The LORD Jesus Christ,
Jews, The House of Joseph, Gentiles and Heathens:
A Careful Study of
THE TINNEY SURNAME from Worldwide Origins.
Document Section from A.D. (6 APR) 1830 to A.D.
A sample reference to early Tinney [and variations] surnames.
Tinney, William Arthur,
married 06 Apr 1830, __________, Hardin, Kentucky, USA;
Spouse of Sarah Jane Yager
Tinney, Polly, married 08
Apr 1830, __________, Ray, Missouri, USA;
Spouse of John Hendricks
Tinney, Grace, married 05
May 1830, Bodmin, Cornwall, England;
Spouse of Robert Williams
[Tinney, Levinia]
John Noble and Levinia
Tinney were the parents of:
Daughter Hester Ann Noble,
born 21 June 1830, Memphis, Scotland, Missouri, USA
[Tinney, Anne]
Snow, James, chr: 01 Aug 1830,
Swarkeston, Derby, England;
Son of James Snow and Anne
Tinney, George Frederic,
chr: 04 Aug 1830, Ottery Saint Mary,
Devon, England;
Son of William Sparks Tinney
and Margaret ----------
Tinny, Daniel, chr: 08 Aug
1830, St. Gennys, Cornwall, England;
Son of Jacob Tinny and Jane
Tinney, Francis, chr: 13
Aug 1830, Cuby With Tregony,
Cornwall, England; Son of -----------
---------- and Elizabeth Tinney
Tinny, George, born 06 Sep
1830, Hartford Twp., Windsor, Vermont, USA;
Son of Ira Tinny and ----------
Tinney, Lydia B., born 28
Sep 1830, Freeport, Cumberland, Maine, USA;
Daughter of John Tinney and Mercy
J. Todd
Tinney, Sarah, born/chr: 17
Oct 1830, Lanivet, Cornwall, England;
Daughter of John Tinney and Sarah
Tinny, Seymore, born 24 Oct
1830, Westmoreland, Oneida, New York, USA;
Son of ---------- ----------
and ---------- ----------
Tinney, John, born __ ___
1831, __________, Cornwall, England;
Son of Henry Tinney and Elizabeth
Tinney, James, chr: 16 Jan
1831, Cardinham, Cornwall, England;
Son of William Tinney and Philippa
Records of the Families of
California Pioneers, [USA], compiled by the
Daughters of the American Revolution, [DAR],
Vol. XV, pages 243-244,
Henry John Tinney was born 09
Apr 1831, __________, Somerset, England;
(died 05 July 1897 and buried at
Placerville, California);
Son of Thomas Tinney (who died
in 1848, in England) and Elizabeth Griffin.
Elizabeth was born in England in 1785
and died 02 Feb 1863; both parents are
buried in Street, Somerset, England.
An original family paper states that
Thomas Tinney and Elizabeth
Griffin had seven children, of which five
are mentioned, namely:
Henry John Tinney, George
Tinney, William Edward Tinney,
Henrietta Tinney, and Charles
[Research Note: From A Volume of
Memoirs and Genealogy of Representative
Citizens of Northern California,
pages 130-131, mention is made that:
John Henry Tinney, one of the
prominent young men and successful fruit-
growers of Eldorado county, is a native son
of California, born 08 Oct 1870, at
Granite Hill, on the farm where he now
resides and on which his father settled at
an early day in the history of this state.
His father, Henry John Tinney, was
born in Somersetshire, near the Cathedral of
Wells, in England, 19 Apr 1831, and
was the son of Thomas Tinney
and Elizabeth Griffin, both natives of
Henry John Tinney crossed the
Atlantic Ocean, at the age of seventeen [17]
years, going direct to Chicago, Illinois. .
. . He crossed the plains, with ox teams,
landing in Placerville in the fall of 1853.
. . .]Henry made a brief visit to England,
leaving Placerville on 14 May 1862, arriving
home in England 27 June 1862, via
San Francisco, California and Panama.
He left Liverpool, England, 16 Aug 1862,
on board the ship, the Great Eastern,
to New York; then via Panama to California,
arriving back home on 07 Oct 1862.
Henry John Tinney was happily married 21 Nov 1864, at Placerville,
to Miss Mary Ann Linehan, a
native of County Cork, Ireland, born there on
05 Mar 1834; she died 13 Nov 1880, in
Placerville and was buried there.
They were the parents of two sons and four daughters:
*George William Tinney, elder
son, born 04 Sep 1865; he married 31 Jan 1900;
Spouse of Miss Mary Eleanor Brady,
a nativeof California, (of San Francisco);
they had children: Francis Brady
Tinney, a son born 03 Feb 1901;
Eileen Marie Tinney; and
Raymond George Tinney
*Elizabeth Julia Tinney, born
13 Feb 1867; she married __ Mar 1897;
Spouse of Daniel J. Akin, a
farmer living near Granite Hill;
they had children: Norbert Aloysius
Akin; and
Leo Akin
*Hannah Mary Tinney, born 20
Nov 1869;
*John Henry Tinney, born 08
Oct 1870; he married __ ___ 1910;
Spouse of Pearl Myers;
they had a child: Malcolm
*Clara or Claranda Mary
Tinney, school teacher; born
12 Oct 1872; and
*Ellen Catherine Tinney, born
09 Dec 1875; died 21 Nov 1908; residing at home.
Tinnimore, Frederick,
married 08 May 1831, Old Church,
Saint Pancras, London, England; Spouse of Mary
Ann Kendrick
Tinny, Russell, born 04 Aug
1831, Hartford Twp., Windsor, Vermont, USA;
Son of Reuben Tinny and ----------
Tinney, John Marshall,
married 09 Aug 1831, Brandenburg, Meade, Kentucky, USA;
Spouse of Verlinda Simmons
Tinney, Ann, chr: 21 Sep
1831, Cubert, Cornwall, England;
(died as a child);
Daughter of Joseph Tinney and Ann
Tinney, Mary, married 01
Dec 1831, Saint Gennys, Cornwall,
England; Spouse of William Smith
Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Wills and Administrations,
[England], (LDS FHC film # 091,855), A.D.
Wills - Wilts - May, 333
Tinney, John Pern, (Esq.)
Wills - pts - Sep, 610
Tunney, Robert William (Revd.),
"Chaplain to His Majestys' Forces"
Tinney, James, born __ ___
1832, __________, Cornwall, England;
Son of John Tinney and Frances
Tinney, Thomas, born __ ___
1832, __________, Cornwall, England;
Son of ---------- Tinney and
(Mrs.) Mary ----------
Tinney, Philippa, married
26 Jan 1832, Saint Gennys, Cornwall,
England; Spouse of Abel Uglow
Tinney, Ann, chr: 18 Mar
1832, Luxulyan, Cornwall, England;
Daughter of John Tinney and Susanna
Tinney, Mary Julia, chr: 22
Apr 1832, Leamington Priors, Warwick,
England; Daughter of George Tinney
and Mary --------
Tinnie, Elizabeth,
married 29 Apr 1832, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland,
Spouse of James McAulay
Tinney, Thomas Stacey, chr:
27 May 1832, St. Gennys, Cornwall, England;
Son of John Tinney and Mary
Tinney, William Benjamin,
born 05 June 1832, __________, Meade, Kentucky, USA;
Son of John Marshall Tinney
and Verlinda Simmons
Tenney Creek, from The
Handbook of Texas, [USA], Vol. II, published 1952,
page 724,
Tenney Creek, an intermittent stream,
rises in eastern Caldwell County and flows
southwest nine miles into Plum Creek.
The stream was probably named for
Ambrose Tenney, whose title to
land near the head of the creek
was granted
on 22 June 1832.
Tinney, Louisa Amy, chr: 26
July 1832, Ottery Saint Mary,
Devon, England;
Daughter of William Sparks Tinney
and Margaret ----------
Tinney, William, married 12
Oct 1832, __________, Ray, Missouri, USA;
Spouse of Elizabeth Wilson
Tinney, George, married 29
Nov 1832, Saint Matthew,
Bethnal Green, London, England; Spouse of Ann
Tinney, Charlotte, chr: 01
Dec 1832, St. Gennys, Cornwall, England;
Daughter of Thomas Tinney and Johanna
Tinney, Thomas, born __ ___
1833, __________, Cornwall, England;
Son of Jacob Tinney and Jane
[Tinney, Elizabeth]
Bennet Turg and Elizabeth
Tinney were the parents of:
Daughter Milicent Turg, born
__ ___ 1833, of Searsport, Waldo, Maine, USA
Tinny, Charlotte, born
(1850 Census- aged 17 years) __ ___ 1833, Linton Twp.,
Coshocton, Ohio, USA; Daughter of Josiah
Tinny and ---------- ----------
Tinney, Hirum, married 01
Feb 1833, __________, Ray, Missouri, USA;
Spouse of Polly Davis
Tinney/Tinny, William,
born/chr: 03 Feb 1833, Lanivet, Cornwall, England;
Son of John Tinney/Tinny and Sarah
Tinney, Thomas Luxon, chr:
17 Feb 1833, St. Gennys, Cornwall, England;
Son of Jacob Tinney and Jane
Tinny, Eliza, born 03 Apr
1833, Hartford Twp., Windsor, Vermont, USA;
Daughter of Reuben Tinny and ----------
Tinney, (Mrs.) Mary,
married 07 Apr 1833, Uxbridge, Worcester, Massachusetts,
USA; Spouse of Independence- Whipple
Tinney, Urania, married 23
May 1833, New Lebanon, Columbia, New York, USA;
Spouse of Elbridge G. Oakley;
both of Pittsfield; from Marriages in New Lebanon,
New York
Tinny, Margaret, chr: 26
May 1833, Wemyss, Fife, Scotland;
Daughter of Robert Tinny and Margaret
Tinny, Jane, chr: 24 June
1833, Luxulyan, Cornwall, England;
Daughter of John Tinny and Susanna
Tinney, Samuel, born 20
July 1833, Freeport, Cumberland, Maine, USA;
Son of John Tinney and Mercy
J. Todd
[Tinney, Nancy]
Amos Whittemore and Nancy
Tinney were the parents of:
Daughter Martha A. Whittemore,
born 10 Nov 1833, Wilmot, Merrimack,
New Hampshire, USA
Tinneymore, William,
married 25 Dec 1833, Saint Mary's, Handsworth,
Stafford, England; Spouse of Mary
Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Wills and Administrations,
[England], (LDS FHC film # 091,857), A.D.
Wills - pts - July, 440
Tyne, Thomas, "Etna"
Admin - Devon - Mch
Tennison, William,
Admin - pts - July
Tiney, William, Mercht Ship
"Sir Andrew Hammond"
[Tinneye, Virtue]
Leonard Southworth and Virtue
Tinneye were the parents of:
Son James Southworth, born
about __ ___ 1834, of Plympton, Plymouth,
Massachusetts, USA
Tinney, George Perry, born
19 Jan 1834, __________, __________,
__________, USA.
[Research Note: This person is listed in the
leather bound Tinney notebook with the
1. John Henry Tinney, born 23
Feb 1844 (son of Josiah Fleming Tinney).
It is stated in the Revolutionary War
Records of John Tinney, the father of
Josiah Fleming Tinney, that Josiah F.
Tinney enlisted in Mason County, Kentucky,
in the service of the United
States as a Regular Soldier about the time and previous to
the War of 1812 and
never returned to Harrison County, Kentucky until
about 1840.
2. James Alexander Tinney, born
02 Dec 1842
Tinney, Josia, or,
Tinney, James Alexander, born
(1850, aged 8) 1842, [from the
1850 Census of District # 1, #
901-901, Harrison County,] Kentucky, USA;
Son of Josiah Fleming Tinney
and Martha Simpson
James Alexander Tinney, born 02 Dec
1842 is the same as "Josia", listed
in the U.S. 1850 Census.
3. George Perry Tinney, born 19
Jan 1834
Josiah F[leming] Tinney,
(blacksmith), recorded in Army Enlistments
in the United States, A.D. 1798-1815,
from (LDS FHC film # 350,318),
# 1406 - Tinney, Josiah F.; 5th US
Inf.; Height - 5'10''; Eyes- blue;
Hair- dark; Complexion- sallow; Age 22
[years] [born circa 1791];
Occupation- blacksmith; Where Born- Alleghany
County, Pennsylvania,
USA; Dated- 21 Apr 1813; by Lt. Hook
for 5 years; enlistment paper
appears as Josiah Fleming Tinney; DR
Lt W. C. Birds Balto 1 Present.
Josiah Fleming Tinney, married
19 Oct 1841, Harrison County,
Kentucky, Martha Simpson, she
the daughter of Moses Simpson and
Permelia ----------. It
appears that sometime between the enlistment in
Baltimore, Maryland, in
1813, and the approximate year of 1840,
Josiah Fleming Tinney married, or was
the father of a son named
George Ring [or King]
Tinney, Mary, married 09
Feb 1834, Edinburgh Blotter, Edinburgh,
Midlothian, Scotland; Spouse of John
Tinney, Sarah Ann, born 07
Mar 1834, Naples, Scott, Illinois, USA;
(Died as a child);
Daughter of John Marshall Tinney
and Verlinda Simmons
Tinny, Andrew P. T., born
12 Mar 1834, Newbury, Orange, Vermont, USA;
Son of Jonathan Tinny and Lydia
Owens Crane
Tinney, James, chr: 16 July
1834, St. Columb Minor, Cornwall,
England; Son of William Tinney
and Mary ----------
Tinney, Svannah, born 23
July 1834, __________, __________, Missouri, USA;
Daughter of ---------- ----------
and ---------- ----------;
Spouse of Joseph Bailey Harbert
Tinney, Mariann, chr: 17
Aug 1834, Saint Bartholomew, Wednesbury,
Stafford, England; Daughter of Henry
Tinney and Ann ----------
Tinney, Honor, married 16
Oct 1834, Saint Gennys, Cornwall,
England; Spouse of Nicholas Keat
Tinney, Thomas, chr: 21 Dec
1834, St. Gennys, Cornwall, England;
Son of Thomas Tinney and Joanna
Tinney, John, chr: 28 Dec
1834, Luxulyan, Cornwall, England;
Son of John Tinney and Susanna
Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Wills and Administrations,
[England], (LDS FHC film # 091,858), A.D.
Wills - Middx - May, 329
Tyne, Thomas Godfrey
Tinney, Maria, born __ ___
1835, ___________, Braxton, [West] Virginia, USA;
Daughter of Thurman Tinney and
Catherine ----------
Tinney, William, born 02
Jan 1835, Land's End, Otterham, Cornwall, England;
Son of Jacob Tinney and Jane
Tinney, Laura, born 13 Feb
1835, Hartford Twp., Windsor, Vermont, USA;
Daughter of Reuben Tinney and ----------
Tinney, Jane, married 24
Mar 1835, __________, Nicholas, Kentucky, USA;
Spouse of Nelson Fuller
Tinney, Roger, married 04
Apr 1835, Saint Gennys, Cornwall,
England; Spouse of Ann Marshall
Tinny, Sally C., married 05
Apr 1835, Salisbury, Essex, Massachusetts, USA;
Spouse of John L. Junkins
Tinney, William, chr: 12
Apr 1835, St. Gennys, Cornwall, England;
Son of Jacob Tinney and Jane
Tinney, William, married 13
Apr 1835, Thurlaston, Leicester, England;
Spouse of Anne Watts
Tinney, John Edward, born
21 Apr 1835, Naples, Scott, Illinois, USA;
(Died as a child);
Son of John Marshall Tinney
and Verlinda Simmons
Tinney, John B., married 11
June 1835, Raleigh, Wake, North Carolina, USA;
Spouse of Jane Beasley
Tinnie, Agnes, married 02
Aug 1835, Barony, Lanark, Scotland;
Spouse of William Boyle
Tinny, Lois, born 15 Aug
1835, Hartford Twp., Windsor, Vermont, USA;
Daughter of Ira Tinny and ----------
Tinnea, Martha, married 03
Sep 1835, __________, Carroll, Missouri, USA;
Spouse of Samuel Gee
Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Wills and Administrations,
[England], (LDS FHC film # 091,859), A.D.
Wills - Ireland - Oct, 632
Tenison, Thomas, (Esqr.)
Tinney, James, born about
__ ___ 1836, of Port Henry, Essex, New York, USA;
Son of ---------- ----------
and ---------- ----------
Tinney, William, born __
___ 1836, __________, Cornwall, England;
Son of ---------- Tinney and Mary
Tinny, Harriete, born (1850
Census- aged 14) __ ___ 1836, Linton Twp.,
Coshocton, Ohio, USA; Daughter of Josiah
Tinney and ---------- ----------
Tinney, John, chr: 11 Jan
1836, St. Gennys, Cornwall, England;
Son of Roger Tinney and Anne
Tinney, Anne Maria, chr: 28
Feb 1836, St. Columb Minor, Cornwall,
England; Daughter of William
Maintsteuen Tinney
and Mary Anne ----------
Tineau or La Forest,
Ann Basilisse, born 14 Apr
1836, L'Assomption [Assumption],
Sandwich, Essex, Ontario, CANADA;
Daughter of John B. La Forest or
Tineau and Basilisse Seguin or
Tinney, Harriet Anna, chr:
26 Apr 1836, Ottery Saint Mary, Devon,
England; Daughter of William Sparks
Tinney and Margaret ----------
Tinney, John Wallis, chr:
30 Aug 1836, East Newlyn, Cornwall,
England; Son of ---------- ----------
and Elizabeth Mountsteven Tinney
Tinney, Anne, chr: 16 Oct
1836, Rearsby, Leicester, England;
Daughter of William Tinney and
Anne ----------
Tinny or Tunny,
Merrill, married 17 Nov 1836,
__________, Dearborn, Indiana,
USA; Spouse of Maryetta Churchill
Tinney, John
Tinney, Joseph
Cornish Probate Records at Cornwall
Record Office,
[England], 1800-1857, published 1982;
Tinney, John, miller, Blisland, 1837
Tinney, Joseph, tinner,
Luxulyan, 1837
Tinney, Patrick, A.D. 1837,
Flemigstown; from Index to Irish Wills,
(LDS FHC Book # 941.5 S2ph); Diocese of
Raphoe, A.D. 1684-1858.
Tinney, Nancy,
married 0_ Jan 1837, __________, Carroll, Missouri, USA;
Spouse of James Fulton
Tinney, Mary Jane, born 12
Jan 1837, Winchester, Morgan, Illinois, USA;
Daughter of John Marshall Tinney
and Verlinda Simmons
Tinney, William, chr: 24
Jan 1837, St. Gennys, Cornwall, England;
Son of John Tinney and Mary
Tinney, Angelina, chr: 12
Feb 1837,
St. Columb Minor, Cornwall, England;
Daughter of William Mountsteven Tinney
and Mary Anne ----------
Tinny, Lena, married 12 Feb
1837, __________, Livingston, Missouri, USA;
Spouse of Jacob Work
Tinney, James, married 02
Mar 1837, East Newlyn, Cornwall,
England; Spouse of Mary Henwood
Tinney, James, chr: 05 Mar
1837, Lanivet, Cornwall, England;
Son of John Tinney and Susannah
Tinney, Octavia, born 13
Mar 1837, Raymond, Cumberland, Maine, USA;
Daughter of Reuben Tinney and Charity
W. ----------
Tinney, Milecent, chr: 16
Mar 1837, St. Columb Minor, Cornwall, England;
Daughter of Mountsteven Tinney
and Elizabeth ----------
Tinney, Thomas H., born 03
Apr 1837, __________, Livingston, Kentucky, USA;
Son of ---------- ----------
and ---------- ----------
Tinney, Richard, chr: 21
May 1837, Saint Austell, Cornwall, England;
Son of Thomas Tinney and Joanna
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1837,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tinney, Thomas Steward, Clerkenwell;03:
32; Middlesex.
Tinnison, Arthur, Patrington;23:
46; East Riding, Yorkshire.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1837,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tiney, Hester, Thrapston;
15: 399; Northampton.
Tinin, Michael, Sheffield;
22: 348; West Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, Richard, St.
Columb; 09: 73; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1837,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tinnery, James, Edmonton; 03:
78; Middlesex.
Tinm, William, Bishopsgate;
02: 104; Hert.
Tinny, William, born 25
July 1837, Westmoreland, Oneida, New York, USA;
Son of ---------- ----------
and ---------- ----------
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1837,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, Jane, Derby;
19: 332; Derby.
Tinnany, Thomas, Prescot;
20: 422; Lancashire.
Tinney, Alfred Thomas, Langport;
10: 341; Somerset.
Tinney, Elizabeth Ann, St.
Columb Major; 09: 44; Cornwall.
Tinney, Flora Elizabeth McDonald,
Damerel; 09: 347; Devon.
Tinney, James, New
Castle Tyne; 25: 227; Northumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1837,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, Jane, Thingoe;
13: 1045; Suffolk.
Tennison, Matthew, York;
23: 693; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, William, Plymouth;
09: 492; Devon.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1837,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenny, Samuel, Caistor; 14:
168; Lincoln.
Tinney, Anne, St. Pancras; 01:
132; Middlesex.
Tinney, Elizabeth Anne, chr:
05 Nov 1837, St. Columb Minor,
Cornwall, England; Daughter of Richard
Tinney and Mary Henwood
Tinney, William Henry, from
Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural
History Society, [England],
Vol. 30, page 104,
- East Downton, occupier(s)/owner(s)
375 a; 13 Nov 1837 - 12 Aug 1840
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1838,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenneson, Jane, York;
23: 624; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tenney, Sarah Susannah, Dover;
05: 115; Kent.
Tennison, Joseph, Bridlington;
23: 21; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Mary, Patrington;
23: 64; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinn, Catherine, Gateshead;
24: 94; Durham.
Tinney, Mary Jane, St.
Columb Major; 09: 55; Cornwall.
Tinney, William, St.
Columb Major; 09: 59; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1838,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, Hannah, Hull;
22: 210; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Thomas, Skirlaugh;
22: 349; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, Ann, Bodmin;
09: 46A; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1838,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Ten, William Stewart,
Hereford; 26: 149; Hereford.
Tennison, Mary, Patrington;
23: 47; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tenny, Richard, Dover; 05: 87;
Tenny, Sarah Susannah, Dover;
05: 89; Kent.
Tine, Nathaniel, Kensington;
03: 201; Middlesex.
Tinney, Elizabeth, Bodmin; 09:
19; Cornwall.
Tinney, Richard, Shoreditch;
02: 377; Middlesex
Tinney, Madison, born __ __
1838, __________, __________, New York, USA;
Son of Darwin Tinney and Minerva
Spouse of Serena Feller
Tinny, Mary, born (1850
Census- aged 12 years) __ ___ 1838, Linton Twp., Coshocton,
Ohio, USA; Daughter of Josiah Tinny
and ---------- ----------
Tin, William, married 01
Feb 1838, Inchigeelagh [Roman Catholic] Parish,
Cork, Ireland;
Spouse of Norry Cotter
Tinney, Mary Jane, chr: 25
Feb 1838, St. Columb Minor, Cornwall,
England; Daughter of Richard Tinney
and Susannah ----------
Tinney, Nancy,
married 17 Mar 1838, Troy, Rensselaer, New York, USA;
Spouse of James
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1838,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Lucy, Boston;
14: 249; Lincoln.
Tinney, Mary, Stratton;
09: 285; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1838,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, William, Caistor;
14: 443; Lincoln.
Tennison, William, Hull;
22: 235; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, William, Langport;
10: 681; Somerset.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1838,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, Thomas, Sculcoates;
22: 375; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tine, Harriott, Horncastle;
14: 265; Lincoln.
Tinney, Edward Thomas,
Newington; 04: 267; Surrey.
Tinning, Margaret, Longtown;
25: 85; Cumberland.
Tinning, Richard, Wigton; 25:
131; Cumberland.
Tinney, William, chr: 13
May 1838, St. Columb Minor, Cornwall, England;
(Died as a child);
Son of William Mountsteven Tinney
and Mary Anne ----------
Tinny, Antenet/Antinet,
married __ May 1838, __________, Braxton, [West] Virginia,
Spouse of Silas Dean
Tinney, Marcia A., born 14
June 1838, Freeport, Cumberland, Maine, USA;
Daughter of John Tinney and Mercy
J. Todd
Tinney, Mary, chr: 24 June
1838, St. Gennys, Cornwall, England;
Daughter of Roger Tinney and Anne
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1838,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tinn, Elizabeth, Tynemouth;
25: 350; Northumberland.
Tinney, John, Camelford; 09:
47; Cornwall.
Tinning, Sarah, Wigton; 25:
146; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1838,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tinn, Elizabeth, Tynemouth;
25: 350; Northumberland.
Tinney, John, Camelford;
09: 47; Cornwall.
Tinning, Sarah, Wigton;
25: 146; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1838,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, James, Dover; 05: 63;
Tennison, George, Skirlaugh;
22: 368; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, Elizabeth, St. Columb
Major; 09: 37; Cornwall.
Tinney, John, Camelford; 09:
31; Cornwall.
Tinney, Thomas Steward, St.
Jas Clerkl; 03: 41; Middlesex
Tinney, Livy-, married 23
July 1838, Pownal, Bennington, Vermont, USA;
Spouse of Lyman Andrews
Tinney, Samuel Simmons,
born 13 Aug 1838, Pekin, Tazewell, Illinois, USA;
(Died as a child);
Son of John Marshall Tinney
and Verlinda Simmons
Tinney, Frederick George,
married 17 Sep 1838, Saint Martin
In The Fields, Westminster, London, England;
Spouse of Elizabeth Frances Geddes
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1838,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, Mary, Skirlaugh; 22:
574; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tine, John, Saint Luke; 02:
223; Middlesex.
Tinney, Joseph, Camelford; 09:
53; Cornwall.
Tinning, James, Liverpool; 20:
387; Lancashire.
Tinning, John, Carlisle; 26:
60; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1838,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, Mary, Skirlaugh;
22: 574; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tine, John, Saint
Luke; 02: 223; Middlesex.
Tinney, Joseph, Camelford;
09: 53; Cornwall.
Tinning, James, Liverpool;
20: 387; Lancashire.
Tinning, John, Carlisle;
26: 60; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1838,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Elizabeth, Plomesgate;
12: 274; Suffolk.
Tennison, Martin, Patrington;
23: 43; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, William, Saint Columb;
09: 45; Cornwall.
Tinning, Hugh Henry,
Canterbury; 05: 35; Kent.
Tinny, Loretta, married 01
Dec 1838, Palmyra, Wayne, New York, USA;
Spouse of Abram Vandine
Tenney, Ralph,
Cornish Probate Records at Cornwall
Record Office, [England],
1800-1857, published 1982;
Tenney, Ralph, yeoman, St. Mabyn,
formerly Lanivet, 1839
Tinney, Wm. Henry, from Pigot's
Directory of London, 1839,
Tinney, Wm. Henry, barrister, 9
Lincoln's Inn Old Square
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1839,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, Mary Ann, Patrington;
23: 63; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, Charlotte Ann, Stoke
Damerel; 09: 454; Devon.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1839,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tinney, Mary Ann, East
Stonehouse; 09: 359; Devon.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1839,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, George, Pocklington;
23: 51; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tine, Mary, Whitechapel; 02:
408; Middlesex.
Tinney, James, Tavistock; 09:
307; Devon.
Tinney, Joseph, Bodmin; 09:
24; Cornwall.
Tinney, Josiah, born 15 Jan
1839, Heath, Franklin, Massachusetts, USA;
Son of ---------- ----------
and ---------- ----------
Tinney, James, married 15
Feb 1839, __________, Prince George, Virginia, USA;
Spouse of Wilmout Wamack
Tinney, Elmira, born 19 Feb
1839, Civil, Raymond, Cumberland, Maine, USA;
Daughter of Reuben Tinney and Charity
W. ----------
[Tinney, Ann]
Eason Cornwell and Ann
Tinney were the parents of:
Son George Cornwell, born 02
Mar 1839, Palmyra, Wayne, New York, USA
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1839,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Mary Jane, Gainsbro;
14: 325; Lincoln.
Tennison, Sarah, Carlisle; 25:
56; Cumberland.
Tinnay, Edward, Leeds; 23:
378; West Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, David Argall, Truro;
09: 301; Cornwall.
Tinney, Elizabeth,
Tavistock; 09: 456; Devon.
Tinney, Frances, Clerkenwell;
03: 55; Middlesex.
Tinney, John, St. Austell; 09:
05; Cornwall.
Tinney, Joseph, Castle Ward;
25: 253; Northumberland.
Tinney, Mary, St. Columb; 09:
62; Cornwall.
Tinney, William, St. Columb;
09: 62; Cornwall.
Tinning, Jane, Carlisle; 25:
70; Cumberland.
Tinning, Thomas, Carlisle; 25:
54; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1839,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tinning, James, Carlisle;
25: 48; Cumberland.
Tinning, Robert, Carlisle;
25: 50; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1839,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Elizabeth, Beverley;
23: 04; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Mary, Stockport; 19:
240; Cheshire.
Tine, John, Lambeth; 04: 157;
Tinney, John, Wells; 10: 341;
Tinney, Joseph, Camelford; 09:
31; Cornwall.
Tinney, Harvey A., married
21 Apr 1839, __________, Ray, Missouri, USA;
Spouse of Missouri William
Tinney, Elisha, married 25
Apr 1839, __________, Lewis, [West] Virginia, USA;
Spouse of Sylvia Howes
Tinney, Mary, chr: 14 June
1839, St. Columb Minor, Cornwall,
England; (died as a child);
Daughter of William Mountsteven Tinney
and Mary Anne ----------
Tinney, William, chr: 30
June 1839, St. Columb Minor, Cornwall, England;
Son of Richard Tinney and Mary
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1839,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, Edmund, Patrington;
23: 73; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, John, Hull; 22: 397;
East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tiney, Hannah, Thrapston; 15:
355; Northampton.
Tiney, Joseph, Thrapston; 15:
359; Northampton.
Tinney, Frederick George, St.
Pancras; 01: 288; Middlesex.
Tinning, Sibyl, Longtown; 25:
110; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1839,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tiney, Sarah, Shoreditch;
02: 394; Middlesex.
Tinney, John, Bodmin;
09: 53; Cornwall.
Tinny, Sarah, Wellingbro;
15: 543; Northampton.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1839,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, Elizabeth, East
London; 02: 176; Middlesex.
Tennison, Jonathan, Hull; 22:
249; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Robinson,
Pocklington; 23: 45; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, William, Patrington;
23: 43; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, John, Taunton; 10:
263; Somerset.
Tinney, Mary, Shoreditch; 02:
284; Middlesex.
Tinney, Richard, Stratton; 09:
143; Cornwall.
Tinning, James, Penrith; 25:
87; Cumberland.
Tinney, Mary, married 03
July 1839, _________, Geauga, Ohio, USA;
Spouse of Auletus Barden
Tinney, Elizabeth, married
13 July 1839, Petersburg, [Independent City],
Virginia, USA;
Spouse of William P. Mann
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1839,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenneson, Rebecca, York, 23:
623; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Sarah, Sculcoates;
22: 481; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tiney, Alfred, Chichester; 07:
253; Sussex.
Tinn, Margaret, Gateshead; 24:
119; Durham.
Tinney, Peter Daniel Beaton,
Stoke Damerel; 09: 439; Devon.
Tinning, George, Carlisle; 25:
54; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1839,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tinney, Lilas, St.
Columb; 09: 78; Cornwall.
Tiny, Ann, E.
Grinstead; 07: 489; Sussex.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1839,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenneson, Rebecca, York; 23:
476; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tenney, Eleanor, Gainsboro';
14: 215; Lincoln.
Tenney, James, Skirlaugh; 22:
451; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Edmund,
Patrington; 23: 50; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, John, Hull; 22: 269;
East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Susanna, Hull; 22:
264; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinnany, Thomas, Prescot; 20:
616; Lancashire.
Tinney, Peter Daniel Beaton,
Stoke Damerel; 09: 265; Devon.
Tinning, Anne, Nantwich; 19:
135; Cheshire.
Tinning, William, Longtown;
25: 79; Cumberland.
Tinney, Henry Clay, born 25
Dec 1839, Pekin, Tazewell, Illinois, USA;
Son of John Marshall Tinney
and Verlinda Simmons
Tinney, Emmanuel,
Cornish Probate Records at Cornwall
Record Office, [England],
1800-1857, published 1982;
Tinney, Emmanuel, yeoman, Luxulyan,
1840, Administration bond only
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1840,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenny, James, Birmingham; 16:
270; Warwick.
Tinn, Peter, Stoke-on-Trent;
17: 180; Stafford.
Tinney, Edward, Stratton; 09:
326; Cornwall.
Tinney, Fanny Williamson,
Honiton; 10: 134; Devon.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1840,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Robert, Caistor;
14: 403; Lincoln.
Tennison, Sarah, Stepney;
02: 371; Middlesex.
Teny, George, Ross;
26: 243; Hereford.
Tinney, Grace, St.
Columb; 09: 65; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1840,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenison, William, Warwick; 16:
389; Warwick.
Tenneson, George, Patrington;
23: 41; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tenney, Mary, Glanford Brigg;
14: 263; Lincoln.
Tenney, Mary, Bodmin; 09: 19;
Tenny, Gardener, Lincoln; 14:
326; Lincoln.
Tine, Joseph, E. London; 02:
152; Middlesex.
Tinney, Francis, Clerkenwell;
03: 46; Middlesex.
Tinney, Honor, Stratton; 09:
191; Cornwall.
Tinney, Margaret Elizabeth Charlotte,
Honiton; 10: 111; Devon.
Tinning, Ann, Penrith; 25: 84;
Tinney, Frederick George,
chr: 16 Feb 1840, Saint Martin In The Fields,
Westminster, London, England;
Son of Frederick George Tinney
and Elizabeth Frances ----------
Tinney, Edward, born 1840/chr:
22 Mar 1840,St. Gennys, Cornwall, England;
Son of John Tinney and Mary
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1840,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenny, Rose Ellen, Skirlaugh;
22: 656; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinn, Thomas Ridley,
Newcastle; 25: 324; Northumberland.
Tinne, Theodore Frederick Tandbuck,
W. Derby; 20: 906; Lancashire.
Tinney, Elizabeth, St. Columb;
09: 62; Cornwall.
Tinney, Harriet Jane, St.
Columb; 09: 418; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1840,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, Martin, Malton;
24: 443; North Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, Sally, Stoke
Damerel; 09: 502; Devon.
Tinning, James, Carlisle;
25: 56; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1840,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Elizabeth, Hull; 22:
296; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, John, Hull; 22: 261;
East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Rose, Skirlaugh; 22:
451; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tenny, Mary Ann, Dover; 05:
80; Kent.
Tinn, Thomas Ridley,
Newcastle-on-Tyne; 25: 218; Northumberland.
Tinney, Elizabeth, Wakefield;
22: 489; West Riding, Yorkshire.
Tenney, Jane Worthcoat, chr:
02 Apr 1840, Lanlivery, Cornwall, England;
Daughter of John Tenney and Catherine
Tinney, Anne, born 07 Apr
1840, __________, Cornwall, England;
Daughter of Thomas Tinney and Johanna
Tinney, John, chr: 05 June
1840, Saint Austell, Cornwall, England;
Son of Thomas Tinney and Johannah
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1840,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Robert, Gainsbro; 14:
319; Lincoln.
Tiney, William, Bethnal Green;
02: 119; Middlesex.
Tinn, George, Tynemouth; 25:
389; Northumberland.
Tinn, Joseph, Gateshead; 24:
131; Durham.
Tinn, Joseph Thomas, Gateshead;
24: 119; Durham.
Tinney, Louisa, Lambeth; 04:
261; Surrey.
Tinney, (male child),
Shaftesbury; 08: 79; Dorset.
Tinning, Jane, Carlisle; 25:
65; Cumberland.
Tinning, John, Carlisle; 25:
64; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1840,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, Thomas, Skirlaugh;
22: 481; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tine, Thomas, Stepney;
02: 406; Middlesex.
Tinney, Edmund, Wells;
10: 629; Somerset.
Tinning, Ann, Strand;
01: 383; Middlesex.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1840,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Hannah, Beverley; 23:
11; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinn, Joseph, Gateshead; 24:
76; Durham.
Tinney, Emanuel, Bodmin; 09:
21; Cornwall.
Tinney, John, St. Austell; 09:
04; Cornwall.
Tinney, William, Stoke Damerel;
09: 251; Devon.
Tinney, Elizabeth, born 03
July 1840, __________, Cornwall,
England; Daughter of Edward
Tinney and ---------- ----------
Tinney, Elizabeth, chr: 24
July 1840, St. Columb Minor,
Cornwall, England; (died
as a child);
Daughter of William Mountsteven Tinney
and Mary Anne ----------
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1840,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Teney, Sophia, Boston; 14:
744; Lincoln.
Tennison, Jane, Skirlaugh; 22:
388; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Mary, Wigton; 14:
138; Cumberland.
Tennison, Sarah Maria,
Patrington; 23: 61; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinn, Joseph George, Newcastle
T.; 21: 366; Northumberland.
Tinney, Elizabeth, Camelford;
09: 41; Cornwall.
Tinney, William, Tavistock;
09: 413; Devon.
Tinning, Thomas Treller,
Newcastle T.; 21: 356; Northumberland.
Tinning, William, Carlisle;
21: 14; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1840,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Mary, Liverpool;
20: 148; Lancashire.
Tiney, Anne, Thrapston;
15: 749; Northampton.
Tinney, Ann, Camelford;
09: 67; Cornwall.
Tinney, John, St.
Columb; 09: 76; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1840,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tining, Bridget, Liverpool;
20: 234; Lancashire.
Tining, William, Liverpool;
20: 228; Lancashire.
Tinn, Joseph, Gateshead; 24:
82; Durham.
Tinn, Joseph George, Newcastle
Tyne; 25: 224; Northumberland.
Tinn, Joseph Thomas, Gateshead;
24: 70; Durham.
Tinn, Margaret, Gateshead; 24:
75; Durham.
Tinney, Francis,
Stoke-on-Trent; 17: 126; Stafford.
Tinney, Mary, St. Columb; 09:
34; Cornwall.
Tinning, John, Carlisle; 25:
58; Cumberland.
Tinning, Mary Ann, Carlisle;
25: 58; Cumberland.
Tinney, Eleanor N., born 23
Dec 1840, Civil, Raymond, Cumberland, Maine,
USA; Daughter of Reuben Tinney
and Charity W. ----------
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1841,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, George Tennison,
Skirlaugh; 22: 620; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, Jacob, Camelford; 09:
60; Cornwall.
Tinney, James Symmonds,
Pembroke; 26: 668; Pembroke.
Tinning, Henry, Carlisle; 25:
73; Cumberland.
Tinning, John, Wigton; 25:
187; Cumberland.
Tinny, Isabella, Wells; 10:
497; Somerset.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1841,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Thomas, Hull;
22: 231; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, Johanna, St.
Germans; 09: 115; Cornwall.
Tinney, Mary, Bristol;
11: 128; Gloucestershire.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1841,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenneson, Ann, Patrington; 23:
55; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tenneson, Margaret, Patrington;
23: 60; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tenneson, Mary, Patrington;
23: 56; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tenney, George, Bodmin; 09:
21; Cornwall.
Tenney, Robert, Plomesgate;
12: 290; Suffolk.
Tinney, Ann, Stratton; 09:
197; Cornwall.
Tinney, Charlotte, London; 02:
141; Middlesex.
Tinning, Henry, Carlisle; 25:
55; Cumberland.
Tinny, Joseph, born (1850
Census- aged 09 years) __ ___ 1841, Linton Twp.,
Coshocton, Ohio, USA; Son of Josiah
Tinny and ---------- ----------
Tinney, Mary E., born (1850
Census- aged 09 years) __ ___ 1841, Dayton, Montgomery,
Ohio, USA; Daughter of ----------
---------- and ---------- ----------
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1841,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, Kezia, Patrington;
23: 72; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, Ann, St. Columb; 09:
69; Cornwall.
Tinney, Maria Hellen,
Islington; 03: 169; Middlesex.
Tinney, Mary Grigg, St. Columb;
09: 65; Cornwall.
Tinning, George, Carlisle; 25:
60; Cumberland.
Tinning, John, Carlisle; 25:
64; Cumberland.
Tinning, William, Carlisle;
25: 44; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1841,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, David, Bridlington;
23: 43; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinne, William Thomas, St.
George Hanover Square; 01: 34; Middlesex.
Tinney, Ann, Bodmin; 09: 39;
Tinney, Frances, Camelford;
09: 65; Cornwall.
Tinney, James, Bristol; 11:
174; Gloucestershire.
Tinney, Jane, Bodmin; 09: 41;
Tinney, Jane, Bodmin; 09: 45;
Tinney, John, Bodmin; 09: 41;
Tinney, Joseph, Bodmin; 09:
45; Cornwall.
Tinney, Louisa Matilda, Bodmin;
09: 47; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1841,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Jane, Gainsbro; 14:
257; Lincoln.
Tennison, Ann , Skirlaugh; 22:
407; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, Ann, Taunton; 10: 309;
Tinney, Francis, Tavistock;
09: 292; Devon.
Tinney, M(i)tilda Caroline,
born __ Apr 1841, __________, Madison, Arkansas, USA;
Daughter of Nathan Tinney and Hannah
Tinney, Jane, married 15
Apr 1841, Lanlivery Rural, Cornwall,
England; Spouse of John Tinney
[both surnames are Tinney]
Tinney, Mary Grigg, chr: 25
Apr 1841, St. Columb Minor,
Cornwall, England;
Daughter of Richard Tinney and
Mary Henwood
Tinney, James, married 27
Apr 1841, __________, Guilford, North Carolina, USA;
Spouse of Arena Chaviss
Tinney, Ann, married 29
June 1841, Lanivet, Cornwall, England;
Spouse of Robert Samuel Nute
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1841,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennyson, Wellam Stephenson,
Sculcoates; 22: 486; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Rose, Patrington;
23: 68; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinn, Margaret, Gateshead;
24: 133; Durham.
Tinney, Elizabeth, Langport;
10: 397; Somerset.
Tinney, Hender, St.
Columb; 09: 59; Cornwall.
Tinney, William Alexander, St.
Pancras; 01: 312; Middlesex.
Tinny, Sidney, Wells;
10: 457; Somerset.
Tinny, William, Wells;
10: 460; Somerset.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1841,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tiney, Harriot, Thrapston; 15:
525; Northampton.
Tinn, Eleanor, Newcastle Tyne;
25: 278; Northumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1841,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Jane, Skirlaugh; 22:
367; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinn, George, Newcastle; 25:
199; Northumberland.
Tinney, Anne, chr: 11 July
1841, St. Columb Minor, Cornwall,
England; Daughter of John Tinney
and Louisa ----------
Tinney, William Hender, chr:
19 Sep 1841, St. Columb Minor, Cornwall,
England; (Died as a child);
Son of William Mountsteven Tinney
and Mary Anne ----------
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1841,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenneson, James, York;
23: 640; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tenney, Elizabeth, Caistor;
14: 274; Lincoln.
Tennison, William Henry, Chesterfield;
19: 431; Derby.
Tinney, Emma Ann, St.
Austel; 09: 02; Cornwall.
Tinning, Joseph, Carlisle;
25: 66; Cumberland.
Tinning, William, Carlisle;
25: 67; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1841,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, John, Patrington;
23: 127; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinn, Ann, Newcastle Tyne; 25:
374; Northumberland.
Tinney, Elizabeth Mountsteven,
Stoke Damerel; 09: 517; Devon.
Tinney, William, Leeds; 23:
427; West Riding, Yorkshire.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1841,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, Rose, Patrington;
23: 51; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, Ann, Stratton; 09:
177; Cornwall.
Tinney, Elizabeth, St. Columb;
09: 38; Cornwall.
Tinney, Jacob, Stratton; 09:
177; Cornwall.
Tinning, Fanny, Daventry; 15:
154; Northampton.
Tinning, James, Carlisle; 25:
43; Cumberland.
Tinney, Josiah Fleming ,
married 19 Oct 1841, Harrison County, Kentucky,
USA; Spouse of Martha Simpson;
she the daughter of Moses Simpson and
Permelia ----------. Martha
(Simpson) Tinney died 29 June 1881. Her
husband, Josiah Fleming Tinney, died
in May 1856. He is listed in the
US 1850 Census of Harrison County, Kentucky,
District # 1, # 901-901.
Tinney, Emma Ann, chr: 03
Nov 1841, Saint Austell, Cornwall,
England; Daughter of Silas Tinney
and Mary ----------
Tinney, Richard Worden,
born 18 Dec 1841,Pekin, Tazewell, Illinois, USA;
Son of John Marshall Tinney
and Verlinda Simmons
Tinney, Jacob,
Cornish Probate Records at Cornwall
Record Office, [England],
1800-1857, published 1982;
Tinney, Jacob, miller, St. Gennys,
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1842,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenneson, John,Patrington;
23: 65; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tiney, Maria, White
Chapel; 02: 565; Middlesex.
Tiney, Thomas, Thrapstone;
15: 382; Northampton.
Tinne, Bertha Eliza, W.
Derby; 20: 954; Lancashire.
Tinney, John Northcote, Bodmin;
09: 44; Cornwall.
Tinney, Mary, Tavistock;
09: 479; Devon.
Tinney, Philipha, Bodmin;
09: 45; Cornwall.
Tinney, Susanna Coad, Bodmin;
09: 33; Cornwall.
Tinning, John Blaylock, Carlisle;
25: 76; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1842,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennyson, Omilia,
Hollingbourne; 05: 253; Kent.
Tinney, Ann, Bodmin; 09: 59;
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1842,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, Mary, Patrington;
23: 51; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tiney, Maria, Whitechapel; 02:
406; Middlesex.
Tinn, Margaret, Gateshead; 24:
95; Durham.
Tinney, Elizabeth, Bath; 11:
35; Somerset.
Tinney, John Keat, Camelford;
09: 39; Cornwall.
Early Trade Directories of
Wiltshire, [England], published 1992,
Wiltshire Record Society, Vol. 47, page 131,
A.D. 1842,
Salisbury, Old Sarum and Neighbourhoods,
. . .
Tinney, (Mrs.) Charlotte, St.
Ann st
Tinney, Susanah, born (1850
Census- aged 08 years) __ ___ 1842, Dayton, Montgomery,
Ohio, USA; Daughter of ----------
---------- and ---------- ----------
Tinney, Adaline, married 15
Mar 1842, __________, Lake, Ohio, USA;
Spouse of Warner Young
Tinney, John Northcote, chr:
27 Mar 1842, Luxulyan, Cornwall,
England; Son of Joseph Tinney
and Jane ----------
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1842,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tin, Sarah Ann, Bloomsbury;
01: 56; ----------.
Tiney, Hannah, Thrapstone;
15: 366; Northampton.
Tiney, William, Birmingham;
16: 310; Warwick.
Tinney, Albert Edwin, Axbridge;
10: 314; Somerset.
Tinney, Ann Tinney, St.
Austel; 09: 4; Cornwall.
Tinney, Catherine, St.
Columb; 09: 65; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1842,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenison, Elizabeth, Mt. Harbro';
15: 205; Leicester.
Tenison, Lewis, Whitechapel;
02: 440; Middlesex.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1842,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tiney, George, Thrapstone; 15:
258; Northampton.
Tinney, Elizabeth, Langport;
10: 289; Somerset.
Tinney, Elizabeth, Camelford;
09: 35; Cornwall.
Tinney, William Hender, St.
Columb; 09: 45; Cornwall.
Tinney, James Lafayette,
born 02 Apr 1842, Columbiana, Shelby, Alabama, USA;
Son of ---------- ----------
and ---------- ----------
Tinney, Philippa, chr: 10
May 1842, Lanlivery, Cornwall, England;
Daughter of John Tinney and Jane
Tinney, William Alexander,
chr: 22 May 1842, Old Church, Saint Pancras,
London, England;
Son of Frederick George Tinney
and Elizabeth Frances ----------
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1842,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, Lidia, Patrington;
23: 73; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, William Henry, Camelford;
09: 52; Cornwall.
Tinning, James, Newcastle
-Tyne; 25: 349; Northumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1842,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, John William,
Poplar; 02: 273; Middlesex.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1842,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, Edward, Bridlington;
23: 16; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tine, Mary,
Bethnal Green; 02: 22; Middlesex.
Tinney, William, Camelford;
09: 29; Cornwall.
Tinney, Rachel, born 04
July 1842, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA;
Daughter of Andrew Tinney and Eleaner/Eleanor
Tinney, Alexander, married
21 Sep 1842, __________, Lake, Ohio, USA;
Spouse of Lucinda Goodrich
Tinney, Cathrine , chr: 25
Sep 1842, St. Columb Minor, Cornwall,
England; Daughter of John Tinney
and Louisa ----------
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1842,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Teney, William, Boston;
14: 247; Lincoln.
Tenn, George, Holbeach;
14: 391; Lincoln.
Tenneson, Edmond, Patrington;
23: 69; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Elizabeth, Skirlaugh;
22: 593; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, Mary, St.
Columb; 09: 61; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1842,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, Hannah, Patrington;
23: 125; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennyson, Cecelia,
Hollingbourne; 05: 371; Kent.
Tinney, Mary Ann, Launceston;
09: 203; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1842,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tinning, John, Longtown; 25:
79; Cumberland.
Tinney, Joseph, from Philadelphia
Naturalization Records, [Pennsylvania, USA],
published 1982, page 655; GrBI, QS, 01 Oct
Tineau or La Forest,
Adolph, born 05 Oct 1842,
L'Assomption, Essex,
Ontario, CANADA; Son of Charles La
Forest or Tineau and Teresa
Tinney, William, chr: 20
Nov 1842, Fazeley, Stafford, England;
Son of Thomas Tinney and Hannah
Tinny, Mary Ann, chr: 20
Nov 1842, St. Mary Whitechapel,
Stepney, London, England;
Daughter of William Tinny and Mary
Ann ----------
Tinney, Mary, chr: 27 Nov
1842, St. Columb Minor, Cornwall,
England; Daughter of William Tinney
and Mary ----------
Tinney, Josia, or,
Tinney, James Alexander, born
(1850, aged 8) 1842, [from the
1850 Census of District # 1, #
901-901, Harrison County,] Kentucky, USA;
Son of Josiah Fleming Tinney
and Martha Simpson
[Research Note: The leather bound Tinney
notebook shows:
James Alexander Tinney, born 02 Dec
1842, the same as "Josia", listed
in the U.S. 1850 Census.]
Tinney/Tinny, Ancel/Ansel/Ausel P.,
married __ Dec 1842, __________, Braxton,
[West] Virginia, USA; Spouse of Emma/Emsey-/Emsy
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1843,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenison, Louis James, Lambeth;
04: 322; Surrey.
Tenney, William, Gainsbro';
14: 349; Lincoln.
Tennison, Jane Ann, Houghton-le-Spg;
24: 179; Durham.
Tennison, Mary Jane, Skirlaugh;
22: 636; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Matthew, Patrington;
23: 68; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Thomas, Sculcoates;
22: 524; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tiney, Sarah, Whitechapel;
02: 558; Middlesex.
Tinn, George, Gateshead;
24: 141; Durham.
Tinn, Jane Ridley, Newcastle
Tyne; 25: 339; Northumberland.
Tinney, Avis Keat, Camelford;
09: 53; Cornwall.
Tinney, Therza, Axbridge;
10: 321; Somerset.
Tinning, Richard, Cockermouth;
25: 91; Cumberland.
Tinnings, John, Halifax;
22: 197; West Riding, Yorkshire.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1843,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Elizabeth, Ashford
West; 05: 19; Kent.
Tinnin, Elizabeth, Wandsworth
&c; 04: 371; Surrey.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1843,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenneson, Elizabeth,
Sculcoates; 22: 382; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tenney, William, Gainsboro';
14: 247; Lincoln.
Tennison, Thomas, Patrington;
23: 51; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinn, Esther, Newcastle Tyne;
25: 233; Northumberland.
Tinney, Caroline, St. Columb
M.; 09: 59; Cornwall.
Tinney, John, Bodmin; 09: 40;
Tinney, Selina, Camelford; 09:
47; Cornwall.
Tinny, John, born (1850
Census- aged 07 years) __ ___ 1843, Linton Township,
Coshocton, Ohio, USA; Son of Josiah Tinny and ----------
Tinney, George, born (1850
Census- aged 07 years) __ ___ 1843, Ames Township,
Athens, Ohio, USA; Son of Roswell Tinney and ----------
Tinney, Ambrose, born 11
Jan 1843, Raymond, Cumberland, Maine, USA;
Son of Reuben Tinney and Charity
W. ----------
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1843,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tinney, Emily, Edmonton;
03: 154; Middlesex.
Tinney, Isabella Frances, St.
Pancras; 01: 336; Middlesex.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1843,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenison, Mary, Leyburn; 24:
393; North Riding, Yorkshire.
Tenney, James, Hull; 22: 224;
East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinn, Sarah, Newcastle Tyne;
25: 356; Northumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1843,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tinnany, Elizabeth, Prescot;
20: 566; Lancashire.
Tinny, John, Wells; 10: 354;
Tinney, Charles, chr: 02
Apr 1843, Saint Michael, Stone, Stafford,
England; Son of Henry Tinney
and Sarah ----------
Tinney, Isabella Frances,
chr: 28 June 1843, Old Church,
Saint Pancras, London, England;
Daughter of Frederick George Tinney
and Elizabeth Frances ----------
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1843,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tinney, Ann, Stratton;
09: 296; Cornwall.
Tinney, George, Langport;
10: 403; Somerset.
Tinney, Joseph William, Axbridge;
10: 290; Somerset.
Tinney, Mary, Wells;
10: 482; Somerset.
Tinning, Thomas, Carlisle;
25: 76; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1843,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, George, Bridlington;
23: 19; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, John, Camelford; 09:
67; Cornwall.
Tinney, Joseph, Bodmin; 09:
45; Cornwall.
Tinning, Rachel, Carlisle; 25:
38; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1843,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Dorothy, Sculcoates;
22: 305; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tiney, Elizabeth, Shoreditch;
02: 243; Middlesex.
Tinny, Connel, married 23
Aug 1843, __________, Huron, Ohio, USA;
Spouse of Eliza Ann Carpenter
Tinney, Jane, married 17
Sep 1843, __________, Muskingum, Ohio, USA;
Spouse of Ira Griffin
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1843,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Jane, Beverley;
23: 15; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Elizabeth, Hull;
22: 390; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Mary, Pocklington;
23: 85; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Mary Medforth, Patrington;
23: 71; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinne, Harriet Wilhelmina, West
Derby; 20: 941; Lancashire.
Tinney, Ann, Bodmin;
09: 46; Cornwall.
Tinney, Elizabeth, Camelford;
09: 53; Cornwall.
Tinney, Jenny Grigg, Truro;
09: 332; Cornwall.
Tinney, Mary Ann, Bodmin;
09: 34; Cornwall.
Tinney, William, Bodmin;
09: 46; Cornwall.
Tinning, Irving, Longtown;
25: 112; Cumberland.
Tinning, Mary, Carlisle;
25: 64; Cumberland.
Tinning, Mary Ann, Carlisle;
25: 67; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1843,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tinney, James, Langport; 10:
635; Somerset.
Tinning, Jane, Newcastle Tyne;
25: 335; Northumberland.
Tinning, Mary, Edmonton; 03:
95; Middlesex.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1843,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, William, Eastry; 03:
116; Kent.
Tinney, James, St. Columb; 09:
38; Cornwall.
Tinnie, Jean, married 12
Nov 1843, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland;
Spouse of Peter Hickney
Tinney, Catherin, married
__ Dec 1843, Neilston, Renfrew,
Scotland; Spouse of Patrick Shields
Tinney, Anne, chr: 24 Dec
1843, St. Gennys, Cornwall, England;
Daughter of Roger Tinney and Anne
Tinney, Elizabeth, born 28
Dec 1843, Woolwich, Kent, England;
Daughter of William Tinney and
Ann ----------
Tinney, Jane, chr: 05 Dec
1843, Lanlivery, Cornwall, England;
Daughter of John Tinney and Jane
Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Wills and Administrations,
[England], (LDS FHC film # 091,865), A.D.
Wills - pts - Dec, 934
Tinne, Philip Frederic, (Esq.)
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1844,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, John, E.
Ashford; 05: 06; Kent.
Tennison, John, Houghton-le-Sp'g;
24: 172; Durham.
Tinney, Jane, Leeds;
23;: 343; West Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, Mary, St.
Columb; 09: 69; Cornwall.
Tinney, Mary Jane, Bodmin;
09: 38; Cornwall.
Tinney, (male child), St.
Columb; 09: 74; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1844,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, Harland, Hull; 22:
240; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, William, Patrington;
23: 101; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tenny, Hannah, Beverley; 23:
13; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tiney, Diana, Stoke Damerel;
09: 463; Devon.
Tiney, James, Thrapstone; 15:
487; Northampton.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1844,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, Mary, Patrington;
23: 45; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tenny, Mary Jane, Guisbro; 14:
270; North Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, Edward, Camelford; 09:
37; Cornwall.
Tinney, Edwin, Langport; 10:
348; Somerset.
Tinney, Mary, Bodmin; 09: 25;
Tenney, Ammon Meshach, born
__ ___ 1844, __________, Lee, Iowa, USA.
Tenney, Anmon (sic),
from American Diaries in Manuscript, A.D. 1580 -- 1954
A Descriptive Bibliography, by
William Matthews, published 1974,
page 122, # 4569
TENNEY, Anmon.
1887-1921. Discussion of Joseph Smith, [Jr.] and
Brigham Young;
interesting comments on politics of Mexico;
excellent chronology of happenings in
Mexico City. AzTP.
[Research Note: This is further
expanded and corrected to:
Tenney, Ammon Meshach,
Autobiography (1844-1918), in
AUTOBIOGRAPHIES, by Davis Bitton, published
BYU University Press, pages 354-355, # 2507-
# 2510, located at LDS Historical Department,
SLC, Utah, and elsewhere. His family
settled in Thatcher, Arizona, USA.]
Tinney/Tinny, James (K.),
married __ Jan 1844, __________, Braxton, [West] Virginia,
USA; Spouse of Zutelba/Zutulba (L.)
Tinney, Jenny Grig, chr: 28
Jan 1844, St. Columb Minor, Cornwall,
England; Daughter of Richard Tinney
and Mary ----------
Tinney, Mary, chr: 28 Jan
1844, St. Columb Minor, Cornwall,
England; Daughter of John Tinney
and Louisa ----------
Tinney, Hannah M., married
11 Feb 1844, Palmyra, Wayne, New York, USA;
Spouse of Edward F. Allen
Tinney, John Henry, born 23
Feb 1844,Harrison County,
Kentucky, [USA]; Spouse of Louisa
Son of Josiah Fleming Tinney
and Martha Simpson
[Research Note: John Henry Tinney
fought in the United States Civil War,
on the Union side. A letter written by
" Mrs. Martha tinney to here son
John tiney," states: [letter
dated December the 8 1863],
"deare sun i take my pen in han to drop
you a few lin
to in form you that i received your welcome
leter of the first od december
and its fond me as well as comin i hope
thees few lin my find you well
and enjoin good health i have bin lokin for
you for some time bute
its seme like i will neve git to see you
bute i hope you will soon come home
and see me i heard you had oders to leve
there and i want you to rite to me
and tell me where you are goin i hope you
will come nere home instid of goin
farther for you are fare enought from now i
wante you to bee a good boy
and serve your lord the best you can and i
wante you not to play cards i
herde some say you had took to plain cards
and if you have for my sake never
tech them i wante to see you very bad bute i
wante you never to desert i wants
you to come like a gentleman when you come
there is nothin on this earth that
wold satisfy me as well as to bee with you
ate home in peace i hope you will soon
come we wose all most crasey about the other
day bute i hope the beter is yet to
come i hope you and all of you will live to
come home again i hope the rebels wont
kill none of you i never hardly sware bute i
hope dam there infernil haste of them
i hope you and all the rest may kill them
all and then we will have peace when all
the rebel devils is dead i want you to rite
as soon as you gite this leter and let me now
how you are gitin along mus close i remane
you[r] mother until death."]
Tinney, Mary Jane, chr: 17
Mar 1844, Lanivet, Cornwall, England;
Daughter of Joseph Tinney and Jane
Tinney, Royal Riley,
married 31 Mar 1844, __________, __________, New York, USA;
Spouse of Olive Saphronia Jenne/Jenney
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1844,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, Alice Ann, Patrington;
23: 71; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Anne, Chesterfield;
19: 482; Derby.
Tenny, Robert Hill, Gainsbro';
14: 348; Lincoln.
Tinney, Celina, Camelford;
09: 48; Cornwall.
Tinning, Martha, Liverpool;
20: 502; Lancashire.
Tinning, Richard, Carlisle;
25: 66; Cumberland.
Tinning, William, Carlisle;
25: 68; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1844,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Ann, Lincoln; 14: 862;
Tenney, Thomas, Lincoln; 14:
864; Lincoln.
Tennison, Robert Hunton,
Altrincham; 19: 01; Cheshire.
Tinney, Frederick, Wells; 10:
879; Somerset.
Tinney, Harriet, Wells; 10:
891; Somerset.
Tinney, Mary, Camelford; 09:
55; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1844,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Robert, Gainsbro; 14:
243; Lincoln.
Tenny, William, Gainsbro; 14:
242; Lincoln.
Tinney, Elizabeth, Stepney;
02: 342; Middlesex.
Tinney, Hender, chr: 05 Apr
1844, St. Columb Minor, Cornwall,
England; (died as a child);
Son of William Mounsteven Tinney
and Mary Anne ----------
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1844,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Emma, Lincoln;
14: 414; Lincoln.
Tenney, Smith, Lincoln;
14: 423; Lincoln.
Tennison, Esther, Altrincham;
19: 3; Cheshire.
Tennison, George, Patrington;
23: 70; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Mary Ellen, Liverpool;
20: 384; Lancashire.
Tenny, Mary Ann, Caistor;
14: 278; Lincoln.
Tiney, William, Thrapstone;
15: 363; Northampton.
Tinney, Eliza, Tavistock;
09: 460; Devon.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1844,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tinney, Emma Eliza, St.
Austel; 09: 05; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1844,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tinney, Hender Mounsk[orn],
09: 42; Cornwall.
Tinney, Joseph, Axbridge; 10:
204; Somerset.
Tinney, John Marshall,
married 10 Aug 1844, __________, Tazewell, Illinois, USA;
Spouse of Sarah America Kauffman
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1844,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tinney, George, Wells;
10: 501; Somerset.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1844,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tinne, William, Bodmin; 09:
53; Cornwall.
Tinney, Charlotte, Wells; 10:
777; Somerset.
Tinney, Phillippa, Truro; 09:
341; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1844,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Ten, Sarah, Lambeth; 04: 189;
Tennison, Ann, Sculcoates; 22:
328; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tenny, Mary, Lincoln; 14: 295;
Tinney, Charlotte, Axbridge;
10: 235; Somerset.
Tinney, Joseph, from Philadelphia
Naturalization Records, [Pennsylvania, USA],
published 1982, page 655; GrBI, SC, 01 Oct
Tinnie, Peter, married 12
Oct 1844, Houston And Killellan, Renfrew,
Scotland; Spouse of Ann McAninch
Tinney, Alice, married 20
Oct 1844, St. Nicholas, Liverpool,
Lancashire, England; Spouse of William
Tinney, Mary,
Cornish Probate Records at Cornwall
Record Office, [England],
1800-1857, published 1982;
Tinney, Mary, widow, St. Columb
Minor, 1845
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1845,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, John, Patrington;
23: 69; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Roshanna, Skirlaugh;
22: 665; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tiney, Edward, Thrapstone;
15: 401; Northampton.
Tinney, Elizabeth, Bodmin;
09: 48; Cornwall.
Tinney, Elizabeth Ann, Camelford;
09: 60; Cornwall.
Tinney, John, St. Austell; 09:
03; Cornwall.
Tinney, John, Bodmin; 09: 48;
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1845,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Mary Ann, Stoke
Damarel; 09: 491; Devon.
Tine, Elizabeth, St. George
East; 02: 61; Middlesex.
Tinney, Clarinda, Wells; 10:
765; Somerset.
Tinney, Jane, Bodmin; 09: 35;
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1845,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, William,
Bridlington; 23: 21; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, John, St. Austell; 09:
06; Cornwall.
Tinney, John, Stratton; 09:
204; Cornwall.
Tinney, Sidney, Wells; 10:
401; Somerset.
Ireland - Marriages - Nationwide-
Males/Females - Year A.D. 1845,
(LDS FHC film # 14480, part 1): Name,
Location; Vol. #: Page #.
Tinney, Robert, Strabane; 10:
Tinney, George Luke, born
__ ___ 1845, Fowler, St. Lawrence, New York, USA;
Son of Royal Riley Tinney and Olive
Saphronia Jenne
Tinney, John, born (1850
Census- aged 5 years) __ ___ 1845, Ames Twp., Athens,
Ohio, USA; Son of Roswell Tinney
and ---------- ----------
Tenney, Elizabeth, chr: 16
Feb 1845, Lanlivery, Cornwall, England;
Daughter of William Tenney and
Elizabeth ----------
Tinney, John, chr: 23 Feb
1845, Luxulyan, Cornwall, England;
Son of Joseph Tinney and Elizabeth
Tinney, Jane, married 19
Mar 1845, Lanivet, Cornwall, England;
Spouse of Samuel Cook
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1845,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Alice, Glanf'd Brigg;
14: 377; Lincoln.
Tennison, John, Patrington;
23: 65; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Mary Ann, Hull; 22:
426; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tiney, Henry, Whitechapel; 02:
559; Middlesex.
Tinne, John Ernest, W. Derby;
20: 1050; Lancashire.
Tinney, Thursda, St. Columb;
09: 55; Cornwall.
Tinning, James, Carlisle; 25:
49; Cumberland.
Tinning, Miller, Cockermouth;
25: 89; Cumberland.
Tinning, Peter, Ashton
&c.; 20: 99; Lancashire.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1845,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tiney, Melicent, Thrapstone;
15: 525; Northampton.
Tinney, Caroline, Wells; 10:
863; Somerset.
Tinney, Thomas, Truro; 09:
333; Cornwall.
Tinning, Elizabeth,
Canterbury; 05: 127; Kent.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1845,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Dennis, Caistor; 14:
205; Lincoln.
Tenny, Mary, Lincoln; 14: 303;
Tinney, Mary, Bodmin; 09: 31;
Tenny, Alice, chr: 04 May
1845, Hibaldstow, Lincoln, England;
Daughter of James Tenny and Frances
Tinney, Thyrza, chr: 07 May
1845, St. Columb Minor, Cornwall, England;
(Died as a child);
Daughter of William Mounsteven Tinney
and Mary Anne ----------
Tinney, John Quincy Adams,
born 26 May 1845, Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts,
USA; Son of ---------- ----------
and Julia A. Tinney
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1845,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, (male child), Lincoln;
14: 444; Lincoln.
Tension, Anthony, Sheffield;
22: 580; West Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinn, Cuthbert, Gateshead; 24:
155; Durham.
Tinney, Elizabeth, Bodmin; 09:
37; Cornwall.
Tinney, Martha, Axbridge; 10:
282; Somerset.
Tinney, Mary Bassett, Truro;
09: 319; Cornwall.
Tinney, William, Langport; 10:
388; Somerset.
Tinning, Catherine, Newcastle
- Tyne; 25: 355; Northumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1845,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Benjamin Gustavus,
Stoke Damerel; 09: 492; Devon.
Tinney, Elizabeth, Ashborne;
19: 329; Derby.
Tinney, Mary, Bodmin; 09: 35;
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1845,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tinney, Mary Ann, Tavistock;
09: 266; Devon.
Tinney, Mary Bassett, Truro;
09: 174; Cornwall.
Tinney, Mary, married 28
July 1845, Bodmin, Cornwall, England;
Spouse of Thomas Champion
Tinney, Joseph, born 22 Aug
1845, Raymond, Cumberland, Maine, USA;
Son of Reuben Tinney and Charity
W. ----------
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1845,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, George Wilson, Hull;
22: 392; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, Henry James, St.
Pancras; 01: 334; Middlesex.
Tinney, Margaret, Stratton;
09: 278; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1845,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Abraham, Gainsboro;
14: 592; Lincoln.
Tenney, Robert, Gainsboro; 14:
591; Lincoln.
Tennison, Thomas, Patrington;
23: 145; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tenny, Mary Frances,
East Ashford; 05: 25; Kent.
Tinn, Margaret,
Newcastle-on-Tyne; 25: 392; Northumberland.
Tinney, Jane, Camelford; 09:
80; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1845,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tinney, Mary, St. Columb M.;
09: 37; Cornwall.
Tinney, Thursta, St. Columb
M.; 09: 35; Cornwall.
Tinney, John, from Philadelphia
Naturalization Records, [Pennsylvania, USA],
published 1982, page 655; GrBI, QS, 13 Oct
Tinney, Henry James, chr:
23 Nov 1845, Old Church,
Saint Pancras, London, England;
Son of Frederick George Tinney
and Elizabeth Frances ----------
Tinney, Robert, married 26
Nov 1845, Raphoe, Donegal, Ireland;
Spouse of Elizabeth McKinney
Tinney, Margaret, chr: 14
Dec 1845, St. Gennys, Cornwall, England;
Daughter of Roger Tinney and Anne
Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Wills and Administrations,
[England], (LDS FHC film # 091,867), A.D.
Wills - Berks - May, 390
Tinney, Jemima Catherine
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1846,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Adolphus Frederick,
Liskeard; 09: 199; Cornwall.
Tenney, John Henry, Spalding;
14: 553; Lincoln.
Tennison, John William,
Bethnal Green; 02: 01; Middlesex.
Tinney, Mary Tinney, St.
Columb; 09: 68; Cornwall.
Tinney, Selena, Camelford; 09:
54; Cornwall.
Tinning, Elizabeth, Carlisle;
25: 74; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1846,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
(none listed) ----------
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1846,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Ten, Daniel Lawrence, Tiverton
&c; 10: 187; Devon. [2nd Qtr - ?]
Tenney, Elizabeth, Glanford
Brigg; 14: 225; Lincoln.
Tenny, Mary, Plomesgate; 12:
250; Suffolk.
Ireland - Marriages - Nationwide-
Males/Females - Year A.D. 1846,
(LDS FHC film # 14480, part 1): Name,
Location; Vol. #: Page #.
Tiney, Catherine, Strabane;
10: 331
Republic of Texas: Poll Lists for
1846, [USA], compiled by Marion Day Mullins,
published 1982; [a tax of one dollar was
applied to every white male resident over the
age of twenty-one and to women who were
heads of households (usually widows)];
pages 166, 168,
Tenney, John, Bexar County;
Tinney, Margaret, Gonzales
Tinney, Agness, married __
___ 1846, __________, __________, Pennsylvania, USA;
Spouse of William Ralston
Tinny, Marsh- J., married
20 Jan 1846, __________, Washtenaw, Michigan, USA;
Spouse of Mervin Carney
Tinney, Mary
Tinnue, Thos.
The Famine Immigrants, Vol. 1,
published 1983,
Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the
Port of New York, [USA], 1846-1851,
page 13, Ship John-R. Skiddy, 16 Mar
1846, from Liverpool, [England],
Tinney, Mary, aged 15, female,
[Note: On same ship was Tinnue,
Thos., aged 30, male, no occupation]
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1846,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, William Bescoby,
Lincoln; 14: 493; Lincoln.
Tennison, Ann, Patrington; 23:
75; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Edward, Patrington;
23: 71; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Joseph Thompson,
Chesterfield; 19: 552; Derby.
Tennison, William,
Pocklington; 23: 90; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, Clara Mary, St.
Austell; 09: 09; Cornwall.
Tinney, Emma, St. Columb; 09:
66; Cornwall.
Tinney, John, Wells; 10: 531;
Tinney, John Henry, St.
Austell; 09: 531; Cornwall.
Tinney, Joseph, Bodmin; 09:
48; Cornwall.
Tinney, William, St. Columb;
09: 65; Cornwall.
Tinning, Mary, Carlisle; 25:
76; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1846,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, Eliza, Stepney; 02:
524; Middlesex.
Tiney, Anne, Hungerford; 06:
301; Berkshire.
Tinn, George, Newcastle Tyne;
25: 446; Northumberland.
Tinney, John, Lymington; 08:
327; Hampshire.
Tinney, John, Falmouth; 09:
115; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1846,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, John Henry, Boston;
14: 167; Lincoln.
Tennison, George Wilson, Hull;
22: 304; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, Amelia, Shiffnal; 18:
136; Shropshire.
Tinney, Jemima Catherine,
Farringdon; 06: 119; Berkshire.
Tinney, Thomas, Stratton; 09:
153; Cornwall.
Tinning, Richard, Carlisle;
25: 49; Cumberland.
Tinnie, Edward, married 12
Apr 1846, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland;
Spouse of Catherine MacFadyen
[Tinney, Angeline]
Charles Benjamin High and Angeline
Tinney were the parents of:
Son George Washington High,
born 22 Apr 1846, Troy, Rensselaer, New York, USA;
Son Charles High, born 20 Oct
1848, Troy, Rensselaer, New York, USA.
Tinny, ----------, married
25 Apr 1846, __________, Carroll, Missouri, USA;
Spouse of Henry Hase
Tinney, Anthony, married 21
May 1846, __________, Lewis, [West] Virginia, USA;
Spouse of Rebecca Strader
Tinney, Clara Mary, chr: 06
June 1846, Saint Austell, Cornwall,
England; Daughter of Silas Tinney
and Mary ----------
Tinney, William, chr: 14
June 1846, St. Columb Minor, Cornwall, England;
(Died as a child);
Son of William Mountsteven Tinney
and Mary Anne ----------
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1846,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Ellen, Gainsbro'; 14:
329; Lincoln.
Tennison, Mary, Patrington;
23: 75; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, Sarah, Hunslet; 23:
304; West Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, Selina, Truro; 09:
325; Cornwall.
Tinning, Jane Ann, Carlisle;
25: 68; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1846,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tiney, Caroline, Aston; 16:
263; Warwick.
Tinney, Benjamin, Ashborne;
19: 319; Derby.
Tinney, Elizabeth, Camelford;
09: 65; Cornwall.
Tinney, Elizabeth, Ashborne;
19: 319; Derby.
Tinney, Elizabeth Ann, Bodmin;
09: 39; Cornwall.
Tinney, Hannah, Ashborne; 19:
319; Derby.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1846,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Ellen, Gainsbro; 14:
284; Lincoln.
Tenney, Henry, E. Ashford; 05:
03; Kent.
Tenney, William Bescoby,
Lincoln; 14: 370; Lincoln.
Tennison, Charlotte,
Sculcoates; 22: 422; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Elizabeth,
Patrington; 23: 64; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tiney, James, Holborn; 02: 85;
Tinney, George Frederick,
Honiton; 10: 87; Devon.
Tinney, Martha, Axbridge; 10:
203; Somerset.
Tinney, William, St. Columb;
09: 34; Cornwall.
Tinning, David, Carnarvon; 27:
213; Carnarvon.
Tinning, John, Longtown; 25:
93; Cumberland.
Tinney, Ellen Louisa, born
14 Aug 1846, Pekin, Tazewell, Illinois, USA;
Daughter of John Marshall Tinney
and Sarah America Kaufman
Tinney, Hannah J., married
04 Sep 1846, Raymond, Cumberland, Maine, USA;
Spouse of Isaac Libby
Tinney, Emma, chr: 16 Sep
1846, St. Columb Minor, Cornwall,
England; Daughter of John Tinney
and Louisa ----------
Tinney, Elizabeth Ann,
married 30 Sep 1846, Lanivet, Cornwall,
England; Spouse of Edward Morris
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1846,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Eliza Murrell,
Wayland; 13: 345; Norfolk.
Tenney, Joseph, Gainsbro'; 14:
342; Lincoln.
Tenney, Sarah Jane, Lincoln;
14: 472; Lincoln.
Tenney, William, Hunslet; 23:
255; West Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Louisa, Chorlton;
20: 280; Lancashire.
Tinney, Matilda Ann, St.
Columb; 09: 71; Cornwall.
Tinney, Peter Daniel Beaton,
Stoke Damerel; 09: 457; Devon.
Tinney, William, Camelford;
09: 51; Cornwall.
Tinning, Robert, Carlisle; 25:
61; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1846,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenne, Johanna, Camberwell;
04: 43; Surrey.
Tenny, Henry, E. Ashford; 05:
27; Kent.
Tinn, Catharine, Gateshead;
24: 154; Durham.
Tinning, Ann, Carlisle; 25:
64; Cumberland.
Tinning, Elizabeth, Longtown;
25: 119; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1846,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, Sarah, Pocklington;
23: 73; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tineing, Joseph Lewellyn,
Birmingham; 16: 270; Warwick.
Tinn, Robert, Newcastle Tyne;
25: 302; Northumberland.
Tinney, Mary Jane, St. Columb;
09: 41; Cornwall.
Tinney, Selina, Truro; 09:
228; Cornwall.
Tinning, James, Longtown; 25:
109; Cumberland.
Tinny, Selina, chr: 04 Oct
1846, Kenwyn, Cornwall, England;
Daughter of Richard Tinny and Mary
Tinney, Missouri Ann,
married 18 Dec 1846, __________, Grundy, Missouri, USA;
Spouse of Samuel Rooks
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1847,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Mary, Shaftesbury; 08:
76; Dorset.
Tenney, Sarah, E. Ashford; 05:
08; Kent.
Tiney, Robert, Thrapstone; 15:
385; Northampton.
Tinney, Josiah, Bodmin; 09:
30; Cornwall.
Tinney, Thomas James, St.
Columb; 09: 60; Cornwall.
Tinning, Elizabeth, Carlisle;
25: 77; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1847,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tinn, George Tristram,
Newcastle-on-Tyne; 25: 300; Northumberland.
Tinn, George Tristram Colling,
Newcastle-on-Tyne; 25: 300; Northumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1847,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenison, Mary Ann, St. George
Hanover Square; 01: 32; Middlesex.
Tennison, Joseph, Bridlington;
23: 17; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Mary, Patrington;
23: 62; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, William, Patrington;
23: 65; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, Elizabeth, Bodmin; 09:
29; Cornwall.
Tinney, John, Camelford; 09:
35; Cornwall.
Tinney, Thomas, St. Columb;
09: 44; Cornwall.
Tenney, Emma
Tenney Family
Tenney, S. M.
Tennison, William A.
Tenny, J. C.
Tenny, S. M.
The University of Texas Archives,
[USA], A Guide to the
Historical Manuscripts Collections in the
University of Texas Library, published 1967,
Austin & London; with Donors and
Emma Tenney
S. M. Tenney [See
also: page 60, # 359. . . . S. M. Tenny]
J. C. Tenny;
page 51, # 307. . . . William A.
also, page 359:
# 2116. TENNEY FAMILY. Papers,
A.D. 1847-1911; 2 1/2 inches; MSS.,
photocopy, typescript.
reminiscences, and legal papers of Samuel Tenney,
and his son Samuel Fisher Tenney,
Presbyterian clergyman. Places associated with
the papers include Athens, Georgia . . .
Papers relate to education, genealogy, and
Tinney, Naoma, born (1850
Census- aged 03 years) __ ___ 1847, Ames Township,
Athens, Ohio, USA; Daughter of Roswell Tinney and
---------- ----------
Teeney, Lard., from The
Famine Immigrants, Vol. 1, published 1983,
Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the
Port of New York, [USA], 1846-1851,
page 346, Ship Pacific, 20 Jan 1847,
from Liverpool, [England],
Teeney, Lard., aged 23, male, Farmer
Tinny, Hellen, married 24
Jan 1847, Old Luce, Wigtown, Scotland;
Spouse of James Thompson
Tienny, Ann, from The
Famine Immigrants, Vol. 1, published 1983,
Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the
Port of New York, [USA], 1846-1851,
page 346, Ship Garrick, 30 Jan 1847,
from Liverpool, [England],
Tienny, Ann, aged 54, female, no
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1847,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Mary Ann, Glanford
Brigg; 14: 366; Lincoln.
Tenney, Susanna, Glanford
Brigg; 14: 369; Lincoln.
Tennison, Henrietta,
Patrington; 23: 70; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tiney, Emma, Thrapstone; 15:
375; Northampton.
Tinn, George,
Newcastle-on-Tyne; 25: 352; Northumberland.
Tinn, Richard,
Newcastle-on-Tyne; 25: 367; Northumberland.
Tinne, James Capellin, W.
Derby; 20: 1127; Lancashire.
Tinne, James Cassellin, W.
Derby; 20: 1127; Lancashire.
Tinney, Clara Elizabeth Evans,
Marylebone; 01: 144; Middlesex.
Tinney, Justina, Langport; 10:
412; Somerset.
Tinning George, Carlisle; 25:
53; Cumberland.
Tinning, Thomas, Cockermouth;
25: 83; Cumberland.
Tinny, John Powell,
Wolverhampton; 17: 366; Stafford.
Tinny, William Thomas, Truro;
09: 319; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1847,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tinney, Margaret, Stratton;
09: 319; Cornwall.
Tinney, Mary, Launceston; 09:
181; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1847,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tinney, Mary, Tavistock; 09:
299; Devon.
Tinning, George, Carlisle; 25:
47; Cumberland.
Tinney, Franklin, born 17
May 1847, Raymond, Cumberland, Maine, USA;
Son of Reuben Tinney and Charity
W. ----------
Tinney, Clara Elizabeth Evans,
chr: 09 June 1847, Old Church,
Saint Pancras, London, England; Daughter of Frederick
George Tinney
and Elizabeth Frances ----------
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1847,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Sarah Freeman,
Caistor; 14: 300; Lincoln.
Tinney, Mary Jane, Bodmin; 09:
37; Cornwall.
Tinney, Mary Jane Herd,
Camelford; 09: 43; Cornwall.
Tinney, (female child), Wells;
10: 427; Somerset.
Tinning, David, Liverpool; 20:
511; Lancashire.
Tinning, John, Carlisle; 25:
63; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1847,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tinney Dorothy, Truro; 09:
313; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1847,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Susanna, Glanford
Brigg; 14: 3__; Lincoln.
Tenny, James, Manchester; 20:
104; Lancashire.
Tinn Robert,
Newcastle-on-Tyne; 25: 236; Northumberland.
Tinney, Charlotte, Haverford
West; 26: 441; Pembroke.
Tinney, Thomas, Camelford; 09:
25; Cornwall.
Tinning, Michael, Northwich;
19: 149; Cheshire.
Tenney, Hugh, from The
Famine Immigrants, Vol. 2, published 1983,
Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the
Port of New York, [USA], 1846-1851,
page 39, Ship Philip-Hone, 28 July
1847, from Londonderry, [Ireland],
Tenney, Hugh, aged 26, male, Farmer
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1847,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, George, Patrington;
23: 59; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Sarah Ann,
Skirlaugh; 22: 625; East Riding, Yorkshire.
[Tennison Sarah Ann,
Skirlaugh; 22: 625; East Riding, Yorkshire.]
Tenney, Emma, Wayland; 13:
330; Norfolk.
Tenney, John Henry, Spalding;
14: 516; Lincoln.
Tinn, Thomas,
Newcastle-on-Tyne; 25: 314; Northumberland.
Tinney, Joseph William,
Axbridge; 10: 275; Somerset.
Tinney, Thomas, Camelford; 09:
53; Cornwall.
Tinney, Thursa, St. Columb;
09: 61; Cornwall.
Tinney, William, Bodmin; 09:
45; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1847,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenison, Jane, Hull; 22: 302;
East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tining, Mary, Worcester; 18:
733; Worcester.
Tinney, Jane, Truro; 09: 409;
Tinney, John Newton,
Rotherhithe; 04: 465; Surrey.
Tinney, Joseph, Camelford; 09:
81; Cornwall.
Tinning, James, Carlisle; 25:
51; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1847,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, John, Louth; 14: 332;
Tennison, David, Patrington;
23: 55; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, George, Patrington;
23: 55; East Riding, Yorkshire.
[Tennison, George, Patrington;
23: 55; East Riding, Yorkshire.]
Tinn, Thomas,
Newcastle-on-Tyne; 25: 269; Northumberland.
Tinney, George, Bodmin; 09:
15; Cornwall.
Tinney, Matilda, St. Columb;
09: 30; Cornwall.
Teeny, Thomas, from The
Famine Immigrants, Vol. 2, published 1983,
Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the
Port of New York, [USA], 1846-1851,
page 131, Ship Isaac-Wright, 22 Oct
1847, from Liverpool, [England],
Teeny, Thomas, aged 38, male,
Tinny, William, chr: 21 Nov
1847, Lanlivery, Cornwall, England;
Son of William Tinny and Elizabeth
Tinney, Matilda, chr: 05
Dec 1847, St. Columb Minor, Cornwall, England;
(died as a child);
Daughter of William Tinney and
Mary ----------
Tinney, William Thomas,
chr: 25 Dec 1847, Kenwyn, Cornwall, England;
Son of Thomas Tinney and Betsy
Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Wills and Administrations,
[England], (LDS FHC film # 091,869), A.D.
Wills - Lancr - Mar, 270
Tinne, William Thomas, (Esq.)
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1848,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Louisa Matilda,
Liskeard; 09: 183; Cornwall.
Tenney, Lucy, Dover; 05: 123;
Tiney, Thomas, Whitechapel;
02: 609; Middlesex.
Tinn, Barbara Ann, Gateshead;
24: 136; Durham.
Tinney, John Mary (sic),
Bodmin; 09: 43; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1848,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenison, William, Patrington;
23: 97; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tenney, Richard, Newark; 15:
744; Nottingham.
Tennison, Thomas, Patrington;
23: 99; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, Jane, St. Columb; 09:
79; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1848,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Louisa Matilda,
Liskeard; 09: 137; Cornwall.
Tenney Lucy, Dover; 05: 96;
Tennison, Rebecca Jane,
Bethnal Green; 02: 13; Middlesex.
Tiney, Ann, Thrapstone; 15:
306; Northampton.
Tinne, William Thomas, W.
Derby; 20: 1067; Lancashire.
Tinneny, Thomas, Wirral; 19:
331; Cheshire.
Tinney, Mary, Stratton; 09:
218; Cornwall.
Ireland - Marriages - Nationwide-
Males/Females - Year A.D. 1848,
(LDS FHC film # 14480, part 2): Name,
Location; Vol. #: Page #.
Tenison, ors Saunderson,
Thomesin S., Rathdown; 09:
Tennison, Mary, Mullingar; 08:
Tennisson, Elizabeth, Dublin,
South; 05: 349
Tenson, James, Magherafelt;
07: 726
Tinnany, Francis, Cavan; 03:
Tinny, John, Londonderry; 07:
Tinny, Martha, Londonderry;
07: 295
[Tinney, Mary C.]
William R. Cox and Mary
C. Tinney were the parents of:
Daughter Mary C. Cox, born __
___ 1848, __________, Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA
. . .
Tinny, Susan, born (1850
Census- aged 02 years) __ ___ 1848, Linton Twp., Coshocton,
Ohio, USA; Daughter of Josiah Tinny
and ---------- ----------
Known Military Dead During Mexican
War, A.D. 1846 - 1848, [USA],
(from LDS FHC book # 973 M23 pa),
Tenny, F., Pvt - 9 Inf; died
21 Jan 1848;
Tenny, John, Pvt - Co. A, 11
Inf; died 18 Feb 1848; he appears to be the same as:
Tinny, John, Pvt - Co.
A, 11 Inf; died 18 Feb 1848, N.M.
Tinny, John, married 14 Mar
1848, Taughboyne, Donegal, Ireland;
Spouse of Martha Tinny [both
surnames are Tinny]
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1848,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenneson, Charles,
Pocklington; 23: 91; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, Emma Jane, Wirral; 19:
377; Cheshire.
Tinney, John, Hunslet; 23:
329; West Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinning, Ann, Longtown; 25:
126; Cumberland.
Tinning, James, Carlisle; 25:
73; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1848,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, Sarah Ann, Hull; 22:
321; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tenny, William, Glanford
Brigg; 14: 609; Lincoln.
Tinney, John, Stratton; 09:
327; Cornwall.
Tinney, Pamela, Bristol; 11:
230; Gloucester.
Tinning, James, Canterbury;
05: 114; Kent.
Tinning, Sarah, Longtown; 25:
107; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1848,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Joseph, Gainsbro; 14:
254; Lincoln.
Tenney, Rebecca White,
Spalding; 14: 407; Lincoln.
Tenny, Ann, Hull; 22: 329;
East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinneny, Margaret, Wirrall;
19: 255; Cheshire.
Tinney, Richard Martyn, St.
Austell; 09: 03; Cornwall.
Tinney, John, married 11
Apr 1848, Whitstone, Cornwall, England;
Spouse of Elizabeth Bailey
Tyne, Hannah, from The
Famine Immigrants, Vol. 2, published 1983,
Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the
Port of New York, [USA], 1846-1851,
page 419, Ship Wakefield, 24 May
1848, from Cork, [Ireland],
Tyne, Hannah, aged 20, female, Oywmn
Tinney, Elizabeth, married
24 June 1848, East Newlyn, Cornwall,
England; Spouse of Walter Hocking
The Famine Immigrants, Vol.
2, published 1983,
Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the
Port of New York, [USA], 1846-1851,
page 527, Ship W. M. Vail, 29 June
1848, from Liverpool, [England],
Teeney, John, aged 22, male,
Teeney, Nancy, aged 49,
female, Wife
Teeney, Mary, aged 16, female,
Teeney, Bridget, aged 13,
female, No occupation
Teeney, Susan, aged 12,
female, Child
Teeney, Patrick, aged 10,
male, Child
Teeney, Nancy, aged 08,
female, Child
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1848,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Emma, Shaftesbury; 08:
71; Dorset.
Tenney, Mary Ann, Glanford
Brigg; 14: 371; Lincoln.
Tinney, Eliza Ann, St. Columb;
09: 58; Cornwall.
Tinney, Ellen, Tavistock; 09:
443; Devon.
Tinney, Joseph, Camelford; 09:
51; Cornwall.
Tinney, Mary, Camelford; 09:
51; Cornwall.
Tinney, Mary Jane, Stratton;
09: 769; Cornwall.
Tinney, William Henry,
Rotherhithe; 04: 422; Surrey.
Tinning, Jane,
Newcastle-on-Tyne; 25: 403; Northumberland.
Tinning, Jane, Canterbury; 05:
71; Kent.
Tinning, William, Longtown;
25: 132; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1848,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Elizabeth, Caistor;
14: 439; Lincoln.
Tiney, Dinah, Thrapston; 15:
541; Northampton.
Tinney, Elizabeth, St. Columb
M.; 09: 101; Cornwall.
Tinney, George, Liverpool; 20:
136; Lancashire.
Tinney, Matilda, Wells; 10:
717; Somerset.
Tinney, Ralph, Bodmin; 09: 39;
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1848,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tinney, Clara Elizabeth,
Marylebone; 01: 113; Middlesex.
Tinney, Elizabeth, Yeovil; 10:
335; Somerset.
Tinney, Wm., from The
Famine Immigrants, Vol. 3, published 1984,
Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the
Port of New York, [USA], 1846-1851,
page 34, Ship Eliza Morrison, 08 July
1848, from Belfast, [Ireland],
Tinney, Wm., aged 27, male, Farmer
Tinney, William Henry, chr:
16 Aug 1848, St. Mary, Rotherhithe, London,
England; Son of John Newton Tinney
and Ann Maydich
Tinney, Eliza Anne, chr: 27
Aug 1848, St. Columb Minor, Cornwall,
England; Daughter of John Tinney
and Amy ----------
Tinney, Patrick Aloysius,
from Philadelphia Naturalization Records,
[Pennsylvania, USA], published
1982, page 655; GrBI, QS, 27 Sep 1848
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1848,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Elizabeth, E. Ashford,
05: 04; Kent.
Tenney, Thomas, Caistor; 14:
290; Lincoln.
Tennison, George, Skirlaugh;
22: 637; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinn, Emily Ann,
Newcastle-on-Tyne; 25: 365; Northumberland.
Tinning, Mary, Carlisle; 25:
62; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1848,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, Jonathan, Liverpool;
20: 261; Lancashire.
Tiney, Elizabeth, Thrapstone;
15: 827; Northampton.
Tinn, Mary Ann, Poplar; 02:
320; Middlesex.
Tinney, Ann, Bodmin; 09: 51;
Tinney, Ann, Plymouth; 09:
501; Devon.
Tinney, Harriet, E.
Stonehouse; 09: 412; Devon.
Tinney, Jane, Camelford; 09:
63; Cornwall.
Tinnison, Mary, Carlisle; 25:
81; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1848,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney Mary, Gainsbro; 14:
237; Lincoln.
Tenney, William, Gainsbro; 14:
232; Lincoln.
Tennison, George, Bridlington;
23: 21; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, William, Bethnal
Green; 02: 46; Middlesex.
Tinning, Elizabeth, Carlisle;
25: 48; Cumberland.
Tinning, Francis, Longtown;
25: 73; Cumberland.
Tinney, Ann, married 05 Oct
1848, Lanivet, Cornwall, England;
Spouse of James Toms
Tinney, Matt, from The
Famine Immigrants, Vol. 3, published 1984,
Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the
Port of New York, [USA], 1846-1851,
page 233, Ship E. Z., 20 Oct 1848,
from Liverpool, [England],
Tinney, Matt, aged 20, male,
Tinney, John Marshall, born
25 Oct 1848, Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio, USA;
Son of John Marshall Tinney
and Sarah America Kaufman
The Famine Immigrants, Vol.
3, published 1984,
Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the
Port of New York, [USA], 1846-1851,
page 266, Ship Columbus, 06 Nov 1848,
from Liverpool, [England],
Teeney, Mich., aged 24, male,
Unknown occupation
Teeney, Pat, aged 28, male,
Unknown occupation
Teeney, Bridget, aged 12,
female, Unknown occupation
page 290, Ship Sea, 08 Nov 1848, from
Liverpool, [England],
Tyne, Jno., aged 22, male,
page 311, Ship Arethusa, 16 Nov 1848,
from Belfast, [Ireland],
Tyne, Cath., aged 20, female,
page 315, Ship Ada-Alice, 17 Nov
1848, from Liverpool, [England],
Tinney, ----------, aged 20,
sex unknown, Laborer
Tinney, Mary, aged 18, Female,
House Maid
Prerogative Court of Canterbury
Wills and Administrations,
[England], (LDS FHC film # 091,870), A.D.
Wills - Midd - Jan, 64
Tinney, William
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1849,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Augusta Sophia,
Liskeard; 09: 200; Cornwall.
Tenney, Charles Edward,
Spalding; 14: 616; Lincoln.
Tinney, Ann, Wells; 10: 551;
Tinney, John, Camelford; 09:
56; Cornwall.
Tinney, John, Anglesea; 27:
408; Anglesey.
Tinney, Reuben, Camelford; 09:
55; Cornwall.
Tinney, Silas James, Truro;
09: 364; Cornwall.
Tinning, Robert Wm., Nantwich;
19: 181; Cheshire.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1849,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, George, Glanford
Brigg; 14: 489; Lincoln.
Tennison, Jonathan Tavender,
Patrington; 23: 119; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tiney, Mary, Thrapston; 15:
517; Northampton.
Tinney, Mary, Camelford; 09:
69; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1849,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 1st (Jan/Feb/Mar); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Anne, I. of Thanet;
05: 393; Kent.
Tenney, Robert, Gainsbro'; 14:
242; Lincoln.
Tenney Thomas, Caistor; 14:
231; Lincoln.
Tiney, Elizabeth, Bethnal
Green; 02: 27; Middlesex.
Tiney, Thomas James,
Whitechapel; 02: 490; Middlesex.
Tinning, Mary Ann, Carlisle;
25: 60; Cumberland.
Ireland - Marriages - Nationwide-
Males/Females - Year A.D. 1849,
(LDS FHC film # 14480, part 2): Name,
Location; Vol. #: Page #.
Tinneson, Johanna, Waterford;
10: 626
Tinney, Arvilla Olive, born
__ ___ 1849, Lansing, Ingham, Michigan, USA;
Daughter of Glen Tinney and ----------
Tinney, Clarissa, born __
___ 1849, Irving, Chautauqua, New York, USA;
Daughter of Francis Tinney and
Esther Fuller
Tinny, Mariah L., born
(1850 Census- aged 1) __ ___ 1849, Linton Twp., Coshocton,
Ohio, USA; Daughter of Josiah Tinny
and ---------- ----------
The Famine Immigrants, Vol.
3, published 1984,
Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the
Port of New York, [USA], 1846-1851,
page 440, Ship Niagara, 12 Feb 1849,
from Liverpool, [England],
Tenison, James, aged 30, male,
Tenison, Michael, aged 02,
male, Child
Tenison, Rose, aged 25,
female, Seamstress
Tinney, Joseph, married 15
Feb 1849, __________, Tallapoosa, Alabama, USA;
Spouse of Elizabeth M. Johnson
Teaney, Even, from The
Famine Immigrants, Vol. 3, published 1984,
Lists of Irish Immigrants Arriving at the
Port of New York, [USA], 1846-1851,
page 475, Ship Yorkshire, 07 Mar
1849, from Liverpool, [England],
Teaney, Even, aged 20, male,
Tinney, Apellona I., born
13 Mar 1849, Fowler, St. Lawrence, New York, USA;
(Died as a child);
Daughter of Royal Riley Tinney
and Olive Saphronia Jenne
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1849,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Dennis, Glanford
Brigg; 14: 400; Lincoln.
Tennison, Dora, Patrington;
23: 77; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tiney, John Thomas, Thrapston;
15: 410; Northampton.
Tinney, Emma, Langport; 10:
446; Somerset.
Tinney, Laura Francisca, St.
Austell; 09: 10; Cornwall.
Tinning, Robert, Carlisle; 25:
72; Cumberland.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1849,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenison, John, St. James; 01:
124; Middlesex.
Tennings, Emma, Bedminster;
11: 103; Somerset.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1849,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 2nd (Apr/May/June); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tinney, Elizabeth, Wells; 10:
367; Somerset.
Tinney, William Henry,
Rotherhithe; 04: 308; Surrey.
Tinning, John Blaylock,
Carlisle; 25: 51; Cumberland.
Tinney, Laura Franscisca,
chr: 07 June 1849, Saint Austell,
Cornwall, England; Daughter of Silas
Tinney and Mary ----------
Tinney, Robert, married 18
June 1849, West or Old Parish,
Greenock, Renfrew, Scotland; Spouse of Catherine
[Tinney, Bernard]
Bernard Tinney and Jane
---------- were the parents of:
Son Alexander Finney, born 25
June 1849, St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1849,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, Anne Maria,
Skirlaugh; 22: 657; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Margaret Ann,
Patrington; 23: 73; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tiney, Walter, Thrapston; 15:
367; Northampton.
Tinn, Hannah,
Newcastle-on-Tyne; 25: 362; Northumberland.
Tinne, Sara Margaret, W.
Derby; 20: 993; Lancashire.
Tinney, Charles Ernest,
Marylebone; 01: 136; Middlesex.
Tinney, Martha, St. Austell;
09: 03; Cornwall.
Tinney, Richard, St. Columb
Major; 09: 57; Cornwall.
Tinney, Sarah, Bodmin; 09: 27;
Tinny, Marlyn, St. Columb M.;
09: 59; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1849,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenny, Mary Ann, Lincoln; 14:
633; Lincoln.
Tiney, Harriett, Thrapstone;
15: 545; Northampton.
Tiney, Thomas, Whitechapel;
02: 556; Middlesex.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1849,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 3rd (July/Aug/Sep); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenneson, Elizabeth,
Pocklington; 23: 58; East Riding Yorkshire.
Tennison, William, Patrington;
23: 54; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tiney, James, Leeds; 23: 466;
West Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, Eliza, Wells; 10: 333;
Tinney, Samuel, Wells; 10:
340; Somerset.
Tinning, James, Carlisle; 25:
47; Cumberland.
Tinning, Mary, Liverpool; 20:
372; Lancashire.
Tinney, George H., born 13
July 1849, Raymond, Cumberland, Maine, USA;
Son of Reuben Tinney and Charity
W. ----------
Tinney, Agnes, married 22
July 1849, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland;
Spouse of Manasses McLachlan
Tinney, Lewis, married 31
July 1849, Palmer, Hampden, Massachusetts, USA;
Spouse of Calista E. Seymour
Tinney, Richard, chr: 16
Sep 1849, St. Columb Minor, Cornwall, England;
Son of John Tinney and Louisa
England - Index to Civil
Registration of Births - A. D. 1849,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tennison, Charles Edward,
Driffield; 23: 43; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Frederick Ellitson,
Patrington; 23: 74; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, Isaac, Patrington;
23: 69; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tennison, John Daniel, St.
George East; 23: 103; Middlesex.
Tennison, Mary Ann,
Patrington; 23: 71; East Riding, Yorkshire.
Tinney, Catharine, Wells; 10:
479; Somerset.
Tinney, Elizabeth Henwood, St.
Columb; 09: 57; Cornwall.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Marriages - A. D. 1849,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tenney, Ann, Boston; 14: 449;
Tenny, Hannah, Scarbro'; 24:
633; North Riding, Yorkshire.
Tin, Mary, Bolton; 21: 137;
Tinn, Thomas,
Newcastle-on-Tyne; 25: 409; Northumberland.
Tinney, Joseph, St. Columb;
09: 93; Cornwall.
Tinney, Letitia, Wells; 10:
789; Somerset.
Tinney, Miranda, Manchester;
20: 646; Lancashire.
England - Index to Civil Registration
of Deaths - A. D. 1849,
from the General Register Office, St.
Catherine's House, London, England;
Quarter: 4th (Oct/Nov/Dec); Name,
Registration District; Volume: Page; Shire.
Tinney, Elizabeth Henwood, St.
Columb; 09: 38; Cornwall.
Tinney, Louisa, Manchester;
20: 492; Lancashire.
Tinning, Jane, Canterbury; 05:
43; Kent.
Tinney, Joseph, married 13
Oct 1849, Cubert, Cornwall, England;
Spouse of Jane Tippett
Tinney, Elizabeth Henwood,
chr: 14 Oct 1849, St. Columb Minor,
Cornwall, England; (died as a child);
Daughter of William Tinney and
Mary ----------
Tinney, William, from Port
of Derry, [Ireland], Ship List from
J. & J. Cooke's Line, 1847-1849,
Ship: Superior, dated 25 Oct to 24 Nov 1849,
for a voyage to New Orleans, [Louisiana,
Tinney, William, Raphoe [Ireland]
Tinney, James, married 04
Nov 1849, Barony, Lanark, Scotland;
Spouse of Catherine Docherty
Tinney, Ellen R., born __
Dec 1849, _________, Warren, New York, USA;
Daughter of ---------- ----------
and ---------- ----------
Tinney, Miranda, married 25
Dec 1849, Cathedral, Manchester,
Lancashire, England; Spouse of Langham
Milton Tinney, Sr.
Who's Who in America, Millennium Edition [54th] - 2004
Who's Who In Genealogy and Heraldry, [both editions]
The LORD Jesus Christ, Jews, The House of Joseph, Gentiles
and Heathens:
A Careful Study of the TINNEY Surname from Worldwide Origins.
Document Section from
A.D. (6 APR) 1830 to A.D. 1850
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Copyright © 1997-2025 By: V.
Chris & Thomas M. Tinney, Sr.
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Intelligence is the Light of Truth, or
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LORD Jesus Christ, Jews, The House of Joseph, Gentiles & Heathens:
A Careful
Study of the TINNEY Surname from Worldwide Origins