illinois 1840 state /,
Editor, Ronald Vern Jackson.
North Salt Lake, UT :
Accelerated Indexing Systems International, c1984. 294 p. : maps ; 29 cm.
Illinois 1860 south /,
authors and paleographers, Ronald Vern Jackson ... [et
North Salt Lake, UT :
Accelerated Indexing Systems International, c1986.
55, 772 p. : maps ; 29 cm.
Illinois Association of the Sons of Vermont.
Seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth
annual reports of the Illinois Association of the Sons of Vermont.
Chicago :
S. D. Childs, 1886. 82 p. : ports. ; 23 cm.
Illinois Association of Union Ex-Prisoners of War.
Roster of Illinois
Association Union Ex-Prisoners of War [18--?]. [224] p. ; 22 cm.
[Illinois cemetery records] [S.l. : s.n., l9--] [14] leaves ; 28 cm.
Illinois census returns 1810 and 1818 /,
edited, with introduction and notes
by Margaret Cross Norton.
Baltimore : Genealogical Pub. Co., 1969. xxxii, 329
p. : maps. ; 23 cm.
Series title: Collections of the Illinois State Historical Library ; v. 24
Illinois Historical Records Survey. Macon County marriage records.
Ill., Decatur Genealogical Society] 1967-<1986 > <v. 1-2; 3, pts. 1-2; 4;
6-7; in 7 > ; 29 cm.
Illinois marriages : 1826 to 1850 /,
by Liahona Research.
Bountiful, Utah :
Heritage Quest, 1999. 923 p. ; 29 cm.
Related titles: Illinois marriages, 1826-1850
Illinois marriages early to 1825 : a research tool /,
compiled, extracted &
transcribed by Liahona Research, Inc. ;
edited by Jordan R. Dodd.
Utah :
Precision Indexing, c1990. xxii, 87 p. : maps ; 28 cm.
Illinois State Archives. Archives marriage record index name sequence
[Springfield, Ill.? : Illinois State Archives], 1987. 26 microfiches :
Illinois state censuses, 1825-1865.
Bountiful, Utah : American Genealogical
Lending Library, 1964. 41 reels ; 35 mm.
Series title: American Genealogical Lending Library series; v122,
Genealogical Lending Library series; v122.
Illinois State Historical Library.
A list of the genealogical works in the
Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield, Illinois /,
Georgia L.
Osborne, compiler.
Springfield, Ill. : Illinois State Journal Co., 1914. 163
p. ; 24 cm.
Series title: Publication ; no. 18,
Publication (Illinois State Historical
Library) ; no. 18.
Illinois State Historical Library.
A list of the genealogical works in the
Illinois state historical library,
Springfield, Illinois;, Georgia L. Osborne, comp.
[Springfield, Illinois state journal co., state printers, 1914] 163 p. 24 cm.
Illinois State Historical Library.
A list of the genealogical works in the
Illinois state historical library--
Supplement to Publication number eighteen,
Springfield, Printed by authority of the state of Illinois, 1919. 182 p. 23
Illinois statewide marriage index,
A Joint Project of the Illinois State
Archives and the Illinois State Genealogical Society.
[Springfield, Ill.] :
Illinois State Archives : Illinois State Genealogical Society, 1992. 74
microfiches : negative.
Illinois, White County genealogical records,
compiled and indexed by Gertrude
S. Wheeler.
[S.l. : Illinois Society, D.A.R.], 1943-1946 [i.e. 1946] 3, 119
Series title: Genealogy & local history ; LH9776. 4005710918
Illustrated album of biography of Southwestern Minnesota :
biographical sketches
of hundreds of prominent old settlers and representative
with a review of their life work,
their identity with the growth and
development of this region,
and reminiscences of personal history
and pioneer
life. History of Minnesota,
embracing an account of early explorations,
a review of the political history
and a concise history of the
Indian outbreak of 1862.
Presidents of the United States,
biographical sketches and a full page portrait of each.
Chicago : Occidental
Publishing Co., 1889. 792 p. : ill., ports. ; 28 cm.
Illustrated album of biography of Southwestern Minnesota containing
biographical sketches
of hundreds of prominent old settlers and representative
citizens, with a review of their life work,
their identity with the growth and
development of this region, and reminiscences of personal history
and pioneer
life ...
Chicago : Occidental Publishing Co., 1889. 792 p. : ill., ports. ; 28
Illustrated atlas and directory of Erie County, Ohio including a directory of
the freeholders of the county,
compiled and published from official records
and personal examinations.
Battle Creek, Mich. : Atlas Publishing Co., 1896.
75 p. : ill., maps, ports. ; 52 cm.
Series title: County histories of the Old Northwest, Series II: Ohio ; reel 3,
book 12
Illustrated history of Kennebec County, Maine : 1625-1799-1892,
editors, Henry
D. Kingsbury and Simeon L. Deyo.
New York : H. W. Blake & Company, 1892. viii,
1273 p. : ill., maps, ports. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Maine county histories ; reel 4, book 14
Illustrated history of Lowell and vicinity, Massachusetts,
done by divers
Lowell, Mass. : Courier-Citizen Company, 1897. 881 p. : ill., facsims.,
maps, ports. ; 32 p.
Series title: Massachusetts county histories ; reel 6, book 25
Imada, Tetsuo, 1898-. Zoku Nagatomi-ke no hitobito /,
Imada Tetsuo.
Tokyo :
Kajima Shuppankai, Showa 50 [1975] 462 p., [5] leaves of plates : ill. ; 19
Language: Japanese
Images of ancestors /,
edited by Jakob Munk Hojte.
Aarhus : Aarhus University
Press ;
Oxford : Lavis Marketing, 2002. 308 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Series title: Aarhus studies in Mediterranean antiquity ; 5,
Aarhus studies in
Mediterranean antiquity ; 5
Imhof, Jacob Wilhelm, 1651-1728.
Notitia S. Rom.
Germanici Imperii procerum
tam ecclesiasticorum quam secularium historico-heraldico-genealogica.
Wilhelmi Imhofii Notitia S. Rom.
Germanici imperii procerum, iam
ecclesiasticorum quam secularium,
historico-heraldico-genealogica ad hodiernum
imperii statum accommodata,
et in supplementum operis genealogici
Rittershusiani initio adornata.
Ed. 4. prioribus multo locupletior. Cui
accedit De proceribus Aulae Caesareae mantissa.
Cum gratia & privilegio S.
Caes. Maj. & Potentiss.
Elect. Saxoniae.
Stutgardia, sumptibus J. G. Cotta,
typis M. G. Lorberi,
1699. 7 p.l., 676, [31] p. front. 33 cm.
Related titles:
Notitia S. Rom.
Germanici Imperii procerum tam
ecclesiasticorum quam secularium historico-heraldico-genealogicia
Language: Latin
Imhof, Jacob Wilhelm, 1651-1728. Regum pariumque Magnae Britanniae historia
genealogica :
qua veterum juxta ac recentium in illa familiarum origines,
stemmata, & res memorabiliores,
ordine ad novissimum Angliae statum aptato,
recensentur atque explicantur, :
additis aeneis insignium tabulis et indice
necessario /,
studio ac opera Jacobi Wilhelmi Im-Hoff.
Norimbergae, :
Sumptibus Johannis Andreae Endteri filiorum,
anno M DC XC. [1690] [12], 254
[i.e. 234], [6] p. 1 ill., coats of arms, geneal. tables ; 34 cm. (fol.)
Language: Latin
Immigrants to the middle colonies :
a consolidation of ship passenger lists
and associated data from the New York genealogical and biographical record /,
edited by Michael Tepper.
Baltimore : Genealogical Pub. Co., 1978. xiii, 178
p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Immigrants to the new world, 1600s-1800.
[Novato, CA] : Broderbund, c1998. 1
CD-ROM ; 4 3/4 in. + 1 user's manual booklet (16 p. ; 12 cm.)
CD-ROM drive; version 3.02 or higher of Family Tree Maker for
or for Macintosh,
or version 3.02 or higher of the Family Archive
Series title: Family tree maker ; CD#170
Related titles: Title from user's manual booklet:
Family Tree Maker's family
archives :
immigrants to the New World, 1600s-1800s
In joy and in sorrow : women, family, and marriage in the Victorian South,
1830-1900 /,
edited by Carol Bleser.
New York : Oxford University Press, 1991.
xxviii, 330 p. ; 25 cm.
In memoriam, Rev. Mr. George McNeil, 1720-1805, delivered June 7, 1905.
: s.n. 1905?] 16, [1] p. ; 25 cm.
Series title: Genealogy & local history ; LH136 4001611319
In memory of soldiers of the War of 1812 from Franklin County,
by the
Franklin County Pioneer Association, Columbus, Ohio, May 13, 1924.
Ohio : s.n., 1924] 26 p. : ill.
Series title: Genealogy & local history ; LH7237. 4003956525
In search of our ancestors :
101 inspiring stories of serendipity and
connection in rediscovering our family history /,
[compiled by] Megan
Holbrook, Mass. : Adams Media Corp., c2000. x, 241 p. : ill. ; 22
In the foot-prints of the pioneers of Stephenson County, Illinois a
genealogical record.
Freeport, Ill. : Pioneer Pub. Co., 1900. 402, 67 p. :
ill. ; 28 cm.
In the life and lives of Brown County people.
Brownwood, Tex. : Brown County
Historical Society, c1988- v. : ill. ; 28 cm.
In the shadow of the butte : a history of Oelrichs and surrounding area.
Oelrichs, S.D. : Oelrichs Historical Society, c1984. vi, 725 p. : ill. ; 29
In the shadow of the Smokies : Sevier County, Tennessee cemeteries /,
and published by the Smoky Mountain Historical Society.
Sevierville, Tenn.
(P.O. Box 286, Sevierville 37862) :
The Society, c1984. xvii, 738 p. : ill. ;
29 cm.
In the shadows of the Rockies : a history of the Augusta area.
Mont.] : Fairfield Times, 1978. 480 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.
Related titles: History of the Augusta area
Inama-Sternegg, Hanns, 1907-. Geschichte aller Familien Inama /,
Innsbruck : Osterr. Kommissionsbuchh. in Komm.,
1978. 461 p.,
[30] leaves of plates ; 24 cm.
Series title: Studien zur Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Kulturgeschichte ;
Veroffentlichungen der Universitat Innsbruck ; 111,
Veroffentlichungen der
Universitat Innsbruck ; 111.
Language: German
Inbound passenger manifests, Port of Seattle, Washington, 1890-1900 /,
States Immigration and Naturalization Service
Washington, D.C. : National
Archives and Records Administration,
1985 1 microfilm : positive ; 35 mm
Related titles: Title from publisher's infosheet:
Passenger and crew lists of
vessels arriving at Seattle, WA, 1890-1957
Independent. An enquiry into the independency of a dependent l---d :
being an
examination of an account of the late e-----n of m-----s of P------t for
printed in the genealogy of their noble r-----ve : with a curious
London : Printed for W. Webb ..., 1743. [4], 13 [i.e.27], [1]
p., [1] fold. leaf of plates ; 20 cm.(8vo)
Inderkum, Dorothy Bennett, 1926-1998.
The family of John Bennett of
Stonington, Connecticut :
the first seven generations /,
by Dorothy Bennett
Inderkum ; edited by David Kendall Martin.
Church Hill, Md. : Mouse House Ink,
2000. [9], 350 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.
Related titles: John Bennett family of Stonington, Connecticut
Index for Cecil County, Maryland wills and administrations, 1674-1953.
[Elkton, Md.? : Genealogical Society of Cecil County, 1994] 98 p. ; 28 cm.
Index for History of Walker County
by James Alfred Sartain,
compilers, Flora
Mae Tatum Patterson ... [et al.].
[Lafayette, Ga. : Cherokee Regional Library,
1978] 131 p.
Series title: Genealogy & local history ; LH8451.
Index for Old Kentucky surveys & grants /,
prepared by the Microfilm
Department of the Kentucky Historical Society ;
Joan Brookes-Smith,
supervisor-editor. 1st ed.
[Frankfort, Ky. : Kentucky Historical Society,
c1975] 186, 16 p. : maps ; 23 x 29 cm.
An Index of a 1900 genealogical and biographical record
in Atchison, Brown,
Doniphan, and Nemaha counties.
St. Joseph, Mo. (Box 76, Sta. E., St. Joseph) :
Missouri River Heritage Assoc., [1984] 92 p. ; 28 cm.
Index of applications of the pioneer families of Crawford County, Ohio,
numbers 001 through 530 :
for the Crawford County Chapter of the Ohio
Genealogical Society.
[Galion, Ohio] : Crawford County Chapter of O.G.S.,
1990. x, 116 p. : ill., forms, geneal. tables, maps ; 28 cm.
An Index of births, marriages and deaths appearing in the Sacramento Bee,
project of the Genealogical Association of Sacramento.
[Sacramento, Calif.] :
The Association, 1984- microfiches ; 10 x 15 cm.
Index of family history photos /,
compiled for JCHS by Sue E. Eddy.
River Falls, WI : Jackson County Historical Society, c2001. 92 p. ; 28 cm.
Index of genealogical charts and manuscripts of Clyde families collected
during the Clyde Ohio Sesquicentennial Celebration, 1966 file and index /,
compiled by Eva Smila Klein, Lois Smila Hall.
[s.l. : s.n., 1966?] [15] leaves
; 30 cm.
Series title: Genealogy & local history ; G5318 4004600641
An index of headstones in Lincoln Cemetery, Chicago, Illinois /,
Alabama Study
Group of the Afro-American Genealogical and Historical Society of Chicago.
Bowie, Md. : Heritage Books, 1999. ix, 577 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
Index of Lincoln Consistory Court wills and inventories, 1660-1700 /,
by Grace Hains and the late C. W. Foster.
London : British Record Society,
1991. xvi, 297 p. : map ; 26 cm.
Series title: Wills and inventories at Lincoln ; v. 5, The Index library ;
Index library (British Record Society) ; 101.
An Index of Littell's Passaic Valley genealogies
not including
those names
listed under their own family names
[S.l. : s.n., n.d.] 1 v. (271 leaves)
Series title: Genealogy & local history ; LH2058. 4006277285
Index of marriages and deaths in New York weekly museum 1788-1817 /,
by American Antiquarian Society. 1952. [933] leaves.
Index of names in New
York weekly museum,
succeeded by Ladies' weekly museum alphabetical by
Series title: Genealogy and local history ; LH4892.
Index of marriages and deaths in New York Weekly museum, 1788-1817,
by American Antiquarian Society.
Worcester, Mass. :
The Society, 1952. [933]
Series title: Genealogy & local history ; LH4892. 4002742046
Index of names in the 1906 edition of History of Dane County
biographical and
genealogical review [sic]
[Madison, Wis.] : Published by the Wisconsin State
Genealogical Society, 1970. 17 p. ;
Series title: Wisconsin county & regional histories ; reel 22, book 82
Index of names of persons married & died from Owego gazette, Tioga Co., NY,
1846, 1847, 1851 ;
Burton family, Yates Co., NY ; Wiltsie family Bible, N.Y.
City area.
[New York : s.n., 196-?] 1 v. (various pagings) ; 29 cm.
Index of North Carolina ancestors /,
contributed by 1003 of their descendants.
Raleigh : North Carolina Genealogical Society, 1981-1984. 2 v. : ill. ; 28 cm.
Index of probate court records, 1854-1917, Kings County, Washington /,
Extracted by members of Eastside Genealogical Society ;
compiled and edited by
Sue Fleming Dolliver.
Bellevue, WA : Eastside Genealogical Society, [1993] iv,
221 p. ; 28 cm.
Index of Revolutionary War pension applications /,
[Begun by Max Ellsworth
Hoyt and Frank Johnson Metcalf.
Continued by Agatha Bouson Hoyt.
Completed by
Mabel Van Dyke Baer and Sadye Giller]
[Washington, D.C. : National
Genealogical Society, 1963?] 2 v. (1284 p.) ; 27 cm.
Index of Revolutionary War pension applications.,
Begun by Max Ellsworth Hoyt
and Frank Johnson Metcalf.
Continued by Agatha Bouson Hoyt.
Completed by Mabel
Van Dyke Baer and Sadye Giller.
Revised by Sadye Giller, William H. Dumont and
Louise M. Dumont.
Washington, 1966. 1324 p. 27 cm.
Series title: Its Special publication no. 32.,
Special publications of the
National Genealogical Society ; no. 32.
Index of Revolutionary War pension applications additions.
[Washington, D.C.]
: National Genealogical Society, 1964. 53 p. ; 27 cm.
Index of significant names before 1850 /,
[compiled by Roger A. Peterson]
[Indiana] :
Owen County Historical & Genealogical Society, 1995. 59 p. ; 28
An Index of surnames of householders in Griffith's primary valuation and tithe
applotment books
Bountiful, Utah : American Genealogical Lending Library,
[1987?]. 7 microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
Index of the Rolls of honor (ancestor's index) in the Lineage books of the
National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
: Press of Pierpont, Siviter & Co., 1916. 4 v. ; 24 cm.
Index of the Rolls of honor (ancestor's index) in the Lineage books of the
National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution [volumes 1-160]
Baltimore : Genealogical Pub. Co., 1980. 4 v. in 2 ; 23 cm.
Index of wills, Delaware County, New York, from 1789-1885.
[S.l. : s.n.],
Index of wills proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury :
and now
preserved in the principal probate registry, Somerset House, London /,
compiled by J. Challenor C. Smith.
London : British Record Society, 1893- v. :
ill. ; 25 cm.
Series title: The Index library ; v. 10-
An Index on genealogical and other research material held by the
regional federal archives and records center branches /,
compiled and
researched by Harvey J. Rotblatt.
[Highland Park, IL. (1750 Heather Lane,
Highland Park 60035)] :
H. J. Rotblatt, [1982?] 22 leaves ; 28 cm.
Index, Oregon donation land claims. 2nd ed.
Portland, Or. :
Genealogical Forum
of Oregon, 1987. 172 p. ; 28 cm.
Index (Soundex) to the 1900 Federal population census schedules for New York,
[Bountiful, Utah : Heritage Quest Genealogical Services,
between197-? and
2000] 768 microfilm reels ; 16 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications. T ; microcopy no.
Related titles: Title in "Microfilm resources for research," 2000:
(Soundex) to the 1900 Federal population census schedules for New York
Online Access
Index (soundex) to the population schedules of the 10th census of the United
States, 1880, Connecticut
Washington, D.C. : National Archives and Records
Service, 1962. 25 microfilm reels : positive ; 16 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; microcopy no. T739
National Archives microfilm publications. T ; microcopy no. 739.
Related titles: Title in "Microfilm resources for research," 2000:
(soundex) to the 1880 population schedules for Connecticut
Online Access
Index (Soundex) to the population schedules of the tenth census of the United
States, 1880, [Delaware]
Washington : National Archives, 1962. 9 microfilm
reels ; 35 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications. T ; microcopy no. 741
Index (soundex) to the population schedules of the tenth census of the United
States, 1880
Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1962. 13
microfilm reels ; 16 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; microcopy T762.,
National Archives microfilm publications. T ; microcopy no. 762.
Related titles: Title in "Microfilm resources for research," 2000:
(soundex) to the 1880 population schedules for New Hampshire
Index (soundex) to the population schedules of the tenth census of the United
States, 1880
Washington : National Archives and Records Service, 1962. 70
microfilm reels ; 16 mm.
Series title: Microfilm publication ; T754, National Archives microfilm
publications. T ; microcopy no. 754.
Related titles: Title in "Microfilm resources for research," 2000:
(soundex) to the 1880 population schedules for Massachusetts
Online Access: Materials included: Online NAIL Microfilm Publications Search
Access note: Please note that this publication may not be available at NARA
Archival Information Locator (NAIL) yet. Link to Related Resource
Index to 1865 Kane County, IL state census /,
Indexed by members of the Kane
County Genealogical Society.
Geneva, Ill. ; The Society, [2000] 30 p. ; 28 cm.
Related titles: 1865 Kane County, IL state census
1865 Kane County, Illinois
state census index
Kane County, Illinois, 1865 state census
Index to 1910 Whitman County plat book /,
compiled for Whitman County
Genealogical Society by Elizabeth Graves Gabe ... [et al.].
Pullman, WA (P.O.
Box 393, Pullman 99163-0393) : The Society, 1988. i, 61 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.
Index to advertisements for next of kin, heirs at law, legatees, &c., &c., who
advertised for to claim money and property in Great Britain and all parts
of the world ... /,
Compiled and alphabetically arranged by F. H. Dougal & Co.
11th ed.
London :
F. H. Dougal & Co., [1904?] 468 p. : facsims. ; 22 cm.
Index to Alabama wills, 1808-1870 /,
compiled by Alabama Society, Daughters of
the American Revolution.
Greenville, S.C. : Southern Historical Press, 1999.
180 p. ; 27 cm.
Index to American genealogies and to genealogical material contained in
such as town histories, county histories, local histories, historical
society publications,
biographies, historical periodicals, and kindred works,
alphabetically arranged...
4th ed., rev., improved and enl., containing nearly
40,000 references.
Albany N.Y., J. Munsell's Sons, 1895. 282 p.
Index to American genealogies : and to genealogical material contained in
such as town histories, county histories, local histories, historical
society publications,
biographies, historical periodicals, and kindred works,
alphabetically arranged.
5th ed., rev., improved and enl.
Albany, N.Y. :
Munsell's Sons, c1900. 352 p. ; 27 cm.
Related titles: Munsell's genealogical index
Index to American genealogies; and to genealogical material contained in
such as town histories, county histories, local histories, historical
society publications,
biographies, historical periodicals, and kindred works,
alphabetically arranged ...
5th ed., rev., improved, and enl.
With Supplement
1900 to 1908.
Detroit, Gale Research Co., 1966. 352, 107 p. 23 cm.
Index to American genealogies; and to genealogical material contained in
as town histories, county histories, local histories, historical society
biographies, historical periodicals and kindred works.,
and originally published by Joel Munsell's Sons.
Baltimore, Genealogical Pub.
Co., 1967. 352, 107 p. 23 cm.
Index to American genealogies : and to genealogical material contained in
as town histories, county histories, local histories, historical society
biographies, historical periodicals, and kindred works /,
compiled and originally published by Joel Munsell's Sons.
Baltimore, MD :
Genealogical Pub. Co., 1984. 352, 107 p. ; 23 cm.
Index to articles, 1959-1975 : The Augustan, 1959-1975, The Colonial
genealogist, 1967-1975.
Harbor City, Calif. : Hartwell Co., c1976. 31 p. ; 22
Index to Barnstaple records.
London : Iliffe & Sons, [19--?] 28 p. ; 22 cm.
Index to Beaver County, Pennsylvania wills, 1800-1900.
Apollo, PA : Closson
Press, c1988. 39 p. ; 28 cm.
Index to Book A, marriage records of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin :
1836-June 1849 ; Includes bride's index. Also, Marriage licenses
granted by
Milwaukee District Court, January 1837-September 1848 /,
Expanded and
reprinted by The Wisconsin State Genealogical Society, Inc.
Madison, Wis. :
Wisconsin State Genealogical Society, Inc., 1979. 54 p. ; 28 cm.
Index to burials in Fair Oaks Cemetery, Fair Oaks, CA.
Fair Oaks, Ca. :
Cellar, Sacramento Genealogical Society, [1982]. 27 leaves ; 28 cm.
Index to compiled service records of Confederate soldiers
who served in
organizations from the state of Georgia
Washington D.C. : National Archives
and Records Service,
1955. 67 microfilm reels ; 16 mm. + guide (2 p.)
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; microcopy no. 226,
National Archives microfilm publications. M ; microcopy no. 226.
Index to compiled service records of Confederate soldiers
who served in
organizations from the state of Virginia
Washington : National Archives,
National Archives and Records Service,
General Services Administration, 1962.
62 microfilm reels ; 16 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; microcopy no. 382,
National Archives microfilm publications. M ; microcopy no. 382.
Online Access
Index to compiled service records of volunteer soldiers
who served during
Indian wars and disturbances, 1815-1858
Washington, D.C. : National Archives
and Records Service, 1965. 42 microfilm reels ; 16 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; microcopy no. 629
National Archives microfilm publications. M ; microcopy no. 629.
Index to compiled service records of volunteer soldiers who served during the
Cherokee Disturbances and Removal in organizations from the state of Georgia.
Washington [D.C.] : National Archives, National Archives and Records Service,
General Services Administration, 1973. 2 p. ; 22 cm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications. Pamphlet describing ;
no. M907
Index to compiled service records of volunteer soldiers who served from 1784
to 1811
Washington, D.C. : National Archives and Records Service, 1967. 9
microfilm reels ; 16 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; microcopy no. 694,
National Archives microfilm publications. M ; microcopy no. 694.
Related titles: Title in "Microfilm resources for research," 2000:
Index to
compiled service records of volunteer soldiers who served from 1784-1811
Online Access
Index to compiled service records of volunteer soldiers
served from the
state of New York during the Patriot War, 1838
Washington [D.C.] : National
Archives, National Archives and Records Service,
General Services
Administration, 1965 3 p. ; 22 cm
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications. Pamphlet accompanying
microcopy ; no. 631
Index to compiled service records of volunteer soldiers
served from the
state of New York during the Patriot War, 1838
Washington [D.C.] : National
Archives and Records Service, 1965. 1 microfilm reel ; 16 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; microcopy no. 631,
National Archives microfilm publications. M ; microcopy no. 631.
Index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers
who served in
organizations from the state of Indiana
Washington : National Archives and
Records Service, 1964. 86 microfilm reels ; 16 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; microcopy no. 540,
National Archives microfilm publications. M ; microcopy no. 540.
Index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers
who served in
organizations from the state of Massachusetts.
Washington, D.C. : The National
Archives, National Archives and Records Service,
General Services
Administration, 1965. 4 p. ; 23 cm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; M544
Index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers
who served in
organizations from the state of Massachusetts
Washington : The National
Archives, National Archives and Records Service,
General Services
Administration, 1964. 44 microfilm reels ; 16 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; microcopy no. 544,
National Archives microfilm publications. M ; microcopy no. 544.
Online Access
Index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers
who served in
organizations from the state of Michigan
Washington : The National Archives,
National Archives and Records Service,
General Services Administration, 1964.
48 microfilm reels ; 16 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; microcopy no. 545.,
National Archives microfilm publications. M ; microcopy no. 545.
Online Access
Index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers
who served in
organizations from the state of Missouri
Washington : National Archives,
National Archives and Records Service, 1962. 54 microfilm reels ; 16 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; microcopy no. 390,
National Archives microfilm publications. M ; microcopy no. 390.
Online Access
Index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers
who served in
organizations from the State of New Jersey
Washington : National Archives and
Records Service, 1964. 26 microfilm reels ; 16 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; no. 550, National
Archives microfilm publications. M ; microcopy no. 550.
Online Access
Index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers
who served in
organizations from the State of Ohio
Washington : National Archives and
Records Service, 1964. 122 microfilm reels ; 16 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; microcopy no. 552
4005296199, National Archives microfilm publications. M ; microcopy no. 552.
Index to compiled service records of volunteer Union soldiers
who served in
organizations from the state of West Virginia
Washington : National Archives
and Records Service, 1963. 13 microfilm reels ; 16 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; microcopy no. 507,
National Archives microfilm publications. M ; microcopy no. 507.
Online Access
An index to deeds of the Province and State of South Carolina,
Charleston District, 1785-1800.
Easley, S.C. : Southern Historical Press,
c1977. 841 p. ; 24 cm.
Index to Dodge County and Washington Co. histories.
Fremont, Nebr. : Eastern
Nebraska Genealogical Society, 1982. 97 p. ; 28 cm.
Index to early justice of the peace court records : Los Nietos, Downey,
Norwalk Townships, Los Angeles County, California, 1871-1895 /,
Abstracted by
members of the Whittier Area Genealogical Society ;
indexed and edited by Bob
and Bonnie Sell.
Whittier, CA :
The Society, 1996. 1 v. (various pagings) ; 28
Index to Encyclopedia of American Quaker genealogy
by William Wade Hinshaw.
[Baltimore, Md.] : Genealogical Pub. Co., c1999. 1155 p. ; 28 cm.
Related titles: Encyclopedia of American Quaker genealogy. Index volume
Index to Fairbanks people, Fairbanks Genealogical Society.
Anchorage : Alaska
Historical Commission, 1986. ca. 150 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Alaska Historical Commission studies in history ; no. 222,
Alaska Historical Commission studies in history ; no. 222A
Index to Garland County, Arkansas, probate case records, 1900-1930.
Springs, Ark.? : Melting Pot Genealogical Society,, 1985?] [81] p. ; 28 cm.
Index to Garland County marriage records, A thru G.
[Arkansas? : s.n., 198-?]
152 p., 28 leaves ; 28 cm.
An Index to Georgia colonial conveyances and confiscated lands records,
Atlanta, Ga. : R. J. Taylor, Jr., Foundation, 1981. v, 97 p. : map ;
29 cm.
Series title: Colonial records series ; no. 3
Index to Griffith's valuation of Ireland, 1848-1864
[Novato, CA] : Broderbund,
c1998. 1 computer disc ; 4 3/4 in. + 1 user's manual booklet.
requirements: CD-ROM drive; version 3.02 or higher of Family Tree Maker for
Windows or for Macintosh, or, version 3.02 or higher of the Family Archive
Series title: Family tree maker ; 188
Related titles: Title from user's manual booklet: Family Tree Maker's family
archives :
Index to Griffith's valuation of Ireland, 1848-1864
Index to History of Allegany County, New York, 1806-1879 : by F. W. Beers, 1879
Prepared by Berkshire Genealogist Indexing Committee, Donald L. Lutes, Jr.,
Chairman ;
computer programming by J. Stevens Blanchard.
Pittsfield, MA :
Berkshire Family History Association, c1998. 64 leaves ; 28 cm.
Index to History of Dane County, Wisconsin, biographical and genealogical /,
original surname index by Mrs. A. C. Vogelsaug ;
re-edited and revised by
Dora Miller Osterheld.
[Madison, Wis.] :
published by Wisconsin State
Genealogical Society, 1978. 53 p. ; 28 cm.
Index to History of Herkimer County, New York, 1791-1879 : published by F. W.
Beers & Co., 1879 /,
Prepared by Berkshire Genealogist Indexing Committee,
Donald L. Lutes, Jr., Chairman ; computer programming by J. Stevens Blanchard.
Pittsfield, MA : Berkshire Family History Association, c1998. 67 leaves ; 28
Index to History of Monmouth County New Jersey,
compiled by Judida H. Pettie
and Ann P. Miles.
Burlington, Vt. : Chedwato Service, 1963. 125 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Genealogy & local history ; LH1775 4001841739
Index to Indian wars pension files, 1892-1926 /,
transcribed by Virgil D.
White. 1st ed.
Waynesboro, Tenn. :
National Historical Pub. Co., 1987. 2 v.
(1733 p.) ; 22 cm.
An Index to Indiana naturalization records found in various
order books
of the
ninety-two local courts prior to 1907.
Indianapolis, Ind. (315 West Ohio St.,
Indianapolis 46202) :
Family History Section, Indiana Historical Society,
1981. 172 p. ; 28 cm.
Index to Kilmore diocesan wills /,
edited by Patrick Smythe-Wood.
[Ballycastle] : Smythe-Wood, 1975. 79 p. ; 21 cm.
Index to Lake County, Indiana naturalization records, 1854 to 1932.
Valparaiso, Ind. : Northwest Indiana Genealogical Society, [1992] 191 p. ; 28
Index to Lake County, Indiana school enumerations, 1890 and 1896.
Ind. : Northwest Indiana Genealogical Society, [n.d.] 94 p. ; 28 cm.
Index to main families, persons, places and subjects
in Egle's Notes and
queries : indices of these twelve volumes /,
revised, rearranged, and
augmented by members of the staff of the Pennsylvania State Library ;
with an
added introduction and bibliography by A. Monroe Aurand, Jr.
Baltimore :
Genealogical Publishing Company, 1970. 81 p. ; 23 cm.
Related titles: Index to Egle's Notes and queries.
Index to Maple Grove Cemetery, Findlay, Ohio, Hancock County /,
[compiled by
Hancock County Chapter of Ohio Genealogical Society].
Findlay, Ohio : The
Chapter, [1985- v. <1 > ; 28 cm.
Index to Middlesex County deeds, 1785-1799.
Kendall Park, N.J. :
New Jersey
Information Service, 1993. [27] leaves ; 28 cm.
Index to mortuary records, north Brevard County, Florida /,
compiled by
Genealogical Society of North Brevard, Inc.
Titusville, Fla. (P.O. Box 897,
Titusville 32781) : The Society, 1984. iv, 110 p. ; 28 cm.
Index to naturalization records in Sonoma County, California /,
Sonoma County
Genealogical Society.
Bowie, Md. : Heritage Books, 2001- v. ; 28 cm.
Related titles: Naturalization records in Sonoma County, California
Index to New England naturalization petitions, 1791-1906
Washington, [D.C.] :
National Archives, National Archives and Records Service,
General Services
Administration, 1983. 117 microfilm reels ; 35 cm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; microfilm publication
National Archives microfilm publications. M ; microcopy no. 1299.
Related titles: Title in "Microfilm resources for research," 2000:
Index to
New England naturalization records, 1791-1906
Online Access
Index to Oregon donation land claim files in the National Archives
[Portland :
Genealogical Forum of Portland, Oregon], 1953-[1957] 166 p.
Series title: Genealogy & local history ; LH10469. 4007387908
Index to particular register of sasines for sheriffdoms of Elgin, Forres, and
preserved in Her Majesty's General Register House
Edinburgh :
Majesty's Stationery Office, 1974- v. <2 > ; 34 cm
Series title: Indexes (Scottish Record Office) ; no. 69,
Indexes (Scottish
Record Office) ; no. 69
Index to particular register of sasines for sheriffdoms of Inverness, Ross,
Cromarty and Sutherland
preserved in Her Majesty's General Register House
Edinburgh :
Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1967 v. ; 34 cm
Series title: Indexes (Scottish Record Office) ; no. 63-34,
Indexes (Scottish
Record Office) ; no. 63-64
Index to passenger arrivals at San Diego, California, ca. 1904-ca. 1952
[Washington, D.C.] : National Archives and Records Administration,
1999. 6
microfilm reels : positive ; 16 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; M1761,
Archives microfilm publications. M ; microcopy no. 1761.
Index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Baltimore, 1820-97 (federal
passenger lists)
[Bountiful, Utah : American Genealogical Lending Library,
1987?]. 171 reels ; 16 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; microcopy no. 327.
Index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Baltimore, 1820-97 Federal
passenger lists.
Washington : National Archives and Records Service,
Services Administration, 1960. 171 microfilm reels ; 16 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; microcopy no. 327,
National Archives microfilm publications. M ; microcopy no. 327.
Related titles: Title in "Microfilm resources for research," 2000:
Index to
passenger lists of vessels arriving at Baltimore, Maryland, 1820-1897,
passenger lists
Online Access
Index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Baltimore, 1833-66 (city
passenger lists)
[Bountiful, Utah : American Genealogical Lending Library,
1987?]. 22 reels ; 16 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; microcopy no. 326.
Index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Boston, Mass., 1848-1891
Washington, D.C. : National Archives, National Archives and Records Service
General Services Administration, [19--?]. 282 reels ; 16 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; microcopy no. 265
Index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at New York, 1820-1846
[Washington, D.C. : National Archives and Records Service, 1958] 103 microfilm
reels ; 35 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; microcopy M261
National Archives microfilm publications. M ; microcopy no. 261.
Related titles: Title from catalog:
Index to passenger lists of vessels
arriving at New York, New York, 1820-1846
Online Access
Index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at New York, 1820-1846
Washington, D.C. : National Archives, National Archives and Records Service,
General Services Administration, 1958. 103 reels ; 16 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; Microcopy no. 261
[Index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at New York, June 16, 1897-June
30, 1902]
[Bountiful, Utah : American Genealogical Lending Library, 1987?].
115 microfilm reels ; 16 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; microcopy no. T519.
Index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Philadelphia, 1800-1906
[Bountiful, Utah : American Genealogical Lending Library, 1987?]. 151 reels ;
16 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; microcopy no. 360.
Index to Porter County, Indiana naturalizations, 1849 to 1955.
Ind. : Northwest Indiana Genealogical Society, [1992] 119 p. ; 28 cm.
Index to probate cases 1846-1900, Dallas County, Texas /,
edited by Helen
Mason Lu, Gwen Blomquist Neumann, Margaret Gilmore Smith ;
compiled and
published by Dallas Genealogical Society.
Dallas, Tex.
(P.O. Box 12648, Dallas
75225) : The Society, c1978- v. <1 > : 28 cm.
Index to probate court records of Medina County, Ohio /,
compiled and
published by Medina County Genealogical Society.
Medina, Ohio : The Society,
1991. 120 p. ; 28 cm.
Index to probate records of colonial Georgia, 1733-1778.
Atlanta, Ga. : R. J.
Taylor, Jr., Foundation, 1983. v, 106 p. : map. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Colonial records series ; no. 4
Index to probate records of Johnson County, Missouri :
a continuation of
records of 1955, covering dates before 1850 /,
by the Mary Ball Washington
Chapter of Kansas City, Missouri. [195-?]. 9 leaves ; 29 cm.
Index to probate records of the Archdeaconry Court of Buckingham, 1483-1660,
and of the Buckinghamshire peculiars, 1420-1660 /,
edited by Julian Hunt,
Roger Bettridge, Alison Toplis ;
with an introduction by Hugh Hanley.
[Aylesbury?] : Buckinghamshire Record Society, 2001. xxviii, 483 p ; 26 cm.
Series title: Buckinghamshire Record Society publications ; no. 32,
Buckinghamshire Record Society (Series) ; no. 32.
Related titles: Buckinghamshire probate records 1420-1660
Index to register of deaths in Savannah, Georgia : volumes I-VI, 29 October
1803-June 1853 /,
compiled by the Genealogical Committee, Georgia Historical
Savannah, Ga. (501 Whitaker St., Savannah 31499) :
The Committee,
1989. ix, 171 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.
Index to Rockaway records of Morris County, New Jersey families
by J. Percy
Rockaway, N.J., 1902 [U.S. : s.n., 19--?] 72 leaves ; 29 cm.
Series title: Genealogy & local history ; LH1966 4001884800
Index to roster of California pioneers /,
by Native Daughters of the Golden West. Rev. June 2002.
San Francisco, Calif. : Native Daughters of the Golden West, [2002],c1985. 293
p. ; 28 cm.
Related titles: Roster of California pioneers.
Index to Roster of California Pioneers /,
by Native Daughters of the Golden
San Francisco, Calif. : Native Daughters of the Golden West, c1985. 156
p. ; 28 cm.
Index to St. Clair County, Illinois probated and non-probated wills,
Belleville, IL : St. Clair County Genealogical Society, 1993. 184
p. ; 28 cm.
Index to the 1835 census of the Cherokee Indians east of the Mississippi River
excerpted from National Archives microfilm publication no. T-496 /,
Felldin & Tucker.
Tomball, Tex. : Genealogical Pubs., [1976] 15 p. ; 28 cm.
Index to the 1850 census of Gallatin County, Illinois
Pasco, Wash. :
Genealogical Society, [1972]
(Richland, Wash. : Printed by Locust Grove Press)
110 p. : map.
Series title: Genealogy & local history ; LH9921. 4005711441
Index to the 1890 Los Angeles County great register, state of California /,
compiled by Whittier Area Genealogical Society.
Whittier, CA :
The Society,
1993. 335 p. ; 29 cm.
Related titles: 1890 great register for Los Angeles County
Index to the Act or Grant books, and
to original wills,
of the Diocese of Dublin (c. 1638) to the year 1800 :
from the Appendix to the twenty-sixth report of the Deputy Keeper
of the Public Records and Keeper of the State Papers in Ireland.
Baltimore, Md. : Clearfield, 1997. viii, 1089 p. ; 22 cm.
Related titles: Appendix to the twenty-sixth report of the Deputy Keeper
of the Public Records and Keeper of the State Papers in Ireland
An Index to the early marriage records of Lancaster County, Nebraska,
Lincoln, Neb. (P.O. Box 30055, Lincoln 68503-0055) :
Lincoln-Lancaster County Genealogical Society, c1987. 2 v. ; 22 x 28 cm.
Index to the grave records of servicemen of the war of 1812, state of Ohio /,
compiled 1988 by Ohio Society, United States Daughters of 1812 ;
edited by
Phyllis Brown Miller.
Huber Heights, Ohio :
Ohio Society, United States
Daughters of 1812, c1988. xi, 278 p. ; 29 cm.
Index to the Grays river builder (1936-1944), Skamokawa eagle (1899-1934) /,
edited by Irene Martin ; assisted by Victoria Crill.
Skamokawa, Wa. :
Skamokawa Community Library, 1983. v, 24 leaves ; 29 cm.
Index to the list of baptisms, marriages, deaths and confirmations in the
districts of Folsom,
Live Oak, Elk Grove, Galt, Courtland and Walnut Grove :
January 1, 1883 to April 6, 1913 /,
Indexed by Robert L. Wilson.
Heights, CA :
Root Cellar, Sacramento Genealogical Society, [1997] 32 leaves ;
28 cm.
Index to the Maine seine and The Maine
genealogist : journals of the Maine Genealogical Society /,
compiled by Marlene Alma Hinkley Groves.
Rockport, Me. : Picton Press, c1999.
iii, 330 p. ; 23 cm.
Series title: Special publication (Maine Genealogical Society) ; no. 32,
Special publication (Maine Genealogical Society (1976- )) ; no. 32.
Related titles: Maine seine Maine genealogist
Index to the New York Spanish-American War veterans, 1898 /,
Editor, Richard
H. Saldana.
[Utah] : A.I.S.I. Publishers, 1987. 2 v. ; 22 x 28 cm.
Index to the Parish register of Christ Church, Middlesex County, Va. from 1653
to 1812.
[S.l. : s.n., 199-?] 64 p. ; 28 cm.
Index to the principal genealogical items in the Jerseyman,
volumes 1-11
: s.n., 1911?] 7 leaves ; 24 cm.
Series title: Genealogy & local history ; LH1338 4001740886
Index to the probate accounts of
England and Wales /,
edited by Peter Spufford with the assistance of Matthew Brett and Amy Louise
Erickson ;
compiled by Jacqueline Bower, Matthew Brett and Nesta Evans ;
with an introductory essay by Jacqueline Bower.
London : British Record Society, 1999. 2 v. ; 26 cm.
Series title: The Index library ; 112-113,
Index library (British Record
Society) ; 112-113.
Related titles: Probate accounts of England and Wales
Index to the probate records of the Courts of the Bishop and Archdeacon of
Oxford, 1733-1857 :
and of the Oxfordshire peculiars 1547-1856 /,
edited by
D. M. Barrat, Joan Howard-Drake, and Mark Priddey.
London : British Record
Society, 1997. xxvi, 388 p. : maps ; 25 cm.
Series title: The Index library ; 109,
Index library (British Record Society)
; 109
Related titles: Probate records of Oxfordshire, 1733-1857
Index to the probate records of the Courts of the Bishop and Archdeacon of
Oxford, 1733-1857
and of the Oxfordshire peculiars, 1547-1856 /,
edited by
D. M. Barratt, Joan Howard-Drake and Mark Priddey.
Oxford : Oxfordshire Record
Society, 1997. xxvi, 389 p. : maps ; 23 cm.
Series title: The Oxfordshire Society ; v. 61,
Oxfordshire Record Society
(Series) ; v. 61.
Index to the registry of baptisms :
St. John's Church, Folsom, California from
July 1869 to December 1882,
and St. Joseph's Church (formerly St. Teresa's),
Auburn, California from 1883 to May 1925 /,
Indexed by Robert L. Wilson.
Citrus Heights, CA :
Root Cellar, Sacramento Genealogical Society, [1997] 99
p. ; 28 cm.
Index to the registry of marriages, St. John's Church, Folsom, California
St. Theresa [sic] Church,
Auburn, Placer County, California from 1883
February 1925 /,
Indexed by Robert L. Wilson.
Citrus Heights, CA :
Cellar, Sacramento Genealogical Society, [1997] 35 leaves ; 28 cm.
Index to the Sacramento Bee, 1895-1935,
filmed by Bay Microfilm, Inc.
Alto, Calif. : Bay Microfilm, Inc., 1976] 29 microfilm reels ; 16 mm.
Index to the Sonoma Searcher vol. I,
no. 1 - vol. 15, no. 4.
Santa Rosa, Calif. : Sonoma County Genealogical Society,
1993. 3 microfiches
(149 fr.) : negative ; 11 x 15 cm.
Index to the Victoria history of Berkshire
Folkestone, Eng. :
Published for
the University of London, Institute of Historical Research,
reprinted by
Dawsons of Pall Mall, 1972 124 p. ; 31 cm
Series title: The Victoria history of the counties of England
Index to the Victoria history of the county of Hertford.
London, St. Catherine
Press, 1923. 116 p. 32 cm.
Series title: The Victoria history of the counties of England
Index to the Victoria history of the county of Hertford.
Folkestone, Eng. :
Published for the University of London, Institute of Historical Research
Dawsons of Pall Mall, 1971. 116 p. ; 31 cm.
Series title: The Victoria history of the counties of England
Index to the Volcano (Amador Co., Ca.) Weekly ledger, 27 October 1855-17 July
1858 /,
compiled by the Amador County Genealogical Society.
Sutter Creek, CA :
The Society, c1981. 70 p. ; 28 cm.
Index to Tuolumne County marriages, 1875-1910 : brides and grooms /,
abstracted by Viola McRae ; alphabetized by Darlene Mills.
Sonora, Calif. :
Tuolumne County Historical Society, 1996. 45 p. ; 28 cm.
Index to vital data in local
newspapers of Sonoma County, California /,
Sonoma County Genealogical Society, Inc.
Bowie, Md. : Heritage Books, Inc.,
2001- v. : map ; 27 cm.
Index to vital records--death records index, 1907 to 1979,
Office of Secretary
of State
prepared in cooperation with the Office of the Registrar of Vital
Department of Social & Health Services.
Bountiful, Utah :
Genealogical Lending Library, [1987?]. 12 microfilm reels : b&w ; 16 mm.
Index to wills and to letters of administration index to wills from 1780 to
Dec. 1, 1895 /,
prepared by direction of Martin D. Conway, pursuant to the
provisions of Chapter 392, laws of 1892.
Albany : J. B. Lyon, 1895. 240 p.
Series title: Genealogy & local history ; LH3627. 4002221815
Indexed cemetery records of Santa Cruz County, California /,
compiled and
published by the Genealogical Society of Santa Cruz County.
Santa Cruz, CA :
The Society, 1980. 264 p. : map ; 28 cm.
Indexes, First Circuit Court minute book, volume I : Obion County, Tennessee,
court minutes /,
Compiled by Knoxville Chapter, Union City Chapter.
[Knoxville? Tenn.] : Daughters of the American Colonists, 1988. 32, i, 70, 1
p. ; 28 cm.
Indexes of missing deed books, Fairfax County, Virginia /,
edited & published
by Ruth & Sam Sparacio.
McLean, Va. (1320 Mayflower Dr., McLean 22101-3402) :
R. Sparacio, c1989. v. : ill. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Virginia county court records
Related titles: Index to missing deed book [number] Fairfax County
Indexes to 50 years of vital records extracted from "Lake Washington
Reflector", "Bellevue American" :
newspapers of Bellevue (King County)
Washington, 1918-1967, births--child surname index ... (1918-1967)
mother surname index) /,
Extracted by members of Eastside Genealogical Society
compiled and edited by Melissa Hanson Clausen.
[Bellevue, WA] : Eastside
Genealogical Society, [1990]. 4 v. ; 28 cm.
Indexes to compiled service records of volunteer soldiers
who served during
the Cherokee Disturbance and
Removal in organizations
from the state of
Tennessee and the field and staff of the army of the Cherokee nation.
Washington [D.C.] : National Archives, National Archives and Records Service,
General Services Administration, 1973. 3 p. ; 22 cm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications. Pamphlet describing ;
no. M908
Indexes to deposit ledgers in branches of the Freedman's Savings and Trust
Company, 1865-1874
Washington, D.C. : The National Archives, National Archives
and Records Service,
General Services Administration, 1971. 5 microfilm reels
; 35 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; M817, National
Archives microfilm publications. M ; microcopy no.817.
Indexes to deposit ledgers in branches of the Freedman's Savings and Trust
Company, 1865-1874
Washington : National Archives and Records Service,
Services Administration, 1972 3 p. ; 23 cm
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications. Pamphlet describing ;
M 817.
Indexes to passenger lists of vessels arriving at San Francisco, 1893-1934
[Washington, D.C. : National Archives, National Archives and Records Service
General Services Administration ;
Wilmington, Del. :
Scholarly Resources
[distributor], 1987?]. 28 reels ; 16 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; microcopy no. M1389
Indian census rolls, 1885-1940
Washington : National Archives and Records
Service, 1965. 692 microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; microcopy no. 595,
National Archives microfilm publications. M ; microcopy no. 595.
Indian genealogy and caste history., Part 1
New Delhi : Library of Congress
Office ; Washington, D.C. :
Library of Congress Photoduplication Service,
1996. 8 microfiches.
Series title: South Asia ephemera collection. India ; I-CLR-643.1
Language: Hindi and Sanskrit.
Language: Hindi
Indian records, Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory, final rolls : (Choctaw by
blood) /,
transcribed, indexed and published by Arlene LeMaster.
Poteau, OK :
Family Heritage Resources, c1990- v. ; 28 cm.
The Indiana 1820 enumeration of males /,
compiled by Mary M. Morgan.
Indianapolis :
Family History Section, Indiana Historical Society, 1988. 173
p. ; 29 cm.
Indiana 1860, Indianapolis--Marion County : (every name) /,
authors and
paleographers, Ronald Vern Jackson, [et al.].
North Salt Lake, UT :
Accelerated Indexing Systems International, [1986?]. 56, [6], 499 p. : maps ;
28 cm.
Indiana 1860 north /,
authors and paleographers, Ronald Vern Jackson ... [et
North Salt Lake, UT :
Accelerated Indexing Systems International, c1987.
55, 739 p. : maps ; 29 cm.
Indiana, 1860, south /,
authors and paleographers, Ronald Vern Jackson ... [et
North Salt Lake, UT :
Accelerated Indexing Systems International, c1987.
55, 991 p. : maps ; 28 cm.
Indiana County, Pennsylvania : her people, past and present, embracing a
history of the county,
and a genealogical and biographical record of
representative families,
compiled by J. T. Stewart.
Chicago : J. H. Beers & Co.,
1913. 2 v. (xxii, 1597 p.) : ill., facsim., ports. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Pennsylvania county histories ; reel 24, book 87-88
Indiana Daughters of the American Revolution.
A roster of Revolutionary
ancestors of the Indiana Daughters of the American Revolution :
of the United States of America Bicentennial, July 4, 1976.
Evansville, Ind. :
Unigraphic, 1976- v. ; 28 cm.
Indiana marriages : 1826 to 1850 /,
by Liahona Research.
Bountiful, Utah :
Heritage Quest, 1999. 1027 p. ; 28 cm.
Related titles: Indiana marriages, 1826-1850
Indiana marriages, early to 1825 : a research tool /,
compiled, extracted &
transcribed by Liahona Research, Inc. ;
edited by Jordan R. Dodd and Norman L.
Bountiful, Utah : Precision Indexing, c1991. xxi, 345 p. : maps ; 28
Indiana Negro registers, 1852-1865 /,
compiled by Coy D. Robbins.
Bowie, Md. :
Heritage Books, 1994. xvi, 185 p. : map ; 28 cm.
Indiana source book /,
edited by Willard Heiss.
Indianapolis, Ind. (315 W.
Ohio St., Indianapolis 46202) :
Genealogy Section, Indiana Historical Society,
1977-<c1997 > v. <1-3, 5-8 > : ill. ; 29 cm.
Indiana State Library. Genealogy Division. Index, 1840 Federal population
census, Indiana /,
compiled by Genealogy Division, Indiana State Library.
[Indianapolis] :
Genealogy Section of the Indiana Historical Society, 1975.
374 p. ; 29 cm.
Indiana State Library. Genealogy Division.
Sources for genealogical research
in the Indiana State Library /,
prepared by the Genealogy Division.
[Indianapolis : The Library], 1951. 9 leaves ; 28 cm.
Indiana vital records births index, 1850 to 1920.
[United States] : Sierra
On-Line, 2001. 1 CD-ROM ; 4 3/4 in. + 1 user's manual (19 p. ; 12 cm.)
requirements: Windows 2000/ME/NT/98/95; Pentium 100 CPU or greater; 16 MB RAM;
88 MB hard drive space; 4x CD-ROM.
Series title: Generations archives, Generations archives
Indiana vital records deaths index, 1800 to 1941.
[United States] : Sierra
On-Line, 2001. 1 CD-ROM ; 4 3/4 in. + 1 user's manual (19 p. ; 12 cm.)
requirements: Windows 2000/ME/NT/98/95; Pentium 100 CPU or greater; 16 MB RAM;
88 MB hard drive space; 4x CD-ROM.
Series title: Generations archives, Generations archives
Indiana vital records marriages index.
[United States] : Sierra On-Line, 2001.
1 CD-ROM ; 4 3/4 in. + 1 user's manual (19 p. ; 12 cm.)
System requirements:
Windows 2000/ME/NT/98/95; Pentium 100 CPU or greater; 16 MB RAM;
88 MB hard
drive space; 4x CD-ROM.
Series title: Generations archives, Generations archives
Indice de los protocolos de Alajuela,
1793-1850 /,
[Archivos Nacionales].
Alajuela, Costa Rica : Museo Historico Cultural Juan
Santamaria, 1999. 511 p. ; 21 cm.
Language: Spanish
Indice del archivo militar del Estado de Jalisco, 1810-1940 /,
Cultural Ignacio Davila Garibi.
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico :
H. Ayuntamiento
de Guadalajara, 1989. 75 p. ; 28 cm.
Language: Spanish
Indices de dotes, mortuorias y testamentos existentes en las notarias de
Santafe de Bogota.
1a ed.
Santafe de Bogota [Colombia] : Instituto Colombiano
de Cultura Hispanica, 1994. vii, 527 p. ; 25 cm.
Series title: Coleccion Indices ; titulo 1
Language: Spanish
Indices y catalogo de escrituras del siglo XVI : Archivo Historico de Notarias
de la Ciudad de Mexico /,
coordinacion, Pilar Gonzalbo Aizpuru ;
computacional, Isabel Garcia Hidalgo, Ma. Luisa Perez Valdespino ;
recopilacion documental, Juan Manuel Perez Zevallos, Valentina Garza, Elisa
Villalpando Canchola.
Mexico : Colegio de Mexico, 1990. 433 p. ; 28 cm.
Language: Spanish
Ingebretsen, Marjorie L..
Index of births, marriages and deaths
as reported in
Lake County newspapers, 1863-1949, California /,
Compiled by Marjorie L.
Eugene, OR : Ingebretsen, 1992. 1 v. (various pagings) ; 28 cm.
Ingleton, England (Yorkshire).
The parish registers of the churches of Ingleton and Chapel-le-Dale, 1607-1812,
transcribed and edited by W. H.
Priv. printed for the Yorkshire Parish Register Society,
1933. viii, 350 p. 23 cm.
Series title: The Publications of the Yorkshire Parish Register Society ; v.
Ingmire, Frances T.. Citizens of Baker County, Georgia 1860 /,
By Frances T.
[St. Louis, Mo. : F. T. Ingmire, n.d.] 27 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances T.. Citizens of Carroll County, Georgia 1860 census /,
Frances T. Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. : F. T. Ingmire, [n.d.] 176 [i.e. 90] p. :
28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances T.. Citizens of Clinch County, Georgia 1860 /,
By Frances T.
St. Louis, Mo. : F. T. Ingmire, [n.d.] 47 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Arkansas Confederate veterans and widows pension
applications /,
compiled by Frances T. Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. : F. T. Ingmire,
c1985. xi, 442 p. : facsims. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Bosque County, Texas marriage records, 1860-1890 /,
Frances Terry Ingmire.
[St. Louis, Mo.] : F. T. Ingmire, [c1981] 64 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Bracken County, Kentucky, birth records, 1852,
1855, 1856, 1857, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1893, 1904 /,
Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. (10166 Clairmont Dr., St. Louis 63136) :
F. T. Ingmire, c1983. 91 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; ser. 2, v. 12
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Bracken County, Kentucky, death records :
1852 thru
1858, 1861, 1875 thru 1878, and 1904 /,
by Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis,
Mo. (10166 Clairmont Dr., St. Louis 63136) :
F. T. Ingmire, c1983. 50 p. ; 28
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; ser. 3, v. 12
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Bracken County, Kentucky, marriage records :
1853 thru
1858, 1861, 1876, 1877, 1878 and 1904 /,
by Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis,
Mo. F. T. Ingmire, c1983. 64 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; ser. 1, v. 12
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Breathitt County, Kentucky birth records :
1852 thru
1859, 1774 [i.e. 1874] thru 1878 /,
By Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. :
F. T. Ingmire, c1983. 118 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; ser. 2, v. 13
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Breathitt County, Kentucky, death records :
1852 thru
1858, 1874 thru 1878 /,
by Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. (10166 Clairmont Dr., St. Louis 63136) :
F. T. Ingmire, c1983. 31 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; ser. 3, v. 13
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Breathitt County, Kentucky, marriage records :
thru 1855, 1857 thru 1859, 1875 thru 1878 /,
by Frances Terry Ingmire.
Louis, Mo. (10166 Clairmont Dr., St. Louis 63136) :
F. T. Ingmire, c1983. 61 p.
; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; ser. 1, v. 13
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Breckenridge [i.e. Breckinridge] County, Kentucky
births :
1852, 1853, 1855 thru 1859, 1861, 1874 thru 1876, 1878, 1893-1894,
1903, 1904 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. (10166 Clairmont Dr., St.
Louis 63136) :
F. T. Ingmire, c1983. 141 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; ser. 2, v. 14
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Breckenridge [i.e. Breckinridge] County, Kentucky
death records : 1852 thru 1859, 1861, 1874 thru 1878, 1894, 1903 thru 1904 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. (10166 Clairmont Dr., St. Louis 63136) :
F. T. Ingmire, c1983. 48 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; ser. 3, v. 14
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Breckenridge [i.e. Breckinridge] County, Kentucky,
marriages : 1853 thru 1859, 1861, 1875 thru 1878, 1893-1894, 1904 /,
Frances T. Ingmire.
[St. Louis, Mo.] (10166 Clairmont Dr., St. Louis 63136) :
F. T. Ingmire, c1983. 122 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; series 1, v. 14
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Brunswick County, North Carolina marriage records,
1804-1867 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
Athens, GA : Iberian Publishing Company,
1993. 16, 16 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: North Carolina marriage records
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Cabarrus County, North Carolina marriage records,
1793-1868 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
Athens, GA : Iberian Publishing Company,
1993. 82, 82 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: North Carolina marriage records
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Carteret County, North Carolina marriage records,
1755-1868 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
Athens, GA : Iberian Publishing Company,
1993. 60, 60 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: North Carolina marriage records
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Casey County, Kentucky birth records :
1852 thru 1859,
1861, 1874 thru 1876, 1903-04-06 & 07 /,
compiled by Frances T. Ingmire.
Louis, Mo.
(10166 Clairmont Dr., St. Louis 63136) :
F. T. Ingmire, c1983. 95 p.
; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; ser. 2, v. 23
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Casey County, Kentucky deaths :
1852 thru 1859, 1860,
1874 thru 1878, 1904-1907 /,
by Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo.
Clairmont Dr., St. Louis 63136) :
F. T. Ingmire, c1983. 46 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; ser. 3, v. 23
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Casey County, Kentucky, marriages :
1852 thru 1859,
1875 thru 1878, 1904-06 & 1907 /,
by Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo.
(10166 Clairmont Dr., St. Louis 63136) :
F. T. Ingmire, c1983. 78 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; ser. 1, v. 23
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Cass County, Texas, marriage records : books 1-2-3-4,
1847-1880 /,
by Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. : F. T. Ingmire, c1981.
62 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Chatham County, Georgia, 1860 index to census /,
Frances T. Ingmire.
St. Louis, MO : Ingmire, [198-?] [37] p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Chowan County, North Carolina marriage records,
1742-1868 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
Athens, GA : Iberian Publishing Company,
1993. 57, 57 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: North Carolina marriage records
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Citizens of Appling County, Georgia 1860 /,
by Frances
T. Ingmire.
St. Louis, MO : Ingmire, [n.d.] 56 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Citizens of Baldwin County, Georgia 1860 census /,
Frances T. Ingmire.
St. Louis, MO : Ingmire, [n.d.] 88 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Citizens of Banks County, Georgia 1860 census /,
Frances T. Ingmire.
St. Louis, MO : Ingmire, [n.d.] 70 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Citizens of Berrien County, Georgia 1860 census /,
Frances T. Ingmire.
St. Louis, MO : Ingmire, [n.d.] 50 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Citizens of Bibb County, Georgia 1860 census /,
Frances T. Ingmire.
St. Louis, MO : Ingmire, [n.d.] 181 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Citizens of Brooks County, Georgia 1860 census /,
Frances T. Ingmire.
St. Louis, MO : Ingmire, [n.d.] 53 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Citizens of Bryan County Georgia 1860 /,
by Frances T.
St. Louis, MO : Ingmire, [n.d.] 28 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Citizens of Bullock [sic] County, Georgia 1860 census
by Frances T. Ingmire.
St. Louis, MO : Ingmire, [n.d.] 59 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Citizens of Burke County, Georgia 1860 /,
by Frances
T. Ingmire.
St. Louis, MO : Ingmire, [n.d.] 95 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Citizens of Missouri /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
Louis, Mo.]
(10166 Clairmont Dr., St. Louis 63136) :
F. T. Ingmire, [c1984] 3
v. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Colonial Georgia marriage records from 1760-1810 /,
Frances T. Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. (10166 Clairmont Dr., St. Louis 63136) :
F. T. Ingmire, c1985. 149, 148 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Confederate officers of Texas /,
Frances T. Ingmire.
Signal Mountain, Tenn. : Mountain Press, c1983. 107, viii p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Confederate P.O.W.'s :
soldiers & sailors who died in
federal prisons & military hospitals in the North.
[Nacogdoches, Tex. :
Ericson Books [distributor] ;
St. Louis, Mo. :
Ingmire Publications
[distributor], c1984] 525 p. ; 29 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Craven County, North Carolina marriage records,
1780-1867 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
Athens, GA : Iberian Publishing Company,
1993. 129, 129 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: North Carolina marriage records
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Cumberland County, North Carolina marriage records,
1803-1878 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
Athens, GA : Iberian Publishing Company,
1993. 107, 107 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: North Carolina marriage records
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Davidson County, North Carolina marriage records,
1823-1868 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
Athens, GA : Iberian Publishing Company,
1993. 68, 68 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: North Carolina marriage records
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Duplin County, North Carolina, marriage records,
1755-1868 /
by Frances T. Ingmire.
Athens, Ga. : Iberian Pub. Co., 1993. 31,
31 p. ; 28 cm.
Related titles: At head of title: North Carolina marriage records
records of Duplin County, North Carolina
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Edgecombe County North Carolina marriage records,
1760-1868 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. : F. T. Ingmire, c1984. 73,
73 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Edgecombe County, North Carolina marriage records,
1760-1868 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
Athens, GA : Iberian Publishing Company,
1993. 73, 73 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: North Carolina marriage records
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Edgefield County, South Carolina, old wills /,
compiled by Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. : F. T. Ingmire, c1982. 2 v.
; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Fannin County, Texas, 1850 census & consorts /,
transcribed & published by Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. (10166
Clairmont Dr., St. Louis 63136) :
F. T. Ingmire, c1981. 84 p., [1] leaf of
plates : ill. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry.
First settlers of the Mississippi Territory :
taken from the American state papers--class VIII,
Public lands, volume I,
Nacogdoches, Tex. : Distributed by Ericson Books ;
St. Louis, Mo. :
[Distributed by] Ingmire Publications, [c1982] v, 120 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry.
Fleming County, Kentucky,
birth records,
1852-53-55-56-57-58-59-1874, 75-75[sic]-78 /,
by Frances Terry Ingmire.
Louis, Mo. (10166 Clairmont Dr., St. Louis 63136) :
Ingmire Publications,
c1984. 205 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; ser. 2, v. 35
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Fleming County, Kentucky,
death records,
1852-53-55-56-57-58-60-74-75-76-78 /,
by Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo.
(10166 Clairmont Dr., St. Louis) :
F. T. Ingmire, c1983. 84 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; ser. 3, v. 35
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Fleming County, Kentucky, marriage records,
1852-53-55-56-57-58-60, 1875-76-78 & some 1907 & 1908 /,
compiled by Frances
Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. (10166 Clairmont Dr., St. Louis 63136) :
F. T.
Ingmire, c1983. 93 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; ser. 1, v. 35
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Franklin County North Carolina marriage records,
1789-1868 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. : F. T. Ingmire, c1984. 62,
62 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Fulton County, Georgia, 1860 head of household census
index /,
By Frances T. Ingmire.
St. Louis, MO : Ingmire, [198-?] 68 p. ; 29
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Goliad County, Texas, marriage records, 1870-1890 /,
compiled & published by Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. : F. T. Ingmire,
c1981. 26 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Green County, Kentucky births : 1852-53,
1855-56-57-58-59, 1861-1874-75-75[sic]-78-79- & 1904 /,
By Frances Terry
St. Louis, Mo. : F. T. Ingmire, c1984. 139 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; ser. 2, v. 44
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Green County, Kentucky deaths :
1852-54-55-56-57-58-59, 1861-1874-75-76-77-78 & 1904 /,
by Frances Terry
St. Louis, Mo. (10166 Clairmont Dr., St. Louis 63136) :
F. T. Ingmire,
c1984. 81 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; ser. 3, v. 44
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Greene [i.e. Green] County, Kentucky,
marriages :
1852-53-56-57-58-59, 1875-76-77-78, 1893-1903 /,
by Frances Terry Ingmire.
Louis, Mo. F. T. Ingmire, c1984. 106 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; ser. 1, v. 44
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Greenup County, Kentucky,
birth records :
1852-53-54-55-56-59, 1875-76-77 & 78 /,
By Frances T. Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo.
Ingmire Publications, c1984. 137 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; ser. 2, v. 45
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Hill County, Texas, marriage records, 1873-1880 /,
compiled by Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. :
F. T. Ingmire, c1981. 31
leaves ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Hunt County, Texas, marriage records, 1881-1889 /,
Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. : F. T. Ingmire, [c1981] 43 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Jefferson County, Texas, marriage records, 1837-1899
compiled & published by Frances Terry Ingmire.
[St. Louis, Mo.] :
F. T.
Ingmire, [c1981]. 70 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Johnny Rebs of Hunt County, Texas /,
compiled by
Frances Terry Ingmire, Robert Lee Thompson.
St. Louis, Mo. : Ingmire, c1977.
133 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Johnston County, North Carolina marriage records,
1767-1867 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. :
F. T. Ingmire, c1984. 78,
78 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Laurens County, South Carolina, will book A, 1840-1853
compiled & indexed by Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. :
F. T. Ingmire,
c1982. 179 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Laurens County, South Carolina, will book A & C,
1777-1809 /,
compiled by Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. :
F. T. Ingmire,
c1982. 160 p. ; 28 cm.
Related titles: Laurens County, South Carolina, will book A-C [sic],
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Laurens County, South Carolina, will book D & E,
1810-1825 /,
compiled by Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. :
F. T. Ingmire,
[c1982] 158 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Laurens County, South Carolina, will book F, 1826-1834
compiled & indexed by Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. :
F. T. Ingmire,
c1982. 114 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Madison County, Kentucky, birth records /,
by Frances
Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. (10166 Clairmont Dr., St. Louis 63136) :
F. T.
Ingmire, c1984- v. <1-2 > ; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; ser. 2, v. 73
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Marriage records of Tyler County, Texas, 1847-1888 /,
compiled & published by Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. :
F. T. Ingmire,
c1981. 44 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Mason County, Kentucky birth records,
1852-53-55-56-57-58-59, 1861-1874-1903-04 & 1907 /,
by Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. (10166 Clairmont Dr., St. Louis 63136) :
F. T. Ingmire, c1984.
158 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; ser. 2, v. 78
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Mason County, Kentucky
death records,
1852-53-54-55-56-57-58-59, 1874-1904 /,
Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo.
(10166 Clairmont Dr., St. Louis 63136) :
F. T. Ingmire, c1984. 100 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; ser. 3, v. 78
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Mason County, Kentucky marriages,
1859-1904 & 1907 /,
by Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. (10166 Clairmont
Dr., St. Louis 63136) :
F. T. Ingmire, c1984. 119 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; ser. 1, v. 78
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Monroe County, Kentucky, birth records :
1852 thru
1860, 1874 thru 1876, 1878, 1894, 1907 /,
by Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis,
Mo. (10166 Clairmont Dr., St. Louis 63136) :
F. T. Ingmire, c1983. 191 p. ; 28
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; series 2, v. 86
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Monroe County, Kentucky, death records :
1852 thru
1859, 1874 thru 1878, 1894 & 1907 /,
by Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo.
F. T. Ingmire, c1983. 54 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; ser. 3, v. 86
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Monroe County, Kentucky, marriage records :
1852 thru
1859, 1875 thru 1878, 1894 & 1906 /,
by Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo.
(10166 Clairmont Dr., St. Louis 63136) :
F. T. Ingmire, c1983. 81 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; ser. 1, v. 86
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Nash County North Carolina marriage records, 1783-1868
by Frances T. Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. : F. T. Ingmire, c1984. 43, 43 p. ; 28
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Nelson County, Kentucky birth records,
1852 thru 1859,
1861, 1874 thru 1879, 1903-04-06 & 07 /,
compiled by Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. (10166 Clairmont Dr., St. Louis 63136) :
F. T. Ingmire, c1983.
265 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; ser. 2, v. 90
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Nelson County, Kentucky, death records :
1852 thru
1857, 1859, 1861, 1874 thru 1878, 1904, 1907 /,
by Frances Terry Ingmire.
Louis, Mo. (10166 Clairmont Dr., St. Louis 63136) :
F. T. Ingmire, c1983. 150
p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records ; ser. 3, v. 90
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Nelson County, Kentucky, marriage records :
1852 thru
1859, 1860-1861, 1875 thru 1878, 1903-1904, 1906-1907 /,
compiled by Frances
T. Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. (10166 Clairmont Dr., St. Louis 63136) :
F. T.
Ingmire, c1983. 122 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: Kentucky vital records. Series I ; v. 90
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Northampton County, North Carolina marriage records,
1812-1867 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
Athens, Ga. : Iberian Publishing Company,
1993. 68, 68 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: North Carolina marriage records
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Occupational tax register, Hunt County, Texas,
1895-1908 /,
compiled by Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis : Ingmire, c1977.
113 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Panola County, Texas, marriage records, 1846-1889 /,
compiled by Frances Terry Ingmire ; index by Helen Smothers Swenson.
Louis, Mo. : F. T. Ingmire, c1981. 57 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Pasquotank County, North Carolina marriage records,
1767-1868 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
Athens, GA : Iberian Publishing Company,
1993. 25, 25 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: North Carolina marriage records
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Perquimans County, North Carolina marriage records,
1758-1865 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
Athens, GA : Iberian Publishing Company,
1993. 43, 43 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: North Carolina marriage records
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Person County, North Carolina marriage records,
1792-1869 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
Athens, GA : Iberian Publishing Company,
1993. 68, 68 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: North Carolina marriage records
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Randolph County, North Carolina marriage records,
1784-1868 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
Athens, GA : Iberian Publishing Company,
1993. 100, 100 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: North Carolina marriage records
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Richmond County, North Carolina marriage records,
1783-1868 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
Athens, GA : Iberian Publishing Company,
1993. 13, 13 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: North Carolina marriage records
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Robeson County, North Carolina marriage records,
1799-1868 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
Athens, GA : Iberian Publishing Company,
1993. 49, 49 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: North Carolina marriage records
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Rockingham County North Carolina marriage records,
1785-1868 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. : F. T. Ingmire, c1984. 80,
80 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Rockingham County, North Carolina marriage records,
1785-1868 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
Athens, GA : Iberian Publishing Company,
1993. 80, 80 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: North Carolina marriage records
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Stokes County, North Carolina marriage records,
1783-1868 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
Athens, GA : Iberian Publishing Company,
1993. 2 v. ; 28 cm.
Series title: North Carolina marriage records
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Tyrrell County, North Carolina marriage records,
1761-1862 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
Athens, GA : Iberian Publishing Company,
1993. 48, 48 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: North Carolina marriage records
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Victoria County, Texas, marriage records, 1838-1890 /,
compiled & published by Frances Terry Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. :
F. T. Ingmire,
c1981. 54 p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Warren County, North Carolina marriage records,
1780-1867 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
Athens, GA : Iberian Publishing Company,
1993. 82, 82 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: North Carolina marriage records
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Warren County North Carolina marriage records,
1780-1867 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
St. Louis, Mo. :
F. T. Ingmire, c1984. 82, 82
p. ; 28 cm.
Ingmire, Frances Terry. Yadkin County, North Carolina marriage records,
1851-1868 /,
by Frances T. Ingmire.
Athens, GA : Iberian Publishing Company,
1993. 26, 26 p. ; 28 cm.
Series title: North Carolina marriage records
Ingrams, William Harold, 1897-. Chronology & genealogies of Zanzibar rulers /,
prepared by W. H. Ingrams.
Zanzibar : Govt. Printer, 1926. 10 p. : geneal.
table. ; 34 cm.
Inman, Leroy B., 1911-. Beautiful McKenzie : a history of central Lane County
by Leroy B. Inman.
Roseburg, Or. : South Fork Press, c1996. vi, 307, [2],
10 p. : ill., map, ports. ; 23 cm.
Inman, Leroy B., 1911-.
Early days on the McKenzie : a genealogy-history of
the English Beltofts,
the American Belknaps, and the Benjamin Franklin "Huck"
Finn families /,
by Leroy B. Inman.
Roseburg, Ore. : L. B. Inman, c1992. xii,
267 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
Innes of Learney, Thomas, Sir, 1893-1971.
The tartans of the clans and
families of Scotland.
4th ed.
Edinburgh, W. & A. K. Johnston, 1948. iv, 300 p.
illus. (part col.) port. 23 cm.
Innes of Learney, Thomas, Sir, 1893-1971.
The tartans of the clans and
families of Scotland,
by Sir Thomas Innes of Learney. 5th ed.
New York :
Irving Ravin, 1950. iv, 300 p. : ill. (part col.) ; 22 cm.
Innes of Learney, Thomas, Sir, 1893-1971.
The tartans of the clans and
families of Scotland.
8th ed.
Edinburgh, Johnston and Bacon,
1971. iv, 300 p.,
2 plates. illus. (chiefly col.), coats of arms, ports. 23 cm. #3.75
Innes, Thomas, Sir, 1893-.
The tartans of the clans and families of Scotland,
by Thomas Innes of Learney.
London, W. & A. K. Johnston, limited,
1938. iv, 296 p. front. (part col.: incl. coats of arms) col. plates. 23 cm.
Inoue, Masamitsu. Izumo-kei shizoku ko /,
Inoue Masamitsu.
Tokyo : Nihon Tosho Kankokai, 2000. 126 p. ; 20 cm.
Language: Japanese
Inquests and indictments from late fourteenth century Buckinghamshire :
Superior Eyre of Michaelmas 1389 at High Wycombe /,
edited by Lesley
[Aylesbury?] :
Buckinghamshire Record Society, c1994. lxvi, 336 p.
; 26 cm.
Series title: Buckinghamshire Record Society publications ; v. 29,
Buckinghamshire Record Society (Series) ; v. 29.
Inscriptions from burial grounds of the Nashaway towns : Lancaster, Harvard,
Bolton, Leominster, Sterling, Berlin, West Boylston, and Hudson, Massachusetts
compiled by the Lancaster League of Historical Societies ;
Esther K.
Whitcomb, editor.
Bowie, Md. : Heritage Books, 1989. v, 307 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
Inscriptions from Farmington cemetery (Friends Cemetery),
compiled by Perinton
Historical Society ;
Mrs. M.S. Merriman, chairman.
[Farmington, N.Y. : Perinton Historical Society], 1950. [31] leaves.
Series title: Genealogy & local history ; LH3122. 4001956284
Inscriptions on grave stones in the cemetery of Thyatira Church, 1755-1972.
[Salisbury, N.C. : Thyatira Memorial Association, 1972] 61 p. ; 29 cm.
Inscriptions on gravestones in Pine Hill Cemetery, town of Throop, Cayuga
County, N.Y.,
copied from typewritten material loaned for reproduction by Mrs.
R. F. Keeler,
81 E. 9th St., Holland, Mich., Aug. 1942. [S.l. : s.n., 1942] 2
Series title: Genealogy & local history ; LH3384. 4002048327
Inscriptions on gravestones in the old cemetery at Hancock, N.H. [S.l. :
s.n.], 1911. 136 p. : ill.
Related titles: Copy of inscriptions on the gravestones in the old cemetery,
or Pine Ridge Cemetery, so called, in Hancock, New Hampshire.
Inscriptions on gravestones in the old cemetery at Hancock, N.H. [S.l. :
s.n.], 1911. 136 p. : ill.
Series title: Genealogy & local history ; LH9239. 4005644485
Related titles: Copy of inscriptions on the gravestones in the old cemetery,
or Pine Ridge Cemetery, so called, in Hancock, New Hampshire
Inscriptions on gravestones in the two old cemeteries on the East Hill in
Peterborough, N.H.
Peterborough, N.H. : Peterborough Historical Society, 1908
(Peterborough, N.H. : Transcript Printing Co.) 68 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.
Inscriptions on stones in Thyatira Cemetery, 1755-1966.
[Salisbury, N.C. :
s.n., 1967] 59 p. ; 29 cm.
Series title: Genealogy & local history ; LH51 4001611228
Inscriptions on tombstones in Mound and Fort Harmar Cemeteries, Marietta, Ohio
and Grand View Cemetery,
Chillicothe, Ohio, erected by the New Century
Historical Society
to record the names and commemorate the
landing near this
spot of the pioneer families
of the Ohio Company, August nineteenth, 1788.
[S.l. : The Society, 19--?] 8 leaves : ill.
Series title: Genealogy & local history ; LH7196. 4003956486
Inskeep, Carolee R.. The graveyard shift : a family historian's guide to New
York City cemeteries /,
Carolee Inskeep.
Orem, Utah : Ancestry, c2000. xiv,
272 p. ; 26 cm.
Institut istorii (Akademiia nauk SSSR). Razriadnaia kniga, 1475-1598 gg.,
redaktor M. N. Tikhomirov]
Moskva, Nauka, 1966 613 p. 23 cm
Language: Russian
Institute of American genealogy. Library.
Library catalogue of the Institute
of American genealogy.
Chicago, Ill., The Institute of American genealogy
[1934] 79 p. 24 cm.
Institute of American genealogy. Library.
Library catalogue of the Institute of
American genealogy.
Chicago, Ill., The Institute of American genealogy [1939]
111 p. 23 cm.
Instituto Argentino de Ciencias Genealogicas. Genealogia, hombres de mayo.
Buenos Aires, Revista del Instituto Argentino de Ciencias Genealogicas, 1961.
383 p. illus.
Language: Spanish
Instituto Genealogico Brasileiro. Subsidios genealogicos: Familias brasileiras
de origem germanica.,
Publicac~ao conjunta do Instituto Genealogico Brasileiro
e do Instituto Hans Staden.
S~ao Paulo, 1962-1967. 5 v. (920 p.) ports. 23 cm.
Language: Portuguese
Instituto Internacional de Genealogia y Heraldica. Indice nobiliario espanol.,
Recopilado y redactado por Vicente de Cadenas y Vicent [et al.]
Ediciones Hidalguia, 1955. 754 p. 18 cm.
Series title: Guia nobiliaria universal, seccion espanola
Language: Spanish
Internal revenue assessment lists for California, 1862-1866
Washington, [D.C.]
: National Archives, National Archives and Records Service,
General Services
Administration, 1968. 33 microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications ; no. 756 4003773218,
National Archives microfilm publications ; microcopy no. 756. 4003773219
Online Access
Internal Revenue assessment lists for Delaware, 1862-1866
Washington, D.C. :
National Archives and Records Service,
General Services Administration, 1969 5
p. ; 22 cm
Series title: National Archives Microfilm Publications. Pamphlet ; No. 795
Internal Revenue assessment lists for Indiana, 1862-1866
Washington, D.C. :
National Archives and Records Service,
General Services Administration, 1971
11 p. ; 22 cm
Series title: National Archives Microfilm Publications. Pamphlet ; M765
Internal revenue assessment lists for Iowa, 1862-1866
Washington : National
Archives, National Archives and Records Service,
General Services
Administration, 1970. 16 microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications. M ; microcopy no. 766
Internal revenue assessment lists for Kentucky, 1862-1866
Washington :
National Archives, National Archives and Records Service,
General Services
Administration, 1971. 24 microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
Series title: National Archives microfilm publications. M ; microcopy no. 768
Internal Revenue assessment lists for Kentucky, 1862-1866.
Washington, D.C. :
National Archives and Records Service,
General Services Administration, 1972.
18 p. ; 22 cm.
Series title: National Archives Microfilm Publications. Pamphlet ; M768.
Internal Revenue assessment lists for Maine, 1862-1866
Washington, D.C. :
National Archives and Records Service,
General Services Administration, 1972 7
p. ; 22 cm
Series title: National Archives Microfilm Publications. Pamphlet ; M770
Internal Revenue assessment lists for the District of Columbia, 1862-1866
Washington, D.C. : National Archives and Records Service,
General Services
Administration, 1969 5 p. ; 22 cm
Series title: National Archives Microfilm Publications. Pamphlet ; No. 760
Internal Revenue assessment lists for the territory of Idaho, 1865-1866
Washington, D.C. : National Archives and Records Service,
General Services
Administration, 1969 3 p. ; 22 cm
Series title: National Archives Microfilm Publications. Pamphlet ; no. 763
An International armorial :
a compilation of selected blazons and family
registered with its historical file.
Limited ed.
[Atlanta, Ga.? : s.n.], c1984-<c1989 > v. <1-3 > : ill., coats of arms ; 29 cm.
Series title: The Historical file of the House of Leopardi of Constantinople ;
v. 1-<3 >,
The Historical file of the House of Leopardi of Constantinople ; v.
1, etc.
International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences 1970 :
Genealogica et heraldica : Kongressberichte /,
10. Internationaler
Kongress fur Genealogische und Heraldische Wissenschaften,
Wien, 14.-19.
September 1970 /
Redaction, Franz Gall, Hanns Jager-Sunstenau/
Heraldisch-Genealogisch Gesellschaft "Adler".
Wien :
Verlag der Wiener
Medizinischen Akademie, 1972. 2 v. (739 p.) : ill. ; 23 cm.
Language: German
International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences 1970 :
Genealogica et heraldica. Kongressberichte. Proceedings.
Redaktion: Franz Gall [and] Hanns Jager-Sunstenau.
Heraldisch-Genealogische Gesellschaft "Adler".
Verlag der Wiener
Medizinischen Akademie [1972] 2v. illus. 23cm.
International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences 1982 :
XV Congreso Internacional de las Ciencias Genealogica y Heraldica :
Madrid, 19-25 septiembre 1982. Spain : [s.n.], 1983 (Madrid : Impr. Saez) 3 v.
: ill. ; 25 cm.
Language: Spanish
International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences 1982 :
XV Congreso Internacional de las Ciencias Genealogica y Heraldica :
Madrid, 19-25 septiembre 1982 : [comunicaciones]. Madrid :
Instituto Salazar y
Castro (C.S.I.C), 1983. 3 v. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Language: Spanish
International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences 1996 : Ottawa,
Genealogica & heraldica : proceedings of the 22nd International
Congress of
and Heraldic Sciences in Ottawa, August 18-23, 1996 = actes du 22e Congres
des sciences genealogique et heraldique a
Ottawa 18-23 aout 1996 /,
edited by = sous la direction de Auguste Vachon,
Claire Boudreau, Daniel Cogne
Ottawa : University of Ottawa Press, 1998 508 p.
: ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm
Language: In English and French
International Conference on Genealogies and Genealogical Resources, (2000 :
Shanghai, China).
Zhonghua pu die yan jiu : mai ru xin shi ji Zhongguo zu pu
guo ji xue shu yan tao hui lun wen ji /,
Shanghai tu shu guan bian ; Wang
Heming, Ma Yuanliang, Wang Shiwei zhu bian Di 1 ban
Shanghai :
Shanghai ke xue
ji shu wen xian chu ban she, 2000 2, 2, 3, 392 p. : ill. ; 21 cm
Related titles: Mai ru xin shi ji Zhongguo zu pu guo ji xue shu yan tao hui
lun wen ji
Language: Chinese
International Congress of Genealogy 1915 : San Francisco, Calif.).
International Congress of Genealogy, San Francisco, July 28-31, 1915.
Pub. by
Organization Committee of International Genealogical Federation.
Francisco? 1915] 106 p. ports. 23cm.
International Congress of Genealogy (1915 : San Francisco).
Francisco, July 28-31, 1915.
International Genealogical Federation. 106p O.
The International genealogical index (IGI)
Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S. :
Genealogical Dept. of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
7,618 microfiches : ill. ; 11 x 15 cm.
The International genealogical index (IGI). 1984 ed.
[Salt Lake City, Utah] :
Genealogical Dept. of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
[55], x, [7] p. ; 28 cm.
International genealogical index (IGI) 1988 ed.
[Salt Lake City, Utah] :
Corporation of the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
1988. 9,232 microfiches : ill. ; 11 x 15 cm.
International Locator Corporation presents the locator :
the complete guide to
finding family, friends and loved ones...
[S.l.] : Klunder & Dunn, c1992. 1 v.
(loose-leaf) : ill. ; 20 cm. + 6 sound cassettes.
Related titles: Locator
Inventar der Urkunden des Archivs von Schloss Diersfordt bei Wesel /,
bearbeitet von Dieter Kastner. Koln : Rheinland-Verlag ;
Bonn :
in Kommission
bei Rudolf Habelt, <1993 > v. <2 > : ill. ; 23 cm.
Series title: Inventare nichtstaatlicher Archive ; 34
Language: German
Inventar des Urkundenarchivs der Fursten von Hatzfeldt-Wildenburg zu
Schonstein/Sieg /,
bearb. von Jost Kloft.
Koln : Rheinland-Verlag ;
Bonn : R. Habelt [in Komm.], 1975-<1993 > v. <1, 3-6 > ; 23 cm.
Series title: Inventare nichtstaatlicher Archive ; Bd. 18, <23, 35 >, v. 4-<6
Veroffentlichungen der Landesarchivverwaltung Rheinland-Pfalz ; Bd. 37, 47,
Inventare nichtstaatlicher Archive ; Bd. 18, etc.,
Veroffentlichungen der
Landesarchivverwaltung Rheinland-Pfalz Bd. 37, etc.
Language: German
Inventories of Worcestershire landed gentry, 1537-1786 /,
edited by Malcolm
[Worcestershire] : Worcestershire Historical Society, c1998. xxix,
475 p. ; 25 cm.
Series title: Worcestershire Historical Society new ser., v. 16 0141-4577 ;
Worcestershire Historical Society (Series) ; new ser., v. 16.
Inventories, sales and accounts of estates
[Raleigh, N.C.] :
N.C. Dept. of
Cultural Resources,
Division of Archives and History, 1971 9 microfilm reels ;
35 mm
Related titles: Container title: Orange records of estates (inventories,
sales, etc.)
Records of estates (inventories, sales, etc.) Records of estates
Inventory abstracts of King George County, Virginia /,
edited & published by
Ruth & Sam Sparacio.
McLean, Va. (1320 Mayflower Drive, McLean 22101-3402) :
Antient Press, <c1993- > v. <10 > ; 28 cm.
Series title: Virginia county court records
Related titles: King George County deed book [number, date]
Inventory index of the Silver Terrace Cemeteries /,
edited by Bernadette S.
[Virginia City, Nev.] :
Comstock Historic District Commission, [1995]
iv leaves, 34 p. : ill., map ; 28 cm.
Inventory index of the Silver Terrace Cemeteries /,
edited by Bernadette S.
[Virginia City, Nev.] :
Comstock Historic District Commission, [1995]
iv leaves, 34 p. : ill., map ; 28 cm.
An Inventory of cemeteries in South Cook County /,
edited by Jo Ellen Johnson.
South Holland, Ill. :
South Suburban Genealogical and Historical Society,
1991. 88, A-13, i-4 p. : maps ; 28 cm.
Series title: South Suburban Genealogical and Historical Society research
series ; v. 3
Inventory of Maryland Bible records /,
prepared under the supervision of
Robert W. Barnes.
Westminster, Md. : Family Line Publications, c1989- v. <1
; 21 cm.
Inventory of records, 1834-1978, Office of the Recorder, Sonoma County,
Rohnert Park, Calif. : Sonoma County Records Inventory Project,
Reference Dept., Ruben Salazar Library, Sonoma State University, 1979. xiii,
80 p. ; 28 cm.
Inventory of the county archives of Idaho /,
Prepared by the Historical
Records Survey,
Division of Women's and Professional Projects,
Works Progress
Boise, Id. : The Historical Records Survey, 1937- v. : ill. ;
29 cm.
Inverness (Commissariot). The commissariot record of Inverness. Register of
testaments, 1630-1800.,
Edited by Francis J. Grant.
Edinburgh, The British
record society, limited-Scottish section, 1897.
3 p. L., 32 p. 25 cm.
Series title: British record society The Index library... xx, Scottish Records
Society v. 4]
[Publications ; Scottish Record Society (Series) ; v. 4]
Iowa 1838 territorial census index /,
Editor, Ronald Vern Jackson.
Utah :
Accelerated Indexing Systems, c1981- v. : maps ; 29 cm.
Iowa census records, 1851-1859 /,
Editor, Ronald Vern Jackson.
Salt Lake City
Accelerated Indexing Systems, Inc., 1981- v. : maps ; 28 cm.
Iowa marriages : early to 1850 : a research tool /,
compiled, extracted,
transcribed, and edited by Liahona Research.
Orem, Utah : Liahona Research,
c1990. xii, 373 p. : maps ; 29 cm.
Iowa. Secretary of State. Iowa census, 1895
Salt Lake City, Utah :
Genealogical Society, 1977. 121 microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
Iowa. Secretary of State. Iowa census returns, 1885
[Salt Lake City, Utah] :
The Genealogical Society, 1978. 95 microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
Iowa state census
Salt Lake City, Utah : Genealogical Society of Utah ;
[Bountiful, Utah : distributed by the American Genealogical Lending Library],
1978. 34 microfilm reels ; 35mm.
Ireland census index
[Orem, UT] : Automated Archives, Inc., c1994. 1 computer
laser optical disc ;
4 3/4 in. + 1 computer disk (3 1/2 in.) + user's manual
(41 p. ; 22 cm.) System requirements:
IBM XT, or better; 10 MB hard drive;
640K RAM; or a MacIntosh with Universal Soft PC version
2.5 or above; at least
484K RAM available for GRS; Genealogical Research System 2.74 or above;
reader with drivers and MS-DOS CD-ROM extensions (MSCDEX) version 2.0 or
Series title: GRS ; CD197
Ireland, Norma Olin, 1907-. Cutter index : a consolidated index of Cutter's 9
genealogy series /,
by Norma Olin Ireland and Winifred Irving.
Calif. : Ireland Indexing Service, [1973?] 88 leaves ; 28 cm.
Ireton Area Historical Society. Ireton : a proud heritage /,
compiled and
written by the Ireton Area Historical Society on the occasion of the Ireton
Centennial - 1982.
[Ireton, Iowa? : The Society, 1982?] viii, 504 p. : ill.,
maps, ports. ; 27 cm.
Irgang, George L.. La Salle County cemeteries : Volume I /,
these cemeteries
inventoried and contributed by George L. Irgang.
Publications committee:
Barbara Wright, June Crank.
Normal, Ill. : Bloomington-Normal Genealogical
Society, [1971?] 1 v. (various pagings) ; 28 cm.
Irgang, George L.. Livingston County cemeteries : Volume I /,
these cemeteries
inventoried and contributed by George L. Irgang.
Publications committee:
Barbara Wright, June Crank.
Normal, Ill. : Bloomington-Normal Genealogical
Society, [1971?] 1 v. (various pagings) ; 28 cm.
Irigaray, Luce. Sexes et parentes /,
Luce Irigaray.
Paris : Editions de
Minuit, c1987. 221 p. ; 22 cm.
Series title: Collection Critique
Language: French
The Irish Australians : selected articles for Australian and Irish family
historians /,
edited by Richard Reid and Keith Johnson.
Sydney, N.S.W. :
publication of the Society of Australian Genealogists and Ulster Historical
1984. 56 p. : ill., facsims., maps, ports. ; 30 cm.
Irish church records : their history, availability, and use in family and
local history research /,
edited by James G. Ryan.
Glenageary, Co. Dublin,
Ireland : Flyleaf Press, 1992. 207 p. : ill., map ; 25 cm.
Irish church records : their history, availability, and use in family and
local history research /,
edited by James G. Ryan. New ed., 2nd ed.
Glenageary, Co. Dublin, Ireland :
Flyleaf Press, 2001. 208 p. : ill., map ; 24
Irish county maps showing the locations of churches....
Salt Lake City, Utah :
Genealogical Dept., Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1976-1977.
Scales differ. 4 v. : maps ; 28 cm.
Series title:
Series A /
The Genealogical Department of the Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter-day Saints ; no. 56,
Series A (Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints. Genealogical Dept.) ; no. 56
Irish, Donna R.. Pennsylvania German marriages :
marriages and marriage
evidence in Pennsylvania German churches /,
compiled by Donna R. Irish.
Baltimore : Genealogical Pub. Co., 1982. xiv, 817 p. ; 23 cm.
Irish genealogy : a record finder /,
edited by Donal F. Begley.
Ireland : Heraldic Artists, c1981. 252 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
Irish in the 1870 census
[S.l.] : Sierra On-Line, c2001. 1 CD-ROM ;
4 3/4 in.
+ 1 user's guide (28 p. ; 12 cm.) inserted in jewel case.
System requirements:
Windows 2000/ME/NT/98/95; Pentium 100 CPU or greater;
16 MB RAM;
88 MB hard
drive space; 4X CD-ROM; 16-bit color depth; 800 x 600 screen resolution.
Series title: World immigration series ; ACD-0105, Generations archives
Related titles: Irish in the U.S. federal census 1870
Irish Manuscripts Commission. Quaker records, Dublin: abstracts of wills.,
Edited by P. Beryl Eustace and Olive C. Goodbody.
Dublin, Stationery Off.,
1957. vi, 136 p. 25 cm.
Irish passenger lists, 1803-1806 :
lists of passengers sailing from Ireland to
America :
extracted from the Hardwicke papers /,
compiled under the editorial
supervision of Brian Mitchell.
Baltimore : Genealogical Pub. Co, c1995. ix,
154 p. ; 24 cm.
Related titles: Hardwicke papers
Irish passenger lists, 1847-1871 :
lists of passengers sailing from
to America
on ships of the J. & J. Cooke Line and the McCorkell
Line /,
compiled under the direction of Brian Mitchell.
Baltimore :
Genealogical Pub. Co, 1988. xvii, 333 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Irish Tourist Board. Ireland; tracing your ancestors.
Dublin, 1965. [5] p. (in
one fold sheet) 23cm.
Irvine, Esther L., 1906-.
Guide to the location of genealogical and historical
data on Oregon pioneer families,
Portland, Oregon, Mrs. William Irvine,
Portland, Oregon, 1952. [7] l. 28 cm.
Irvine, Fredna Tweedt, 1910-. Henry Hardin of California /,
researched and
compiled by Fredna Tweedt Irvine.
Belmont, Mass. :
Irvine, 1976. 149, [22] p.,
[5] leaves of plates : ill. ; 28 cm.
Irvine, Sherry. Your English ancestry : a guide for North Americans /,
Sherry Irvine. Rev. ed.
Salt Lake City, Utah : Ancestry, c1998. vii, 263 p. :
ill., maps ; 22 cm.
Irvine, Sherry. Your Scottish ancestry : a guide for North Americans /,
Sherry Irvine.
Salt Lake City, Utah : Ancestry, c1997. xiii, 253 p. : ill.,
maps ; 22 cm.
Irvine, William Fergusson, 1869-.
The baptismal, marriage, and burial
registers of the parish of Bidston :
in the county of Chester, 1581 to 1700 /,
Edited and annotated by William Fergusson Irvine.
Birkenhead : Willmer
Brothers and Co., 1893. 100, xxvi p. ; 22 cm.
Irvine, William, Mrs.
Guide to the location of genealogical and historical
data on Oregon pioneer families,
compiled under the auspices of the
Genealogical Forum, Portland, Oregon,
by Mrs. William Irvine ; with the aid of
... Katherine Anderson [et al.].
[Portland, Or.? : The Forum?, 1952?] [7]
Series title: Genealogy & local history ; LH12341. 4006802361
Irving, John Beaufin, 1844-. The Irvings, Irwins, Irvines, or Erinveines :
any other spelling of the name, an old Scots Border clan /,
by its present
chieftain, John Beaufin Irving of Bonshaw Aberdeen
[Grampian Region] :
and published for the author by the Rosemount Press,
1907 x, 295 p., [99]
leaves of plates : ill. (some folded),
ports., coat of arms, maps,
genealogical tables ; 33 cm
Is that lineage right? : a training manual for the examiner of lineage papers,
with helpful hints for the beginner in genealogical research /,
issued by the
National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
D.C.] : National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution, 1965. 55
p. : 20 cm.
Isabel Territory golden jubilee.
Isabel, S.D. : [s.n.], 1976. 316 p. : ill. ;
29 cm.
Isabella County 1982.
Shepherd, Mich. :
Shepherd Area Historical Society,
1982. iv, 277 p. : ill., maps, ports. ; 29 cm.
Iscrupe, Shirley G. M.. Listing of inhabitants in 1781 : Washington County,
Pennsylvania /,
compiled by Shirley G. M. Iscrupe.
Laughlintown, Pa. :
Southwest Pennsylvania Genealogical Services, c1991. 26 p. ; 22 cm.
Iscrupe, William L.. Pennsylvania line : a research guide to Pennsylvania
genealogy and local history /,
compiled by William L. Iscrupe, Shirley G. M.
Iscrupe. 4th ed.
Laughlintown, Pa. :
Southwest Pennsylvania Genealogical
Services, c1990. 376 p. : ill., maps ; 23 cm.
Iscrupe, William L.. Westmoreland in 1773 : Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania
compiled by William L. Iscrupe.
Laughlintown, Pa. : Southwest Pennsylvania
Genealogical Services, c1983. 13 p. ; 22 cm.
Iscrupe, William L.. Westmoreland in 1825 : Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania
compiled by William L. Iscrupe, Shirley G. McQuillis.
Laughlintown, Pa. :
Southwest Pennsylvania Genealogical Services, c1983. 18 p. ; 28 cm.
Isenburg, Wilhelm Karl, Prinz von, 1903-1956. Sippen- und Familienforschung,
von W.K. Prinz v. Isenburg ...
Heidelberg, C. Winter, 1943. viii, 120 p. diagrs. 20 cm.
Series title: Studeinfuhrer ... Gruppe I: Kulturwissenschaft Bd. 20
Language: German
Isenburg, Wilhelm Karl, Prinz von, 1903-1956. Europaische Stammtafeln :
Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europaischen Staaten
Marburg :
J. A. Stargardt,
1956- v. ; 22 x 30 cm
Language: German
Isenburg, Wilhelm Karl, Prinz zu. Historische Genealogie.
Munchen, Oldenbourg,
1940. 101 p.
Language: German
Isenburg, Wilhelm Karl, Prinz zu.
Stammtafeln zur Geschichte der europaischen
Staaten (Europaische Stammtafeln)
Marburg, J. A. Stargardt, 1965-1970. 4 v. in
3 ; 22 x 30 cm.
Related titles: Europaische Stammtafeln
Language: German
Iser, Carl, 1785-1809.
Genealogiske och biografiske anteckningar horande till
Norrkopings stads historia.,
Forsta delen, utg. 1806.
Stockholm, Bokforlaget
Rediviva, 1969. 88, xx p. 20 cm.
Series title: Suecica rediviva ; 3,
Suecica rediviva ; 3
Language: Swedish
Ishii, Masakuni. Nihonto meikan /,
Honma Kunzan [Junji] koetsu; Ishii Masakuni
hencho. Dai 3-han.
Tokyo :
Yuzankaku Shuppan, 1981. 102, 1684 p. ; 20 cm.
Language: Japanese
Ishin Shiryo Hensankai (Japan). Kazoku ryakufu : Ishin Shiryo Hensankai
sankoyo : kohon /,
[hensha Ishin Shiryo Hensankai].
Tokyo : Kokusho Kankokai,
Showa 49 [1974] 2, 20, 10, 24, 627 p. ; 22 cm.
Related titles: At head of title: Ishin Shiryo Hensankai sankoyo
Language: Japanese
I.S.J.G. (Conference) 1984 : London, England).
The proceedings of the 2nd
I.S.J.G., 5-10 July 1987, London, England.
Birmingham, England : IJGR(UK),
[1988] ii, 193 p. ; 30 cm.
Iskandari Niya, Ibrahim. Sakhtar-i sazman-i ilat va shivah-i ma'ishat-i
'ashayir-i A_zarbayjan-i Gharbi /,
ta'lif, Ibrahim Iskandari Niya ; ba
muqaddamah-'i Mas'ud Mansuri.
Urumiyah :
Intisharat-i Anzali, 1366 [1987 or
1988] 11, 478 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Language: Persian
An Island refuge : Loyalists and disbanded troops on the Island of Saint John
edited by Orlo Jones, Doris Haslam.
Charlottetown, P.E.I. : Abegweit Branch
of the United Empire Loyalist Association of Canada,
1983. vii, 379 p. : ill.
; 24 cm
Isle of Wight County, Virginia deeds, 1736-1741.
Miami Beach, FL : T.L.C.
Genealogy, c1992. ii, 115 p. : map ; 28 cm.
Isma'il Hamid, d.1932. Chroniques de la Mauritanie senegalaise.
Nacer Eddine.
Texte arabe, traduction et notice.
Paris, E. Leroux, 1911. 271 p., [104] p.
fold. geneal. tables. 26 cm.
Language: Multiple Languages
Ison, Alma Ray Sanders. Marriage bonds and consents, 1786-1810, Mercer County,
Compiled and published by: Alma Ray Sanders Ison [and] Rebecca
Wilson Conover.
Harrodsburg, Ky., 1970. 164 l. 28 cm.
Istoriia i genealogiia.
Moskva : Nauka, 1977. 285 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
Language: Russian
Istoriia i genealogiia : S. B. Veselovskii i problemy
istoriko-genealogicheskikh issledovanii /,
[redak. kollegiia B. A. Rybakov,
et. al.].
Moskva : Nauka, 1977. 285 p. : geneal. tables. ; 23 cm.
Language: Russian
Istoriko-rodoslovnoe obshchestvo v Moskve. Sbornik statei, posviashchennykh
L. M. Savelovu /,
Istoriko-rodoslovnoe obshchestvo v Moskve.
Moskva :
Tip. T-va
A. A. Levenson, 1915. 329 p. : ill., ports., col. coat of arms ; 27 cm.
Language: Russian
Italians of the American Northwest /,
[compiled by] Charley Vingo.
Wash.] :
Ulyssian Publications, c2001. 793 p. : ill., map ; 29 cm.
Italians to America : lists of passengers arriving at U.S. ports, 1880-1899 /,
edited by Ira A. Glazier and P. William Filby.
Wilmington, Del. : Scholarly
Resources, 1992-<2000 > v. <1-11 > : map ; 24 cm.
Ito, Kosaku. Nihon no monsho /,
Ito Kosaku hen.
Tokyo : Dbiddosha, 1968. 286
p. : ill., maps. ; 27 cm.
Language: Japanese
Iturriza Guillen, Carlos. Algunas familias valencianas.
[Valencia? Venezuela,
1955] 285 p. 24 cm.
Language: Spanish
Ivanov, N. 1940-.
Istoriia Rusi v imenakh i datakh :
istoriko-genealogicheskogo issledovaniia-obobshcheniia /,
N. Ivanov.
Sankt-Peterburg : Nordmed-Izdat, 1998. 150 p. : chiefly ill. ; 29 cm.
Language: Russian
Ivey, Jean, 1942-. The Prices through the years : a model for preparing your
family roots /,
Jean Ivey.
Marion, S.C. : R & M Pub. Co., c1980. 119 p. : ill.
; 22 cm.
Ivic, Aleksa. Rodoslovne tablice srpskih dinastija i vlastele /,
Aleksa Ivic. 3., znatno popanjeno izd.
Novi Sad :
Izd. Matice Srpske, 1928. 10
p. : 19 geneal. tables ; 27 cm.
Series title: Knjige Matice srpske ; br. 49
Language: Serbo-Croatian
Iz istorii Russkogo genealogicheskogo obshchestva : sbornik statei i
materialov /,
[sostavitel i redaktor, V. N. Rykhliakov].
Sankt-Peterburg :
VIRD, 2001. 106 p. : ill. ; 20 cm.
Language: Russian
Izvekov, I. N.. 500 let na sluzhbe Rossii :
dvorianskii rod Izvekovykh ot
viazemskikh votchinnikov do nashikh dnei /,
I. N. Izvekov, A. I. Izvekov, S. IU.
Sankt-Peterburg : "Nauka", 2002. 598 p. : ill. (some col.), maps ; 23
Related titles: Piatsot let na sluzhbe Rossii
Language: Russian
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